A talk with tarn
Behind the gate shielding the bunker from the cold wasteland a worker drome was sitting next to control panel playing ping pong with his visor bored out of his mind.
Worker drone: And that's game number 42069! Man I am SO depressed it's not even funny. Wish there was more to do like......build another door.
What is with worker drones and doors?
A polite knock on the gate wakes the drone up and he slightly opens the gate. He is then greeted by a masked but swave looking......human? Who gives the drone a polite wave
You gotta admit bro is dripped out and goated with the sauce.
????: Greetings my good sir.
Worker drone: A-a human!? Here!? How are you alive the air on copper-9 is poisonous to your kind.
????: Oh no I'm afraid you've got the wrong idea I'm actually just a worker drone like yourself but I was born.....disfigured.
Worker drone: I don't know you look awfully alot like that genocidal robot who gave Khan PTSD. Especially with that funny looking mask.
????: I can assure you it's all just a big coincidence. But please do let me in I feel vulnerable those horrible disassembly drone could attack me at any moment.
The worker drone scratches his chin.
Worker drone: I don't know I shouldn't just let anyone in.......
The "worker drone" shows him a deck of cards.
????: I'm pretty good at blackjack.
Worker drone: Blackjack!? (Smiles) Oh okay you win.
The worker drone types in a code fully opening the door allowing the "worker drone" to step inside.
Worker drone: Welcome aboard I'll tell everyone that your the new face. Make sure they make you feel right at home.
????: Thank you.
Worker drone: Oh by the way what's your name pal?
Tyrian: Tyrian I'm tyrian.
The figure walks away chuckling to himself.
Tyrian: ( I knew that worker drones were incompetent but this just takes the cake. Now to find my quarry.)
Tyrian wander around the bunker taking mental notes of any defences and weak points for when it will be time for a full scale assault. He was greeted by the other foolish worker drones who treated him with kindness. Tyrian responded with kinds words of his owns before entering the classrooms searching for his prey. While doing so he stumbles across Thad, Doll and lizzy.
Thad: Woah hey man heard you were new round here! Nice threads by the way.
Tyrian: Why thank you your apperance isn't too shabby itself.
Lizzy: Love the hair how about you show us who's behind the mask? I bet you look handsome~
Tyrian: (Laughs) No its fine i prefer to hide my identity.
Lizzy: A mystery drone? Now that's even hotter! What do you think doll?
Doll however looked at tyrian with suspicion. Unlike pretty much evreyone else in the bunker she didn't have the IQ of a goldfish and knew something wasn't right with this drone.
Thad: Uhhhhh Doll?
Tyrian: Is your freind alright?
Lizzy: Oh don't stress about her she's like this most of the time.
Tyrian: I see.......hey by any chance you know where someone named Uzi doorman resides do you?
Thad: Uhhhh yeah? She's a few corridors down why do you ask?
Now thad was starting to get suspicious.
Tyrian: Oh I just want to introduce myself to evreyone who resides here. Make myself known to all of the bunkers denizens.
Thad: Okay.....cool bro.
Lizzy: Hope I see you again sooooon!
Tyrian: Likewise.
Tyrian turns a courner and lizzy and thad keep on walking.
Lizzy: I'm so asking him out to the gala.
Thad: Woah dude you just met him!
Lizzy: Love at first sight thad love at first sight.
Doll stayed put and peaked her head round the corner looking at tyrian and then at the picture of tarn in her pocket.
Doll wasn't dumb. She knew EXACTLY who tyrian was.
She tails tyrian making sure to stay out of sight and not get too close as he walked up to the Khan residence.
Tyrian looked at the locked door and whispers.
Tyrian: Open sesame.
Using his voice he deactivates the electronic lock in the door and quietly slides it open sneaking into the living room closing the door behind him confirming doll's suspicions.
Tyrian looks around the house and there was no sign of Khan.
Tyrian: Khan may not be here but his daughter?
Tyrian peaks into Uzi's room where she was sound asleep.
Tyrian: Perfect.
He quietly sneaks in and waits at the door closing it behind him.
Tyrian: And now we wait.
Hours pass and uzi slowly starts to wake up her mind still heavy on the events prior. She groans remembering the fight with that weird monster and pushing N away. But she also wondered who that boy Y/N was. Whoever he was seemed close to N and maybe to V and J aswell so....what happened to him?
She rubbed her eyes yawning stretching her arms and looks at the pictures on her roof and then to the door. She gasps as she sees a familiar figure staring back at her and-
Tarn: Scream and evreyone in this bunker dies.
