Taehyung watched with a nervous gulp as Yugyeom ran towards with a menacing grin on his face- having heard all about the 'newbie nerd' who wouldn't show his powers. Taehyung kept still, not moving his feet. Just saw Yugyeom running at him with one hand out.
Everyone was watching silently. No one had their hopes up. Yugyeom was good, he was scary, he had his way with words. He closed in on his opponent and then began turning their clothes to ashes- and then grabbed them by the neck, causing the other person to beg for mercy. It was terrifying.
"Taehyung's going to lose. Bet." Jungkook said to Jimin, who hummed.
Taehyung took a deep breath. He knew what he was going to do.
Yugyeom closed in, barely an inch away- but before he could swipe at Taehyung, the boy ducked under his arm and swiftly moved behind him, confusing Yugyeom.
"Wha-" Yugyeom began, but then everyone watched as Taehyung tried grabbing at Yugyeom, but before he could, Yugyeom turned around and clawed right for his neck. Taehyung felt the drag of his fingernails and jumped back.
"What is he doing? Why isn't he just using his fucking trait?" Yoongi asked, clearly annoyed. He didn't like when people were scared or shy of showing something they were born with. If it's yours, then make it yours. Simple. Yoongi didn't understand.
What was Taehyung so afraid of?
"He's going to lose. Make- make the fucking bet, Jimin, I want a free soda," Jungkook said quickly, and Jimin kept quiet.
Yugyeom glared, smirking. "Ooh. Someone's jumpy. Show me your trait, c'mon-" Yugyeom taunted, walking towards him in a creeping way, fingers itching to get on Taehyung's neck. "Show it to us, newbie."
Taehyung let out a sharp breath. "I rather not," Taehyung mumbled to himself and then ran towards him. Yugyeom frowned. He never played defense. People usually tried to defend themselves against Yugyeom. This was- this was new. Especially from someone who was too scared to show their trait-
"What's he doing?" Jin let out, confused at seeing Taehyung running towards him.
Yugyeom put his hands forward to pounce on his skin, but before he could grab him, Taehyung gripped Yugyeom by his shirt, and then pushed him.
A loud horn went off. "Out of bounds!"
Yugyeom's eyes widened. He looked down, seeing half his foot behind the line. "What- what the fuck?!"
Taehyung stepped back, seeing the rage take over Yugyeom's eyes. On bleachers, Jungkook frowned, and Jimin cursed. "I should've taken that fucking bet," Jimin mumbled to himself.
Hoseok laughed. "Holy shit. None of us realized Taehyung drove Yugyeom to the edge of the stadium. It's like he knew Yugyeom only played offense."
Yoongi hummed, looking at him with sneering eyes. "I still think it's lame. Pushing someone out? It's not about passing the exam through these bullshit rules, it's about fighting."
The boys saw Yugyeom getting held back by one of his friends while he yelled obscenities at Taehyung, saying words which were way too vulgar. Taehyung gulped sheepishly and then walked back to the benches.
"Seriously?" A girl said to Taehyung, who was making his way up to the other guys. "Just fight normally like the rest of us, weirdo."
Taehyung nodded quickly, and then rushed back over to his friends. He saw Jungkook sitting on his earlier spot, and Yoongi sitting on Jungkook's earlier spot, which meant.... his only free spot was next to Yoongi.
"I'm gonna stand," Taehyung said weakly, and Yoongi glared at him, so Taehyung continued looking ahead.
A few more matches went by, the first round going by swiftly. People were strong, really strong. He saw crazy traits he'd never seen before. And it was aweing to see how people used their abilities to their strength. Jimin fought against some dude who could shoot lasers out of his fingers and won by burning his shoes. Hoseok fought against some girl who can levitate things and won by speeding around her too fast until she got dizzy and passed out. Namjoon fought against some dude who could create bubbles (?) and basically made him envision some birdbox shit so he gave up.
Yoongi went up. Taehyung watched him go against some guy who looked terrified, his hair wild and shaky. He could maneuver sound waves or something. Taehyung watched closely.
"3!" Coach Neon shouted. "2!" He continued, and Taehyung saw as the other kid weakly made a fighting stance, while Yoongi faced him with his side, staring directly at the bleachers. Except, no, he was staring right at Taehyung. "1!" Taehyung gulped because Yoongi wouldn't stop staring. "Go!"
