You know when there's really good food in the fridge? And you're not hungry, so you don't really think about it? It doesn't really cross your mind? Until finally, finally, you get really hungry and open the fridge- and that food that looked bland a few days ago now looks really really fucking appetizing?
Yeah, Jungkook felt that way.
The next morning, Jungkook got woken up early in the morning, and instantly met with Taehyung's brown eyes, and red hair a little messy. "Hey," Taehyung said, in his low deep morning voice.
Jungkook felt like he was dreaming. He gulped, hoping he didn't have drool on the side of his mouth after sleeping or something. Taehyung gave him a small smile. "I'll head back to my dorm to change and get to classes. You should get up too, Kookie, so you don't get late."
"Y-yeah. Okay." Jungkook said quickly, and Taehyung hummed and then walked out of Jungkook's bedroom. Jungkook saw him walk out and then curled into himself, rummaging his face into his pillow and squeaking out fuck.
Jungkook took a shower, made sure his light brown blond-ish hair was curled on his forehead, spent about 25 minutes doing his skincare routine from start to finish, and then put on some lipgloss, a cute white sweater, and blue jeans, and walked out.
Jungkook met Jin on the way to class.
"How's BLEEP?" Jungkook asked, looking at Jin.
"Did you just censor Jimin's name?"
"He has one of the nurses staying with him at the dorm. Physically, he's been healed, but I don't know- he might be really mentally tethered after this." Jin mumbled. "I think it's best Taehyung stay away from him for now."
"Jimin also technically tried to kill me," Jungkook said, muttering. "I don't know why everyone decided to forget that."
"I think it's because everyone knew what Jimin did was out of anger, and of course that's wrong. But Taehyung was.... deathly scary. He can literally kill all of us like that," Jin said, voice shaky. "I don't know how to feel about it."
Jungkook looked down. "Taehyung wouldn't hurt anyone on purpose."
Jin looked at him. "Speaking of Taehyung, what's up? You were being weird last night on the text."
"O-oh." Jungkook shrugged, biting his lip. "I-I don't know. I think- I think I was just tired or something," Jungkook began, but then they both walked into their mandatory Biology class.
"Um." Bambam looked at his textbook, his friends surrounded him. "I'm pretty sure that-" Bambam pointed at the textbook. "-is the pancreas."
"Come on, Bambam! You're the smartest out of us!" Jackson grumbled, and Yugyeom beside him nodded. "We have this stupid pop quiz in 10 minutes!!!"
"Stop yelling!" Bambam cried, weak. "I don't know what anything is! I'm stupid."
"That's the penis," Yugyeom yelled, pointing at the textbook. "Fuck, that's all I know."
Jungkook heard a slight grunt and then saw Taehyung prop his head up from where it was placed on the desk. He got up from his seat, walking over to the three boys. "That's not the pancreas, that's the lungs," Taehyung muttered, awed at their stupidity. "This is the pancreas. It secretes insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, and pancreatic polypeptide."
Bambam, Yugyeom and Jackson blinked in confusion. "Oh." They all said, and then all collectively moved away from him, scared. "Th-thanks," Bambam said faintly, and then ran away.
Taehyung's shoulders dropped for a second, and then he turned his head and looked at Jin and Jungkook. Today, he was wearing a simple faded white shirt, trousers, and a criss-cross patterned sweater vest, his glasses perched on his nose. Taehyung walked up to them.
"Hey guys. Thank god you're here, I thought I'd be alone." Taehyung chuckled softly.
"Y-yeah," Jin said quickly, and then walked away from him and towards Namjoon, looking a little uneasy. Taehyung frowned and looked down.
Jungkook was frozen. OH my god Taehyung looks so FUCKING HOT- Jungkook cleared his throat, trying to rid himself of these thoughts. "Hey, I'll sit with you." Jungkook gave him a a pretty smile, showing off his bunny teeth.
"Oh, thanks." Taehyung smiled, and they both sat together in the back. Jungkook got seated beside him, and then looked at Taehyung.
"Did you study for the test?" Jungkook asked. Taehyung shook his head. "No, didn't really need to. It's just basic questions about biology, like about protein synthesis or something." Taehyung said. Jungkook bit his lip.
