Chapter 65 - What Happened?
Chapter 65 - What Happened?
"Candor is still demanding she be interrogated as soon as she is fluently speaking again. They are constantly checking in with the hospital." Josh says to me as I stand across from him over his desk. My dog is sitting at my feet, tall enough to have his nose on the desk, sniffing whatever he can reach.
"They set a date exactly three weeks from today. They want her in Candor, no matter what state. The probably figure no matter what, if she's weaker, there's more of a chance the serum will be able to override her divergence."
"Three weeks?!"
"I know, it's selfish and illogical."
I sigh, now having that issue to suffer with."
"What's going on with the IB?" I ask. "Is there any information on that place, New Zonk?"
"New York?" Josh chuckles. "No, we haven't found anything. Rumor has it that the city attacked itself and everyone died, but who knows. No one ever ventured there and came back to tell about it."
"What are they looking to interrogate Tris on?"
"Whatever she knows from the building. You weren't there for the others, but the did everyone that was rescued. It's quite shocking they didn't demand you all who stormed the building to be interrogated too, at least, not yet."
"I question what she even knows from the building. The doctors say she most likely has memory loss somewhere, but it's not like anyone is trying to start conversation about the building where she was almost killed."
"The interrogation will go as terrible as the rest of them, I assume. They are so unnecessary. All they did was awaken the PTSD alive in everyone, and they gained no information, for the people said those things without the truth serum."
I'm silent.
"One thing the IB did successfully look into was the theory that there was more than one person working with David. Chances are likely there might have been two men David was comfortable with that suddenly died ten months before the first file we tracked on their computer service. And to make the theory even more interesting, the one man was originated from areas outside of New York. His name was Derrick."
"The only body we found in that building was David's, and the other guys that have already been identified." I feel my face flush.
"So, you mean, David's legacy might still be out there somewhere." I run my hand through my hair.
"It's surely a possibility. It's just a thought to have out there."
"I just don't get it." I say, irritated. "How the hell does Candor expect Tris to be well enough to go through a trial in three weeks. She just got out of the basically mentally insane section of the hospital three weeks ago, and is just starting to more talk this week."
"I wish there was more I could do, Four." He sympathetically smiles at me.
+ + +
"I'll get you a wheelchair... Why don't you three go for a walk? It's getting warmer outside." Dr. Scott says.
It's been two weeks since I met with Josh, and Tris's trial is next week. The whole city knows about it, except that information will not make it into this hospital room as long as I'm breathing.
It's just a huge drama standpoint. Everyone thinks that since Tris has been so sheltered compared to the rest of the rescued people, she has some kind of different information that she will reveal.
My accurate bet is that the Candor will flip shit when they put her up on their little pedestal and she can't speak through stress and fear.
Dr. Scott has talked to me about it, and she said she did everything she could do make them bump it further, but three weeks was as far as she could push it.
Truth of the matter is, the day after the trial, Tris has to get surgery on her leg done again. A couple of the stitches didn't hold, a common failure when stitching injured muscle to injured muscle, and it will be an opportunity to give her fresh stitches and a new cast. In other words, her leg isn't healing like it should, and if it keeps healing like this, she'll never be able to walk right ever again.
I've been bringing Indy with me every time I come. He loves getting to see Tris, along with the change of scenery again and again, and Tris loves the change of getting to see Indy, and hopefully, myself as well.
It's just a change for her, going from seeing face to face of different nurses and doctors, to seeing this fluffy, medium sized, friendly bear in her room.
Dr. Scott returns a few minutes later with a wheelchair, and she un-clips Tris's IV from her arm, stating that she'll be alright without it for a little while.
I had talked to Marie about getting Tris use to moving around in a wheelchair, for there's no way she'll be on crutches before a week from now.
I just hope this isn't too overwhelming for Tris all at once. She's in a strange chair with wheels, leaving this hospital room for the first time in probably close to three months, and she's not totally okay with new things yet.
I stand up next to her bed, and just by the look she gives me I can tell she's perturbed and fearful as what's to come.
"Don't worry," I stroke her hair away from her face, "We're going to go outside. Indy is going to come too. It will be fun. I just have to move you to the wheelchair so you can come. Is that alright?"
She shakes her head no harshly, gripping the bed and almost beginning to shake.
"Oh, no. Tris. It's alright. We don't have to go. Shh, Tris. Calm down."
But I'm too late.
She screams at the top of her lungs, burying her face into the pillow on her hospital bed. Indy whines from across the room, not understanding what's happening.
I look over at Indy, and I can tell by his mannerisms he is about to bark.
