"You look beautiful," said Roman as he looked at his wife dressed in a beautiful white gown, her blonde hair was pulled up into a tight bun with a veil surrounding it, her hoop earrings setting off her beauty, her bracelets clanging together.
"Thank-you," she said with a smile.
"Are you sure this is going to work? What if he doesn't fall for our trap?" She asked as Roman massaged her shoulders.
"There is no doubt in my mind that he won't fall for our trap, Melissa. He believes he is marrying you in place of Michelle. He will meet you in the wooded area he was instructed. There will be a minister there to marry you but just as the service begins my crew and I will jump out to attack Seth."
"And what if he has his crew?"
"I have defeated his crew before, I will defeat his crew again," he said.
"Roman," she said facing him, placing her hands on his firm chest.
"I don't feel good about this. Please reconsider," she begs.
"We need to take care of Seth now before it's too late and once he is taken care of we can begin our voyage back to Jamaica where we can live freely and raise our child Melissa but seeing you in that wedding dress makes me want to marry you all over again, take you as my wife in better circumstances when I truly love you," he said,
"I want to do this properly." He said getting down onto one knee in front of her and taking her hand into his.
"Melissa, I married you out of selfish ambition but it was never true love until I truly fell in love with you. You have changed my entire life you make me want to be a better man; you have made me see there is good in the world instead of just evil. You're the mother of my child and you're the love of my life. I want to live the rest of my life calling you mine and you calling me yours. You stole my heart and changed my black soul into white. Will you marry me, Melissa?"
Tears flowed from Melissa's eyes as she looked at the man she loved declaring his love to her, baring his soul to her and asking her to marry him truly this time.
She had not only changed him but he had changed her.
He changed her into a strong, courageous woman, he taught her how to read and taught her how to survive but he taught her how to love and showed her that true love exists outside of fairy tales.
She nodded her head and said.
"Yes, Roman, I will marry you."
He smiled at her and pulled a ring out of his pocket.
The ring was made of rubies and diamonds.
He slid the ring onto her finger and kissed it before he stood up taking her into his arms and kissing her passionately causing her to melt in his arms.
"When we get back to Jamaica and after the baby is born you and I will marry truly this time."
"I like that," she said with a smile looking into his grey eyes.
"I love you."
He kissed her lips softly before handing her a dagger.
"You wouldn't want to forget this," he said with a smile as she took it from his hand.
"You're right, I never know when I will need it," she said with a smile before sticking it into her boot.
"I guess it's time to do this," she said.
"Yes," he said,
"It's time."
Melissa stood in the wooded area she instructed Seth to meet her.
She stood nervously.
Melissa looked around biting on her lip. It was quiet and a small stream in the distance was heard as the water flowed.
A rumble in the bushes and Seth appeared in front of her. As soon as he caught glimpse of his bride he let out a laugh and said,
"I knew you would be mine someday. I knew you would be my wife," he was pleased.
"You look almost as beautiful as your sister, Melissa."
"Thank-you," she said nervously.
"Let's get married," he said taking her hand into his,
"The sooner we are married the sooner we can leave Spain."
She nodded as he held her hand. They made their way to the minister and just as they had reached the minister Roman and his crew popped out to attack Seth.
Melissa escaped from Seth's grip and ran to hide behind a tree until it was over.
A yell more so a tribal yell sounded out in the air.
Melissa knew that it was Seth calling for his men to come to his aide. Melissa watched in the distance as Seth's men ran to his aide immediately attacking Roman's crew.
The sound of swords clanking together echoed in the air, the cries of men falling filled the air.
Melissa watched as Seth ran off and Roman followed in pursuit.
She wanted to follow but she stayed hidden until Roman's men took out Seth's crew.
One by one she watched them fall at the hands of Roman's men as some of Roman's men fell at the hands of Seth's crew.
Melissa escaped into the brushes and found her way to Roman and Seth.
She stayed hidden as they battled it out by the flowing stream. She watched as Roman and Seth battled it out with their swords.
"I'll be rid of you," cried out Roman.
"You made my life hell, you're going to pay for what you've done to me."
"You took my wife from me and when I am done with you your wife will be mine forever! Michelle and I were happy until you came along and took her to your bed. You destroyed my wife. We were happy. I loved her but you couldn't leave her alone because you're a selfish bastard. I will get revenge on you for taking my wife!" he said.
"You will die at my hands."
"I don't think so," fought Roman.
"You're going to die at my hands. I'll be rid of you in a moment's time," he said as their swords clanged together.
They sword fought intensely, sparks were flying from their swords as they hit.
If Roman went low, Seth went low, if one went high the other went high. They gritted their teeth at one another and fought. Roman stumbled on a rock losing his footing and giving Seth the opportunity he had been waiting for.
The edge of Seth's sword almost pierced Roman's side. Roman fell to the ground.
Melissa knew she needed to help him. She needed to protect him.
She pulled the dagger out of her boot and as Seth had his back turned she quietly stepped out of the bushes. Roman caught her in his vision but didn't alert Seth that she was there.