"So like... you already know all this stuff? It's just kinda stored in your brain?" Jungkook asked, tilting his head. Taehyung nodded absentmindedly, taking out his notebook. Jungkook's breath hitched. That's so fucking hot.
The teacher walked in and delightfully announced that since it was the day after the tournament- the pop quiz was canceled and everyone just had to finish like an assignment. The class cheered. Jungkook looked at Taehyung, smiling.
"Let's do it together," Jungkook said, and Taehyung nodded. They got the papers and then got into it quickly. The first question was to label parts of the human heart.
"No Kookie," Taehyung tsked, and then leaned closer to Jungkook. Jungkook looked at him, their faces inches apart. "That's not the left atrium, it's on the other side."
Jungkook's gaze fell on Taehyung's lips. Jungkook wanted to kiss him right there and then. Fuck, get a grip of yourself Jungkook- you've never thirsted like this over anyone. Jungkook cleared his throat, but then Taehyung looked at him.
"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked, wondering why Jungkook seemed so weird lately. Jungkook nodded, cheeks turning red.
"Mhm," Jungkook said, and then Taehyung smiled a little. "You look alike a bunny." Taehyung pointed out with a small chuckle.
Jungkook burst into laughter. Taehyung widened his eyes, a little surprised. Jungkook gripped his pen tighter and kept laughing, smacking the table with his other hand. Taehyung blinked in confusion. Jungkook's laughs died down, and then he giggled a little, looking at Taehyung.
"You're so funny, Tae," Jungkook said, and Taehyung's eyebrows rose.
"Oh. Um." Taehyung smiled. "Thanks? I didn't-" Taehyung began, but Jungkook smacked Taehyung's shoulder playfully, turning back to the paper in front of him. Taehyung paused and then looked away.
After class (which's entirety was spent with Jungkook giggling far too much at the simplest of things Taehyung said) Taehyung got up and left because he had a meeting with the principal. Jungkook got his things and then bit his lip, picking on his notebook.
"Dude," Jin said, walking up to him, Namjoon beside him. "What was that."
"Huh?" Jungkook asked, innocent. Namjoon scoffed. "You were all over him, Jungkook! Please don't lead him on. You know how hard it is to get over people, especially for someone like Taehyung, presumably."
"I'm not leading him on," Jungkook said, turning his head the other way, offended. "I just wanna spent time with him. Bite my ass." Jungkook snapped and then walked out of the classroom.
Jin sighed. "Well, let's hope they get together now or whatever. I don't know. I'm over it. Let's just go to the Ethics class." Jin grumbled, walking out. Namjoon followed with a small fond smile for the boy's muttering.
Taehyung sat on a brown chair in front of the principal of the school, an old man with grey hair, and Coach Neon. He looked down, fearful.
"Taehyung," Coach Neon said, words not harsh, just telling. "You lost control of your power. You knew- knew this would happen, didn't you?"
"Yes sir," Taehyung said feebly.
"Why did you not take it up with the Coach beforehand? Knowing you could've caused such destruction, it's frankly disappointing that a smart student like you didn't inform us about your inability to control your trait." The principal gruffed. Taehyung's head ducked low.
Inability to control your power. "I-I thought," Taehyung began, hesitant. "That if I brought it up, you wouldn't let me do anything with my trait," Taehyung said feebly. "I can control it, I-I know I am. I just-"
"Has it happened before?" Coach Neon cut in. Taehyung looked at him.
"Yes sir," Taehyung whispered.
"L-last year. That's why I joined the year late." Taehyung said in a small voice. Coach Neon frowned. Taehyun gulped, guilt evident on his face. He shook his head. "I-I want to improve, sir. I want to be able to c-control-"
"Taehyung," The principal said, leaning forward, elbows resting on the dark wood table in front of him. "We understand. You simply lost control, you're still young, so it's okay. You will learn." The principal said, but his tone was weary. "We will inform you of any extra lessons you need."
Taehyung nodded. "What- what about the public? Aren't the angry at the school because of me, and what happened to Jimin?"
