Epilogue (End)
Two Years Later
Cruising down the small town's Main Street, you turned the steering wheel sharply and pulled into the auto shop's dusty lot before parking the '67 Chevy Impala out front. You jumped out of the driver's seat and headed straight for the main office, throwing the door open roughly before entering.
"Hey, DumDum. Where is he?" you asked, never slowing a step.
"Afternoon, Y/N," the mustachioed man replied, answering your question by hooking his thumb toward the garage.
Stepping into the cavernous garage, you searched for the long-haired brunet but grew impatient. "James Buchanan Barnes!" you shouted into the echoing space, then seeing a head pop up in between cars.
Bucky started to walk your way, wide smile upon his face as he wiped greasy hands on a rag. "Hey, doll. You look...amazing. Wow. What're you...wait..." he paused, face dropping when he saw your less-than-pleased expression, "what time is it?"
"45 minutes past the time when we should've been on the road, Buck," you answered him, arms crossed over your chest.
"Oh, man...I'm sorry, babe. I just got caught up and..."
"I know," you said with a resigned sigh. "It's fine, but you've gotta get cleaned up so we can go, alright?"
"Okay," he agreed, giving that sweet smile of his that got him out of just about anything these days. "You really do look incredible, though. Gonna be hard to keep my hands off you..."
"Don't you touch me with those greasy hands!" you warned him with a pointed finger, backing away.
Bucky smirked then, still approaching slowly. "What? I thought you liked me all sweaty and greasy."
You squealed then, dodging away from his outstretched hands. "Don't you dare! We can get plenty sweaty later, but right now I need you showered and dressed ASAP, you hear me?" you said as both a promise and a threat.
He straightened up with hands in surrender. "Alright, I'll get going. Can I have a kiss first?" he asked when he was only a few inches away.
You relented, ensuring that Bucky's hands were clasped tightly behind his back before offering a lingering kiss that under different circumstances would have definitely become more. He pecked one last kiss to your lips and then stepped back with a grin.
"You gonna be alright finishing up there, Pete?" Bucky asked, calling out into the space behind him.
To your surprise, Peter popped up from in between the cars where Bucky had been moments before. He was nearly 18, taller and even more of a string bean than he had been when you first met him. You suspected he would fill out his features in the next few years, though.
"Sure thing, Buck. Thanks for the help," Peter replied with ears tinged pink. You weren't sure if that was from what he overheard or if that was just his natural reaction to you ever since that first encounter years ago. "Hey, Mrs. Barnes."
"Hi, Peter," you replied with a smile. He always addressed you formally, even though you'd told him multiple times that he could call you by your first name. It was always Mrs. Barnes or Ma'am, but you preferred the former. You turned back to Bucky, who had gathered the last of his things and was ready to go. "Do you want to take the truck back?"
"Nah, I'll just ride with you," he replied as he followed you out through the office. You both said your goodbyes to Peter and DumDum before climbing back into the Impala with you behind the wheel.
Half an hour later, you were back on the road. Bucky looked dapper in his suit and dress shirt with no tie, damp hair brushing his shoulders as he turned the Impala onto the highway. He rested a hand on your knee as he drove with his left while evening sunlight filtered through the back window.
You loved these quiet moments with just you and he and the open road. Most of your trips home had been by airplane for the sake of time, but the two of you had made the drive from L.A. last week just because you could. It might be the last road trip for a little while.
The two years since Bucky's first trip out west had been a whirlwind of travel mixed with periods of calm. You both kept your promises to put each other first with fierce determination to make it work. There were squabbles here and there with the occasional disagreement, but neither of you could spend more than an hour being upset with the other. It wasn't easy, but it was worth it.
Bucky stayed that first visit for ten days before returning home, but plans were made for you to spend a month with him within the following weeks. At first it all involved a lot of scheduling and compromises. However, eventually you were able to condense all your meetings and collaborative projects that required you to be in L.A. instead of them being spread out and disruptive to your time together. As much as you enjoyed your work and loved your adoptive home, the eternal Summer of Southern California lost it's charms after being without the man you loved for long periods of time.
In the end, you worked things out so you were in L.A. for three months and then spent the next three with Bucky and so on with rare weekend trips in between. That first year passed by and you fell into a rhythm of quiet small town life mixed with spurts of Hollywood glamour, which Bucky became more used to and now enjoyed in limited amounts. There was a change in your routine shortly after, however.
