"Wow!! You're so cool!!!"
"You're so fucking strong! Wah- I wish I had your trait!"
"People are so rarely multi-traited! How fascinating!"
Taehyung smiled awkwardly at all the people surrounding him as he walked towards the table for dinner. The day passed, the examinations were finished. The minute Taehyung won against Yoongi, he bolted out. Didn't want to get confronted.
Taehyung saw the girl who earlier called him a loser gushing about how cool he was. He saw Ren, who'd shoved him last time, now waving at him. He rushed past all these fake ass people and then saw his friends.
"Tae! You were amazing!" Jimin gasped, and Taehyung smiled at him.
"For real. When you started, I was like, damn, he's gonna lose, but then you didn't!" Hoseok gushed, and then Jin nodded ecstatically.
"You're the motherfucking bald kid from that movie."
"Finding Nemo?"
"Nemo isn't bald, fuckass."
"Nemo's dad is."
"Nemo's fucking dad can't control fire water earth and air."
"You don't know the power he holds."
"Shut up!" Namjoon snapped, and then looked at Taehyung. "Seriously, you're so strong, Tae! Why didn't you tell us about your trait?"
"I don't like the attention," Taehyung said timidly, sitting down beside Jimin, holding a bottle of strawberry lemonade in his hand.
"Having four traits, though. That's awesome." Hoseok nodded.
Taehyung chuckled awkwardly. "Four... yeah." He stammered and then saw the boys frown at him.
"You can control more?? Dude, who are you?" Jin asked angrily, and Taehyung sighed. "Show us what you can do NOW."
"Fine," Taehyung mumbled and then got up from his seat. He couldn't help but notice how everyone from the other tables was looking at him with entranced eyes. Taehyung put his hand out.
"Fire," Taehyung said and created fire from his hand. Everyone looked at him in awe. "Water," Taehyung said, and then stopped the fire he created on the table with the water.
"Rocks and shit." Taehyung continued, spouting out a little mountain on the table. "Air," Taehyung said, and then pointed his palm at Jimin and let out a gust of air, Jimin giggling, his hair flying.
"And??" Namjoon asked, and Taehyung groaned and then put his hand on the table.
"Electricity." He mumbled, and the table jolted, slightly electrocuting everyone sitting on the table. "Nature," Taehyung said, putting his hand on the table and creating flowers on the edges of it. "And ice." Taehyung ended, gripping the table tightly and forming a large icicle from it.
"Wow," Everyone breathed out, eyes wide. Taehyung walked over to the icicle hanging from the other side of the table and melted it into water with the fire he created.
"That might be the strongest trait I've ever seen. You could be stronger than miss muscle!" Hoseok gasped.
"No one's stronger than miss muscle." Yoongi's voice came, and Taehyung turned and saw the boy, a bandaid on his face. Taehyung gulped, seeing his angered eyes, and ran to the other side of the table.
"How're you feeling, Yoongi?" Hoseok asked, and Yoongi sat down, angered.
"I don't know, Hoseok. How would you feel if the literal lamest dude on this planet had your trait and six more?" Yoongi snapped, and Hoseok put his arm around his shoulders.
"Don't worry, Yoongi. You're still strong. It's good to lose sometimes, you know. Helps you grow and shit." Hoseok said, giving him a small smile. Yoongi looked up at him and hummed.
Taehyung saw as Hoseok's arm slithered around Yoongi's waist, and Yoongi just kept eating. "Well, anyway. Everyone's acting differently to me now. I'm not lame and unpopular anymore, I guess." Taehyung snickered.
"Correction," A voice came, and Taehyung turned. "You're not unpopular anymore."
Taehyung saw Jungkook, blonde hair curly like always, wearing a large white sweater and black tights. Taehyung blinked his eyes at him. Oh.
"Kook you know- Tae has 7 traits, not just 4!" Jimin said, and Yoongi gritted his teeth in annoyance. Jungkook gave Taehyung a look.
"Hm. That's cool I guess." Jungkook said off-handedly, and then grabbed Taehyung's bottle of strawberry lemonade, opening the cap for himself and taking a sip.
Taehyung looked at him with slight confusion. Oh okay. See, for some reason, Taehyung thought Jungkook would be acting like... everyone else? Changing their minds and acting like he was really cool all of the sudden. Acting as if they didn't judge a book by its cover.
"That's mine," Taehyung said sharply, and Jungkook turned to him innocently, leaning close to him and tilting his head slightly. Taehyung's breath hitched.
"Yes. And?" Jungkook said, blinking. Taehyung opened his mouth to say something, but then saw Jungkook drink his strawberry lemonade.
"W-well it's..." Taehyung stammered, and then shut up. What the fuck. Taehyung took a deep breath, and then looked at the rest of the boys. "Are you guys ready for that history test day after tomorrow?"
