Chapter One: Sweet
The doorbell echoes its delicate tingles, like birds chirping on a mild and mellow morning. A slight breeze drifts into the room but is soon cut off as the earthy wooden door closes with a gentle thud.
A middle-aged pair of women enter the room of the little cottage cafe. One, who was a good head taller than the other due to her strangely long neck, was whispering in a tattler, hushed voice to her shorter, pudgier companion.
Upon hearing the door open, I gave myself a quick check; smothering my skirt down of the mild creases that my cheap and failing iron couldn't rid of, clearing my throat and quickly giving my hair a sweeping brush over my neat ponytail. My fingers clench the wooden counter and I attempted to calm my nerves.
As the pair leisurely take their time to walk forward and acknowledge me, I avoid their gazes politely and hastily think of the short, blue-haired pixie-faced girl who took my application for this very job, Delisa. She had ordered that I arrive at nine, early, bright and sharp, for my first day, this morning. So naturally I arrive at nine, perfectly, on the dot, only to be welcomed to an empty, deserted street.
It wasn't exactly deserted, but it wasn't far from it. There were only a few lonely stragglers hurriedly passing to their destinations, nobody staying nearby too long. Even after ten lengthy minutes later, the blue-haired pixie had still not arrived.
I remember slowly licking my top lip with my tongue, testily, and glancing at the sign tapped to the entrance of the coffee shop. It noted and confirmed my doubtful thoughts that it indeed was to be opened at nine.
If I wasn't currently in England, I may have been a little less frustrated at being imposed to wait outside, but as I was in England, the weather naturally sided against me. Wind had lashed against my face and the clouds had wept cold raindrops, drenching my exposed face.
I remember a number of people huddled underneath umbrellas approaching me, questioning if I knew when the cafe that I was hovering outside of would open. I had shrugged at them helplessly.
And just as soon as the rain had started to clear and the grey, grumpy clouds decided to drift past, a bright orange car swerved into the empty space outside the cottage café and a figure climbed out dressed in a yellow rain coat. They had sauntered forward, never faltering a step against the breezing wind and gentle rain in their high heels.
When they had reached me, I gave a bogus smile at the smirking, very pixie resembling girl.
Delisa had asked with gasping mockery, "Abbiona! What are you doing outside on this gloomy morning?"
I blinked.
She continued, "And how come you are so wet? Your hair looks disgusting."
My nostrils had flared and my teeth still hurt from clenching my jaw violently at her words.
A refined voice brought me back to the present, from my earlier encounters, "Are you new to this cafe, young girl?" The taller of the two women, the one with the long neck, asked me politely, the other shorter member was standing closely behind her waiting eagerly for my reply.
"Yes. It is my first day here."
"Oh, yes I know you are new. I didn't recognise your pretty face when I first came in. Jane and I," she motioned to the shorter lady, "Come in here every weekend." She gave a nosey look behind me, glancing into the kitchen, "Is Delisa here?"
As quickly as the words left the woman's mouth Delisa's head popped round the yellow door and she came forward, her petite body following. "I hear my voice?" She cheerfully asked.
"Oh Delisa!" Long-Neck exclaimed. "Will you introduce me to this young, pretty girl?"
Delisa straightened her back and gleamed at me, strangely not very mockingly. "This is Abbi, it's her first day here."
A fat hand was thrust out to mine, waiting for me to clasp. And then my hand was eagerly being shaken. As soon as the clammy hand withdrew, my hand was swept with another in a cooler, calmer handshake with the shorter lady, Jane.
My eyebrows knit together as I tried to understand why this 'long-neck', had such a short and stubbier hand. I shake the thought off realising the unnecessary path my mind was taking to figure out the tall woman's mystery.
"Yes, I would like a skinny latte." Long-neck said.
Delissa smiled and nodded heavily, obviously asking them what they had wanted to order. I grimaced, I had missed Long-neck's name. I inwardly cringed and hoped I would never have to address her, or worse, accidently address her as 'Long-neck'.
Jane spoke, her voice timid and quiet, "May I have a slice of carrot cake with a pot of tea, please."
