a lot of u keep asking so imagine jungkook's girl form as this but with grey hair (and bigger boobs) :)
Taehyung was sitting down beside Hoseok on the lunch table, eating his sandwich. He was hungry. Hoseok was talking about how he thinks Yoongi's shirt looks weird as fuck.
"I think your shirt looks weird as fuck," Hoseok said.
"Your mom loved it," Yoongi said, and Taehyung giggled. Yoongi frowned at Taehyung, who simmered down and looked down. "Sorry," Taehyung mumbled.
"Stop being mean to Taehyung for absolutely no reason challenge FAILED!" Jin said, and Yoongi kicked his knee. Taehyung laughed.
"Are you guys excited for the rescue training we're doing tomorrow?" Namjoon asked. "I don't know how the fuck I'm going to use my trait with rescue training."
"Yeah, it sucks. Some people's traits are meant to be used for rescue stuff. But, like, how can I use fire in a situation like that, y'know? And then I'll get fewer marks than Jin, for example, who can use his trait so well in situations like this. I'm better against villains." Yoongi said, looking annoyed.
Though Yoongi was a little bitch and Taehyung watched to freeze every single hair on his head off into icicles so all of them would fall off and he'd be bald- Taehyung could see he cares a lot about being in this school. He was clearly very passionate about it. It was nice to see.
"Tae, are you going to drink that strawberry lemonade?" Jimin asked, peering at the bottle he'd bought and kept by his food.
"Nah. It's too sweet for me." Taehyung said. Jimin snickered. "Then why do you keep buying it every day?"
"Oh my god I just had the worst day," Jungkook's voice interrupted, and the boys looked and saw Jungkook walked towards the lunch table, looking annoyed. He looked at the table and grabbed the strawberry lemonade wordlessly, opening the cap and taking a sip.
Jimin looked at Taehyung with a raised brow, and Taehyung just cleared his throat and looked at Jungkook. "Why, what happened?"
"Okay so," Jungkook began, and then realized there was no space, and plopped himself down on Taehyung's lap. "I was doing homework in the library- and the librarian started yelling at me out of nowhere!" Jungkook snapped.
Taehyung's eyes widened, blushing brightly. He placed his hands on Jungkook's sides, hesitant. Jungkook didn't pay mind, looked untethered by the fact that he was sitting on Taehyung's lap. Taehyung on the other hand, couldn't keep his heart from racing really fast. Oh my god oh my god-
"I mean, all I was doing was blasting Lady Gaga on full volume. Plus, everyone around me was totally into it! Who even goes to the library to study anymore? Everyone's just there to watch porn outside to fulfill their exhibitionism kink," Jungkook scoffed.
Taehyung laughed at his words, looking up at him. Yoongi snickered. "Jungkook you talk so fast I didn't get a single word you said."
Jungkook's cheeks tinted lightly, and he bit his lip. "Sorry," Jungkook mumbled, and then took another sip of the strawberry lemonade, leaning into Taehyung's shoulder. Taehyung gulped and tried to keep a calm attitude about this.
He was so fucking cute. Jungkook had his eyes all big as he gulped down his drink, the mouth of the bottle pressed into his lips in a really cute way. He had one fist up unknowingly while drinking the pink liquid.
"Well, anyways. Let's all go to that aquarium after school! They've opened a new section for sharks." Jimin said, grinning. All the boys agreed excitedly.
"Or let's not give profit to an organization that holds animals captive," Jin said.
"Actually that's mainly zoos. Sea creatures can adapt to whatever surroundings they're in. Plus, I read up on the aquarium nearby and they only take mammals and fish who are injured." Taehyung said, smiling.
"You read up on the aquarium?" Yoongi scoffed. Taehyung's breath hitched. "I- um- yeah. I r-really like marine life, a-and stuff." Taehyung mumbled.
"I can't go to the aquarium. I'm banned from there." Jungkook mumbled, biting his cheek.
"Why? Did you turn into a dolphin and jump into the tank?" Taehyung asked with a small smile.
