Part 12
Your eyes flew wide and within seconds, you discovered the man's perfectly styled dirty-blond hair and a pair of bright blue eyes met yours from across the room. He smiled and raised a hand in greeting before making his way toward you.
"Is that Steve Rogers?" Bucky asked with a tone of admiration in his voice. "Looks like he's headed this way. Are you two close friends?"
"Um..." you hesitated, watching Steve's progress across the room as he continued to shake hands and greet people along the way. "About that. There's something I should probably tell you..."
"What is it?"
You shifted nervously, glancing at the approaching Steve before returning your gaze to Bucky. "Remember how I was seeing someone and broke it off just before I came back into town?" you asked quietly, then hesitating.
"Uh...I guess so, why..." Bucky began, then pausing as the light came on and his eyes grew wide. "You were dating Steve Rogers before me?" he hissed at a whisper.
You nodded slowly. "Yes."
"But he' could you not tell me?" he replied, a look of hurt passing over his features.
"I'm sorry, but at what point do you mention that your last boyfriend was literally a famous movie star? Would you have responded any differently, even back then?" you asked as he chewed on his lip in consideration.
"Maybe not..."
"Look," you began, looping your arms around Bucky's waist and leaning close, "the point is, I chose you. Okay? I broke up with him before I left L.A., not knowing if there was still a chance for us. I hoped, but either way I still chose you even if I wasn't sure you would do the same. I want you. Only you."
Bucky finally met your gaze and took a deep breath, then nodding. "Okay."
You exhaled in relief. "Okay. I love you."
He let out half a smile and pulled you closer. "I love you, too," Bucky declared, then pressing a chaste kiss to your lips before resting his forehead against yours a short moment.
You released your grip on him and turned around just in time to see Steve merely feet away, his million dollar smile on full display. He wore an expertly cut tuxedo over his muscular frame, his hair perfectly quaffed and chiseled jaw clean-shaven. Eyeing the two of you, Steve offered a soft gaze and came to a stop before you.
"Y/N, it's so good to see you," he grinned, leaning forward for a light hug and kiss on the cheek.
"Hi, Steve. It's been a while. Great to see you, too," you replied, then returning your focus to Bucky, who was fidgeting with his tie. "Steve Rogers, this is Bucky Barnes, my boyfriend. Bucky, this is Steve Rogers," you spoke, gesturing between the two men as Steve offered his hand.
"Wow, so this is the infamous Bucky?" Steve asked as Bucky accepted his hand and gave it a shake, the brunet seeming a bit starstruck. "I'm really glad that things worked out for you two. It's nice to finally meet you, Bucky," the blond finished with a nod.
Bucky took a moment to respond, "Um...I,'s really great to meet you, Mr. Rogers. I'm a big fan," he finally replied with a nervous smile.
"Please, just Steve is fine. And I'm a big fan of yours. I hear you were a big influence on Y/N's work. I guess it was all meant to be, then, huh?" he smiled at you with a wink.
Bucky looked your way in confusion, but you just grinned at him and mouthed the words "You'll see".
Steve opened his mouth to speak again, but was interrupted when his name was called by a gorgeous brunette with kind eyes, painted lips, and soft curls just past her shoulder. "Steve, darling, can you come here a moment?" she called out in a posh British accent.
"I'll be right there," he replied to her before turning back to you.
Your eyes flew wide, then speaking in a whisper. "Is that Margaret Carter? You did one of your first films with her, right? I didn't know you were still in touch...wait...Peggy?" you asked with an excited grin as the pieces fell together in your mind.
Steve ducked his head as he nodded slightly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yup. Some things just take a little bit more time, right?" he shrugged.
"I'm really happy for you," you told Steve sincerely, holding his gaze.
"Thank you, Y/N. I'm happy for you, too. It was great to meet you, Bucky. I better get back," he said to you both with a raise of his hand before he walked back to his date.
"Well, that wasn't so bad, was it?" you asked, turning back toward Bucky whose gaze was still off in the distance. "Buck?"
"He was so nice and...normal," Bucky replied, still in awe. "And he knew about me? How?"
