say Viktor was scared would be an understatement. Viktor's eyes shakily opened, his hands and feet still immobile. The room was dark, except for the sunlight that tried to push its way through the closed curtains.
Viktor lifted his neck and turned it as much as he could to catch a glimpse at the space next to him, finding Yuuri was missing; This greatly worried him. Viktor pulled the restraints a bit, attempting to find a weak point anywhere, but froze when he heard voices. They were muffled and Viktor couldn't make out who they are.
Viktor was about to call out when the voices suddenly stopped and the sound of footsteps approaching took their place. The door opened slowly and quietly, the figure behind it resembling Yuuri. It was in fact Yuuri and Viktor opened his mouth to speak, but closed it in fear when Yuuri rushed to his side.
Yuuri shushed him with a light tap on his lips from his finger. Yuuri walked to the closest and shortly returned with a tie in one hand while the other was behind his back. A kiss was placed on Viktor's head so gently that Viktor almost felt that the real Yuuri was back.
Those thoughts quickly disappeared when Viktor's head was roughly grabbed while Yuuri used his other hand, that Viktor could now see had duct tape, to take one end and stretch it over Viktor's mouth, using his teeth to tear it. Viktor struggled and struggled, his head whipping back and forth and he tried to force a noise, any noise.
Yuuri's face frowned and he whimpered "don't look at me like that." Yuuri then got his grip of Viktor's head again and wrapped the tie around his eyes as a blindfold. Once he was finished he placed another kiss on Viktor's forehead before leaving the room. His footsteps echoing away from Viktor.
"He's still asleep." Yuuri chuckled as he walked into the dining room. Irina turned to him, a cup of tea in her hand and laughed.
"Of course he is" She took a sip of her tea as Yuuri sat down to join her.
"Don't tease your cousin. He's probably still tired from the plane. Not to mention this WAS a surprise visit."
"You're right, you're right." Irina nodded then smirked at Yuuri. "You know you sounded like his wife just now." Irina's teasing now directed at him caused Yuuri to blush. "Oh! Stop that! You two are so cute." Irina laughed again. The two chatted for a bit about nonsense, Yuuri getting up once only to refill their cups. "So spill. When's the wedding?"
"Wedding?!" Yuuri's face became red.
"Yes wedding!" Irina leaned in close to Yuuri, her eyes twinkling in excitement. "Don't tell me he hasn't proposed again yet?"
"Well..." Yuuri trailed off and took a long sip of his tea.
"Yuuri. You want to marry him, right?"
Yuuri who was still blushing looked away and nodded.
"What was that?!"
"Y-yes!" Yuuri responded and Irina smiled.
"Then maybe you should be the one to propose. I mean you're wearing your ring so that has to mean something. He's wearing his too I'm guessing."
"Yes he is."
"See? He obviously wants to marry you. So if he doesn't propose then you do it!" Irina patted Yuuri's back and checked her watch. "Oh shit!" She stood quickly "I've got to go."
"Oh? It's only been thirty minutes, why not stay longer?" Yuuri stood with as well.
"No no I've got to go since I'm technically on vacation, plus someone's waiting for me." She spoke while flashing a silver ring on her finger as the two walked to the door. Irina slipped her shoes on and checked her pocket for her phone.
"Ah! Right I forgot you're married. Alright go, wouldn't want to keep your husband waiting."
"Wife" Irina laughed as Yuuri opened the door for her. Yuuri watch her walk down the path, his cheeks dusted pink from his misspoken assumption.
Viktor's eyes were uncovered and mouth untapped as Yuuri worked on Viktor's hands. Once his hands were free from the post, they were immediately tied together. Viktor's feet were freed and Yuuri helped him sit up.
"Good morning." Yuuri giggled and pulled Viktor up with him, leading him into the kitchen where he was seated and his ropes were readjusted to secure him to the chair. Yuuri made breakfast, a simple meal of eggs and bacon. "I decided to make something western for breakfast."
"I-it smells good." Viktor shakily spoke and Yuuri turned to him, staring silently with a blank expression before smiling. A plate was set in front of Viktor and Yuuri scooted the chair to the right of him closer. Viktor was fed while Yuuri spoke to him about random things. Finally It was silent since Yuuri was distracted by dishes. "Yuuri?"