"No, I let this dude fuck me behind the jellyfish tanks," Jungkook said plainly, and Taehyung's smile fell.
"Oh, you're banned? Oops. Didn't know that." Jimin said, and then smiled at the others. "I have 6 passes. Let's go there at 5,"
Jungkook snickered to himself, sliding off Taehyung's lap. "Yeah, okay. Have fun." Jungkook mumbled, getting up and walking away. Taehyung's breath hitched.
"Jimin that was rude," Jin said, and Jimin looked away. "At least pretend like you don't hate him."
"It's not my fault he wants to have sex everywhere we go," Jimin said with a small smile, and then Namjoon cleared his throat and changed the conversation. Taehyung looked at Jungkook, who changed to his girl form and was sitting with some of the other guys, giving them his pearly smile.
"Don't be mean to him, Jimin. He can do what he wants as long as he's not hurting anyone," Taehyung said, and Namjoon put his hands on his face.
"Dude, you're so fucking nice. Like, you're such a good person. What the fuck. You're like what dogs are, but human. What." Namjoon said, and Taehyung was confused.
After lunch, Taehyung threw his plastic into the recycling bin and cringed at how some people just threw plastic into the normal bin but didn't say anything. He walked outside and then saw Jungkook (girl form) standing with some guy with blonde hair and a sharp jaw.
"Please Jungkookie? Just once more?" The boy asked, grasping Jungkook's small waist.
"No, Mark! I said no a thousand times. I don't want to have sex with you." Jungkook said, but Mark sighed, leaning in closer.
"Why not? We've done it so many times, baby-"
"Because every time you start cuddling me and get all touchy! You made me breakfast once! I'm not looking for those kinds of emotions, Mark. You took me into the shower after having sex and didn't even have sex with me again! You, like, shampoo'ed my hair or something!"
"You're so cute, Kookie. I just- I want you. For more than just sex, sometimes." Mark said, looking into him. "I like you so much, Kookie. I want to take you on dates, and-" Mark began, and Taehyung tensed, looking away. Damn, so he wasn't the only one who felt this way about Jungkook, huh?
"Mark..." Jungkook groaned.
"You came over last week and we had sex- and then we talked for ages. Wasn't that nice?" Mark said, kissing his cheek.
"We talked about the weather for four minutes, and then I left to go get spit-roasted by your roommates! What's not clicking?" Jungkook asked, poking his head.
Mark looked away. "Please? I'll- I'll take you to a fancy restaurant. I'll get you a thousand roses. We can take my dad's private jet and go to France-" Mark went on, and Taehyung gulped.
Fancy restaurant? Thousand roses? Private jet? France?? Jungkook was getting all that good stuff and was still rejecting him? Taehyung had no chance at all!
"No, Mark. Thanks, but no." Jungkook said, and then pushed Mark off him. "Now go along. Don't be too sad about this. I'll send you a picture of my pussy if you get too weepy." Jungkook said, patting his cheek and then turning to walk away. Taehyung peeked and saw Mark's shoulders drop, eyes big and sad.
Jungkook turned the corner and saw Taehyung, and then transformed back into himself. "Taehyung!" Jungkook rejoiced, grabbing his arm.
"Hey. I- um- what was going on with that Mark guy?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook rolled his eyes.
"Nothing. He's, like, obsessed with me or something. I don't know. I keep telling these boys that I don't want anything serious, and they keep falling for me!" Jungkook said, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth.
"Oh. Um, yeah- they should respect your boundaries." Taehyung said, and Jungkook nodded, smiling.
"See! You get it. Your girlfriend's going to be so lucky," Jungkook said, and Taehyung paused for a second.
"Or boyfriend," Taehyung mumbled, looking at Jungkook. Jungkook hummed, walking prettily like he always did, hips swaying. He was always so pretty. In everything he did. His nuances, the way he talked, laughed, walked. It was all so eye-catching and alluring.