You slipped your hand back into his and gave it a squeeze. "I told him the truth about why I wanted to break up before I left town and shared the story of how you and I met. He could tell there was still something there, for me at least, and he even encouraged me to find out if there was a true possibility for us. He really is a good man. Just not the man for me," you ended, brushing a hand across Bucky's stubbled cheek. He grasped it and pressed a kiss to your palm before releasing it.
"I guess I have him to thank, then?" he asked with a shake of his head. "Wow. I met Steve Rogers," he grinned.
Letting out a burst of laughter, you pulled Bucky further into the room and introduced him to a few more people before the doors to the theater opened and everyone filed in to take their seats. You grasped Bucky's hand as the opening credits began to roll. Now it was your turn to be nervous. You had seen some rough cuts and spent a few days on set, but this was the big production. The moment of truth where you found out if all the pieces came together just as you had hoped.
The first scene opened with a girl pulling an empty bag from the closet and stuffing it with clothes in a hurry. The sound of a zipper closing and she's down the stairs, feeling her way toward the door in the dark before she stepped out into the cricket-filled air. Adding the bag to her already packed car, she gave one last look at the dark house before climbing into the driver's seat and starting the engine.
The scene then cut to the car racing down the highway as voiceover was heard of the girl reading a note that is shown left behind on her bed. Her mother would find it in the morning, explaining how she was finally leaving town how she always wanted to and that she just had to chase her dreams. Next the camera panned up from the road, showing steam rising out from underneath the hood of her car which was parked on the dusty shoulder. The girl was spotted sitting on the car's trunk while the sun rose behind her.
As a tow truck appeared on the horizon on screen, you felt Bucky grip your thigh and you glanced his way to see a teary smile upon his face. You felt happy tears threatening as well, pulling Bucky down by his tie for a kiss before you both settled in to watch a fictionalized version of your love story play out on the screen.
You wrote the screenplay almost a year ago and had changed names to protect the innocent, but anyone who was there would know that it was you and Bucky. The two leads were unknowns, their previous works including commercials and supporting roles on tv shows. Thankfully, they had great chemistry and portrayed their characters exceptionally well. Some of those acting as townspeople were more well-known and were able to help draw attention to the film.
Even though parts of the script were cut during editing and different inflection was used for dialogue, it gave you chills to hear not only the words you wrote but the words you also had spoken yourself. It wasn't exact, but close, especially during the fight in the hotel room. You still felt a flash of shame that you had acted so selfishly back then. Bucky slipped an arm around you and pressed a kiss to your temple, bringing a smile to your face.
Apologies were shared at the fictional auto shop and tears were shed, which then lead to the scene you were most anxious about. You had debated whether or not to include the car sex scene, but in the end decided it was crucial to their story arc and an important part of the eventual goodbye. A different type of classic car was used, as you had written, but the scene was emotional and tasteful. It still brought some heat to your face, though, as you conjured memories from that moment years ago.
She was back on the road then, wind whipping through her hair until she decided to pull over to the side and got out of the car. The girl stood in the middle of the abandoned road, looked one direction, and then the other with a look of indecision upon her face. She got back into her car and glanced at the map spread across the passenger's seat before digging through her purse for her phone.
The last shot showed a wide smile upon her face followed by her thumb hovering over the green call button and then the screen went black. Credits began to roll and the sound of applause was heard as you finally came back to the present. You took a deep breath, blinking a few times before you registered that Bucky was speaking to you.
"It''s amazing, doll. Wow. And you said romance wasn't your forte," he grinned, giving you a tight squeeze as much as the theater seats would allow.
Chuckling thickly, you sniffled and met his eye. "Well, I had the right kind of inspiration," you admitted, brushing a finger under your eye to remove any black smudges from your tears. It had been an emotional experience to witness this particular project come to fruition. "Truthfully, I was a little nervous about how you would react to my using our story for a film."
"Really? I admit, I was surprised and I'd be more apprehensive if it was exactly the same, but you tweaked it just enough. I loved it. Brought up wonderful memories of that time," he said with a smile. "So...what happens to the girl?" he asked in a low voice as people continued to mill around and leave the theater.
You shrugged with a smile. "I'm not sure. I left that open to the audience and honestly, I didn't even know when I wrote it."