Before the other kid could even detect any sound, Yoongi put one hand up, and just created a gigantic ball of fire. Everyone gasped, eyes going wide, the heat coming close to them. Taehyung watched with widened eyes as Yoongi didn't even look at the kid, just burst a ball of fire at the kid.
The fire died down, and the kid was out of bounds, coughing out smoke. "Out of bounds! Victory for Min Yoongi!"
Yoongi looked at Taehyung and smirked, and Taehyung gulped, looking away.
"And the last match for the first round... Kim Seokjin versus Jeon Jungkook!"
"Oh fuck." Both boys said at the same time, widening their eyes. They looked at each other, and their friends around them started laughing.
Taehyung sat down next to Jimin, seeing Jin and Jungkook get up and walk to the fighting stage. "Yoongi's so strong," Taehyung said, and Jimin hummed. Yoongi walked up to them.
"You see that, newbie?" Yoongi said, and then hit Taehyung in the head. "That's how a real hero uses their trait."
Taehyung tightened his grip on his fists, not saying anything back. Jimin and Hoseok both looked at Yoongi, smiling.
"You were so cool!" Jimin said with a big smile- Hoseok at the same time chirping "You were so cute!"
Yoongi didn't know how to respond, so he just looked away, but Taehyung saw his cheeks were kind of pink.
The next match began.
"You ready to fail, Jungkookie?" Jin asked, stretching his arms. Jungkook grinned. "Ask yourself, Seokjinnie."
"Go!" Coach shouted, and Jin instantly took a deep breath, and let it out while creating 40 copies of himself. Everyone gasped. The crowd was really hyped up at this point.
"Fuck you." Jin cursed when he saw that Jungkook disappeared. Taehyung's eyes widened. Jin groaned, and then removed all of his copies with a swish of his hands, and saw 1 copy remaining. Jungkook.
Jungkook grinned, turning back into himself. "Ha!" Jungkook said, and Taehyung grinned.
"Holy shit! Jin must've thought Jungkook was weak- but Jin can never win against this! His trait is to make copies of himself, but Jungkook can keep becoming one of his copies. Jin won't know which one's his copy and which one's Jungkook!" Taehyung said, and the guys all leaned in, looking overly interested.
Jin made copies of himself, and then groaned when he saw Jungkook became Jin again. "You bitch," Jin grumbled, and then made his copies hit each other. It lowered his energy, but that way maybe he'd get a hit on Jungkook?
"He's draining out. This won't be good for him. Jungkook might get one or two punches- but Jin's made a lot of copies." Namjoon said, gnawing on his thumbnail nervously.
Jin groaned, seeing nothing but himself fill up the arena, and then moved his hands down, making all of his copies fade away. Except for one. One that was right, right next to his ear.
"Syke!" Jungkook yelled, transforming into himself the last second and then grabbing Jin roughly and pushing him to the floor, holding him down and straddling his hips.
"Ah- fuck! Fuck! Fuck you!" Jin snapped, his hands restrained. He couldn't make his copies without his hands. The coach counted down from 30 seconds, and then yelled "Victory for Jungkook!"
Jungkook jumped up from Jin, seeing the frown on the boy's face. Jin looked like he was going to kill him. Jungkook twirled around cutely and then Jin chased him out of the sports hall, Jungkook screaming in fear.
"Okay! That's it for round one! Everyone who lost, better luck next time. Maybe try improving?? Jeez." The coach said and then laughed. "Oh, I'm kidding! But seriously that sucked."
Everyone who lost looked down sadly. "And now, onto round two!"
Round two went... similarly.
Jimin went first against Lucas. Lucas turned really big, but then Jimin beamed up at his dick, and Lucas groaned and fell out of bounds. Jimin won.
Hoseok went against some girl named Irene, who made bugs and snakes start crawling from each corner of the room onto the stage. Everyone on the bleachers started screaming, and Hoseok was so fucking scared, he passed out.
Namjoon went against that Ren guy who can read minds. Both just stared at each other for 28 minutes, before the coach groaned out in agitation and failed them both.
Jungkook went up against Jennie, who could emit some sort of radiation from her hands. She put her hands up and began doing it instantly, but Jungkook disappeared. Taehyung looked closely because he did that before with Taehyung too.