Suddenly, a group of seniors came from around the hallway, guys and girls, all laughing. The moment Jungkook saw them, he transformed into his girl form, looking at one of the tall guys in the middle who wore a varsity jacket.
The guy saw Jungkook and wolf-whistled loudly, and another guy behind him grabbed Jungkook by the arm, smirking at him.
"What the fuck Eric, don't be rude." One of the girls snapped, and the other looked at Jungkook. "I'm so sorry. They're assholes." Another girl said, and Jungkook opened his mouth to speak, but-
"Don't worry, Momo. It's a dude. He can transform into a girl. We're not being sexist. We're just having fun," Eric, the main guy, snickered. The other guys nodded, and the girls looked weary still.
"See you later, babygirl." Another guy said, slapping Jungkook's ass loudly, and then the group continued walking, leaving him be. Jungkook waved his fingers at them with a small smile, and then turned back around, transforming back into his boy form.
Taehyung looked at Jungkook but kept quiet. Jungkook looked as if nothing out of the blue happened, was probably used to this. Taehyung gulped. "Do you always have sex in your girl form?"
"Huh?" Jungkook asked, looking at Taehyung. "Oh, yeah. It gets me really tired after, but it's more fun for the guys." Jungkook explained.
"Is it fun for you?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook nodded.
"Why don't you do it in your guy form? Sorry for the questions." Taehyung said, and Jungkook squeezed his arm.
"Don't worry, you can ask stuff. I don't do it in my guy form because-" Jungkook began, and then paused. "Well, um... I don't know." Jungkook said, standing still. "I guess I'm not that pretty in my guy form, so I never-"
"Not pretty in your guy form?" Taehyung scoffed, and Jungkook looked at him. "You're beautiful in your guy form. You have- you have this gorgeous blonde curly hair, and- and you have muscles, but they're not overbearing. You have pretty lips, really big Bambi eyes, and you look like a bunny sometimes. You're adorable. And pretty. And everything else." Taehyung rambled and then stopped.
Taehyung blushed when he realized everything he said, but then he looked at Jungkook, who was blushing really hard too, eyes wide.
"Y-you think I'm pretty in my boy form?" Jungkook squeaked, and Taehyung nodded, heart beating fast.
"I think you should be more proud of your natural self. It's who you truly are. And I think that's beautiful." Taehyung said with a smile. "Unless being a girl feels more natural for you. Which is also okay! Oh no, now I sound transphobic. Damnnit. I'm sorry. You can be whoever you want-"
Jungkook reached up and kissed Taehyung's cheek to shut him up. Taehyung went silent, and blushed, looking at Jungkook who was smiling.
"I do feel better in my guy form, you're right," Jungkook whispered, and then gripped Taehyung's shirt. "I-I guess I should take your advice, smart guy," Jungkook said, looking up at him. Taehyung nodded quickly, got all tight-lipped with their close proximity.
"T-take my advice, h-how?"
"Maybe I should pay more attention to people who... appreciate me when I'm natural, you know?" Jungkook said, looking up at Taehyung with a different look on his face.
Taehyung's breath hitched. Oh my god oh my god. "Yeah. Um- you should. Yeah. If you want to, yes." Taehyung said.
"I mean... I've never had sex in my guy form." Jungkook said in a small voice, shy, swaying. Taehyung stilled.
"W-what?" Taehyung let out, eyes growing wide. "Wait, really? You're- you're a virgin?"
"Kind of. Don't tell anyone." Jungkook whispered, and Taehyung nodded ecstatically. Taehyung felt less inferior to Jungkook somehow. He was a virgin too! As a guy! Oh my god, Taehyung could be his special one.
"This sucks," Jungkook mumbled, sighing dramatically. "I'm a virgin. You're a virgin. You think I'm pretty as a guy. I want to have sex as a guy. Hmmm." Jungkook said, eyeballing Taehyung. Taehyung gave him a small smile.
"Yeah. Weird. Crazy weird." Taehyung said softly, and Jungkook giggled.