"You wrote it before we—"
"Yup. I had just finished the script a few weeks before I came back into town. I was actually supposed to be working on a different project, but something kept nudging me to finish the one story that I couldn't leave alone. Inspiration is a fickle thing, so I just let it flow. You were never far from my mind that whole time we were apart," you confessed, placing a hand on Bucky's thigh.
He stood then, pulling you up as well before wrapping his arms around your waist. "I think those two kids can make it," he said knowingly, then pressing a slow, lingering kiss to your lips.
"I hope so," you whispered as you broke apart.
His brow furrowed then. " how did Steve Rogers know I was inspiration for this film?" Bucky inquired.
"Tony mentioned that Steve was sent the script when they were looking for the leads, but casting ultimately decided to go with unknowns, which I'm actually grateful for. He must have seen my name as the writer and connected the dots with what I had told him about you and me," you answered with a shrug.
"Huh," he replied quizzically. "He said he was a fan of mine. I'm not gonna get over that," he declared with stars in his eyes.
You laughed as Bucky led you out the double doors and into the foyer that was packed with people, many of whom were now vying for your attention.
"We don't have to stay, Buck. It's okay," you stated with a soft hand against his chest.
Bucky just shook his head and hugged you tight before releasing you. "This is your night. You deserve recognition. Like you said, it's a celebration. For you," he smiled, joining in the applause that had erupted around you.
You brought a hand up to your face in mild embarrassment, finding yourself the center of attention. Tony came to your side and said he "never doubted you for a minute about the ending", to which you rolled your eyes but thanked him. The two young actors who played the leads said hello to you along with the producers and director. Some time had passed before you looked around to see that Bucky was standing off to the side with a drink in his hand. He gave you a smile and a thumbs up to say that he was okay, so you turned back to the conversation.
Thirty minutes later, you came to Bucky's side and stole a drink from his glass. "I'm ready to go," you declared.
"Are you sure?" he asked. "I overheard that director wanting to talk to you about another future project. That's great, Y/N. You should go for it," he encouraged you.
"Not tonight. I have their contact info and they have mine. The talk can wait. I'm all talked out," you confessed, pulling Bucky into a hug and tucking your head under his chin. "I'm ready to go home."
Bucky rubbed a hand against your back and sighed. "Okay. Let's call the chauffeur guy."
"I already texted him. He'll be here in five," you said with a yawn. The adrenaline had kept you going most of the night, but it now began to dissipate.
"Okay, then," he chuckled.
A few last goodbyes and you two slipped out the back entrance and into the car where you collapsed into your seat. The city lights streaked past through the tinted windows making you drowsy, and in no time, you were awakened by Bucky. He helped you up the walk to your condo and you slipped off your heels first thing, carefully setting them in the box provided by the wardrobe team.
Reaching for the zipper on our dress, you found it difficult to manage so you turned to ask Bucky for help only to see him standing in the dining room near the floor to ceiling windows that looked out over the city. He had his back to you as you approached. Coming to his side, you saw that he had loosened his tie and undone the top buttons of his shirt. You opened your mouth to speak but thought against it upon seeing his faraway expression.
He stood with hands buried in his suit pockets, his gorgeous profile on full display from your vantage point as he began to speak.
"So, this is your life now, huh? Kinda hard to compete," he said with a sad smile, then looking your way.
"No, this," you began, gesturing to the elaborate wardrobes and jewels around your neck, "this is not my normal life. The fancy dresses and parties, that happens maybe twice a year and I'm always glad to get it over with by the end of the night. And there's no competition, Bucky. It's not small town life versus big city life. I don't want you to think that I'm asking you to choose, either. L.A. has offered me wonderful opportunities and connections, but it still doesn't feel like home. Not without you," you said, gathering both of his hands in yours.
Bucky glanced down at your joined hands and replied softly, "So what does it all mean for us? You are so incredibly talented, Y/N. You deserve this life and you fit in here. I could never forgive myself if I became the reason you walked away."
You shook your head firmly. "That's exactly what I'm saying, why does it have to be one or the other? I go months on end where I barely leave the house, so technically, I can work wherever there's WiFi. You have that now, right?" you asked with a coy smile.
He chuckled. "As I recall, it was installed without my knowledge, but yeah. It's there. So,'d stay with me for part of the year?"