"The cameras stopped rolling a minute into your fight because your electric power burst the cameras." Coach Neon said, and Taehyung looked down. "As for the audience, they were all given free passes to a Miss Muscle meet and greet in order for them to stay quiet, and they all agreed."
"O-oh wow, that's really sweet of her to do. Why is she helping so much?" Taehyung asked, a little confused.
"Miss Muscle has some relations with our school. After all, she studied here as well, and was a classmate of Coach Neon," The principal chuckled. "Anyways, Taehyung, you can go for your classes." The principal said. Taehyung nodded and got up, leaving quickly.
Once he was gone, the principal sighed. "The last time this intense sort of power was shown was Miss Muscle..." The principal said. "And before that, Xeerus himself."
Coach Neon stilled at his words. Xeerus, the man with 4 elemental traits, who caused destruction and the death of millions. "Taehyung's power is too much for him to handle," The principal continued. "He's got immense power, it's frightening."
"I agree, sir." Coach Neon nodded. "But we ought to help him, or else we'll create a monster," Coach Neon murmured, quietly.
Taehyung walked down the hallways, noticing how people grabbed their friends and got out of his way, or stuck to the walls, or whispered to each other. Taehyung went to his Ethics class, and then noticed it'd already started.
Taehyung opened the door, and the professor stopped and looked at him. "Sorry, I had a meeting with the princi-"
"I-it's okay. Don't worry. It's absolutely fine." The professor said quickly. "You- you can sit down. If you want."
Taehyung nodded, walking to the back of the class, which was empty thankfully, and sitting down. Jungkook was sitting in the middle with an empty seat beside him, and he turned around to look at Taehyung. Sit with me, Jungkook mouthed, but Taehyung didn't see it. Jungkook pouted.
"Psst-!" Taehyung heard, and then looked to his side, and saw Moe, that student nurse from the day before sitting beside him. Taehyung got startled because he hadn't seen her earlier. She smiled. "Hi."
"H-hey. Sorry, I didn't see you." Taehyung said, about to move. She put her hand on his.
"You can stay! Don't worry," She said quickly. "I was just invisible so I could hear the lecture but eat at the same time." She said, and Taehyung nodded with a small smile. She moved her hand, and Taehyung noticed an apple core underneath her desk.
She blushed lightly. "I forgot to eat breakfast. I was reading this really good novel and completely lost track of time and space."
"I do that all the time," Taehyung said, and she giggled.
Taehyung opened his notebook, and she did as well. Taehyung grinned. "Your notes are really well made," He said, looking at how prettily her notes were written down, with highlighted parts and pretty cursive headings. She grinned shyly.
"Thanks." She said softly, and Taehyung eased a bit knowing she wasn't afraid of him unlike literally everyone else. Jungkook too.
"This is so boring," Moe said after a little while, and Taehyung looked at her.
"I find it kind of interesting, actually," Taehyung said, shy.
"Oh." Moe widened her eyes and looked at him. "M-me too. I just lied 'cause I thought no one found it interesting." She said really fast, and Taehyung beamed.
Taehyung ended up talking to Moe for the better part of the lesson, and though he's usually the type to be quiet and make notes, today he didn't feel like it. Moe was nice. She was rather intelligent like Taehyung, and honestly really cute, with small hands and dainty features.
After class, they both got up to walk out of lecture hall. Taehyung looked at Moe. "You probably, um, don't care- but that new Star Wars movie is coming out, and honestly I feel like they're rushing-"
"Oh my god, same!" Taehyung grinned, and then Moe looked at him brightened eyes. "What's your favorite movie?"
"The best one, duh." Moe scoffed, and Taehyung grinned. "Empire Strikes back-" Both said at the same time, and then Taehyung gasped, and Moe started laughing.
Jungkook, meanwhile, got his stuff and walked up to Taehyung. "Tae!" Jungkook called, seeing him with that short brown haired girl he'd seen before. He reached Taehyung and then saw the girl look up at Taehyung.
"Do you want to get lunch together? There's this- this really nice new café that's opened up at the aquarium," Moe said, slightly hesitant, soft.
