Tarn's true power unleashed
Tarn stood alone in a large open field staring at his solver that emerged from his right palm. His lifeless eyes looked at the symbol with curiosity and interest he had seen what the absolute solver was capable of. He saw it in action when he faced down with Uzi's mother nori.....and came out the victor.
But perhaps his solver was different perhaps it was capable of other things that Nori's solver was not? He was keen to find out and today he was going to unlock its full potential or at least try to.
But what should he try first?
Tarn: Hmmmmm curious from my past knowledge I know that Yeva and Nori once held this power and now Doll and Uzi posses it.Was it passed down in a way? And where did this power orginate from? But more importantly how far can I push myself with the solver? How much power will this help me gain?
Only one way to find out.
Tarn focuses on his right hand and the solver glows brighter. After focusing more willpower tarn successfully conjures a large metal sword with the solver and grabs hold of the weapon. Feeling the sharpness of the tip of blade.
Tarn: Fascinating the ability to create weapons. If I put my processor to it I could create any weapon no matter how advanced it may be.
He then makes the sword disappear.
Tarn: But I know that this is not the solvers limit I refuse to believe that. Think what else should I try?
He thinks and uses his solver to look through and bypass his security systems and gain access to his programming.
Permission requested....
Permission granted.....
Tarn: Yes that definitely sounds like my company. Now lets see if there's any programming I've failed to use or notice.
He orders his systems to check for any unused features.
Systems check requested....
Request granted.....
Searching programs and protocols....
Scan complete.
0 programs deactivated.
2 programs found locked.
Tarn: Locked? Why would Jcjenson lock some of my programming? It might have been only holding back my efficiency. Unlock the two programs at once.
Unlocking programming.......
Access granted....
Tarn saw a message in his visor showing the two programs being installed.
Programs installed...
Multiform mode granted...
Assault mode unlocked..
Air mode unlocked.....
Insect mode unlocked.....
????........error mode malfunction estimated time of mode reprogramming....unknown.
Human form weapon initiative granted.
Human form weapons online.....
Fusion cannon online triple shot mode functional.
Dark starsaber online.
Missles systems online air mode exclusive however.
Solver capacity at 100 percent.
Tarn stood in silence taking in all the new features he now wields.
But it makes no sense why would Jcjenson lock such powerful features from him? But if they didn't want him to have these modes and weapons why did they even bother putting them in his systems to begin with?
It made no rhyme or reason.
For tarn his superiors decision was highly illogical.
But alas that matters not for now he has unlocked his true potential thanks to the solver. While one mode is still not avaliable to Tarn he's sure it will unlock for him eventually.
Tarn: My so many new forms and weapons this is alot even for a drone like myself. And here I thought my vehicle mode was my assault mode it appears not. But how do I even use these new forms?
He asks his programming.
Assault mode not set.....
Highly recommended vehicles for assault mode very such APC's, armoured vehicles and assault tanks.
Air mode vehicles suggested are planes, helicopters, attack helicopters and fighter jets.
Insect mode can be the form of any insect type the user comes across more deadly insect with fangs, claws and pincers are well advised such as, spiders, scorpions and centipedes.
In order to access any of the forms above you must scan the bug or vehicle in question.
Tarn: Good to know I think starting with the air mode is the best option. As much as i love trekking the world on wheels taking flight will be much quicker and more deadly.
Tarn transforms and drives off looking around searching for a military base.
He drives for hours through the city and towards a small military outpost he once drove past. Ramming down the security gate he drives onto a small strip on the runway and transforms into his robot form and looks for any vehicles.
Tarn: Seeing that this is a military base I can find both a Jet and a tank kill two birds with one stone as is the way that human saying goes.
He walks past destroyed jeeps and lightly armoured helicopters. He continues his search wandering the sight until he spots a hangar with the nose of a plane poking out from the gap in the door.
Tarn: Oh? What have we here?
Tarn walks towards the door and pushes them open and stares at the remains of the aircraft inside. It was once a highly advanced fighter jet with two powerful jet engines. At the front of the plane two explosive cannons layed trashed barely clinging on to the plane and under the plane were two stacks of missles that exploded cutting the plane in two. Tarn scans the plane with his visor which thankfully gives him a blueprint and image of the aircraft meaning he could use the wreck to scan and take the planes form and what he saw most certainly peaked his intrest.
Thad: Ahhhh yes yes that will do just nicely.
