The episode begins inside of the elliott manor with senior wank-stain James elliott.
James: We've got to curb her trips to the dump.
N listens to James rambling while looking at him holding a tray of glasses as thunder rings out.
James: And where's she getting the hair to play dress up with them? Creepy. I pray that Y/N doesn't devolp the sames hobbys.
James throws a glass but N catches it with before bowing and walking off.
Halfway down the hall she collides with V accidentally around a courner.
N: Oh! I-I'm so sorry-
V: It's okay I-I wasn't looking.
N and V touch each other's hands accidentally when tiding up the glasses, causing a little spark. They look at each other and N blushes. J interupts the ment by kicking N in the head with her knocking her to the ground again.
J: Move it moro- Hiiii Tessa! (Seductively) Heyyyyyy Y/N!......Oh no. Another one?
Y/N: Hey V? N? J? There's someone that I would like you to meet.
Y/N blushes as cyn peaks from behind him holding his hands making the other three jealous before the screen suddenly glitches out.
????: Errr tarn? Are you feeling alright?
Tarn snaps back and holds his head looking at his ally. He had just had that vision of the past but was confused as to why he saw it.
Tarn: Uhhhh y-yes helex I'm fine.
Helex: Are you sure? You just suddenly spaced out for a second there. Was pretty weird.
Tarn: I just.....its hard to explain but I just experienced a glitch in my memory. I saw some....vision of serial designation V,J and N with a boy, girl and another worker drone.....it's probably nothing but a glitch but it should sort itself out.
Helex still looked skeptical however.
Helex: Uhhhh sure thing a glitch. Anyway boss what's the plan?
Tarn: I want you and Vos to assist in helping hunt down Uzi doorman but make sure to bring her to me alive. I have some plans for her after suffering such a humiliating defeat.
Helex: Got it. I'll go grab Vos and then we can hit the road.
Helex leaves allowing tarn to ponder about his vision.
Tarn: But what was that image in my head that vision? I've never suffered a malfunction or glitch within my systems before. Is it really just a bug? Or......is something more then that?
N wakes up upside down, yawns then falls to the ground.
Uzi:N found something in here!
In the landing pod Uzi is holding a pilot badge. She looks at a mirror but a symbol flashes up on Uzi's eye and shatters the mirror before returning to normal. V who is blowing bubbles, turns around in a chair to look at Uzi.
V: That's weird and concerning.
Uzi: Bite me. This is probably your weirdos' fault.
V: I've never seen that symbol before. Wanna do an autopsy to find out?
N climbs down the ladder into the landing pod.
N: What'd you find?
Uzi: Did you know that was a pilot hat?
N: I was the pilot?! That's aweso- (Whispers) I crashed and ruined everything. Spaceship pilot origin story.
V hisses, then returns to blowing bubbles.
N: Speaking of piloting to earth are we sure murder all humans is uh... "morality"?
Uzi: The humans sent you without a communication relay and reformatted your memories to soup. Covering their tracks means they're past negotiating. Not that them and tarn tried negotiating with my mom.
V suddenly lunges at Uzi but it turns out she is chained by her leg to the floor.
V: Or you missed the negotiations. The humans programmed us to solve a problem. Where's proof of your backstory? The one where your kind's so conveniently innocent? (Chuckles)
N pulls Uzi back from V while V rolls her eyes.
N: J and tarn was getting orders from someone. If not the company through that relay, then, uh, who. And how?
Uzi: Quit complicating my murder plan.
Hesitantly, N pats Uzi which she rejects. V narrows her eyes.
Inside an outpost at the warehouse. Two drones look up at the big hole in the ceiling that was left over from the fight before with J's body still in the same place.
Tim: Here just fix'er up cause whoops. Pretty big security risk in hindsight. Eh you got this...LadderBot 5000"?
Frank: (Sighs.) Please just leave the light-
Tim turns the lights off.
Frank starts to prepare his tools and brings out a flashlight when he hears a strange metallic sounds. Frank goes around to inspect his surroundings, where the camera could see J's body has disappeared. Off to a corner, something organic could be seen. Frank approaches it where it turns out to be J's corrupted core. The core activates an alarm and transforms into an eldritch being. A scream is heard in the distance as Frank is killed off screen.