"Why the fuck did you remind me- ugh, now I'm going to be mad because I didn't study!" Jin grumbled.
"Or... you could study?" Jimin suggested, and Jin scoffed. "Let's be realistic, Jimin. I haven't opened a textbook since the 7th grade."
"Ugh. Crap. I'm failing History completely. Mr. Yang's going to give me a D if I don't ace this test." Jungkook groaned, and then looked at Taehyung. "Tomorrow. Lunch. Library. Tutor me."
"Oh. Um, a-actually I had some work left for science-" Taehyung stammered, and Jungkook rose his eyebrows.
"I didn't ask," Jungkook said, and Taehyung's mouth went dry. Jungkook stood up and then walked out of the cafeteria, hips swaying a little like they always did.
Taehyung blushed to himself, and then looked and saw the boys looking at him with knowing grins. Taehyung covered his face with his hands. "Shut up."
"No one said shit. You like him."
"No I don't! I will FUCK your dad!" Taehyung said, and Jin frowned. "I'm so sorry that was way too aggressive. Help me!" Taehyung cried to Jimin, who sighed.
"Stop having a crush on him," Jimin said.
"Good advice." Taehyung scoffed, and Jimin shook his head.
"No, I'm serious. Jungkook's......" Jimin trailed, and then looked away. "Not your type," Jimin concluded.
"And way out of your league," Yoongi mumbled, stuffing his mouth with rice.
Taehyung frowned to himself. "It's okay. I don't like him much anyway. It's just infatuation, it'll pass."
"Let's hope. Because falling for Jungkook will hurt more than shitting a brick."
"That's the worst similar ever," Namjoon said, and Jin frowned.
"Shut up. You're just bold because you're not the big nerd anymore." Jin said, and then ruffled Taehyung's hair. "No offense."
"None taken." Taehyung mumbled, and then thought about how it'd be to tutor Jungkook tomorrow.
Taehyung walked into the library. He'd come here before during his free time. He smiled at the librarian, who gave him a cheerful greeting. Taehyung walked down the hallways of the library, and then reached the end, between two library shelves, and saw Jungkook.
Jungkook was sitting there, wearing a black sweatshirt which only reached his belly button- and low rise jeans. Jungkook had his legs propped up on the table, lips fitted around a lollipop, scrolling through his phone.
"Hey." Taehyung said, and Jungkook turned to look at him. Jungkook hummed, and patted at the seat beside him. Taehyung sat down, placing the textbooks onto the table.
"What exactly do you need help with?" Taehyung asked, and Jungkook pulled the lollipop out from between his lips slowly, the sweet touch lingering on his tongue. "I don't know anything, let's put it that way."
"O-okay. I didn't get the textbook from last year. But I think they have a copy of it here somewhere-" Taehyung said, and Jungkook hummed. Taehyung saw him stand up and walk over to the shelf.
"Found it." Jungkook chimed, and then bent over, jeans skin tight, his perky ass evident through the material. The jeans were very low, so Taehyung could see his carved hip bones and v line, and the curve of his back leading to his ass. Along with that, his tiny waist seemed prominent in the small black sweatshirt.
Fuck, Taehyung thought, seeing Jungkook take out a book, lollipop bobbing between his lips as he turned around. Jungkook smiled when he saw Taehyung blushing.
"Like what you see?" Jungkook asked, coy.
"W-what? No. I'm fine." Taehyung said quickly, and then looked at the textbooks again. Jungkook walked up to him, sitting down beside him again, sitting on the chair on his knees.
"Well. Um. Okay, let's start with the basics. Origin of traits-" Taehyung began, and then Jungkook looked at him, swirling the lollipop around his lips.
Taehyung looked at him, and felt feverish upon seeing the pink balled up sweet in his mouth. Taehyung blushed a little again, and Jungkook giggled. "You blush a lot."
"I'm just... cold." Taehyung stammered, and Jungkook hummed. Taehyung opened the textbook and then began explaining quickly.
"The first sign of traits in humans was found in 1307. It sparked in Africa, and then spread through out-" Taehyung began, and Jungkook shifted forward, leaning closer to Taehyung.
"Keep going." Jungkook whispered.
Taehyung looked at him, seeing how close he was. "O-okay. Um- t-then- a-as generations continued, the happening of traitless humans became less and less common." Taehyung stammered, and then looked and saw Jungkook right beside him, faces inches apart.
Jungkook brought the lollipop out from his mouth, lips damp and sticky, stringing with a bit of spit from the lollipop. "Hm." Jungkook said, and then looked at Taehyung. "Go on."
Taehyung continued explaining, feeling himself stutter and stammer over Jungkook's close proximity. After Taehyung explained the basics, he looked forward. "The other book has more info-"
Jungkook leaned forward on the desk, hips bent over it, reaching for the book that was across the table. Taehyung's eyes widened, seeing how his sweater reached up, and jeans were low on his hips, the swell of his ass almost visible.