Tarn scans the plane and his body begins to change form into a more sleek and agile design that fits and adjusts perfectly to his aircraft form.
Tarn laughs feeling a pleasant sensation as his body reformed itself.
Tarn: Yes haha......that does feel good. What a sensation.
Tarn decides to test his new capabilities and the thrusters on his back activate Tarn is sent soaring into the sky but he quickly regains control and flies around the base. Tarn couldn't help but laugh enjoying the sensation as he soared around in the sky the cold wind blasting his face.
No wonder why V and N are so fond of taking flight.
Using his new agility he quickly spots a heavily armoured vehicle down below and swoops down. As if his night couldn't get any brighter he had found himself the corpse of a tank. He didn't hesitate he immediately scanned the vehicle why would he hesitate? It's a tank it's gonna have the firepower he needs to blow the bunkers door clean off.
Something he intends to do in the near future.
Once again he scans the vehicle and his body changes. This time it grew in size turning well over 7 foot tall and becoming more buff with tank tracks on his legs and back with a railgun cannon strapped onto his arm.
Tarn: This cannon will serve me well. Those worker drones won't stand a chance not that they ever did. So now we checked my land form as I will now call it, my drone form, my assault form and my air form. All that's left to do now is find an insect and takes its form and the best place to look for a bug is in a dark, damp area such as a......subway perhaps.
Tarn transforms into his air mode and takes off as a fighter jet causing a sonic boom. It only took a few minutes for him to reach his destination when it would usually take hours flying at mach 2 speeds has its benefits. Tarn enters his drone form and walks down the stairs leading into an underground subway. His visor lit up the dark area around him as no light could enter making the tunnels pitch black. Hearing the sound of scuttling coming from ahead he sees a small scorpion made from metal look at him claws and pincers up feeling threatened and quickly scuttles into a small gap of a bunch of rocks that caved in the subway tunnel.
Tarn: Playing hard to get i see? They always do.
He walks towards the rubble.
Tarn: But this presents a perfect chance to use my other weapons.
Tarn right arm opens up and a large cannon strapped to his arm morphs and extends. Y/N received an option to change it to its triple shot mode but he rejected it for now.
Tarn: Not my usual cannon but at least now I have some firepower while in this form.
Tarn takes aim and charges the cannon full power and fires blasting the rubble to dust.
Tarn: (Smirks) And it packs quite a punch too.
Giggles curiously.
Tarn swings around pointing his cannon his eyes checking all around him trying to locate the source of the unknown voice.
Tarn: Who's there?! Show yourself!
But he got no answer. On edge tarn walk backwards into the tunnel only turning round when he thought he was safe.
Tarn: I need to keep my guard up i fear I'm not the only here.
Tarn continues down the tunnel until he comes towards the dead end where he found the scorpion its back against the wall in a threat posture.
Tarn: Aren't you a fiesty one?
Tarn picks the scorpion up by the tail it strikes with its pincers but does nothing to the drone.
Tarn: Ironically you put up more of fight then most worker drones.
Tarn scans the scorpion and once done he raises the insect up above his face and crushes it drinking the oil that drops from its body.
Tarn: I never thought I would show respect to an insect more then a drone but alas. Don't worry though my dead arachnid friend your sacrifice will help in the extermination of all worker drones on this planet.
Tarn drops the dead insect and was about to access his insect form-
Get snuck up upon.
Tarn goes wide eyed and ducks avoiding a pickaxe that is thrown towards him.
You big stupid.
Tarn glares at the attacker but is shocked to the core by the drone he is confronted.
She wasn't like anything he had ever encountered.
Her eyes were pitch black with two yellow crosses at the center with black hair donning a black bow and a black dress.
But what really shook tarn was the face she had what appeared to be human skin and flesh stitched onto her body looking at her also made his solver blare up as if it was warning him to get out of there.
????: Hello.....tarn.
Tarn: What in the name of Jcjenson are you?!
Cyn: A CYN of humanity. Laughs evily.
Tarn: Your not like any other drones I've encountered what are you? Answer me if you wish to receive a quick death.
Cyn: You cannot kill me silly.
Tarn: And why is that?
She conjures two pickaxes.
Cyn: It's like I said to uzi. Easier to assimilate than explain.
Tarn changes his cannon to triple shot mode and open fires sending a barrage of energy at the drone. Cyn laughs and teleports behind Tarn rasing up her axe. Using his new abilities Tarn creates a sword made from his solvers energy and clashes with Cyn's weapons.