You cocked your head with a shrug. "If you'll have me. You'd get to see me in full-immersion-crazy-writer-mode. That'd be fun," you grinned.
Bucky threw his head back in laughter. "I can't wait. And I'll take you any way I can get you. I love you, Y/N," he confessed, using a finger under your chin to tilt your head up.
"I love you, too, Bucky. So much," you replied with a slight crack in your voice, then clearing it. "I know it still seems hard, but we can make it happen. There will be compromises and struggles, but every relationship has those. I know you talked about meeting me half-way, but relationships aren't 50/50. It's about two people who try to give 100% every single day. We choose each other every day without fail. Sometimes one has to be willing to carry a little more of the weight, but as long as we're on the same path headed in the same direction with goals in common, we can do it. Are you with me?" you asked, touching your forehead to his.
He let out a sniffle followed by a chuckle. "God, you're amazing. And once again, very convincing with your fancy words. Yes, I am with you. And for the record, I chose you, too, all those years ago. I didn't know how or when, but I knew it had to be you," he stated, pressing his lips to yours that quickly escalated into a passionate kiss that was headed for more, but you were now hindered by those fancy clothes.
Chest heaving, you pulled away reluctantly. "Okay, so we gotta get out of these designer threads so we can shower off the goop in our hair and feel more human before we can get down and dirty," you proposed with a wiggle of your eyebrows.
He laughed at that and agreed with a nod as he followed you into the living room where you stripped off the expensive clothing and packed it away carefully. You really didn't want to have to pay full price for any of that. Racing up the stairs only in your underthings, Bucky was right behind you heading for the shower.
You woke up chilly the next morning, pulling the sheet around your bare body before noticing that Bucky wasn't in sight. The balcony door was wide open, hence the cool breeze, so you slipped out of bed and donned your terrycloth robe before stepping out into the morning sunlight.
The sight before you nearly took your breath away, stopping you in the balcony doorway. The ocean was quite the view, but more notably, Bucky was clad only in those sweats you loved on him, the material tied low on his hips. His torso was bare and his hair wild, giving you the urge to caress every single inch of him. Not that you hadn't done that already last night.
Glancing back into the room, you spotted evidence of your late night escapades. The down comforter and pillows were strewn about the room along with what little clothing you managed to slip on after a shower. Bucky's guitar case was open revealing the that he had serenaded you with sometime during the night. Once again, he played without a stitch of clothing but this time the song choice was "Rhythm & Blues" by The Head and the Heart, a new favorite of yours. You had practically tackled him after singing that last line of "Won't you let me turn you on".
Snapping back to the present, you turned back toward Bucky and stepped out onto the wooden balcony to wrap your arms around the handsome, muscular man. He broke your grip and pulled you around to face him, wide grin upon his face.
"Good morning, gorgeous," he greeted you with a coffee-flavored kiss. He had a mug in his hand and another resting on the railing for you.
"Mmm. I'd sure call this a good morning," you replied with a light swat to Bucky's shapely behind.
He yelped slightly at that, then setting down his mug to retaliate by tickling your sides. You finally cried "uncle" and he released you. Stepping up to the railing, you grasped the mug in both hands while Bucky embraced you from behind. You both stood in comfortable silence for a moment.
"I wouldn't mind seeing this view more often. With you," Bucky said with a tone of finality.
Your heart leapt in your throat, hoping that it meant what you thought it did. While you had promised you could work from his home, you had hoped he would be willing to visit you out here more often.
"Yeah?" you replied casually. "Like how often?"
"As often as possible. Every few months, at least," he stated, then allowing you to turn inside his arms to face him so you could see he was serious.
A wide grin spread across your face. "I'll take it. 100%?" you asked.
"You and me. 100%," he replied, sealing the deal with a kiss in the early California sunlight.
Epilogue coming soon....
Whoo, boy, you guys. It was a little odd writing Steve and Bucky meeting. Even as an AU. haha. :D Hope you like their interaction, though! I really thought this would be the end, but surprise! An epilogue is coming. I do love a good epilogue. Hope you do, too! And I also hope you like this part! Please let me know your thoughts!! All feedback is welcome. I love you guys.
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