"Hm. Well then, come over to my place tonight." Jungkook whispered, and then winked at him and turned to walk out of the building.
Taehyung's eyes widened. Oh my fucking god.
Jungkook is a virgin as a guy and asked me to come over to his place tonight and then winked
what do we do with this information
oh my god taehyung fuck him
Don't say it like that. But OMG I can be his first!
go get him
also why did u make this gc with just the three of us
I don't know. I didn't want to tell Jimin because he'd get mad. Yoongi is mean. And I don't have Namjoon's number.
understandable have a good day
"Did you know dolphins sleep with only half their brain and one eye closed to keep an eye on predators?" Taehyung said excitedly and then heard a sigh.
"This is the 12th fact you've told us, Taehyung. If we wanted to hear this we'd have just taken the audio tour," Namjoon complained. Taehyung nodded shyly.
"S-sorry," Taehyung said, and then walked away to look at the Mako shark swimming in the waters. He leaned in close, viewing the shark swimming around. Taehyung tapped the glass very lightly and made a little bit of the water fly up and twirl. The shark started swimming around that part of the water with interest, and Taehyung smiled.
The aquarium was dark blue, with the ceiling also full of water with fishes swimming overhead. It was beautiful, mesmerizing, the reflection of water dancing on their skin.
There were excited children, teenagers on dates, old marine biologists, and all other kinds of people at the aquarium. Taehyung found it highly interesting, walking around faster than the others, but stopping for longer at every tank, taking it in fully.
"Did you know that sharks-" Taehyung began, but got cut off. "No one cares," Yoongi said, and Taehyung nodded and stopped talking, keeping it to himself.
Taehyung looked to the side to point out how beautiful the corals looked but then stilled. Namjoon and Jin were standing on the side by themselves, giggling at the seahorses. While Hoseok had both his arms around Yoongi and Jimin, saying some really lame jokes about fishes, making both of them groan but giggle nonetheless.
Taehyung suddenly heard a ding from his phone and took it out, seeing he'd received a message.
how's the aquariummm
Fun! The fish are very pretty and also there are French Angelfish! They are sooo cool 😊
sounds like fun ): come over after this plspls
i rly liked what u said about me being a boy thing. it made me think about... a lot of stuff. i really want to talk to you about something.
Oh. I'll be there soon ❤️
make jimin drown
ugh i hate u
What 😔
omgg im kidding!! you're so cute
Oh... 😇😇
who uses these many emojis dksjdks eye-
Sorry... I didn't know they were uncool. I'll stop now.
See you soon.
After the aquarium visit, the other five went to go get dinner at some Japanese place. Taehyung made up some excuse of having homework and then left to go to Jungkook's dorm. His heart was racing really fast, stomach doing flip-flops in excitement. He didn't know what Jungkook wanted to talk about. Taehyung reached the floor and then walked out of the lift. He walked to Jungkook's house and knocked on the door, but before he could do it again, the door opened.
"Oh. Hey. You too, huh?" The guy snickered. He had tight rolled up sleeves, clearly a lot of muscles underneath, and styled hair. Taehyung gulped, seeing how he was sweating lightly, and then walked away from Taehyung, patting his back.
Taehyung frowned to himself and then saw Jungkook emerge out of the living room and towards the door, dressed in nothing but a large yellow sweater. "Tae!" Jungkook said, rushing towards him and grabbing his arm, pulling him inside.
"Who was that?" Taehyung asked with a mumble, getting dragged into Jungkook's living room. Taehyung paused when he saw a bottle of lube on the floor and some packets of condoms.
Jungkook was breathing heavily, sweating a bit as well. The room reeked of... something weird. "I took your advice," Jungkook said, practically panting. "And- oh my god, I'm so winded- I realized that- my guy self is pretty too!" Jungkook said, and then put his hands on his hips, grinning. "I said to myself, that's it! I can't always have sex as a girl!"
Taehyung frowned a little, stomach twisting. "So I had sex with 4 guys today. They all had sex with me in my guy form!" Jungkook let out, flopping onto his sofa, breathing heavily.