"Where'd he go?" Jennie said aloud, and then suddenly felt a buzzing in her ear. She flailed her hand by her ear, and then suddenly saw a tiny little bug flying up quickly. Jennie widened her eyes when it flew atop her head, and then suddenly felt a gigantic squishy feeling on her head.
"Ew!!!" Jennie let out when she realized there was a squid on her head. The squid wrapped its tentacles around her eyes until she started beaming radiation uselessly, flailing her hands about, and then walked out of bounds.
Of course, right before she did- the squid jumped up and transformed into Jungkook, who sat down on the fighting arena, grinning at Jennie, who looked upset.
Taehyung had his eyes wide. Through the use of animals, Jungkook was actually really strong.
Yoongi went next. Went against Jackson. Everyone started oo'ing, because this was the final match from the year before. Jackson cracked his knuckles, and then when the match began, started teleporting to every side of the room, trying to confuse Yoongi. He could teleport.
Yoongi stood there calmly. Taehyung watched closely. Yoongi, as much of a dick he was, was a really good fighter. He was scary on the field. Taehyung watched as Yoongi moved his eyes around, and then put his hand slowly to the ground, and lit a giant flame around the stage.
Everyone gasped. The flame grew ten times in size, covering the vicinity. Jackson got trapped inside. His eyes widened when he saw the flame enclosed in. Jackson couldn't teleport with flames everywhere.
He groaned. "Aw man, you've grown stronger," Jackson said dryly, anger dripping in his tone as he smirked. Yoongi smirked as well.
He finally rose the flames up higher and made them hit Jackson directly. Jackson got hit with the flames, and the coach stopped the match there, one of the other teachers splashing Jackson with water.
Everyone began cheering for Yoongi, who grinned, walking off the stage. Taehyung walked past him, knowing he was next, knowing he had to go against some dude named Bambam who could walk through walls.
"Hi! I'm Bambam." Bambam said with a big smile, and Taehyung hummed, trying not to get distracted. Bambam blinked his big eyes and then grinned. "I'm going to fucking END you."
"Jesus," Taehyung said under his breath. "KILL HIM TAEHYUNG!" Jin yelled from the bleachers, and Jimin tried calming him down.
The match began. Taehyung watched him calculatingly, waiting for the boy to make his first move. There were no walls here. All he could really do was walk through Taehyung. Or through the floors... Taehyung had to find some way out of this.
"Use your fucking powers, nerd!" Someone from the bleachers yelled, and Taehyung's breath hitched.
Bambam suddenly ran towards Taehyung. Taehyung watched closely and then saw Bambam gripped his fingers and then went through Taehyung.
Oh, Taehyung thought. He felt an arm close in around his neck, and then elbowed Bambam back really hard. The kid wasn't so well built, so he stumbled back.
"I can't watch this. The dude just refuses to use his powers, it's infuriating." Yoongi said, getting up and walking off the bleachers. Jungkook gulped. "Wait!" Jungkook said, and then walked off behind Yoongi.
Taehyung, meanwhile, grabbed Bambam before the boy could grip his fingers again, wrapped his fingers onto the boy's slim wrists, and then pulled them behind his back, holding them in his place tightly. Bambam's eyes widened, hands behind his back. "What the fu-" Bambam let out, but then Taehyung touched Bambam's back lightly, and the boy went flying.
"Woah! What was that!" Jimin gasped. Namjoon and Jin didn't see that little touch. No one did. Hoseok was in the infirmary, and Jungkook and Yoongi left. Everyone else was already bored with Taehyung.
"Win for Kim Taehyung." The coach mumbled, and Bambam gave Taehyung a dirty look and then walked off. The coach looked at Taehyung with a raised brow, wondering why the kid wouldn't use his damn trait. Taehyung just looked away meekly.
There was a 20-minute break until around 3. If Taehyung wasn't wrong, it would be Irene versus Jungkook, Jimin versus Ren (because Namjoon and he had to do a thumb wrestling match to break the tie and Ren won), and Taehyung versus- oh my fucking god- Yoongi.
Since this wasn't a tournament, things ended in round 3. The top three were awarded and stuff. Big woop! Anyways. Taehyung made his way outside to use the washroom before round 3.