Uzi freezes as tarn gazes at her his two ion cannons glowing ready to open fire.
Uzi: You!? How did you get in here!? How did you get into the bunker!?
Tarn laughs before transforming into his human form.
Tarn: It was easy actually one I can change my apperance to a more human slash worker drone apperance and two.....your comrades are blind and foolish.
Uzi: Why are you here? To kill me?
Uzi trembled in fear she didn't have her railgun to defend herself with she was defenceless tarn could kill her in a matter of moments.
Tarn: Tempting but not the reason I'm present. Heres what's going to happen your going to accompany me back to my lair so we can have a little chat. There are some things I need to know some questions that I need answered.
Tarn walks towards uzi and pulls her up off the bed.
Tarn: I will give one warning however. You so much as scream or tell a single soul of my real identity I will make you watch as I slaughter evrey single drone who lives in this bunker starting with your father and then I'll let you live and cope with the fact that your actions resulted in the deaths of evreyone you love. Do you understand me?
Uzi reluctantly nods the affirmative.
Tarn: Good.
Tarn uses his in built radio to contact kaon.
Tarn: Kaon find a worker drone and bring him to base.
Kaon: You wanna tell me why tarn?
Tarn: For a little "demonstration" if you will.
He then gets behind uzi and gestures her to move.
Tarn: Shall we get going?
Uzi: (Scowls) Bite me.
Tarn: I'm sure you would.
Tarn leads uzi out of the bunker showing her the way back to his hideout.
Back at the pod N was silently looking down at a picture of Y/N with her and her team. Her heart ached remembering the sweet and loving boy how she missed the times he stood by her side hugging her giving N love and compassion.
N: Y/N.....if only you were here.
V: I miss him too N we all do.
N looks up to V who shared a look of sadness.
If only they knew just how close Y/N really was.
Helex: Cut the soppy crap over there you two. Stop sulking over some dead human!
????: Yeah it's pathetic your disassembly drones for crying out loud.
The other disassembly drones laugh angering V who was about to attack them but is stopped when Tarn returns in his robot form with Uzi by his side.
N: UZI!?
Tarn: Gather round evreyone we have a guest of honur please Ms doorman take a seat on the floor over there.
He points to the floor uzi glares at Tarn before sitting down.
V: Tarn why is she here?
Tarn: I need to have a chat with our freind over there she has some answers that I may be looking for....(Looks to the door) Kaon did you bring a worker drone as requested?
Kaon: Yep got him right here ready for ya tarn.
Kaon walks in holding a drone by the scurff of his neck.
Worker drone: No please I beg of you I'll do anything please!!
Uzi: What are you doing with him!?
Tarn: Oh you'll see. Now to begin our conversation Uzi doorman. You may be wondering just what me and my associates are and just what exactly is the DDJD?
V and N stand back not daring to intervene.
Tarn: Well my dear worker drone the DDJD are a group of highly advanced disassembly drones called the disassembly drones justice division. We are called in when things for our lesser versions get out of hand when special forces are needed. We're like the SS from the Nazi regime all the way back to before the start of the second world war. You've already met two of my allies Vos and Helex so let me introduce the other two. The red one with the drone in his hands is Kaon and the large robot with those sharps blades in his chest is tesarus.
Uzi: So what makes you guys any different apart from being more ugly.
Vos: 至少我不是像你一样抑郁的情绪! (At least I'm not some depressed emo like you!
Tarn: Easy now Vos hold your temper.......yes that is the killing question isn't it? Just what makes us so different from the likes of V J and even N? Well to answer that we have been given more significant upgrades. Apart from transforming into vehicles we each have our own unique little feature which helps us give our targets the most painful death imaginable. You already know Vos can transform into a high calibre anti-material sniper rifle but what of the others? What of me? Well that's what we bought this worker drone here for.......to give a show a hindsight of just what we could do to you. Boys if you'd be so kind as to start the demonstration.
Tesarus: Ohoooo it would be our pleasure.
Kaon: Come here you!
Worker drone: OH GOD NO PLEASE!
For the next hour the sounds of screaming echoed throughout the wasteland. Uzi watched in horror as the DDJD slowly tortured the poor drone while tarn stood next to her watching the scene unfold unphased. N couldn't bare to witness the torture and flew out the pod in disgust even V was mortified.
Yes the drone that fed on a worker drones entrails in front of his family was horrified. They were that sadistic.
The screams eventually stopped and tarn walked over to his men surveying the remains of the worker drone.
Uzi: Oh...my......God.