Jungkook grabbed the book and then looked at Taehyung, who was red. Jungkook began sucking on his lollipop gently, and Taehyung cursed, looking away. Jungkook giggled around the ball of concentrated sugar, and sat down beside him.
"So, smart guy. Continue teaching me." Jungkook said softly, and Taehyung hummed, opening the book on his lap, ignoring Jungkook's stares (or trying to).
"So the- um- the first world war had double its damages because the contenders used their traits without thinking. And- and the soldiers of the countries rampaged-" Taehyung talked, and then suddenly felt a hand on his thigh, close to his crotch.
Taehyung paused. Jungkook looked at him closely. He smirked a little. "I know you're an inexperienced little virgin, Taehyungie," Jungkook said, batting his lashes. "But do you ever masturbate?"
Taehyung blushed, looking at him with a spluttered laugh. "O-of course. Everyone does. It's natural." Taehyung said quickly.
"Hmm.. What do you think about when you do?" Jungkook asked, tilting his head.
Taehyung's shoulders tensed. "N-nothing. I don't know." Taehyung stammered. Jungkook bit his lip. "I i-imagine I'm... having sex with someone I guess."
"Having sex how?" Jungkook asked, voice airy, breath tinging on Taehyung's skin. "Is it a girl?"
"Sometimes." Taehyung said, shy. Jungkook grinned a little. "That means sometimes it's a boy?"
Taehyung hummed, looking down. Jungkook brought his hand up his stomach, onto his chest. "Are you... under him?" Jungkook whispered, lips almost touching Taehyung's ear.
"No." Taehyung let out. "U-usually on top."
"Hm. That's hot." Jungkook giggled, and Taehyung tensed. Oh my god oh my god oh my god- "You like being in control, Tae?"
"Y-yeah. I don't know. This is- this is weird-"
"Do you ever imagine me, Tae?" Jungkook asked, blinking his big doe eyes, almost climbing atop his lap.
"W-what?" Taehyung let out. Jungkook giggled, straddling him now. Taehyung didn't know what was going on. This felt like a dream. His head was spinning.
"You should imagine me." Jungkook said, voice giggly, as if he thought this was funny. "Should imagine me under you next time."
Taehyung had his eyes wide, leaning back into the seat. Oh my god oh my god he'd never had a boy on his lap like this, talking to him like this. Fuck fuck FUCK!!!!!!!! "What." Taehyung squeaked, and Jungkook smiled.
"Me. Naked. Moaning. Whimpering. You thrusting into me-"
"O-oh my god, Kook- what are you d-doing?" Taehyung stammered, pushing Jungkook off when he felt his own cock growing hard. Taehyung put a book on his lap really fast.
Jungkook started giggling suddenly, Taehyung was a little confused, and then saw the boys' giggles turn into loud laughs. Taehyung looked uncomfortable. "S-sorry. I just- I made a bet with Yoongi that I could turn you on in under 5 minutes. And it's been-" Jungkook checked his phone for a timer. "4 minutes 10 seconds! I win!"
Taehyung was paused. Oh. He thought Jungkook was being like that on... purpose. Taehyung actually felt excited for a second, thought Jungkook wanted him. Obviously, it was a joke. What- what else would it be?
"R-right." Taehyung nodded. "I'm not turned on, though. I'm fine."
"Your boner says otherwise." Jungkook scoffed, and Taehyung went pink. He suddenly saw Jungkook suddenly put his hands on his butt, sitting back down and gasping.
"Oh! One of my... friends is a tattoo artist. He inked me last night, actually! I totally forgot about it, haven't even seen it yet, don't even know what it looks like-"
"You... got a tattoo without knowing what it looks like?" Taehyung asked, frowning.
Jungkook shrugged. "Eh. It's just on my ass anyway." Jungkook said, and Taehyung gulped.
"Still, you'll have it forev-"
"Whatever! Tell me what it's like, I haven't seen it yet," Jungkook said, and Taehyung hummed in confusion- but then watched with big eyes as Jungkook turned him around on the chair, back facing Taehyung.
Jungkook was on his knees on the chair and then leaned forward, pushing his ass out. Jungkook unbuttoned his jeans, and Taehyung's breath hitched. "Wait wait- Kook-"
Jungkook pulled his jeans down a little, and Taehyung felt his stomach take flips upon seeing even a little bit of Jungkook's ass. Taehyung cursed under his breath, already feeling his cock twitch. He saw Jungkook pull his jeans down a bit more, and then Taehyung saw the tattoo.
There was a silence. "What's it look like?" Jungkook asked, biting his lip, grinning at himself at how Taehyung was blushing, flabbergasted.
"It." Taehyung began, and then gulped, tracing his finger over it quickly, and then realizing what he was doing and pulling his hand back. "I-it's words."
