A scourge of the universe
???? POV
There's a legend that proceeds the dawn of our civilization.
The camera pans towards a planet with a belt of asteroids surronding it. The planet resembled the apperance of earth.
A vile god so large, so powerful that it consumed entire planets as fuel.
As the camera zooms back an familer and if not menacing shadow looms over the planet.
Few believed such a thing could be true
Two large claws slowly creep towards the planets surface revealing the devourer of world's.
Until the day-
we saw unicron-
As the world eater approached its next victim pods eject from his surface and shoot down towards the planet. On the planet surface many of the pods crash into the ground and release a horde of nightmarish metal creatures. The monsters sharing resemblance to that of a scorpion.
The camera focuses on a larger pod with a figure slowly rising from the cockpit.
But he didn't just come for our planet. He wanted our greatest technology the transwarp key.
The metal figure stretches before looking at the camera menacingly.
And he sent his most powerful henchman to collect it......
The scorpions fire lasers from thier tail as they chase down a gorilla like robot who had something in his mouth
the gorilla swings around on a tree reaching a steep hill and gets shot in the side of his chest knocking the item from his jaw. He looks back at the approaching enemies but then another gorilla bot jumps down from the trees grabbing the scorpion by the tail swinging it round and smacking to the floor.
Yes author very funny very funny of course you'd do that. I'm not even suprised.
Back to the story the gorilla rips the head and spine of the scorpion and then a bolt of energy shoots behind him destroying another scorpion. The robot responsible with a metal eagle who gracefully lands on tbe headless corpse of the scorpion. She is then joined by two other bots one being a rhino the other a cheetah.
Cheetah: More enemies are landing. We won't be safe for long.
Eagle: Do we have the key?
The injured ape picks up the key and passes it to the second gorilla.
Ape: You must take it. Keep it hidden so that it nevers falls into the hands of unicron.
Gorilla: But apelinq we can fight.
Apelinq: No! Protecting our transwarp key is all that matters. Go! Use it to escape.
Eagle: What will you do?
Apelinq looks at the forest.
Apelinq:......I'll hold him off. Buy you some time.
Gorilla: Then I'm staying with you.
Apelinq: This is my fight.
He grabs his comrade pushes the key to his chest.
Apelinq: Listen if unicron were to get the key he could open a portal through time and space with no end to the worlds he could destroy. It is now your time to lead the maximals....optimus primal.
The two brothers kneel there heads together in one final touching goodbye before turning round allowing the others to escape and face down with the looming figure slowly walking towards him through the dark forest. Apelinq growls and brings out two blades on his wrists bracing for battle.
????: So your this planet's greatest warrior.
Apelinq does not show fear and stands his ground.
????: Mmmm you have SUCH a beautiful world. Filled with an abundance of life.
The figure walks into the light finally revealing himself.
Scourge: SAVORY.
The two circle eachother waiting to see who makes the first move.
Scourge: My master grows hungry. Give me the trasnwarp key and he will spare your home.
Apelinq: We'd rather die then let him reach other planets.
Scourge: So be it.
Scourge charges up his energy claw but apelinq smacks it down and then uppercut scourge jumping up for one massive attack with his blade pointed down towards scourge.
The fight ended as quickly as it begun. A sharp blade formed from scourges right arm impaling apelinq through his chest. Apelinq remained brave even as scourge charged up his claw firing a bolt of potent energy blasting off a large portion of his body.
Scourge: Benefits of serving the mighty unicron.
He tears off the symbol off of apelinqs shoulder and weilds it onto himself a multitude of different badges were fixed onto his shoulder showing the victims of his bloodlust.
Scourge: They never learn.
Apelinq: Your too late scourge. Your master will be trapped in this galaxy forever.
Scourges turns towards the distance and watches as a pod flys through a beam of energy coming from a weird contraption realizing what has happened.
Scourge: No........
With his comrades now safe apelinq surrenders to his wound and goes offline bravely sacrificing himself for his team.
Optimus primal stared through the pod window with great sadness knowing his freind was dead.
Eagle: His sacrifice will be our oath. To preserve the key no matter the cost.
The ship passes through the portal arriving near the orbit of the drone full planet of copper-9 and enters the atmosphere burning up.
Like it or not this was there home now. Because they knew that unicron had already if not still was devouring thier home world.
The camera cuts to unicron who was finishing off his meal the camera pans through the rubble being dragged into unicrons mouth as the camera zooms in on it and cuts to black.
An unknown amount of time has since passed and within the snow covered ground the transwarp key layed in the snow unguarded and unprotected.
Why is it laying there? Who knows.
What happened to those who swore to protect it? That remains a mystery.....for now.
But now the transwarp will find itself a new owner.
????: Hey look over there I see something!
????: What is that thing?
Two robots walk towards the key and one picks it up inspecting the device with curiosity.
????: Ain't never seen anything like it.
Kaon: Uhhhhhh Tarn? You gonna wanna see this!
The drone passes it towards his leader his eyes scanning the key and bringing his hand up looking at the key before then looking at the camera with his absolute solver.
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