He heard the making out continue and then wondered with widened eyes how long they would take because he kind of wanted to get out. Also, there was something inside of him which twisted a little at the prospect of Jungkook making out with some guy.
Finally, the kissing ceased. "Did you see Yoongi? He looked pissed," Jungkook said, voice high and airy in his girl's voice.
"Duh! He has to go against that weak nerd kid. Yoongi's probably going to kill him." Jackson said, and Taehyung looked down at his shoes. "He's so lame. Someone told me he was a virgin, too."
"I did, you dumbass!" Jungkook said, and then sighed. "Oh well." Jungkook sighed. "Some people are just losers, Jackson. They prefer it that way," Jungkook snickered.
Taehyung leaned against the wall, biting on his bottom lip. Jungkook thought that way too? He thought Jungkook was nice...
"I'm surprised he has any friends. Bambam and Yugyeom were bitching about how they'd go break his glasses or something." Jackson said, laughing.
"Bambam wouldn't do that, he's a sweetheart. But don't do that to the poor guy. He'd become blind." Jungkook said.
"He's already weak and unpopular. Let's not ruin his life completely, not more than he'd already done for himself."
Taehyung felt his stomach turn inside out. He heard Jackson laugh. "I'll see you later. My dorm, tonight." Jackson said, and Taehyung heard a loud slap, that could've been against the ass.
He heard some humming from Jungkook, meaning he was still here. Taehyung felt like crying. He sniffled a little and then heard the humming stop.
"Is someone there?" Jungkook asked, back in his boy form. Taehyung gulped, and then thought whatever and opened the door. Jungkook's eyes widened when he saw him.
"Oh." Jungkook let out. "Tae- um- did- did you hear-"
"Yeah," Taehyung said, and Jungkook was fixing his hair in the mirror. He put his hands down, gripping the counter. Jungkook let out a small breath. "Look, I wasn't trying to be rude-"
"No, it- it's fine." Taehyung nodded, and Jungkook looked a little embarrassed, disheartened. Taehyung was looking down. "I just... I-I guess I thought we were friends? I-" Taehyung began, and Jungkook shook his head.
"No, no we are friends!" Jungkook said, smiling. Taehyung looked at him, and then let out a dry chuckle. "You said I was... lame and unpopular?"
"Taehyung, let's be honest," Jungkook said, giving him a reassuring smile. "You are... a little bit."
Taehyung looked away. "Look, everyone judges people based on their traits here. This is just... we've never met someone who's traitless before!"
"I'm not traitless," Taehyung said, and Jungkook looked at him with big eyes, as if saying are you sure?
Taehyung sighed. "Whatever. It's- it's fine. We don't have to be f-friends." Taehyung said, and Jungkook felt his shoulders drop. Taehyung turned and rushed out of the bathroom.
Jungkook sighed, covering his face with his hands. He fucked up.
Taehyung walked into the sports hall, two minutes before round three began. He saw Yoongi was sitting with Jimin, Hoseok, Jin, and Namjoon, all laughing about something. Taehyung walked up to them wearily, and Yoongi looked at him with a grin.
Round 3 began quickly, thank god.
Taehyung sulked against the wall, watching as Jungkook walked towards the arena excitedly, about to fight against Irene, who had that stone cold face as usual. Jungkook bent over to stretch, and Taehyung sighed, looking at his cute butt in those stretchy pants.
Lame and unpopular, Taehyung reminded himself.
"Go!" Coach Neon shouted.
Long story short, Irene let out bugs. Jungkook turned into a bug. And then turned back into a human and screamed about how he was giving up because he was too scared of spiders. Irene won.
Next match, Jimin against Ren. It was a long drawn fight. With Jimin flinching even slightly, and Ren moving away, knowing of Jimin's every next move.
"Get out of my head!" Jimin finally yelled after minutes of back and forth, and reached forward and shot a beam at Ren- who got hit in the shoulder and hissed, getting a bad burn. Jimin put his hands out and shot more beams, shouting out in anger.
"Remind me never to piss Jimin off." Namjoon gulped dryly, and the other boys laughed nervously.
Ren died.
Okay, he didn't. But, like, he would have- if the Coach didn't stop the match and declare Jimin winner.