In a classroom a parent-teacher conference is currently being held with Khan present.
Teacher: Mr doorman your daughter has been absent.
Khan: Yes, on that "kill all humans kick", like when I was younger grounded herself and all that.
Teacher: Speaking on her behavior...
Khan: Of course of course. Precocious, popular supernatural understanding of doors. Takes after her old man.
A set of flashbacks then appear.
Teacher: Uzi please sit normal.
Uzi: Bite me.
Teacher: Uzi give Braidon back his sentience.
Uzi/braidon: Bite me-her. I started it, and also am dumb.
His head then catches fire.
Teacher: Uzi you have to partner up.
Uzi: Several people wanted to for the record.
Lizzy: No we didn't you freak us out.
Uzi: But mostly, bite me.
Flashback over.
Teacher: Yeah she has trouble fitting in. We think there might be something damaged with her programming. How is she at home?
Khan: Sorry? I mean she's a little herself but damaged? I maybe haven't spent much time-
Teacher: Mhm.
Drone: Mr. Doorman sir. There's been an.... incident.
Uzi and N were now outside in the cold.
Uzi: Ugh I'm sweaty. Who programmed that?
N: You good, Uzi?
Uzi: I'm good. Better than good. I am GOD!
Sonic.exe: What the fuck did this bitch just-
Author: Fuck off you you edgy rat this story's about tarn NOT YOU! The only reason why people still care about you is because you were in a FNF mod! Now fuck off back to 2012.
Sonic.exe: (Cry's like a bitch)
Author: Aighr you know what? (Breathes in)...........
Author: (Looks at reader) Yeah sorry bout that you can get back to reading the story now.
Uzi then sees Thad with her railgun
Uzi: Uhhh H-hi Thad.
She takes back her railgun..
Uzi: Thank you.
Thad: Of course Zi! N and M's. You saved my life. I don't think the colony is even serious about all this banishment stuff. More just confused especially with-
Uzi: The fact that I'm too rogue to re-enter society now I can never return.
Thad: The recent disappearances? And your murder friend's corpse? When I went to grab your gun, it kinda looked like it crawled away?
Uzi: We can return a little.
????: In little pieces? Yeah you can.
From the blizzard two figures emerged from the snow. Helex cracked his knuckles while a slim black disassembly drone stared at his quarry with an uneasy gaze.
Thad: (Laughs nervously) Oh hey uzi are these some more of your murder freinds?
Uzi: No I don't even know these guys.
N: H-hey hey you guys are you new round here?
Helex: Yeah guess you could say that. Hehe look at em all scared Vos.
Vos: 就像迷失的小羊羔一样,我该先宰杀哪一只 (Like lost little lambs which one do I slaughter first?)
Helex: (Sigh) Wish the boss was here to translate cause I got no clue what your saying.
N: Wait you guys are working for someone? Are you also with Jcjenson?!
Helex: Yeah that's right and I'm sure you know my boss right uzi. (Smirks) Does the name TARN ring a bell!?
Uzi's eyes widen as vos transforms himself into a sniper rifle which helex holds and shoots at thad who is grabbed by N and rushed behind cover with her and uzi.
Thad: Oh great they're with that badass looking robot.
Uzi: Thad really!?
Thad: What? He looks awesome.
Uzi: Okay you jerks cut the crap who are you punks!?
Helex: Names helex and my sniper buddy here is Vos proud members....OF THE DDJD!
N's eyes widen in panic when she heard that name and grabs Uzi and thad taking off with her wings flying as fast as possible.
Uzi: N what's are you doing!?
N: Getting us to safety!
Thad: So you know those guys!?
N: Yeah and they're bad news....REALLY BAD NEWS!
Helex takes a few more shots hitting thad in the leg before Vos reverts back to his regular and Helex transforms into his vehicle mode.
Helex: Hop on vos and alert Tarn we got a trail the hunts only just getting started!
Vos hops on and helex sends it down the frozen landscape following N's trail.
Tim is seen back at the outpost finding who it looks like to be his freind Frank.