You had just left a collaborative writing session and reached your car when you got an unexpected call from Bucky. He was flying in that night out of the blue, which surprised you since he was supposed to visit for two weeks the following month. Bucky was vague about his reasoning at the time, only stating that he had a meeting of some sort, but promised he would share more when he had something "solid".
Picking him up from the airport, you embraced him enthusiastically while displaying quite the public affection which made innocent bystanders blush. You pestered him on the drive home about this mysterious meeting, but he remained steadfast to keep mum. It drove you crazy, but he only said that it could be a "really great thing for us".
Bucky left the next morning for his appointment as you struggled to recover from sleep lost the night before. The benefit of being apart for quite some time was the truth of the phrase "Absence makes the heart grow fonder", along with other parts of your anatomy.
Bucky returned a few hours later with the widest smile on his handsome face. He swept you off your feet and twirled you around the kitchen, making you giggle in surprise.
"I got it!"
"Got what?" you asked breathlessly as he set you back on your feet.
"I got the job," Bucky declared, triumphant smile upon his face.
You froze in place, shock evident in your features. "What?"
He led you by the hand into the living room and settled on the couch with you beside him before speaking. "I just had an interview at the local community college and they offered me the position of auto shop teacher. There's some certification I have to finish, but hopefully I start in three weeks!" he told you, excited.
"I...what? A teacher? You never mentioned that you wanted to teach," you sputtered, still letting your mind catch up with this new information.
"I didn't really know I wanted to, but the past few years of showing Pete the ropes and DumDum as well, it just kind of sparked something in me. I like seeing the light come on when someone understands how everything is connected in an engine and when they learn to apply that newfound knowledge. I might not have personally chosen to be a mechanic in the beginning, but over time I've grown to love it. Plus, it's a valuable skill to have. I'll be able to teach kids who might not have the best opportunities in life, but should still be able to make their way in the world with a little schooling. Future grease monkeys of America," he joked. "So? What do you think?" he asked, awaiting your reaction.
"I'm...wow. I'm so happy for you, Bucky. You'll be an amazing teacher," you replied, brushing a hand across his stubbled cheek. "And you're sure this is what you want? Living here in L.A., full time? Because I don't want you doing this just for my benefit, I mean, I could never ask..."
"I know," he interrupted. "You would never ask me to make the move, but this is my choice. I've seen how stretched thin you are at times with work and travel, although you've never complained and I love you for that. I want to do this for us and I think I can really be happy here, having you full time and also having a purpose. Plus, it does give us the option of going home for a while when the school year ends. It's possible I could choose to teach Summer semester as well, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it."
You let that information digest, feeling a little guilty that he had noticed your stress when you thought it was well hidden from him. You hadn't wanted to worry him. "And the shop? You'll be alright being away that much?" you asked, wanting to make sure he was positive about this change.
"The shop is in good hands. DumDum has a handle on the business side, along with repairs and another buddy of mine, Gabe, he just moved to town and has been helping out. I don't think you've met him yet, but having another set of hands helped me make the decision to start the job search. I think this is it, Y/N. This is the solution. Are you ready for me full time?" he inquired, expectantly.
A smile stretched upon your face as the pieces fell together and you launched yourself into his arms with a squeal. "Yes, yes, yes!! I am so ready for you. I can't believe you did this for me. I love you," you said with tears threatening, grasping his face in your hands.
"Of course I did it. You've been so patient and understanding. It was time. I love you so much," he reciprocated, capturing your lips in a passionate, breath-taking kiss.
After Bucky's move west and the initial growing pains of living together full-time were settled, you fell into a happy routine. Bucky came home around the same time every evening and you even disciplined yourself to write during the day so you could take advantage of your time together. Your Malibu condo felt even more like a home with Bucky in it and you didn't think you could possibly feel more happy.
Six months after Bucky moved in, you spent a weekend getaway in Northern California at a gorgeous Bed & Breakfast overlooking a vineyard. It was nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, but also to not have the family obligations of being back in your hometowns. You loved your family. Really. You both desperately needed a true vacation alone, though.