"Last match! Min Yoongi versus Kim Taehyung!" The coach said, and everyone began cheering loudly for Yoongi.
Taehyung walked to the stage, looking down. Everyone judges people based on their traits here.
Taehyung kept looking down. "3!"
"Look up, pussy. Don't want to burn your head off," Yoongi grinned, stretching his fingers.
"2!" Taehyung took a deep breath.
"Are you going to be a real hero, or what? Huh? You gonna actually fight, you nerd?" Yoongi growled. "1!" Coach finished, and Taehyung looked up.
Yoongi instantly unleashed a swarm of fire around the arena. Taehyung stood deadly still. Yoongi felt more anger at how Taehyung didn't move. "Oh, so you're just going to stand there, huh? Wanna accept defeat, newbie? Do it before I fucking kill you," Yoongi laughed.
"I'm scared for Tae," Jungkook said, clinging onto Jimin, who was clinging onto Hoseok, who was clinging onto Jin, who was clinging onto Namjoon, who was rolling his eyes.
"Yoongi-" Taehyung let out, and then curtly moved his body as a ball of fire went past him.
"What?" Yoongi shouted, voice dripping with the adrenaline of power.
Taehyung kept looking down and then saw Yoongi making another ball of fire. Taehyung saw Yoongi create flames, creeping them closer to Taehyung.
"Are you looking down on me, four eyes? What? Do you think you're going to hurt me? Fucking do it, you pussy! Stop being so goddamn scared!" Yoongi shouted loudly, and Taehyung finally ungripped his hands.
Everyone watched with wide eyes, and Yoongi started laughing, waiting for Taehyung to do some dumb shit as he did earlier by pushing people around. Taehyung looked at Yoongi for another few seconds and then snapped his head up.
"Okay." Taehyung let out silently.
Yoongi put his hands up, ready to attack, but before he could think- Taehyung put his hands up slowly, and then let it out. A giant ball of flame from his hands.
Everyone gasped, eyes going wide. Jungkook's mouth fell, seeing how Taehyung's glasses fell off, eyes darkened.
"What the fuck?" Yoongi growled, after moving away from the fire. Yoongi started creating another ball of fire quickly, surprised. "What? Can you copy trait or some shit? God, I fucking-"
"No," Taehyung said, and then put his hands forward, and then let out a large gust of wind from his two palms, making the fire Yoongi blasted at him go away with the wind.
"What?!" Namjoon let out, and everyone gasped wider. Taehyung just let out fire AND wind??
Yoongi was frozen still, eyes wide in shock. He looked at Taehyung slowly, and Taehyung gulped. "Sorry. Are you hurt?"
"Fuck you." Yoongi spat and then created bigger flames.
Taehyung bit his lip and then jerked his hand forward. Yoongi looked under and then suddenly saw the ground of the stage lifting up, like mountains being formed under it.
Taehyung moved his hand up, continued to lift Yoongi up on the mountain of rocks. Everyone was out of their seats, watching with their pupils blown out in confusion. Even Coach Neon was watching with interest, all the teachers were.
"This kid... he got in from the written exam, right? He didn't show his trait?" Coach asked one of the other teachers, who nodded. "Yes. We enrolled him because he got full, which is very rare."
Coach hummed, smiling a little. Taehyung watched as Yoongi helplessly gripped onto the rock formations he was on. Taehyung looked up and then saw Yoongi's eyes light up in flames.
"I'm going to kill y-" Yoongi began, but Taehyung sighed.
"Sorry! Maybe next time." Taehyung said, and then put his hands forward and created an oncoming tsunami from behind Yoongi.
The crowd was screaming for Taehyung at this point. Yoongi got drowned into the tsunami and the water waves carried him to a wall on the other side of the hall, the wave crashing against it along with Yoongi. Yoongi fell down from a height, groaning as he did, completely drenched.
"What the fuck!!" Hoseok shouted, shaking Jin, who was screaming as well.
"Oh my god!! Oh my fucking god!" Jimin said, fingers clutching his hair.
Taehyung breathed heavily, seeing how he'd burnt the wall, broken the floor, drenched the side of the sports hall, and caused the lights from the ceiling to burst because of the wind pressure. Taehyung just let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
Shit. Things would definitely get bad now.
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