-ing nothing more than a few aspirin to kill the throbbing pain in the back of his head, Viktor woke slowly, his eyes shut from the groggy feeling clouding his mind.
"Vitya~?" Viktor opened his eyes halfway to see a fuzzy Yuuri smiling down at him. "Good morning my love." Yuuri chirped and leaned in placing a kiss on Viktors forehead. The older man looked up at him through lidded eyes as he tried to focus his vision. "Are you thirsty? Hungry?" Yuuri asked.
"Wa... ter...?" Viktor mumbled in confusion.
"Coming right up!" Yuuri disappeared from Viktor's vision. Viktor blinked his eyes as fast as he could till he was able to open them more. He looked around and noticed he was in the dining room, more specifically, tied to a chair in the dining room.
Yuuri returned with a cup and held it up to Viktors lips, Viktor taking a sip which seemed to help clear his mind.
Wait... whats going on?...
"Yuuri?" Viktor suddenly spoke clearly which seemed to startle Yuuri who had turned to place the water on a table behind him.
"Yes my love?"
"I'm... in a chair. I can't move." Yuuri eyes seemed to glaze over for a moment before he chuckled.
"Are you uncomfortable?" Yuuri asked with a worried expression on his face.
"Um... not necessarily." Viktor carefully responded, watching Yuuri's face as he spoke. Yuuri frowned then looked angry, his expression becoming sad seconds later.
"I-I mean it's not so bad." Viktor blurted out quickly causing a smile to spread across Yuuri's face. Yuuri reached his arms around Viktor as he took a seat in his lap.
"I'm glad." Yuuri nuzzled his cheek into Viktors forehead and placed kiss after kiss all over his face. A sudden ding sounded from the direction of the kitchen.
"I have to go put the dishes away, but I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere." Yuuri stated, though his last sentence sounded like a joke his tone was dead serious. Viktor watched him walk out of the room and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly.
What the hell is going on with Yuuri...
Viktor's chair was dragged to the TV as Yuuri pulled up another chair beside his. He seated himself in it, moving around to get comfy, then turned the TV on, settling it on the news channel.
Yuuri reached a hand around Viktors chair and gently caressed Viktors hand. "Italy was so beautiful wasn't it?" Yuuri leaned against Viktor's shoulder, closing his eyes. "The shops were colorful, the food was amazing. The flowers! Oh the flowers were absolutely gorgeous." Yuuri went on. Viktor nodded causing Yuuri to look up with a frown.
"Uh yeah it was beautiful there."
"Maybe we should go back for our honeymoon hm?" Yuuri asked and lifted his left hand to show his half of their ring-set on his ring finger; Viktor's eyes widened at the sight.
Yuuri giggled as he twisted the other ring that was on Viktors ring finger. Yuuri turned his attention to the TV while Viktor lost himself in his thoughts, the hand caressing his oddly feeling like a strangers.
Yuuri had left Viktor behind in the dining room an hour ago to go make dinner. Viktor had tried to reach for the rope that was restraining him, but he didn't have the strength and after the hour of trying he had decided to try again later and give his wrists a break since the rope digging into them was beginning to be unbearable.
After another 30 mins Yuuri walked back into the dining room to retrieve Viktor for dinner. Yuuri pulled Viktors chair by the back of it with much struggle into the kitchen.
"Yuuri? I could just walk into the kitchen." Viktor suggested and his chair was suddenly whipped around, Yuuri's face centimeters from his. The glare that painted Yuuri's face caused Viktors breath to catch. Yuuri's eyes bore into his until he smiled widely.
"I made your favorite for dinner." Yuuri turned the chair back around and continued pushing it, this time with ease. Once they were in the kitchen Yuuri scooted Viktor's chair into the table with two large bowls and two small bowls; Katsudon and Miso soup. Yuuri sat down and smiled across at Viktor, not moving at all.
"Um... Yuuri? I can't eat with my hands tied." Viktor said slowly. Yuuri tilted his head in confusion, his eyes glazing over for a moment, then blinking quickly and smiling.
"Ah! I get it. You want me to feed you." Yuuri giggled and brought his chair next to Viktors and reached for a spoon, dipping it into the soup and blowing on it before carefully bringing it up to Viktor. "Say ah~" Viktor hesitantly opened his mouth.
The soup was good, not too salty, and the katsudon was good; Yuuri always had been a good cook. After Viktor had finished eating Yuuri got up and placed the bowls in the sink along with the his two bowls that were still full of food.
"Yuuri, you didn't e-"
"Alright let's go relax." Yuuri suddenly grabbed the chair and yanked it back towards the dinning room.
Viktors hands and feet were tied together and connected to two other rope, the one for his hands tied to the headboard while the one for his feet tied to the end of the bed.
Yuuri walked in from the bathroom connected to their room wearing one of Viktor's shirts, it's light cut through the dark bedroom. He walked around the bed to his side and climbed in with gentleness as if to not disturb the sheets. Once he was laying on his side, he reached down and grabbed the duvet, pulling it up over Viktor and himself.
"Are you warm enough?" Yuuri asked and Viktor nodded. Yuuri rested his head against Viktor's chest and placed his hand there as well. "I can hear your heartbeat." Yuuri giggled softly and placed a kiss where Viktors heart was. "Your mine Viktor... All mine..." Yuuri drifted off to sleep meanwhile Viktor stared at the ceiling, eyes wide open.
This isn't Yuuri lying next to me... there's no way this is Yuuri...
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