"I love the aquarium!" Taehyung said excitedly. "Sure! Have you seen the new Seahorse exhibit?" Taehyung asked as they both walked out of the classroom.
"No, but I've really wanted to go! I've gone with my friends some times, but they don't like going with me. They say I get too excited and tell them too many turtle facts or something." Moe murmured, looking down.
Taehyung's eyes gleamed. "Same. Literally. Also, turtles are the best." Taehyung said, and she giggled, and then they walked out.
Jungkook blinked. What the fuck. He watched as they both kept talking and walked out. Jungkook breathed deeply. Okay. It's fine. Maybe they're friends or something.
Jungkook rushed out of the classroom to catch up. "Taehyung!" Jungkook said loudly, and Taehyung stopped and turned around. Jungkook caught up with the two and then wrung his arm around Taehyung's elbow. "Where are you going?"
"Hey, Jungkook. I was going to the aquarium with Moe- you remember her, right? She helped me after the tournament. She studies in the medical course here." Taehyung explained. Moe gave Jungkook a hesitant smile.
"Oh. Hi." Jungkook said, and then looked at Taehyung. "The aquarium?" Jungkook asked, and then hummed. "Sounds fun. Can I come?"
"Aren't you banned from there?" Taehyun asked. Jungkook chewed on his bottom lip. "I think so. But I'm sure they won't remember. Let's go!"
Taehyung looked at Moe, who nodded. "Jungkook can come. It'll be more fun with more people." Moe grinned.
"Haha, like sex." Jungkook laughed, and Taehyung and Moe looked at Jungkook. They didn't laugh. Jungkook's smile went away, and he cleared his throat. "Sorry," Jungkook mumbled.
The three of them went to the aquarium. They got free passes and went in. Thankfully, the security didn't remember Jungkook. Jungkook looked around the nice place, and then looked at Taehyung.
Taehyung was looking at the big glass walls which had water behind them, a stretch which went on. It was a beautiful place. Taehyung looked at the pretty yellow fish swimming around, around their corals and smiled gradually.
Jungkook stopped to look at Taehyung. He was so handsome like this. With water causing a reflection on his tan skin, his red hair soft and still a bit messy, his glasses echoing the blue ripples. Jungkook's heart skipped a beat or ten.
He didn't know what it was, suddenly. Maybe he was just being weird. Or maybe, now that he isn't constantly worrying about sex and other dudes or whatever- he's realized what he's been missing out, what he hasn't noticed. Someone that was right in front of him the whole time.
Jungkook walked up to him slowly, but then saw Moe, in her plaid skirt and top, rush up to Taehyung. "Taehyung, look- those angelfish are swimming around each other!" She gushed, and Taehyung looked to where she was pointing excitedly.
They walked past Jungkook. Jungkook stilled, and then rolled his eyes, turning around to join them. It was pretty much like that for the rest of the time.
First, they kept looking at all the fish and saying weirdly interesting yet lame facts about them to each other, and then giggling or smiling afterward. Jungkook just stood behind them, awkward. Then, they looked at the turtles and geeked over it. Jungkook thought they were kinda wrinkly looking, but anyways.
After 30 or 40 minutes of being there, Jungkook just lagged behind them, hearing them play some stupid game where they saw how many types of whales they knew.
"Common Minke Whale," Taehyung said, peering into the glass wall, behind which swam jellyfish.
"Long-finned pilot whale!" Moe said back, and Taehyung tsked. "How did I forget that?" Taehyung mumbled, and Moe giggled.
Jungkook looked behind the jellyfish exhibit. "Heyy- that's where I got fucked by that guy a few months ago," Jungkook said, and then snickered.
Moe and Taehyung looked at him. Moe looked a bit uncomfortable, while Taehyung just nodded, and then he and Moe bean doing the stupid whale game again. Jungkook groaned. This sucked.
"Tae!" Jungkook announced excitedly, knew if he was cute then Taehyung would give him attention, more than he was giving to Moe. Taehyung looked at Jungkook. "Let's go get souvenirs!"