Taehyung froze. He looked at the wall. Are you fucking kidding me, Taehyung coiled his hand into a fist. He had ONE fucking chance here and now it's gone??
"Who-who took your virginity?"
"Jackson. I didn't know he was bisexual." Jungkook giggled, looking up at Taehyung. "I got so surprised with how much energy I had left over after I was done- that I called two more gay dudes I knew and they took turns fucking me. And then I called this last guy after some time- the one you saw by the door." Jungkook said, and then squinted, thinking.
"His name was Steven. Bryan. No- um- Ryan. No, he was named... Kevin. Shit, I can't remember his name." Jungkook muttered, and then took out his phone, clicked on something, and then giggled. "Chanyeol! That's his name. Eh, I was close." Jungkook said, chucking his phone onto the couch.
Taehyung looked down, feeling his insides curl up. "Honestly, I wouldn't even have done this if it wasn't for what you said. I didn't even think about having sex as a dude! But when you said all that to me, I instantly contacted every gay or bi guy I knew!" Jungkook smiled.
Taehyung hummed, biting the inside of his cheek. Jungkook tipped his head back, giggling to himself. "I mean, till now I only let straight dudes fuck me. Now I have a whole new market of dudes who can fuck me!"
Taehyung paled. Jungkook looked at him and grinned. "Thanks, Tae. You're the best."
"Yeah no problem," Taehyung mumbled, sitting down on the couch, not making eye contact.
He tried to do one fucking thing and just worsened the chances between him and Jungkook. That's got to be some kind of special fucking trait. Not only is Jungkook not a virgin anymore, but he's also going to double the amount of sex he has.
"How was the aquarium?" Jungkook asked, and Taehyung chuckled dryly.
"Well, um, not good," Taehyung said. "No one wanted to hear any of the fun facts I knew. Yoongi kept mispronouncing all the fish's names to piss me off. The only one who wanted to talk about anything worthwhile was Namjoon- and all he wanted to talk about was dolphins." Taehyung snapped, and Jungkook's eyes widened.
"And it's not even- he doesn't even know anything about dolphins! They don't have their own fucking language, it's a myth! But he won't listen to anything I have to say, because he thinks he's the expert. When he's not. Everyone knows that turtles are the best sea animals. And Hoseok kept pointing at every turtle and calling them tortoise- and I-"
"Tae," Jungkook's voice came gently, and Taehyung burst out of his little ranting bubble and looked at Jungkook. Jungkook's eyes were wide, mouth curved to an amused smile. "Relax."
"Sorry," Taehyung said, looking down. "I- um- I'm just not in a good mood, I guess."
"It's okay," Jungkook said, giggling. "I had no clue you were this funny, Taehyung! You should start ranting more often! Seriously, you should be more confident." Jungkook said, smiling.
Taehyung nodded and then saw Jungkook lie down and place his head on Taehyung's lap, looking up at him. "Tell me all your fun facts," Jungkook said. Taehyung's heart skipped a beat.
"O-okay. Well, um- dolphins sleep with only one eyes closed to keep an eye out for predators." Taehyung said, and Jungkook gasped.
"Woah. That's so cool! I wish I could do that. Do you think animals have traits too?" Jungkook asked.
"I read a study about this. It's very rare, but some animals actually do. It's usually mutant traits, though. Like color changing fur, and teeth that can grow sharper, and horns that can grow larger." Taehyung said, and Jungkook nodded.
"Tell me more." Jungkook insisted.
"Leatherback turtles can travel 12,000 miles just like that." Taehyung said, and then saw Jungkook look at him with bright eyes. "Blue whales can fit 100 humans in their mouth."
"Oh no, what if they try to eat us?" Jungkook said, eyes growing big with worry. Taehyung smiled fondly at him, playing with his hair.
"Don't worry. They only eat small fish." Taehyung said. Jungkook put his hands on his face, scared. "W-what if I turn into a small fish?"