Tim: Oh LadderBot 5000? We looked everywhere for you.
Frank?: Hello Tim. Care to join me?
Tim: Join you standing eerily still over there in suspiciously low resolution?
Frank?: Yes?
Tim: Alright.
A giant claw then drags Tim up a ventilation shaft and kills him.
Tim?: Flawless character acting me.
Frank?: Improv game for more practice?
Tim?: Hahaha! We are a monster.
N Uzi and Thad are now standing in front of a door. A worker drone opens a small gap greeting thad.
Ron: Welcome back Thad! Hey wait isn't she grounded or something?
Uzi: Ugh banished! Has my dad been saying I'm grounded?
Ron: Genocide robot?
N then gives Ron a hand drawn card saying that she's sorry.
Ron: Oh, all right, just don't do it again. Get in here, ya goobs!
The camera cuts to an investigation scene where Tim and Frank were murdered.
Worker drone: Yeah where's Khan? Cause this looks ew non-ideal.
Sarah: Parent teacher conference. Something about his daughter being more important than building a door in this hallway. Kinda cringe.
Worker drone: Ew yeah. Give me a minute. Almost threw up.
N Thad and Uzi sneak past the investigation sight.
N: You good?
Uzi: I'm good. Stop asking!
Sarah: Any forensic things over there? Do we have fingerprints?
But no answer. Sarah links at her partners who were all holograms. They dissapered and Sarah looks up slowly taking off her glasses and is presumably killed.
Back at the conference....
Khan: I mean you don't think it's my parenting do you? I left her for dead once. It sounds like she's bored in your class and the other kids suck. Call her damaged again, and i will install a DOOR on your FACE!
But the teacher wasn't listening instead playing solitaire with his visor. While lizzy and her freind Doll are on the other side of the room.
Lizzy: Where are your folks?
Doll suffers from a sudden moment of PTSD seeing the image of one of Tarns allies by her families corpse.
Doll: Мёртвые. Я смотрела как они умирали. (Dead. I watched them die.)
Lizzy: That was the joke idiot.
Lizzy sees a clone of herself behind the door.
Lizzy: That girl is... gorgeous, right? I'm gonna let her in!
N Uzi and Thad are seen sneaking in the bunker.
Uzi: You guys do that often?
N: Haha no. I'm very concerned but also pretty frightened a little bit.
Thad: Hey Zi! What's this thing?
N: Hey isn't that your special eye?
She gestures to a symbol matching the one in Uzi's eye earlier.
Uzi: Don't call it that!
Uzi goes closer to investigate the symbol.
Uzi: "AbsoluteSolver"? "Reboot"? Does this have something to do with how you grew your head back?
N: I actively avoid unpacking how that works.
Uzi: New material can't be pulled from thin air. If the wound is severe enough this solver might be some sort of auto-run program to collect more mat-
N closes Uzi's mouth and suddenty a human hand connected to a rope crawls to them N shoots a rocket. upwarsds showing that the rope holding the hand just goes on until they see a long tenticle like monster hiding up in the shutters. The humans hands pulls Thad towards the monster but the rope gets ripped apart by N's ninja star.
Uzi: I want a frickin' ninja star!
Thad gets dragged offscreen by the unknown creature not before it slammed uzi and N into the wall.
N: You good?
Uzi: Stop asking! Chainsaw hand time?
N: Yeah cool-cool-cool.
N and Uzi run into the Cryosleep room.
Thad?: Yes and hello it's me Ted. Can I get a location?
N and Uzi are suspicious.
Thad?: I heard dentist's office. I'm sat at the dentist's office. Come over here for your teeth.
Uzi not buying it activates her railgun.
Uzi: Predictably terrible work J. Why do you look so-
N: Great! You look great J.
Thad?: No wait guys it's really me!.....Is that a ninja star?
N and Uzi throw a ninja star at the hologram and the real Thad falls down
Thad: Lifesavers again. Thanks. Super invited to my shindig next weekend. Cool kids only.
Thad makes his leave as uzi and N squeal.
Monster J: We're busy then anyway, so whatever, so lame.
Uzi: What's with the voice J?