Tarn: Do you see now uzi? You see what makes us more different then the others? More deadly? This is what happens to those who step out of line. When you break the rules this is the type of consequences of one's actions and at the end of the day-
Helex: Urmmmmm tarn? I think he's still alive.
Tarn looks at the drone who clinging onto life by a string.
Tarn: You know what helex? I do believe your right. But just to make sure....Kaon give him one last jolt.
Worker drone: AAIIIEEEEEEE!
The drone collapses unable to move.
Vos: 那是什么声音?(What was that sound?)
Tarn: That vos was the saddest sound of all. That's the sound of his metal spine shattering paralysing him preventing him from moving. Perhaps I should play some music to calm him during his excruciating final hours. Yes that's a splendid idea.
Tarn plays some music with his radio.
Tarn: Well not exactly relaxing but it will do.
Uzi: Why......what's the reason behind this? Your just torturing him what's the point of all this?
Tarn kneels down to uzi.
Tarn: Oh uzi you still don't get it? Even after witnessing all that you still don't understand the reason. Even though you witnessed this drone getting torn apart? Now given that he was only PARTIALLY melted by Helex-
And only PARTIALLY crushed by Tesarus-
I'd assume you'd figured it out by now but allow me to spell it out for you......FEAR.
Uzi: What?
Tarn: Yes fear. Think about it if word of this drones gruesome demise reaches the other rebel drones and scares them SO MUCH that the thought of defying Jcjenson is literally inconceivable then all that drones pain suffering and misery would have been worth it.
Uzi was about to speak when tarn suddenly cuts the music.
Tarn: Shh do you hear that? I've turned off the music. Is that important? Why yes yes it is. Now your probably wondering what my special talent is. What makes the leader so special apart from his astounding vocabulary and great taste in ambience and music.
He then brings his head close to uzi's.
Tarn: Here's the thing. They say I can "Talk people to death" "weaponize conversation" a bit pretentious some say maybe overexaggerated others say. Do you know what I say?
He walks over to the dying drone and whispers to him.
Tarn: I say that if you lower your voice to a certain degree you can tune and connect it with the listener heart and then.....by gradually lowering your voice you can coax the heart....into giving up. That's what I say.....what do you say?
The worker drone slumps down and deactivates while uzi watched now scared for her life.
Uzi: (He can kill me.....he can kill me with just his voice.)
Tarn approaches Uzi.
Tarn: So what do you think?
Uzi: Get away from me...
Helex: Awwww look at her scared like a little baby hahaha!
Tesarus: Just like her daddy!
Kaon: Too afraid to even take a swing she ain't no hotshot without her little railgun hahahahahaha!
She screams and the symbol appears on her left eye. Tarn's eyes widen recognising the symbol then he gets another vision this time of Y/N with Cyn looking at the stars together before he coughs up what looks to be oil. He then looks to cyn who glitches into Uzi before he returns to reality.
Tarn: (That symbol I remember it! Nori had it and that vision that boy it can't be a coincidence) THAT'S ENOUGH!
Evreyone was taken back by Tarn's tone he had never lost his temper before.
Tarn: I think you've seen enough for today uzi I think you should return to the bunker with me.
Uzi: W-What?
Tarn: Let us leave.
Tarn grabs uzi and guides her outside. Evreyone else looked at eachother shrugging in confusion.
Kaon: What was that about?
Tarn is seen standing next to uzi by her room in his human form.
Uzi: Why did you let me go?
Tarn: I have my own reasons but let's just say you have an incredible power but you fail to even realise it yet.
Uzi: I do? Wait is it something to do with my weird eye?
Tarn: Yes and your "weird eye" has given me a reason to spare you. I won't tell you why but I will be sticking around under my guise as "tyrian". But why I won't kill you I can't say the same for my men. But for now rest doorman you've got a challenging future ahead.
Tarn leaves uzi to her devices and power walks away.
Uzi: Well that was weird. Must be glitching out or something.
Tarn: What's going on with me? What's up with my programing?
He pondered as he looked at a mirror.
Tarn: I could have just killed her then and there but then I saw that vision of her and.....whoever that drone was. Is she connected to something? Why do I keep experiencing these visions of this Y/N person? Are we connected in a way?
He looks at the mirror only to see-
Y/N: Remember..........
He reaches his hand out causing tarns right eye to burn making him scream in pain. He takes of his mask wiping the oil away from his eye.
Tarn: What's.....what's happening to me?
Tarn groans as his sight returns in his now bloodshot eye. He looks at the mirror and his reflection had returned but in his right eye was now a symbol....just like the one in doll's and Uzi's eye.
Tarn: What?...........
What is this?
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