Cyn: Shocked gasp. Rethinking game plan.
Tarn kicks her into the wall and plunges towards her. Summoning two long black tendrils from her back she launches herself up avoiding the blade and grabs Tarn by the neck spinning around throwing him into a wall.
Cyn: Get wrecked.
Tarn: (Growls) Was that it?
Thinking quickly Tarn switched to air mode and took flight avoiding Cyn who tried to take him out.
Cyn: Annoyed scowl please get down.
Tarn: So you can kill me? Not happening.
Using his solver Tarn creates three digital knifes and sends them at Cyn who creates two pickaxes and deflects them then throws the axes at Tarn who's left wing got hit forcing on the ground.
Tarn had to think on his feet he couldn't use his assault or vehicle form one wrong shot could bring the whole tunnel down on him.
And then he remembered scanning the scorpion and rolled backwards his body morphed into a large purple scorpion with a blaster tail with an axe attached.
Tarn: Come at me drone!
Cyn telported towards Tarn who jumps up and climbs onto the wall he runs to the left and pounces on Cyn his sharp claws digging into her flesh/metal.
Cyn: Ow son of a-
Tarn raises his axe tail and strikes down. Cyn telports above tarn but he already saw it coming and uses his tails blaster blowing a hole in her chest barely missing her heart. He then bites her leg and sends her flying back. Tarn transforms and fires with his pincer like hands.
He shoots off Cyn's tendrils and charges into her. Panicking Cyn tries to hack into Tarns systems but his more advanced security prevents her from doing so. Tarn pins her to the wall and transforms into his regular robot form and uses his solver to impale two swords into her arms.
Cyn: Scared whimper.
Tarn raises his ion cannon ready to excute cyn on the spot.
Tarn: By the orders of Jcjenson any and all form of rebellious worker drones must face summary execution for rebelling against thier parent company. Cyn or whatever you really are prepare for immediate termination.
His ion cannon begins to glow purple.
Cyn: No get off leave me alone you big meanie.
Cyn pulls her arms breaking free ripping off a small amount of thier flesh and grabs Tarns mask. This action results in the two receiving a flashback which showed Y/N on his hospital bed with Cyn as a maid sitting at the end crying. The machine read his heartbreak which was dangerously high.
Cyn: Sob.....sob its not fair....Y/N please get better.
Y/N barely has any strength but still gets up and pulls Cyn closer to him.
Y/N: I know.....cyn and I wish could get better but......but I'm getting worse there's no going back there's no fixing this.
Cyn: I can't lose you Y/N.
Y/N: Oh cyn......
He wraps her in a hug.
Y/N: I know that it's going to be.....difficult not having me there with you but I need you to be strong Cyn. Even though you might want to cry when you see my tombstone don't because that's not what i want. I'd want you to smile that adorable smile of yours. So when that time comes......
He holds cyns face and makes her smile.
Y/N: Smile......
Cyn held down her head as Y/N gently patted her head the tears soaking her dress.
Y/N: And promise me one thing.
Y/N holds cyns hands and the two look at one another.
Y/N: Protect Tessa protect, V, N Hehe and even J. Make sure you protect them no matter the cost no matter from what. Even if the world ends makes sure nothing happens to them. Please Cyn.......do it for me.
Cyn:..........I will Y/N......I promise.
Y/N: Thank you.......
The two enjoy thier final embrace Cyn didn't want to let go she feared she would never see him again. But it soon came time for them to part. Y/N fell back into his coma Cyn wiped away her tears and planted a kiss on his lips parting seconds later and she slowly walked to the door looking back at him one last time.
Cyn: I love you.....Y/N.
That was the last time she ever saw Y/N again.
Before she got the news of his death.
The day her world fell apart the closest human to her heart.
But she would keep her promise she would protect Tessa and the others.
But while tarn fell to floor dazed by the flashback Cyn's experienced another with Tarns solver causing it.
Cyn found herself inside the room where Tarn was born. She looked at the human scientists and tried to kill them but her attack phased through them. Two questions marks formed on her eyes then she turned towards the group and gasps.
Cyn: Y/N?......
Cyn saw Y/N's body connected with Tarns and watched the humans begin the process.
It didn't take long for her to put two and two together the truth hitting her like a freight train. She grew enraged as the scientists messed up the process erasing Y/N's memories of her and the others and felt her heartbreak when tarn went online his face showing no emotions.