Taking a walk one evening as the sun set over the neat rows of grape vines, Bucky slowly strolled beside you with his fingers tangled loosely with yours. His fingertips were still stained black from working on cars and probably would be for life, but it had become one of the things you loved about him. He worked so hard and his hands showed the evidence of that. You gave him a squeeze to gain his attention.
"Penny for your thoughts?" you asked as he met your eyes. "You've been quiet since dinner."
He shrugged with a hand in his pocket. "Just thinking. It's been almost two years that we've been together, hasn't it? Two years since you came back into my life," he said with a smile.
You looked off into the distance a short moment. "Yeah. I think you're right. Next week, I believe."
Oddly enough, you weren't one to dwell on specific dates to celebrate your relationship. You spent every day feeling so incredibly lucky to be with the man you love. Honestly, you were a little surprised that Bucky was the one to think about how long you had been together.
"It's been an amazing two years."
"I agree," you replied as you climbed the steps leading up to the quaint B&B you were staying in. Reaching the top step, Bucky lingered on the wide front porch with you beside him. "Best two years of my life," you declared with a grin before pulling him close by the front of his shirt for a kiss.
He stepped back then, grasping your hands in his as he took a deep breath. "Y/N....I don't know how I got so lucky. I really don't. I don't know if it was destiny or chance or maybe it really was just sheer luck....but all I know is that I'm so grateful to be with you. I am more in love with you than ever and I have no intention of ever letting you go," he said, dropping down to one knee on those last few words.
A hand flew to your lips as a gasp escaped you, tears already threatening to spill.
"Y/N (Y/L/N)....will you do me the honor of marrying me?" he asked, producing a square velvet box and opening it for you to see the ring inside.
"YES!! Yes, of course I'll marry you!" you exclaimed as you tackled him in a hug, nearly toppling him while still on his knee. Bucky stood up then, plucking the ring from the box, and grasping your left hand in his. "It's gorgeous, Bucky. I love it," you whispered as he slipped the ring on your finger.
"It was my grandmother's. I knew you would appreciate it," he grinned, raising your hand up to brush his lips over your knuckles.
"It's just perfect. I love you, Bucky Barnes," you said as happy tears streaked down your face.
"I love you, too. More than I ever though possible," he replied, leaning down for a lingering kiss as the stars began to twinkle in the darkening sky.
After proper celebrations that night, you spent the next morning sharing the news with both sides of the family and close friends. Everyone was ecstatic and not the least bit surprised. Your whole family loved Bucky and his family loved you. They were all spread out geographically, however, which meant plans for the wedding would be interesting. Making everyone happy as far as location and agreeing on the number of guests, etc., would be nearly impossible.
The whole drive back to L.A, you talked it over without finding a real solution. L.A. was out of the question because you couldn't ask both families to travel your way. It was too much, even though it was now your home. Selecting either of your hometowns would cause problems as well with a four hour drive either way. Someone would be upset and there wasn't really a location in between to make both happy.
After three days of discussion, you came to the only conclusion that made you and Bucky happy without losing your minds and only a few people mildly upset.
You eloped.
It took a few days to get the proper paperwork, but in the end you put on the new dress you bought for the occasion and arrived at the courthouse for your scheduled ceremony. Bucky arrived separately wearing a new suit and looking handsome as ever with his hair tied back just like that memorable movie premiere on his first visit.
You felt flutters of excitement as he entered the room with Tony following behind. Pepper stood beside you as your impromptu Maid of Honor and the couple would serve as your witnesses. You thought about inviting a few close friends who lived in town, but decided to keep it as small and intimate as possible.
Smile growing to almost a painful degree, you watched Bucky cross the room toward you until he reached your side and took your hand in his.
"Is the couple ready?" the officiant asked.
"Yes," you answered confidently. "We're ready."
Bucky leaned toward you then, speaking in a whisper. "Are you sure about this, doll? You don't want the big ceremony at the church with the fancy white dress?"
You shook your head with a smile. "Nope. I've got all I need right here. You and me. That's all that matters," you nodded.
"Well, let's do this then. We've got a honeymoon suite to get to," Bucky replied with a wink.
Slugging his arm, you then pulled Bucky down by his tie and pecked a kiss on his lips, to Tony's displeasure.
"Hey, hey! All that kissy stuff has to wait until after the ceremony, alright? There's an order to these things. Or so I'm told," your agent said, waving a hand to separate the two of you.
