Chapter Nine, Old Friends and Family Reunite Part Two
"Harry can you and Draco come over here for a sec," Sirius called interrupting his giggling. "There's some people I'd like you to meet." Harry and Draco looked up from the train set they'd been playing with for nearly two hours. "Okay." Draco agreed standing up and holding out his hand to Harry who was looking at the four new people in the room with wide frightened eyes. Sirius seeing the problem walked over to the two boys nudging Draco back over to his mother as he knelt down in front of Harry his arms wide open. Not even thinking twice about it Harry rushed into Sirius's arms burying himself into Sirius's chest shaking slightly.
"It's alright Harry they're not going to hurt you I promise. You trust me don't you?" Sirius asked as he rubbed soothing circles on his shaking form that resembled leaf caught in high wind. Instead if answering Harry nodded his head but didn't lift his head. Gathering Harry into his arms Sirius made his way back to his chair Harry snuggled up on his lap. "Harry I want to introduce you to my cousin and Narcissa's second eldest sister Andromeda," Sirius pointed to a woman with dark brown curly hair and soft brown eyes set into a slightly lined face, who sat in between Pollux and another man. The woman smiled kindly at Harry but Harry just stayed burred against Sirius.
"This is her husband Ted and their daughter Nymphadora but she only likes to be called Tonks." Sirius finished pointing to the other man next to Andromeda who had strawberry blonde wavy hair and a slightly round belly, his baby blue eyes sparking at Harry with love and kindness. But it was the young woman in the last armchair next to the sofa with her parents on it that interested Harry. For she was not dressed like anyone he'd ever see before.
She had bright bubblegum pink spiky hair, a black spiky necklace around her throat and her clothing was mostly black or dark purples. "Wotcher Harry." Tonks smiled waving her clothed hand at him and changing her hair to flash different colours suddenly eliciting a giggle out of him. "Hello." Harry whispered shyly to them before he went back to hiding his face.
"Harry is also like you to meet an old friend of mine and your father's, he's also your second Godfather: Remus John Lupin." Sirius introduced pointing to a rather thin man with sandy blonde hair that was sat in between Arcturus and Cassiopeia looking rather uncomfortable and ashamed of himself. "Hello Harry." The man, Remus said softly to him. Sirius gave Remus a look promising to discuss why he hasn't been there for Harry when little ears weren't around. Harry looked shyly at the man sitting to the right of them he looked at him with one eye and shyly waved at him. He knew he was being rude to Sirius's friend but he was so scared of all these new people, as if sensing how he was feeling Sirius muttered into Harry's ear that it was fine to be scared and that no one was angry with him.
When Harry had calmed down as much as he was going too Sirius shared a look with Narcissa who nodded. "Harry why don't you show Draco your room and play in their while we have a grown up talk in here. I'll come and get you for dinner but if either of you get hungry or thirsty before then I want you to call Kreacher." Sirius told them.
"Okay." Harry mumbled not looking at the new adults in the room as he waited by the door for Draco. He jumped and flinched slightly as he felt someone grab his hand only to calm down slightly when he saw that it was Draco who was smiling brightly at him. Smiling shyly Harry led the way up the stairs to his bedroom, the two of them babbling all the way about what toys they were going to play with.
Once they were sure the two boys were out of earshot Cassiopeia turned to look at her grandson with a stern expression upon her face making her slightly softer appearance look rather sinister. "Sirius I suggest you start explaining to everyone what happened all those years ago and how you ended up with young Harry." Sighing Sirius turned away from his glaring match with Remus running his hands down his face. "I guess your right. The week after Harry's birthday I told James and Lily to use me as a decoy....." He continued to explain all that happened from that moment including how Dumbledore knew about him being innocent and yet doing nothing and letting him rot in that horrid place.
