Chapter 6
Yuuri stared at the door as he lay on his side on the ground. The rough carpet dug into his arms, but he didn't give it any thought, his mind preoccupied by other things. He couldn't leave the room, he was too afraid too. What if he was out there? He didn't want to see him. His face had caused too many awful memories to rise from where Yuuri had suppressed them.
Yuuri sat up slowly, his eyes never leaving the door. He tore his gaze from the door after a couple minutes and glanced around the room. He saw a pair of scissors sitting on the bed side table. I can't see Victor if I can't see at all. Yuuri started to laugh at the idea. He brought his knees to his chest and curled his arms around them protectively. Maybe it would be better if I couldn't see?
What if I couldn't hear?
What if I couldn't speak?..
what if I couldn't breathe?
Thoughts kept spiraling in Yuuri's mind. Deep down he didn't like this feeling; it was scary.
What was he supposed to do. Nothing, you can't do anything.
He suddenly felt himself start to shake.
How can he fix this? You can't fix this.
Yuuri was shaking even more now, his body moving in all directions. He blinked a couple times and realized there was a dark figure in front of him. The more he blinked the more he was able to make out the body in front of him. Their head was leaning towards him and their arms were reached out to him. No no they were touching him. He could now feel the persons hands on both his fore arms; they were moving. This is what was shaking him.
"Yu..." He heard echo around him. Yu?
"Yuu!... Yuur!.... Yuuri!..." It was the person. They were calling to him. His mind started to clear as did his vision as the shadowy body in front of him appeared to be Irina. She had stopped shaking him and Yuuri finally heard clearly around him. The room was silent except for one noise.
His own laughter.
Irina sat down at the kitchen table, Victor in the seat across from hers. He took a sip of coffee, his eyes never leaving the table. Irina sighed angrily and slammed her fist onto the table. "You are going to tell me whats going on and you are going to tell me right now." She said in a threatening tone. Victor flinched at her words and raised his head, His eyes meeting hers.
"I can explain..." He started and shifted in his seat before continuing. "During the time I spent with Yuuri as his couch our relationship grew into something big; we even got engaged."
"that would explain the gold rings around his neck." Irina said, Anger stilled laced in her voice.
"He still has them?" Victor asked thinking back to when he had carried Yuuri into the bedroom. He had been wearing a gold chain around his neck, but whatever had been on the necklace had been beneath his shirt.
"Hey, don't change the subject." Irina barked at him and Victor frighteningly nodded.
"Well, I got an offer to be sponsored by a sports company that was back here in Saint Petersburg. The money being offered was a large amount and I just couldn't say no, especially since the wedding I wanted to give Yuuri, No the wedding Yuuri deserved would be quite pricey. I was to leave on a plane to Russia the moment the Grand Prix was finished. After a brief meeting I would return to Hasetsu to ask Yuuri to move in with me. Before I left for Russia I told Yuuri that our time as couch and athlete was over and that I was going to skate again in Russia. I gave him my ring to hold onto because I wanted to propose properly when I returned in a couple days but... things changed."
"Things?" Irina asked skeptically.
"Yes... After signing the contract I was told that I would be starting my career back up immediately. I was not allowed to leave Russia and My phone was regulated by the sports company. I couldn't contact anyone that wasn't family and my social media was watched constantly."
"They can't do that!" Irina yelled out then quickly covered her mouth.
"They can... It was all in the contact hidden in large paragraphs and sophisticated words." Victor said then let out a sigh.
"But Yuuri is your fiancé! Surely they would let you contact him?" Victor shook his head and held his hand up in front of her.
"Yuuri had my ring. I had no proof that we were engaged." Victor explained and Irina let her head lay back.
"You've got to be kidding me." she mumbled. "So whats happening with the sports company?"
"I've fulfilled the guidelines of the contract and was able to retire with the money I earned."
"So that's why you had me go get Yuuri..." Irina eyes widened as she spoke. "What are you going to do though? You obviously see the state this whole mess left him in. he hasn't left that room for four days. we're lucky that he eats what I bring him."
"I'm going to help him." Victor stated and took a sip of his coffee.
"He hates you." Irina stood up and walked over to the sink, turning it on, and opening a cupboard to the left of her.
"I know he does... but he still loves me." Irina pulled a cup out and shut the cupboard. She filled her cup with water and chugged the cold drink.
"How do you know?" She said letting out a sigh at the feeling of the cold liquid sending a chill through her.
"Because... I love him."
The sound of a cup hitting a wooden surface rang through the apartment, making the atmosphere become unsettling and quiet. Soon the sound of muffled laughter filled the silence.
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