Chapter 2
Yuuri stared at the half empty bottle of wine in front of him. He wasn't sure when he had bought it, but it was on the ground and not warm. He reached forward, grasping the bottle and lifted it to his lips. He took a large mouthful and gulped it down. He coughed at the bitter taste and set down the bottle again, sighing and laying back on a blanket. He reached out, grabbing the edges of the blanket, and wrapped it around himself.
Makkachin whined from somewhere in the room and Yuri let out a groan. He glanced up and squinted at the clock that was on the wall above the TV. It read four am and Yuuri rolled over on his side. Makkachin whined again and Yuuri finally sat up. "Walk?" He said, his voice soft and a little grumbled from not talking for so long. Makkachin slowly padded over to him with a leash in his mouth, his tail wagging calmly side to side.
Yuuri sat up, sighing again, and took the leash from Makkachins mouth. He stood up slowly and made his way to the lobby with Makkachin closely behind him. He slid his jacket that he had found resting on the desk over his shoulders and bent down to clip the leash onto Makkachin's collar. Sliding open the door of the resort, he shivered at the cold breeze he felt. He stepped forward and Makkachin happily lead the way down he walkway of the resort. As they began to stroll down the side walk, Yuuri noticed that nothing had changed really, it was comforting to see that his home still looked like home.
As he approached the convenience store he saw the familiar sign out front, buy one blanket, get a pillow free. He stepped through he automatic sliding doors and glance around; the half asleep cashier, who was glancing at a small TV that sat next to the cash register was the only person in the store. He started to wander the isles after grabbing a small basket, letting his eyes sweep over the shelves. He wasn't sure what he would buy; definitely not a blanket. He made his way to the vegetables and glanced them over. It had been so long since he had tried to eat anything other than ramen. He reached for an apple, but became stiff when he heard a familiar name. "Viktor Nikiforov" yelled some announcer on whatever show the cashier was watching. Yuuri felt all noise around him become muffled and quiet the moment he heard that name.
His feet slowly dragged away from the vegetable and to the shelves of cupped ramen. He started to fill his basket with whatever looked cheap. He glanced down at his full basket and saw Makkachin looking at him with sad eyes. He felt tears come to his eyes and stepped lightly forward, the bin of blankets approaching closer and closer.
A week had passed. Yuuri was wrapped up in a blanket and starring at the wall in front of him. His mind was blank, and he felt cold. He tightened his grip on the blanket and shivered slightly. Makkachin poked him lightly with his nose and whimpered. Yuuri didn't move nor make an attempt to show any signs of noticing the poodle. Makkachin let his ears fall and nuzzled Yuuri. Makkachin raised his ears suddenly when he heard a light knocking on the door of the resort. Makkachin slowly padded through the lobby and to the front doors.
"Yuuri!" A muffled call sounded on the other side of the door. Makkachin glanced back to where the entrance of the dining room was as the stranger yelled again, "Yuuri!" Makkachin, Figuring Yuri wouldn't be moving any time soon, let out a soft bark. "Yuuri!" The stranger called again and Makkachin let out a slightly louder bark, getting the strangers attention. "Makkachin? is that you?" The stranger called and the one of the doors slide open. The stranger bent down and pet Makkachin gently. "It's been a while huh?" The stranger said and chuckled. "Where's Yuuri?" They asked and Makkachin let out a whimper. The old poodle moved as fast as he could to the Dining room entrance and whimpered again, Glancing from the stranger, into the room, and back.
The stranger made their way into the lobby, noticing how dark it was and squinted. The stranger let out a small gasp at the room that was littered with blankets and pillows. They slowly made their way to where Makkachin stood and glanced into the dining room. Squinting again, the were able to see most of the room and noticed it looked the same as the lobby. Makkachin made his way over to Yuuri and let out a whine.
The stranger slowly walked over to Yuuri, stepping over pillows and walked around to the front of Yuuri. They Crouched down and laid one hand on Yuuri's shoulder. Yuuri slowly lifted his head and through the darkness of the room all he could see was the feint outline of a person. The person in front of him reached into their pocket and pulled out a phone. The stranger opened up their phone and turned on the flash light mode, brightening up the room and revealing details of the strangers appearance, and through his blurry vision, Yuuri was able to make out one distinct feature.
Silver hair.
*Cough* *Cough* Btw its my birthday today and I'm totally not eating a whole cake by myself *Cough*
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