You rolled your eyes, but obeyed and stepped away a foot with only your hands in contact. The ceremony was short with each of you using your own written vows that made you both cry. Once "I Do's" and rings were exchanged, the officiant spoke the words "man and wife" and Bucky pulled you close, bending you backward for a deep and passionate kiss that most definitely involved tongue.
"Ew, okay, can you at least wait until we leave the room before you consummate the marriage right here on the premises?" Tony asked in jest, which made you both laugh as Bucky brought you up to standing and held you close.
"Dinner out before we leave for the honeymoon, Mrs. Barnes?" Bucky asked you with a glint of mischief in his eye.
You thought for a moment and then leaned close. "I was thinking more like dinner in. Room service, Mr. Barnes?" you replied with a wink.
Bucky then swept you off your feet, suitably in a bridal carry, which caused you to yelp in surprise. He carried you out of the room, managed to exit the building still holding you, and then reluctantly set you down only to open the passenger's door so you could slip into the Impala. Tin cans on strings were tied to the bumper behind the car as Bucky pulled out into traffic. Soap letters on the back window spelled out "Just Married" as you drove off to spend your first evening as husband and wife.
The Impala's headlights lit up green and white on the freeway sign indicating that you were 10 miles from your hometown, your destination for the night. Four months of marriage under your belt and you had one more reception in your honor to attend. You had waited until school was out before heading home for a few weeks.
Understandable so, your mother was disappointed and a little hurt that she hadn't been at the ceremony when you were married. However, when you explained the circumstances that there was no way to please everyone, she calmed down slightly. Especially when you told her she could plan the home reception however she wanted to, within reason, and that she didn't have to pay a dime. You offered a budget and stayed in contact about certain details, but otherwise it was up to your mother.
A reception in both towns was the compromise to make everyone happy after your initial elopement. Two days previous, you'd had a rambunctious reception in Bucky's town at a seldom-used dancing hall just outside of town. The diner catered and the whole town was invited. It turned into an all-night party until you eventually fell asleep in a chair, the party dying down as Bucky coaxed you into the car to head home.
Now you were about to find out what your mother had chosen to do for your second reception. Five more miles to go now. Bucky grasped your thigh when he noticed you taking a deep breath.
"You ready for this?" he asked, turning on his blinker to exit before pausing at the only stop light in town.
"Yeah," you breathed out in a sigh. "Just a little tired."
"How's she doing today?" he asked, placing his hand on your barely swelling belly that was well-hidden in your carefully chosen dress.
"You're still so sure it's a girl?" you asked with a smile, placing your hand over his.
He shrugged, retrieving his hand to drive into the parking lot. "I'd love a little boy, too, but it's just a feeling."
"Well, he or she will be beautiful and perfect. I just hope my mom doesn't pick up on it just yet. If she knows, then the whole town knows. I like that it's still just our little secret," you confessed, holding Bucky's hand in yours as the Impala came to a stop. It was still a little early to tell everyone, but Bucky knew the second he walked through the door that evening after the strip turned pink. The pregnancy was a surprise, but happily received by you both.
"Me, too," Bucky replied. "Although I kind of want to shout it from the rooftops. I'm gonna be a daddy!" he cried out within the confines of the car, wide smile upon his face.
"Shh! I know. Soon, handsome. We've got a party to attend first," you told him as he nodded and opened the driver's side door before coming around to open yours.
Hand held tightly in your husband's, you took a deep breath before stepping into the large white tent where you were met with whooping applause.
"Presenting Mr. and Mrs. James Barnes!" a loud voice announced over a microphone as people approached in congratulations.
Back in the small town where it all began, you felt like you were coming home again. But then again, wherever you were with Bucky, it always felt like home.
The End
Whew! And there it is! The end for Mechanic!Bucky. What did you think of their long-distance relationship and how they compromised in the end? Did you ever envision Bucky as a teacher? I think he'd be amazing. He finally made the decision to move to L.A. all on his own, years after her spontaneous invitation that pivotal weekend. It all comes full circle. I have so loved writing this series and I can't thank you all enough for the love and support you've shown me. I appreciate you more than words can say. Thank you. As always, any feedback is appreciated. I love to hear from you.
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