A tongue clicked in dispute and my sharp eyes drew to Long-neck who was looking heatedly down at Jane, disapprovingly shaking her head. "Jane, if you want to lose some pounds, stop leaping into the choice of sweet goods."
Jane looked at her. "It has carrot in."
"And lots of sugar."
Jane didn't answer.
I looked at Delissa standing next to me and her head snapped to met mine. She looked at me and then a gave me a cheeky pixie resembling smile. "Abbi, you can deal with the orders. I need to make sure the scones don't burn." And without a second glance, she bounced into the kitchen, her yellow apron floating in a circle around her.
I pursed my lips up at the middle-aged pair and cautiously asked, "So a latte, tea and a slice of carrot cake?"
Long-neck's beady eyes looked at me, "A skinny latte, please." She looked down at Jane and then back at me and then at the kitchen door. She repeated this motion twice more. "Did dear Delissa say that there are some scones?"
A sly grin grew on my light features, "I think so."
"In that case our order will be, a skinny latte, a pot of tea, a slice of carrot cake and some scones."
Jane shifted away from Long-neck's gaze. I saw a smile glitter on her small lips. Long-neck tucked a loose strand of her dark hair behind her ear and a daring smile on her face as she looked at me.
Sucking on my cheek I asked, "Now, would you like two scones?"
Long-neck pressed her lips together, "Yes."
"Some jam?"
Her lips pressed further together, "Yes, I would."
"Cream with them too?"
Her lips turned white, "Yes, I would, thank you very much, we will go to the table now. Thank you, please, I will pay after. Thank you." She flashed a hastily smile and scurried away to the table in the far corner with Jane following her leisurely behind.
Shortly after a blue, short-haired head peaked out of the kitchen, hands following holding a tray filled with scones. Delissa carefully walked over and placed the scones in the glass display stand, her pale, knobby hands working with precision. She picked the last two scones on the tray and placed them on a cream coloured plate, before wordlessly returning to the yellow kitchen.
By the time she arrived back from the kitchen, I'd made a pot of tea and a latte, and cut the carrot cake delicately for Jane. Delissa had two pots clasped in each palm of her hand, they were heaped full, one with strawberry jam and one with cream.
Her teeth flashed, "Let's see how much she eats."
A playful grin leaped across my face and I grabbed the pots from her extended hands, and hurriedly placed them on the black tray to take to the two hungry customers.
The full tray was gripped with both of my hands, I didn't dare 'do that one handed, over the shoulder thing those fancy waitress people do'.
Upon reaching the ladies, I placed the round tray on their wooden table and distributed the orders out, deliberately placing the two pots of sweetness in front of beady eyes, Long-neck. Turning to go back to the counter, I was cut short.
"Oh please come sit with us! It will be nice to have a chat with a young lady, like yourself, we are very up-to-date with all this fancy modern technology these days, you know." Long-neck said.
Twisting around to face the table, I suspiciously look at Long-neck. She seemed genuine and Jane's eyes beckoned me. I glanced back at Delissa. She was leaning against the counter nodding encouragingly at me and her pale lips mouthed 'get on their good sides'.
Jane had already devoured half of her carrot cake, by the time I had returned from placing the black tray on the counter, and Long-neck was gleaming at me, holding a sleek black phone proudly in front of my nose.
I shifted backwards at the outstretched hand, "Wow, an iphone, they are all the range. You must be very up-to-date."
Long-neck shone. "It is an iphone seven, too. Do you like the case?"
The silver jeweled case glared into my eyes. "Y-yes, seems very fancy."
She reached for her latte and motioned for me to sit opposite her. Her stubby nose flinched upward at the sight of Jane, shovelling the last piece of her cake in her mouth and gulping it down with the tea. Three empty packets of sugar lay empty beside her saucer.
Before Long-neck tilted the cup's liquid into her mouth she turned to me, "This is definitely a skinny latte isn't it?"
I took a deep breath and faked a smile at her, "Of course!"
She heartily chugged the hot liquid down in her mouth and cut both scones in half, lathering the jam on every slice and emptying out the creamy goodness on top, she bit into the a slice, engulfing the sugar treat.