J?: Oh, J's not here. We are trying to repair that host as per our directive.
Uzi: So you are a program?
J?: More like you are our cute puppets.
The monster then shows a hologram of Y/N.
Y/N?: Isn't that right N?
Uzi: What the?! A-a human?!
Uzi turns to N but to her shocks she sees tears flowing down her eyes.
Uzi: (She's......crying?)
N: (Weeps) Y/N.......
The monster them turns into Uzi's mother nori with a little baby uzi in her arms.
Nori?: It hurts our feelings you don't remember us.
Uzi: N? What's with the mom hologram?
J?: Easier to assimilate than explain.
Uzi: Not happening.
J?: Fair but poor choice. Now we will have to do-
It then shows a hologram of tarn.
Tarn?: Something shocking.
It then creates a copy of Khan who was being held by the neck by the clone tarn.
Uzi: Whoa, hey!
Tarn?: Goodbye dad.
The clone Khan get his head ripped off by the clone tarn.
Uzi: What?
A missile shots towards the monster exploding.
N: Uzi shoot! Or give it to me!
J?: Close one!
N: Uzi you good?
Uzi: No.
Uzi gives her railgun to N but it was nothing but a clone.
J?: Pranked, idiot! You big stupid.
The monster grabs Uzi by her head and smacks her railgun making it go critical
J?: Lucky for you, it's snack time. Time to go into my mouth now.
Just as the monster was about to eat uzi the real N comes in and slices the monster freeing uzi.
J: Ow and please don't. And also, I was using those.
N uses her wings to protect uzi as the railgun explodes. Once the blast subsides uzi turns back only to find a small black hole hovering above the floor.
Uzi: What was- Which parts of that were real?
J's heart jumps up and tries to scutter away.
J's heart: Sneaky sneaky. Sneaking away. Get snuck up on.
N stabs J's heart multiple times
J's heart: Ow. Ow Ow Ow!
J's heart then turns into a small black hole and floats away.
N turns to uzi and tries to recomfort her but she backs away scared of her.
Uzi: What are you things?
Hurt N flys up into the roof out of view.
The worker drones led by khans come to the room to find the cause of the commotion but only find uzi on tbe floor.
Khan: Uzi? What are you doi-
Uzi runs to her dad and hugs him tightly. Khan was confused but quickly embraced his daughter before glaring at N up above.
Inside of the classroom Doll was alone by herself looking at a picture as a spider drones crawls onto her arm.
A flashback plays the scene with her and lizzy from before with the clone.
Lizzy: Gorgeous right? I'm gonna let her in.
Doll uses the Absolute Solver to crush the door blocking the clones way in.
Lizzy: Ah! Jesus sorry industrial strength ghost or whatever. Settle.
Lizzy sits back down and the clone glares at Doll before dissapering
Back to the present doll uses her Solver to kill the spider drone licking the oil off her face smiling at a picture of V and then one of tarn with the word Находить (Find) on the bottom.
Back on the spaceship
V: Ugh I hate your personality normally but this is somehow worse. What am I being punished for?
But N doesn't respond and it's shown v's chain is broken. Her expression softens but quickly turns away and focus on a photo on the floor. It had her and Y/N smiling happily together. She holds it to her heart shedding a single tear before putting it on the coutner. The entrance open and Tarns walks in.
Tarn: You know what I'm about to say N.
Tarn: Silent treatment I see? Very well I get to the point. Your rebellious and reckless action could have cost us our mission and priority. Consider yourself that I'm willing to show an fraction of forgiveness. But if I catch you helping uzi doorman again make no mistake......I WILL TERMINATE YOU. Have I made myself clear?
N looks at tarn and slowly nods.
Tarn: Good. Now please make my comrades here feel welcome.
He motions the rest of the DDJD to walk in surprising V.
Tarn: I however have something I need to do.
Tarn takes his leave as N kept her head down avoiding the death stares coming from the members of the DDJD.
Back with Uzi she is on her bed staring at the ceiling which was plastered with an assorment of pictures and drawings one having Y/N on it as a hologram.
Uzi: (Who are you and why did she cry when she saw you......why?)
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