Taehyung laughed. "Why would you do that?"
"I don't know. Sometimes when I'm anxious I transform into small animals without realizing." Jungkook said, and then turned into a little black kitten on Taehyung's lap. Taehyung let out an aww.
He lifted the kitten up, and the kitten meowed cutely and then turned back into Jungkook, who was now sitting on Taehyung's lap with a smile. Taehyung's hands went on Jungkook's sides.
"Thank you. The other- the other guys are nice, but they can be a little mean sometimes. You're great." Taehyung said softly, and Jungkook bit his lip.
"Thanks," Jungkook said, and then reached forward, laying his head on Taehyung's shoulder. Jungkook took a deep breath, letting it out softly. "How's it been rooming with Jimin?"
"He's nice. He does this thing where he sometimes leaves chocolates and mints on my pillow so it feels like I'm at a hotel." Taehyung said, and Jungkook played with his fingers, smiling to himself.
"Yeah, I remember that. Does he still have that god awful pink lamp?" Jungkook asked.
"Yes. I hate it. It's way too bright." Taehyung said, and Jungkook giggled. "I know. I used to complain about it last year, and he used to blare it to my face." Jungkook said.
"Why'd you guys stop being roommates?" Taehyung asked.
"We had a fight," Jungkook mumbled. "He was supposed to move into this apartment with me, but he never did," Jungkook said, and then smiled at Taehyung. "So I live alone."
"I'm sorry. That sucks." Taehyung murmured, and Jungkook hummed, shaking his head. "It's whatever. What about you? Why did you skip the first year?"
"Family issues. Rather not talk about it, if I'm honest." Taehyung said, and Jungkook nodded, tucking his head in Taehyung's neck. Taehyung's heart beat rapidly, and then he saw Jungkook looking at him closely.
"Tae..." Jungkook said softly, and Taehyung's stomach took turns at how close Jungkook was to him. Jungkook's eyes trailed to Taehyung's lips, and then he licked his lips, leaning in a bit. Taehyung's breath hitched, and Jungkook paused.
Jungkook got up from Taehyung's lap, grabbing the remote from the coffee table. "I want to watch Ratatouille."
"The- the movie about the rat? Who cooks? Why??" Taehyung asked, and Jungkook turned the television on, going on Netflix.
"I don't know. I just wanna. Watch it with me Taehyungie~~~" Jungkook whined with his eyes closed, and Taehyung chuckled.
"Okay, okay. Have you had dinner?" Taehyung asked, and then saw Jungkook picking on his skin with his nimble fingers while looking at the television.
"No. Can you order something?" Jungkook asked, and Taehyung hummed, taking his phone out to order some food for both of them. He ordered two bowls of black bean noodles and then saw Jungkook turn the movie on.
The movie was disturbing for Taehyung. One, it was totally fucking unhygienic how they let a rat cook stuff. Also disturbing how Jungkook kept pausing the movie to talk about his hatred for capsicums. Of course, the most disturbing part of it was the love story in the movie.
It was this nerdy, lame, loser guy who was in love with this hot, petite, strong black haired girl. Reminded him a bit of himself. Fucking loser. Ugh. Taehyung wanted to drown.
The food arrived and Jungkook kept saying bet I can fit these many noodles in my mouth and Taehyung kept saying please don't you will choke but Jungkook still did it and then choked.
After they were done eating, the movie finished, and Jungkook was asleep on Taehyung's lap. Taehyung sighed, turning the tv off, and then picking Jungkook up.
Jungkook hiked his arms and legs around the man, and it made Taehyung blush a little. Jungkook was so fucking cute. Taehyung carried Jungkook to his bedroom and then lay him down on his bed, pulling his covers up and tucking him in.
Jungkook whined in his bed, something about how it was too hot. Taehyung turned the AC on, and Jungkook happily went to sleep. Taehyung closed the door for him, and then threw all the dishes away and cleaned up his coffee table, and then left with a small smile on his face.
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