"Who was here earlier?" Viktor asked, his voice slow and careful. Yuuri set down the plate he was washing and whipped around. The distance between Yuuri and Viktor, table and sink, wasn't very large; in four steps Yuuri was in front of him.
"Who was here?" Yuuri's eyes glazed over as a smile spread across his face. "It was your cousin, Irina." Yuuri's head tilted to the side. "If you had wanted to talk to her you shouldn't have slept in silly." Yuuri pet Viktor's head. "She didn't mind though. We had a great talk. We even discussed our wedding, well... and how you haven't proposed yet..." Yuuri fell silent and suddenly grabbed Viktor's shoulder. "Why haven't you proposed to me yet?" Yuuri squeezes Viktor's shoulder, the pressure starting to hurt.
"Well I-"
"Hm?" Yuuri's hand tightened causing Viktor to clench his teeth.
"I-I... I haven't found the right time." Viktor forced out, his face becoming red and sweat forming on his forehead. As quickly as Yuuri has grabbed him he was back at the sink.
"Oh! Of course! I understand now. Sorry for doubting you Vitya~" Yuuri picked up the plate he was cleaning and Viktor let out a sigh, his shoulder throbbing. With the dishes clean Yuuri sat down at the table. The silence loomed over them as Viktor stared at the table, not daring to look up. "Viktor what's wrong?" Yuuri asked and Viktor flinched.
"Oh uh... nothing." Yuuri raised an eyebrow and frowned.
"Viktor are you upset that I didn't wake you up? Did you want to see Irina?"
"No n-no I'm ok, really."
"Are you still tired?" Yuuri pushed and continued with the questions.
"I'm ok!" Viktor suddenly blurted. His eyes widened as Yuuri stared at him. Yuuri pushed his seat back and stood. He turned to Viktor and smiled, tears rushing down his face.
"I'm just worried about you. It's our second day back and you're acting weird...". Yuuri's hands lunged forward and squished Viktor's cheeks. "You understand don't you Viktor?"
"You know I love you right?!" Yuuri yelled his face inches from Viktor's.
"I d-"
"YOU LOVE ME RIGHT?!" Viktors cheeks burned and his ears rung, His stomach empty and his chest heavy; he had never felt so scared in his life. A sudden ring from the front door caused Yuuri to jump, his eyes widening and all color draining from his face. Another ring went off followed by a few knocks. Yuuri's hand immediately covered Viktor's mouth.
"B-be there in a second!" Yuuri yelled. Viktor took this chance and bit Yuuri's hand, apologizing to him in his head. Just when Viktor was about to yell, he was smacked across the face, shock washing over the tied up man.
Yuuri removed the rope keeping Viktor to the chair, but didn't free his hands. He dragged Viktor from the kitchen with surprising strength, through the dining room, through the hallway, and to the bathroom in their bedroom. He sat Viktor on the toilet seat and used the extra rope that had held him to the chair to tie his thighs down to the toilet seat. Yuuri whipped the shower curtain back and turned it on before rushing out, slamming the door behind him.
Makkachin slowly padded up to Yuuri, his eyes milky and his muzzle gray. "Thank you for watching him nee-chan." Yuuri pet Makkachin and stepped to the side to let the old dog inside. Mari handed him two bags full of Makkachin's toys, pillow, food bowl, water bowl, and treats.
"Where's Viktor?"
"Showering" Yuuri responded looking around the bag. Mari smirked at him.
"Is that why you took so long to answer the door?." Yuuri looked at her in confusion to which she nodded towards his hair. Yuuri reached a hand up and felt it, it was dripping. He hadn't even noticed water get on him when he turned the shower on so fast. Yuuri blushed and Mari laughed nudging his shoulder.
"Sorry to bother you two. Have fun!" She called out as she left. Yuuri slid the door closed and shuffled inside. Makkachin had made himself comfortable on the ground so Yuuri sat next to him. A large sigh left Yuuri as he gathered his composure.
"That was close... way too close..."
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