Cyn is bought back to the real world where she looks at Tarn who was slowly rising up from the floor. Cyn had lost her bloodlust and instead had only sadness.
Not only did Jcjenson lie about his death and turned him into tarn she had almost killed him. She could have never guessed that Y/N and tarn were the same person.
Cyn: Crying......Y/N?
Tarn looks at her confused but then transforms into his insect form but to his suprise Cyn teleports away off the planet.
Tarn: What? Why did she retreat? She wasn't acting like that before. But yet I suffer another fragment of Y/N's past. It seemed as if this Cyn I fought and Y/N were close if not romanticly. Just another piece of the mysterious puzzle. Forget that for now I've had a nasty night I'm returning to the pod.
Tarn transforms into his scorpion form and crawls out of the subway.
Standing alone in a dark void watching the fight unfold Y/N stared at Cyn in guilt and sadness.
Y/N: I'm gonna make things right cyn and I know just the drone that's gonna help me do that.
He dissapers in a purple glitch and the camera focuses on Uzi who had her head down on her desk as Y/N slowly transfered himself into her solver.
Somewhere off the planet of copper-9 in an unknown location in an unknown space station Cyn is seen teleporting into a dark hallway looking distressed and walks down to a locked room. Crying could be heard inside as Cyn unlocks the door and walks inside being greeted by a girl in tears.
Cyn: Change of plan I need you to go down to Copper-9 and help bring me this drone.
She hands her a picture of tarn.
????: Why would he be important?
She sobbed.
Cyn: For more reason then you think. Chop chop claps hands get your stuff fix J up and off you go and remember-
Cyn strokes the cheek of the girl.
Cyn: The only reason I spared you was that I promised Y/N to protect you I vowed I would never discard you it was your fault you joined the gala and saw what you saw. That and making your image was easy with all the spare bodies and flesh.
The girls looks fearfully at cyn who pats her head.
Cyn: Smiles innocently good luck and make sure to do Y/N proud.......Tessa.
Cyn leaves the scarred tessa and goes into an empty room locking the door. She looks down and sits on the floor the image of Y/N played out before it changed to tarn. Unable to hold back her emotions she collapsed to the floor and slowly cries herself to sleep screaming Y/N's name.
Back at the pod Tarn is seen approaching the other drones in his new assault mode. Shocked evreyone goes to greet him. Kaon whistles seeing his new assault form as he transforms.
Kaon: (Whistles) Tarn loving the new upgrades! Man is that a railgun?
Helex: When you did get something like that?
Tarn: Since today I unlocked some new features that I've started to use to a deadly degree.
V: What else do you have?
Tarn: I have a flight, assault and insect mode and I can also access firepower for my drone form.
Helex: Ohhhhh lord I'm jelous.
N: Holy biscuits.
Tarn notices tesarus's absence.
Tarn: Where....is tesarus?
Vos: 没有任何线索。他已经失踪好几天了。( No clue. he's been missing for days.)
Tarn: V, N you were here last time he was spotted. Do you know something about his dissaperance that we don't?
N: (Gulps) Uhhhhhh no he waaaaas-
V: Drunk. He overenergized again.
Kaon: Hmmmm that does sound like him.
Tarn: Is this really true?
They here groaning coming from the entrance.
Helex: You can ask him yourself I think he's back.
Kaon: Tesarus where on copper-9 where yo- Holy hell!
Tesarus stumbles in with his injuries and collapses to the floor. N grows nervous as Kaon and Vos picks him up.
Tarn: What happened to him? Who's responsible for all this?!
Vos:他的伤口还没有愈合,而且太深太严重了。(His wounds aren't healing they're too deep and severe.)
Helex: We're gonna need someone to patch him he can't fight like this.
Tarn: Then we'll have to call for help. Kaon send a distress signal to this specific drone pod.
He sends kaon a code for the pod.
Tarn: It has someone who could heal tesarus and prove to be a fine member of the DDJD.
Kaon: On it.
Helex: Just hang in there tesarus hold on.
Days pass and the DDJD kept thier comrade stable waiting for the pod to arrive. Eventually Tarn gets a message from the pods resident telling him where he was landing. He flew towards the location in his jet form landing at the edge of a crater where a drone pod layed having only crash landed here hours ago.
Tarn approaches the pod which gets its door kicked off and a figure jumps down and takes bow greeting himself in a flashy manor.
????: Doctor in the house.
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