"What is it?" Jungkook asked snappily, and Taehyung looked at the tattoo on his ass.
CUM on one asscheek, SLUT on the other.
"I-it-" Taehyung gritted out and then bit the knuckle of his index finger. "It says cumslut."
"Oh," Jungkook said, and then stilled. Jungkook pulled his jeans back up, buttoning it up and sitting back down. "Wait- i-it does? Seriously?"
Jungkook's eyes were big. Taehyung nodded hesitantly. Jungkook looked blank for a few seconds, and then bit his fingernail, gulping. "Didn't he tell you he was going to tattoo that?"
"N-no he said he was making a flower." Jungkook squeaked out weakly, and Taehyung frowned.
"What? Wait, Jungkook- that's not good at all. Who is this guy?" Taehyung asked with a frown, and Jungkook gulped.
"It's just this guy I know. It doesn't matter." Jungkook said, and Taehyung was still worried. Why did Jungkook let some random guy tattoo his ass like that? That too something so vulgar and derogatory.
"I-is it b-big? The- the tattoo?" Jungkook squeaked, and Taehyung shook his head. "No it's medium-sized, I guess. Block letters." Taehyung said, and Jungkook looked at Taehyung, slightly scared, looking upset.
"Um. O-okay- I have to go. Bye. Thanks, I guess." Jungkook said, voice wavering, getting up from his seat and rushing out from the library. Taehyung mouthed in confusion, and then picked his books back up and followed Jungkook out.
"Jungkook-" Taehyung said, following the boy out. He suddenly saw Jungkook transform into his girl version and rush away, which confused Taehyung. Why did he go into his girl form so much? Who was she?
Taehyung went back to his dorm with unanswered questions. It took a bit of time to reach his dorm. He reached and found it empty, and then began revising for History himself. An hour passed. When the sun began setting, the door burst open.
"Hey, Tae! I'm going to be spending the night at Yoongi's and Hoseok's dorm. Hope that's alright," Jimin said, and Taehyung nodded with a quick smile. Jimin grabbed some clothes from his closet and then rushed out, excited.
Taehyung saw him close the door and then sighed to himself. He didn't need to study more, he was fine. Taehyung locked the dorm door and then walked to his bed, sitting down.
Honestly, Taehyung lied. He didn't masturbate much. He just got scared sometimes, didn't like the way his mind wandered to the sexual images. It felt rude.
Taehyung opened his drawer and took out some lotion. He remembers what Jungkook said, about imagining him. His words and breathy voice lingered in Taehyung's head. Taehyung sat down against the head of the bed and then unzipped his trousers, pushing his boxers down and taking his cock out.
Taehyung bit his lip, wrapping his hand around the semi hard member. Taehyung closed his eyes, imagining something normal. Like- like hot girls or something. Or boobs. Or, um- someone's ass?
Jungkook's ass. Taehyung gritted his teeth, remembering how Jungkook had pulled his jeans down, how he wasn't wearing underwear, how the waistband of the jeans snapped against the molds of his ass.
Taehyung began jacking off faster. Remembered how Jungkook had straddled him, whispered about imagining him under Taehyung. The brown haired boy groaned to himself, lolling his head back and letting loose, jacking off at a slow pace.
He suddenly heard a ding on his phone. He picked it up with his clean hand, seeing a notification from Jimin on instagram. He'd sent a post. A post from Jungkook's account. He'd sent the picture and added a message which said 'bet you're turned on loser'.
1560 likes, 220 comments
prettyjungkookie c*msl*t
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jacksonwang fuckk
wonhomx hot as fuck
rnddmuser11 fuck babygirl let me slide into those jeans
ren99_ cumslut?
jjinho @ren99_ he is one so it makes sense
matrixlll show off ur new tattoo baby
Taehyung breath hitched. He was sure Jungkook looked upset and discomforted by the tattoo, but he made it his caption? That didn't make sense.
Taehyung soon got another message from Jimin saying i'm so sorry yoongi stole my phone.
Taehyung looked at Jungkook's picture and bit his lip, squeezing his cock. Fuck. Stop. This is wrong. Taehyung began jacking off to that picture slowly, imagining Jungkook whimpering and writhing under him, with his ass in the air, begging for Taehyung.
Fuck. Fuck fuck- Taehyung moved his hand up and down faster, shaking his head while doing so. This was dirty and wrong and Jungkook would hate him if he found out. It was gross. But he couldn't help himself.
Taehyung realised how fucking weird he was being and closed his phone, chucking it to the side. But the mental image of Jungkook wouldn't leave his mind, nor would the sight of his tight plush ass and how they were so round and fucking perfect and began imagining how they might bounce when pounded into-
Taehyung came. He widened his eyes, breathing heavily. Oh my god. He does have a crush on Jungkook. Fuck.
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