Delissa came up to the table holding a plate that held two cream tarts. "Here, for my two favourite customers!" She looked slyly at Long-neck, "It is on the house."
The short blue-haired girl hummed at me, her brown eyes gleaming mysteriously at mine.
"Well, I don't mind if I do." Long-neck replied. "Delissa, you are too kind." She looked at me, "Abbi here is very lucky to have you as her employer."
"I am sure Abbi knows how lucky she is." She taunted me with another crafty grin.
The silver bell attached above the door tinkled again and a cool breeze wafted into the room.
Delissa stared gleefully into my eyes. I stared calmly into hers. Without removing her gaze from mine, "I must attend our customer. Abbi, once you have finished your chat with the lovely pair here," She looked at the two women opposite who returned her look with a grateful nod, "I need your help in the kitchen. We are going to make some brownies!" She spoke in an animated voice and twinkled her fingers at me, reminding me of a mother speaking to her child.
"They better not be magic brownies, Delissa." My voice dry. "You can't make a worker high on their first day."
But she was already half way across the room.
"Magic brownie? Abi, what is a magic brownie? Can they do magic tricks?"
I stared at Long-neck. And then at Jane who also looked utterly clueless. "No. They just are brownies that taste really good." My top lip was pinned down between my teeth, my front two teeth biting into the soft flesh, stopping any grin from growing.
"Oh, well Jane and I should try them someday, shouldn't we Jane?" The beady eyed woman acknowledged her shorter friend.
"Oh yes. I think we should. They seem ever so intriguing."
"Yes, I think you will enjoy them, greatly."
A soft and low murmur sounded behind me and a sudden cackle rang loudly in my ears. Delissa had thrown her head back, she was chortling, her short hair bouncing in time of her cackles. Her witch-like response to the mumbling customer. "Ah, you charmer." She spoke. The sound of a paper package being handed over, "Here is your order, have a good day."
"Oh my," Long-neck said interestedly, "Isn't he a looker." Her long neck twisting alarmingly.
Curious, Jane craned her short neck to take a look. "He is, isn't he?" Her eyes shined up to Long-neck, who was looking at her in agreement. "Quick, Abbi, have a look!"
But as soon as I twisted around in my seat, the sound of the doorbell tingling again was heard and the door shut with quiet thump. I shifted further to look through the window but the man must have gone another route.
Delissa hurried to the table, her heels clicked sharply against the poor floor. "Abbi!" She rushed to my side, clutching my arm, "Did you see him?"
I opened my mouth.
"No, she didn't. But we did!" Long-neck said, speaking for me. She pranced out of her seat to my side, Jane following her lead. They both hurried to me, three pairs of hands clasping my arms.
"Wasn't he just amazing?" Delissa exclaimed.
Jane hurried to answer, "Magnificent! If I were younger, I would have definitely gone up to talk to him." She pounded for a while, "I actually think I might-"
Startled at Jane's reply I questioned, "Was he really that hot?"
Delissa launched forward to speak before Long-neck. "Yes, Abbi. Damn, you really didn't see him? Well he was a fine specimen. Perfect body, perfect hair, perfect face, perfect smile..." She drifted off, her eyes cloudy.
I looked at the two women who were nodding their heads violently at Delissa's words, gazing up at her with wide eyes.
"Well it's a shame I didn't see him in time."
Delissa looked down at me, her eyes were still glazy, "It is. Damn, he was sweet."
"Sweeter than those brownies we are going to make?"
"Magic brownies." Jane corrected me.
A couple of seconds passed, when suddenly, the blue-haired girl reeled back, "The brownies! We need to make them! I have an order to make twenty-four by eleven!"
The yellow and brown clock on the wall showed that it was just past ten and a small gasp left Delissa's lips, and in a flash a pale hand grasped mine and was dragging me into the kitchen.
She sent a hurried wave to the middle-aged pair who had resumed their seats at the table, before lugging me into the bright yellow kitchen.
"Don't forget to leave some of those magic brownies for Jane and me!"
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