Chapter 1
"Vitya! Can you please put the laundry I folded away in our room? It should be on one of the tables in there."
"Sure!" Viktor cheerfully called out to his lover who was in the kitchen making breakfast. He stood from the kotatsu and stretched, reaching down afterwards to take a small sip of his coffee. He looked behind him to find the laundry neatly folded in a basket and resting on a table. He picked it up dramatically with both hands and made his way to the hall, carrying it down to their bedroom at the end.
Yuuri flipped a pancake in the skillet then set his spatula down to the side of the stove. He shivered slightly at the chill that seemed to have taken over the house; it didn't help that he was only wearing one of Viktors shirts and a pair of boxers. It was finally spring, a time for Yuuri to start anew; with Viktor. It had been months since they had moved, but the resort wasn't open yet since they had to finalize the business paperwork. Yuuri never thought opening the resort back up would be so much work, but he was happy that Viktor was there with him.
Yuuri heard a loud sizzle and jumped from his thoughts when he looked down to investigate the sound, also remember in the process that he was cooking. He frantically flipped the pancakes and signed in relief to see they hadn't burned, only browned. Victor came charging into the kitchen with a big smile on his face and saluted in front of Yuuri.
"The laundry is successfully put away!" He laughed, his accent making Yuuri laugh as well, he's so cute.
"Thank you. Breakfast will be ready in a minute. Did you wash your face?" Yuuri asked as he checked under the pancakes.
"You know Yuuri, you kinda sound like my mom."
"Huh?!" Yuuri turned off the stove and turned his head toward Viktor, a blush spreading across his face.
"Ah! Maybe you want kids?" Viktor's question had meant to tease Yuuri, but Yuuri's silence surprised Viktor; he had been expecting an embarrassed reaction.
"I-I mean not now, but..." Yuuri trailed off then reached into a cupboard to the left of the stove, grabbing two plates. It was Viktors turn to blush as a million thoughts flew through his head.
"R-really?" He stuttered out.
"Uh yeah... but only after we're... we're married." Yuuri mumbled the last part of his sentence, but Viktor heard it perfectly cleared. Married? Married?! Does that mean Yuuri actually wanted to marry him one day?! Viktor felt his heart skip a beat at the thought. Yuuri cleared his throat in an attempt to cover his embarrassment then waved Viktor over to the table.
"Sit down, the plates are already on the table." Yuuri said as he ran the faucet waiting for it to turn cold; two cups in his hand. Viktor sat down happily as Yuuri took a seat across from him with both cups, placing one in front of Viktors plate.
Yuuri rested his head back against Viktor's shoulder. They had spent the whole morning lazily watching the news under the kotatsu; Yuuri sitting between Viktor's legs as they relaxed.
"How about a walk to the grocery store?" Yuuri asked as another semi-interesting story started on the TV.
"The grocery store?" Viktor asked then stared off into space, returning to earth a couple seconds later while nodding his head. "Yeah sure."
Viktor got up first, lending a hand to Yuuri so he could get up from the warm, comfy kotatsu. Viktor lead the way to their bedroom where they barely changed; Yuuri only put on pants while Viktor threw a shirt on since he had only been wearing sweatpants. Viktor was first to leave the bedroom, walking into the living room to turn the TV off; Yuuri followed shortly. After they both put on shoes in the lobby then headed out, Yuuri making sure to lock the door behind them.
They strolled down the side walk casually as they took in the familiar surroundings. All the memories seemed to flood back to them; Some positive, some negative. Viktor sneakily reached his hand down and brushed it against Yuuri's. Yuuri made no objections to the move so he boldly grabbed his hand. Since it was a Tuesday there were barely any people out; Students were in school and most of the house wives had already done their morning shopping.
The couple finally made it to the grocery store and strolled in, making their way around the various isles as well as enjoying each other's company. After they had checked out they carried their bags back home hoping to spend the rest of the day just doing nothing.
Yuuri pulled two hot mugs from the microwave with a cloth, setting them down on the counter before shutting the microwaves door. He picked the mugs back up and brought them into the dining room, his fingers growing hot under the cloth. He gently put the mugs down on the kotatsu then set the cloth to the side. He climbed under the warm blanket and relaxed as he noticed that Viktor hadn't noticed he'd come back.
"Viktor? Viktor!"
"Huh?" Viktor jumped in surprise as he turned his attention from the game show to Yuuri.
"You're drink?"
"Oh right! Thank you." He responded then refocused on the show, his hand reaching for the mug. Viktor winced and yanked his hand away when he brushed it against the mug.
"It's hot!" He yelled and shook his hand.
"Well I did just make it." Yuuri said back making Viktor raise an eyebrow.
"Excuse me, but please calm down that sass of yours." Yuuri just laughed, the doorbell suddenly ringing throughout the house catching both men off guard.
"Probably the mail." Yuuri said and reluctantly got up from the kotatsu. He made his way into the lobby and over to the door, pulling it to the side to indeed reveal the mailman. He took the couple of envelopes and thanked him closing the door once again after he left.
"Hey we should really register our mailbox..." Yuuri trailed off as he saw a letter amongst the bills.
"What is it?" Viktor asked, curiously looking at Yuuri.
"You got a letter?" Yuuri questioned and read the envelope.
"I did? It's not to us?"
"Nope, just to you. Says it right here; Viktor Nikiforov." Yuuri stated and handed the letter to him.
"I don't recognize that address"
"I don't either." Viktor tore the top of the letter and unfolded the paper.
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