Chapter 4
The plane landed on the runway at the Pulkovo airport. Irina set down her tiny bottle of whiskey next to the empty one of vodka. She looked over at Yuuri who seemed to have fallen asleep. She reached a hand over and shook him lightly. Yuuri opened his eyes slowly and pulled the blanket around him tighter. "We landed. Get up sleepy head." She said softly and pet his head.
He looked over at her with empty eyes and didn't say a word. The planes door was swung open and stairs were pushed in front of the opening. Irina waited patiently for the other passengers to get off then stood from her seat. She reached over the seat and took hold of Yuuri's arm, "C'mon Yuuri." She persuaded. A stewardess appeared at her side and offered to help, noticing the trouble she seemed to be having with the sickly looking male in the window seat, But She declined. "We're ok, He just doesn't do well on planes." The stewardess nodded and told them to take their time. After many light tugs at his arm, Yuuri reluctantly stood and let himself be led out of the seat, down the isle, and standing in the door way of the plane.
He stepped out onto the first step of the stairs and glanced around slowly, not recognizing his surroundings at all. He felt a nudge on his back and moved forward down the stairs, shivering at the cold wind that blew. As he made it onto the runway and turned to where the other passengers had been directed too, he felt two hands on his shoulders. "WE are going this way." Irina said with a smile and started to manoeuvre him towards a black SUV. He climbed into the large car and Irina reached over him and buckled him in, making sure his blanket was still safely around him. Yuuri wasn't even bothered by being treated like a child, he still couldn't process what was going on.
As the car started up and the heat turned on Yuuri's eye lids drooped and he let them close. Irina glanced back at him from the passengers seat and sighed. She turned back around and glanced up watching a plane rise into the sky becoming smaller the higher it got. The car bumped along the asphalt of the runway and Irina focused on the sky, wanting nothing more than to finally get to Viktor's apartment.
Irina shook Yuuri's knee lightly which caused Yuuri to wake up slightly. "Yuuri, We're here, All your luggage has already been moved to the apartment, ok? I'm gonna help you out of the car and up to the apartment now." She said slowly and placed her other hand onto Yuuri's shoulder and Yuuri nodded, starting to comprehend what was happening. She took her hand off his knee and unbuckled his seat belt. She helped him slide himself out of the seat and balance his feet on the ground, her hand still on his shoulder.
Yuuri looked up at Irina and finally got the chance to really see her. She really did look a lot like Viktor, blue eyes, silver hair, and she was even tall like him. Seeing her made him want to cry, but tears didn't seem to come to his eyes as his mind still felt hazy. Another SUV pulled up behind the one they had gotten out of and a man in a suit got out. He walked around the car to the back seats door and opened it. Makkachin hopped out of the seat and waddled over to Yuuri and Irina, giving a little yip. Makkachin nuzzled Yuri's leg and Yuuri glanced down at him. He tried to smile, but his face wouldn't let him so instead he reached out a shaking hand and let Makkachin lick it lazily.
Irina guided Yuuri into the building the two cars were parked in front of and Makkachin followed behind, his tail wagging slowly. They went right through the lobby to the elevators in the back, making sure Makkachin was in with them, Irina pressed the button marked 6 and it glowed; the metal doors shutting in front of them. The elevator shifted and started moving up, the numbers at the top of the large doors lit up one by one. The elevator stopped when the number 6 dimly shining and the doors slid open. Irina shuffled Yuuri out and turned him down the hallway on the right.
She stopped him in front of the room 624, pulling out a key from her pocket and unlocking the door. She nudge Yuri into the room and followed him. She shut the door behind them once Makkachin was in. Makkachin padded past them, down the small hallway and through a door way that was on the right side of the hallway. Yuuri slipped his shoes off and took small steps forward, Turning back to look at Irina. "I've gotta get going, but I'm sure you can look around by yourself." She said with a warm smile and reopened the door. "Bye Yuuri, Good luck." She said and stepped out of the door.
Yuuri watched it close and after a few moments of silence he turned to face the small hallway that he had been left in. He took delicate steps down towards the entrance Makkachin had disappeared in, only passing one other door on the left. He peeked into the room and glanced around, recognizing furniture that would be typically placed in a living room; a couch with two end tables at each side, a coffee table, and a TV. He moved forward and saw Makkachin sleeping on the couch, curled up into a fluffy ball.
He wandered past the couch the poodle was napping on and towards an open door that was right across the room; He was too exhausted, emotionally and physically, to explore this new place he had been put in. Stepping into the dark room, he made out the shape of a bed and felt himself be pulled towards it. He forced his tired legs to move forward and he collapsed onto the soft bed. He curled his legs up to himself and fisted the blanket that was still around him, the only comforting thing he currently had. He closed his eyes and prayed that when he opened them again he would be in his small messy room at the resort.
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