He continued to explain how and why he escaped from Azkaban as he'd felt how scared, hurt and frightened Harry was which only increased as he got older. He'd told them he'd had enough of Harry being abused and escaped Azkaban to rescue his pup as he'd realised that Harry was placed with the Dursleys and he was right. He further went on to explain everything that had happened to Harry up to this point, including how injured and starved Harry was when he first brought him here, and how far along he'd come since then.
There was silence in the room as everyone digested all that Sirius had said. They were appalled at Dumbledore for letting an innocent man rot in that abominable excuse for a prison, but what angered them more was what he'd done and let happen to Harry for they knew Dumbledore knew what the Dursleys were like they were seriously questioning his ability to be around impressionable children at Hogwarts and whether it was safe for the children to be there while he was Headmaster.
"We're so sorry for doubting you Sirius. That medaling old man is going to pay for all that he has some to both you and Harry." Andy swore as she hugged Sirius tight to her. "Grandfather Pollux, would you be able to contact the Black family account manager and see if he could get Sirius a trial and check with the Potter family account manager as well it wouldn't surprise me if Dumbledore sealed Lily and James's will to stop people testifying against his placement of Harry."
Pollux smiled proudly at his granddaughter he knew she was a Black and a Slytherin for something. "I'll get right on that. And why I'm at it I'm going to be disowning your sister Bellatrix. I'm sorry girls but she is dragging the Black family band through the mud by joining up with that lunatic. We may be a Dark family yes but not like that we were more Dark grey than anything before her and your mother girls dragged it through the mud. Sirius tell Harry I'll see him later." Pollux instructed as he left through the Floo.
With Pollux gone the remaining adults ironed out all they needed to do in order to make Sirius's case iron tight even if it meant having Lucius involved and as Sirius's solicitor. They ceased their planning when they heard small feet pounding down the stairs rapidly followed by a voice. "Mother! Sirius! You have to come quickly!" Draco's voice sounded from the flight of stairs sounding panicked. Concerned Sirius and Narcissa ran out of the room to met Draco at the bottom of the stairs Narcissa still managing to look elegant and graceful as the fear took over her. Like everyone in the house she'd come to care for the small raven haired boy and she hoped nothing was seriously wrong with him.
"What is it Draco?" She asked catching her son as he tripped as he continued to run down the stairs. "It's Harry! We were playing with his stuffed toys and he just stopped and curled up into a ball. I felt his forehead mother, like you do mine, and it was really hot. I wanted to come get you but Harry said no as you were having grown up talk and he said he was fine.
We continued to play but I kept watching him then he just started to be sick. What's wrong with him?" Draco asked nearly in tears over his new friend being ill.
"It's alright Draco." Sirius assured though his voice shook with worry slightly but thankfully Draco missed it. "I'll go up and get him now." Sirius turned to Narcissa and Andy who was standing behind him. "Andy can you come and check on him and Narcissa can you get...." Sirius took a deep breath letting out through gritted teeth making it sound more like a hiss. He didn't want that man in his house, but this was about Harry and he needed him here to help Andy as they couldn't risk St Mungoes. "Can you get Snape. Please."
Narcissa nodded leading Draco into the drawing room. "Draco I need you to be a good boy while I'm gone getting Uncle Sev, your aunt Andromeda needs his help and his potions to heal Harry so I need you to do everything your grandmother says. I shan't be long." Without waiting for answer she kissed his forehead and left through the Floo. Sirius watched Narcissa go hoping she got back with Snape in time. He felt awful he didn't even know Harry was sick what kind of parent was he that he didn't even notice. "Don't blame yourself Sirius it's not your fault these things can come on at a drop of a hat or it could stem down to the abuse he's suffered, my guess is the latter.
He's not felt hot to you at all and we all saw him happily playing with Draco when we arrived earlier so you couldn't of known. The best thing we need to do now is check him over and act quickly." Andromeda told him sternly but kindly. Sirius nodded his head but he still couldn't help feeling slightly guilty as he ran up to Harry's room. He just hoped it was nothing too serious.
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