"Indy, no." I say sternly.
I don't know where Dr. Scott went in this time, but she rushed to get someone the second Tris began to freak.
In the time I dedicated to shushing Indy, the current mindset of Tris took her opportunity.
She slipped off of the side of the bed, screeching as she landed on her cast.
I can't stop myself from yelling to her, although I'm sure it did nothing to help my case of keeping her calm.
Tris scooted under the bed against the back of the wall, half sitting, half laying under the bed.
We had to move her to just a mattress on the ground. She just kept hiding under the bed and hurting herself when she fell. It's pretty common for people in the MIU to have this common issue.
Indy sticks his head under the bed, lightly licking her one trembling hand in his reach.
Impulsively, Tris punches his nose away with much force, and I hear her hit him.
He jumps back, but then does something I've never seen him do before.
He deeply growls, arching his back and peering under the bed.
I bet he doesn't realize that's her under the bed. Her scent is there, but nothing else of her actually is to him.
I jump to my feet and run around to the other side of the bed, just as she snaps his jaws under the bed.
I pick him off the floor by his collar and slap him across the face, snapping him out of whatever phase he decided to get in. He whines, and my heart is racing with both guilt and irritation, but mainly stress. I put him into the small bathroom attached to the hospital room and close the door.
I feel hot tears form in my eyes.
Tobias. You can't fall apart while everything falls apart around you.
I get down on the ground next to Tris who is under the bed, trembling and shrieking.
"Shh. It's okay. I'm sorry Tris. This is all my fault. You're okay. I won't let anyone hurt you. Don't cry Tris," a tear slips from my eye. "Don't cry." I say again, quieter.
Just then, Dr. Scott comes in with Dr. Norton from the MIU, along with another doctor I don't know.
I hear Indy's toenails click on the door and him whine oh so quietly.
My heart is aching.
"She fell on her leg when she got off the bed." I say.
"Oh gosh. Come on, Tris."
The doctor guy I don't know speaks. "If she keeps doing this, the only way to stop it is not letting her do it. Get her out from under there."
"No." Dr. Norton says. "She's obviously scarred from something that pulled her out from under things, so why would you do that to her when she's safe."
"Gentlemen!" Dr. Scott raises her voice. "Argue in the hall." They leave.
"She's bleeding." She comments very quietly, examining the cast where a dark red color is seeping through the layers of white fabric. "Looks like this surgery is getting brought up a week." She sighs.
"Four, I need your help." She says. "You're not going to like it. I need her in that wheelchair, now. She's bleeding, badly. I'm calling the OR. She needs this to be fixed, and now." She takes a radio out and starts talking.
I find the remote that raises the bed up and down, and I press the button to raise up the bed as high as it can go.
Just then, Tris rolls over to her side and vomits on the ground.
I feel ashamed for taking the opportunity to quickly grab her and slide her gently across the tile floor and within my reach.
She screams louder than before, and I hear Indy howling in the bathroom.
Is it a bad time to mentally apologize to everyone else in this section of the hospital?
She scrambles to try and grab something to pull herself back under the bed, but I already have her in my arms.
If it wasn't for the situation, I would have laughed when I got her in my arms and she started weakly punching me in the chest, clearly fighting for her life.
Her eyes are shut tightly, and it's as is she's trapped in her own nightmare.
Suddenly, she grabs my shirt, and clearly realizes it's me. Sobbing, she shoves her face in my chest, gripping the fabric I my shirt in her shaking hands.
"We have to go, now." Dr. Scott stresses again.
I put her down in the wheelchair that has her left leg straight out, and somehow, her hands un-pry themselves from my shirt. Dr. Scott wheels her down the hall as she shakes and screams.
I think about the night she has ahead of her now; all beginning with that spray to knock her out moments from now.
As if on cue, I cringe the screaming gets significantly louder for thirty seconds, and then stops completely.
Indy is now quiet, along with what seems like the rest of the hospital.
I sigh.
The tears are unstoppable as they go down my face and I stand in the middle of her hospital room that has clearly gone to hell with the rest of us.
Things were getting better.
What happened?
Shit. This was suppose to be a happy chapter.
I wrote this from 1:30 -> 2:30 this morning in my time zone so feel free to enjoy all of my grammar and spelling mistakes. [and it's just under 2000 words which is a lot for me lately so damn I need to go to sleep]
78.7k reads!!
Thanks for reading!
Don't forget to...
Be brave because I <4 you all so so much!
{i feel like this ending to my author's notes is getting cringy it may change slightly in the near future}
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