Melissa snuck up behind Seth and pierced his lower back with the dagger.
"What are you doing?" yelled Seth as he turned to face her, startled and surprised it was a woman that had stabbed him.
Melissa never answered before she pierced his side with the dagger causing an agonizing cry.
And for good measure as Seth had bent over to cover his side Roman got back up, took the dagger from Melissa to Seth's throat and slid it across as the blood splattered out and Seth fell to the ground dying instantly in front of them.
Roman kicked his lifeless body into the stream.
He looked at her with his grey eyes. He was staring as he reached to touch her face with his hand. He gave her a smile.
"You're so beautiful," he said as he stroked her cheek.
"I never seen a more beautiful woman," he praised her
"You're my world, Melissa," he said,
"Everything I dreamed of that I thought would never come true. Thank you for saving me."
She leaned into his touch cupping his hand with hers. She kissed the palm of his hand.
"The baby is coming, I love you, Roman," she said.
"I love you so much" she said as she leaned down and kissed his lips softly.
"I love you," she said.
"Roman, the baby is coming now it hurts."
"Dean, the baby is coming. We need to deliver the baby," Roman said.
Dean nodded his head and cleaned his hands in the stream while Roman helped Melissa get comfortable.
Melissa held Roman's hand as she lay in the dirt as Dean removed her boots followed by her under garments.
She opened her legs and Dean said,
"The baby is right there."
"I know," she winced in pain.
"It's coming, the baby is coming," she said as she held onto Roman's hand.
He sat next to her, to comfort her as she birthed their first child.
"Melissa," said Dean.
"I need you to push."
Melissa cried out as she pushed squeezing Roman's hand.
She stopped.
"Good," he said,
"I need you to push again."
She let out another cry as she pushed harder. She felt the burning sensation between her legs and cried out in pain as Roman rubbed her back gently while whispering in her that he was proud of her and he loved her so much.
"Keep pushing," he said,
"You're doing good, the head is there. Give me another push."
She let out another push harder than before and the baby's head appeared in Dean's hand.
"The head is out," he said,
"Give me another push."
She nodded before pushing again and this time through the push their baby came out into Dean's hands.
The cries of their tiny infant filled the air and Melissa let out a cry of relief.
"It's a boy!" he said proudly.
She looked at Roman he had the biggest smile ever. Melissa smiled and said.
"You are a father."
"We have a son, Roman," she said looking at him with a smile he just smiled back.
"We have a son!" she said again. Roman cleaned him off and wrapped him in his shirt before handing him to Melissa with a smile.
"Our son," he said while Dean stepped away giving them time to be alone with their baby.
"He is so beautiful," said Melissa with a smile of pride.
"He is so beautiful," she said again.
He had a head full of raven black hair, his father's full lips and his father's nose.
He was Roman in the baby form. They were so proud of their son.
She kissed his chubby cheek as he let out a little groan making her smile.
"Roman, do you want to hold our son?" He nodded and took their newborn son into his arms proudly. He kissed his sons forehead
"Hey, I'm your father," he said with a smile.
"Don't you forget it," he said.
"I will always be there for you and your mama. I love you," he said looking down at his son before kissing his cheek softly.
"Roman?" he said
"Roman," she said with a smile as she held their son.
"I couldn't think of a much better name for our son than that of his father's," she said
"Roman, thank-you," she said with a soft smile.
"I love you."
"Thank-you, I love you" he said with a smile.
Melissa held her baby tight as they lie together looking at baby boy. She kissed his lips softly.
They boarded their ship to travel back to Jamaica.
Melissa boarded the ship with her tiny newborn son in her arms, Roman beside her. She kissed their son's forehead and kissed Roman softly before she walked to their cabin to feed him.
The sun was rising in the sky, a new beginning, a new life for Roman, Melissa and Baby Roman.
And Roman kept his promise they married again and were more in love then ever.
"Papa! Papa!" shouted a little boy running toward Roman with shoulder length curly raven black hair with a smile on his face.
"Papa!" he said running into Roman's arms as he scooped him up.
The little boy giggled and laughed as his papa held him. He was around the age of three. He had the blue eyes of his mother but every other image was that of his father's; his full lips, his olive complexion, his nose everything but his eyes were Melissa's.
"You found me," said Roman with a smile as he kissed his son's head.
"I found you," said the little boy with a smile.
"We play, Papa?"
"Of course," said Roman with a smile as he put his son down on his feet and cleaned up what he had been working on.
"What do you think?" Roman asked his son to look at the picture he had been painting.
Since Roman had given up his pirate life he focused on drawing, painting and selling his artwork for coin along with selling his goods of tobacco and cotton to the Europeans.
He closed down his pub and turned it into a playroom for his son and his work room.
"What is it Papa?"
"You don't know what that is?" asked Roman with a smile as he looked at the picture he had painted in front of him and his son.
"I know!" he said,
"That's mama, that's you, that's me and that's Giselle," he pointed out his family standing by the sea as the sunset in the background.
