Day :2
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("I was in a different room when i woke up. It was an empty white room with a white table with looks like a table from a kindergarten and a blue chair."
"There was four glasses on the table. Then I heard as my kidnapper talk."
"He gave me a task. He gave me four glasses each with an unknown liquid inside it. There was also a pen and a paper for me to label each drink I take."
"I have to guess what liquid is inside those glasses."
"I have to do what he says, I said to myself. Or else god knows what will happen to me."
"After saying this I took the sip of the first drink in the glass. As I took the sip I realized it was just water."
"I was glad it was just water. I labeled the drink with water and took a sip of the other drink. I was surprised it was just coke."
"After that I took the third drink and it seems like milk but what I see in it is spider leg in the drink."
"I threw the drink in disgust. I had a phobia of spiders so I was horrified as well. WHAT IS THIS MORON THINKING THAT HE TRYING TO SCARE ME TO DEATH!!!, I yelled too horrified to take the last drink."
"I did not want to know what is in the other drink but after some time I got curious and took the sip of the last drink. I didn't eat anything the last day and I was hungry too."
"Out of hunger and curiousity I took a large sip of the last drink and it was... SCHOOL GLUE!!!"
"I immediately vomit the glue out of my esophagus so that it won't damage my body. WHAT KIND OF IDIOT IS THIS PERSON."
"After this I felt dizzy again and went unconscious.
"I don't remember what happened to me after. But for now....")
"Sincerely your's"
"Agent Z"
A.N. Woah that was something. This is the second part of my series. I don't know where the story will take me so lets see what happens.
Hope you all like my story have a great day.
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