"That's right, Son," he said with a smile.
"What do you think? Do you think I should hang this picture up in the sitting room?"
"Yes Papa!" he said with a smile.
"Roman!" called out the voice of his beautiful wife Melissa.
"Roman! Where are you?" She called out for their son as she walked through the fields searching for her three year old son holding their year old daughter in her arms.
"I think your mama is looking for you," said Roman looking down at his son.
"He is with me, Melissa," said Roman with a smile as he saw his wife appear.
He married her again when she was 9 and 10 and now she was 3 and 20.
She grew more beautiful in the last three years, when she birthed their son she changed in her looks, more beautiful, more mature but she was still possessed the rarest beauty Roman had ever seen in his entire life.
She was even more beautiful now that she was increasing with their third child.
Their daughter was born two years after their son Giselle made her way into the world and she was the spitting image of her mother, the rarest beauty Roman had ever seen on a child.
Her blonde hair wavy and curling at the ends as it fell to the bottom of her neck, the sky blue eyes of her mother, the pouty red lips and the olive complexion skin she inherited from both her parents.
The tiny hoop earrings in her ears and the bracelets on her wrist extended her beauty.
She was perfect much like her mother and little Roman was just as perfect.
"He frightened me," explained Melissa.
"I searched for him and couldn't find him."
"He was with me," he said taking Giselle from her mother as he rested a hand on Melissa's growing stomach.
"He's okay."
"I see that now," she said with a smile as Roman gave her a soft kiss on the lips.
"But when I couldn't find him I was worried."
"He is all right, how are you feeling, Love?"
"I'm feeling exhausted and my back hurts," she said holding onto her back.
"Carrying your children is not easy," she said with a soft smile.
"But it is worth every back ache, every pain just to see the smile on your face and the pride when you see them for the first time. I told you, you would be a wonderful father."
"I love my children and I love you," he said with a smile.
"You gifted me with beautiful children."
"Papa, can we play now?" asked Little Roman pulling at his father's leg as he looked up at him with his blue eyes.
"You need to eat lunch, Roman," said Melissa.
"Aren't you hungry?"
"Yes, Mama," he said looking at his mother as he held onto his father's leg.
"I want to eat with Papa."
"I have an idea," said Roman,
"How about we eat lunch together here in the field? We can have a picnic lunch here in the field then Roman you and I can play sword fight together how does that sound?" He asked down at his son's level.
"Okay, Papa," he said with a big smile on his face.
He was his father's pride and joy.
He knew nothing of Roman's life as a pirate but he had heard good stories about pirates and their voyages while Giselle was told stories of mermaids, pirates and gypsies.
Roman told Little Roman a story every night before he went to bed. Nearly every moment of every day was spent with his children and unlike other men Roman helped take care of his children with Melissa, changing diapers, giving baths and spending hours playing with them.
Melissa never loved him more than she had the day their son and daughter were born.
"I will go make us some lunch," said Melissa with a smile as she looked at the picture Roman had painted.
"What a beautiful picture, we should hang it in the sitting room," she suggested.
"That was my plan," he said with a smile.
"Come with Mama, Giselle," she said reaching for their daughter.
"I'll keep an eye on her," he said.
"Are you sure?" She asked.
"Of course," he said with a smile.
"All right," she said giving him a soft kiss on the cheek before kissing their daughter before she took her leave to make them some lunch.
"I want to see the water, Papa!" said Roman.
"Okay," he said with a smile as he put Giselle onto her feet.
He took her tiny hand into one of his larger hands and then took Roman's hand in the other hand.
He took them through the field walking through the green grass till they reached the other side of the field where the sandy beach met the clear blue water. They stepped into the water so it was to their ankles as the small waves crashed at their feet.
"Papa, are pirates real?" asked Roman.
"Of course they are real," he answered.
"Pirates exist they travel all over the seas in search of gold."
"Have you ever met a pirate?" he asked intrigued by the lifestyle of a pirate. Roman could not blame him it was in his blood.
"Well, Ro," he said honestly ready to reveal the truth to his 3 year old son.
"Your papa was once a pirate before you were born but after you were born I gave up the pirate life to be home with mama and to be with you every day."
"I want to be a pirate too, Papa," he said looking up proudly at his father, his curly hair in his face and a smile on his lips.
"Just like you, Papa," he said melting Roman's heart.
"You can be anything you want, son," he said with a smile before brushing a piece of hair out of his face.
"Was it worth it?" asked Melissa.
Roman turned around startled and surprised by his wife.
She had been watching them without his knowledge, something she would do often because she loved watching her husband with their children.
She loved every minute he spent with them, how he talked to them, how he played with them and her favorite was to watch him hug and kiss his children.
The man Roman used to be didn't exist anymore. He was a new man, a man with a bigger heart, kinder to those around him but if anyone had threatened or messed with his family he would quickly turn back into the man he used to be.
"Was what worth it?" he asked.
"Giving it all up for this," she asked.
"More than you'll ever know," he said with a smile making her smile.
"This is everything."
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