"Oh. Yeah, sure." Taehyung said, and Moe nodded as well- but Jungkook laced his fingers with Taehyung's hands and dragged him towards the cute souvenir shop nearby. Moe followed apprehensively.
Jungkook walked into the store and then looked at all the plush toys on the wall. "Tae look! There's a polar bear." Jungkook said, pointing at the cute while plush toy. Jungkook walked up to it and grabbed it.
"Too bad they might go extinct soon because of global warming," Moe said, and Taehyung looked at her.
"I read about that. Reports say they might o extinct in 40 years or so because of climate change, and-"
Jungkook tugged on Taehyung's shirt. "Taehyunggg don't you think this will look cute in my bedroom?"
Taehyung looked, and Moe looked at him questioningly. "Yeah, it- it'll look nice." Taehyung nodded. Jungkook hummed and then went on looking around. He looked at the fridge magnets.
Moe and Taehyung began talking about global warming or whatever once more, but Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's hand and pulled him towards him again, which startled Taehyung a bit. "Look Tae- it's a Finding Nemo fridge magnet! Should I get one?"
"If you want to," Taehyung said, and Jungkook looked at him and saw how he returned to the conversation with Moe. Jungkook took a deep breath, and then looked at Moe, biting the inside of his cheek.
"Moe," Jungkook said, and Moe looked at him. "You have a little bit of lipstick on your teeth. I didn't wanna say anything to be rude earlier, but it's still there, so you might wanna get it." Jungkook said, cutting her in. Moe widened her eyes, and her cheeks turned beet red.
"O-oh." She squeaked. "Sorry. I-I'll just g-go check-" Moe said, turning around hurriedly. "Washroom's at your first left!" Jungkook called out and then turned to Jungkook.
"She didn't have lipstick on her teeth..." Taehyung trailed, and Jungkook hummed, grabbing Taehyung's hand and taking him outside the souvenir shop. "Kook? Where are we going? Shouldn't we wait in there- for when she comes back? She won't know where we-"
"Let's go eat something," Jungkook suggested. Taehyung stopped in his steps and Jungkook with him.
"No, let's wait for Moe. Then we'll get food." Taehyung said, and Jungkook looked at him.
"I wanna go now. This is boring..." Jungkook whined softly.
"It's not," Taehyung said. "It's so fun to see all the fish and-and-" Taehyung said, and then gulped, looking at him. "I assumed you wouldn't like it. You don't really like this kind of stuff, I guess. You pr-probably prefer spending time at the mall with some friends." Taehyung said.
Jungkook went closer to him. "No no, I didn't mean that. This is fun. It's fun with you." Jungkook said, and Taehyung looked at him, confused. Jungkook smiled at him, eyes big and bright, lips curved to a small smile.
Taehyung looked really... nervous, for some reason. Jungkook fixed his hair a bit, letting his fingers go down his jaw, cup it. "I really like how you look with red hair and your normal look. It's so different, yet it's really cute."
"J-Jungkook," Taehyung said, and Jungkook brought his hand lower on Taehyung, taking it down his shoulder, letting it rest on his chest prettily. Taehyung looked down at him, and his breath hitched.
"Now that Jimin is going through all that stuff, you should move out. Honestly. It'll be easier for both of you. You can stay with me, Tae. It'll be so much fun." Jungkook said, smiling up at him. "Just you and me. We can watch movies, and make dinner together," Jungkook said, closer to him, breath on him, soft. "And we can even cuddle- you like cuddling, right?"
Taehyung's eyes were big, cheeks pink. Jungkook didn't say anything but then realized his hand was pressed tightly on Taehyung's chest, and- and oh. Jungkook's eyes went big. Taehyung's heart was beating really really fast, thudding against his chest, probably the reason Taehyung looked so frazzled.
"Are- are you okay?" Jungkook began, but Taehyung pushed his hand off and stepped away from him, looking embarrassed.
"I-I'm sorry," Taehyung said timidly and then clenched his fists by his side. Jungkook saw some flowers on the floor again. Jungkook stepped closer to him.
"I-it's okay," Jungkook said, laughing adoringly. "It's okay- Tae. You know I don't care about- about-"
"Don't," Taehyung said, looking down. He looked self-conscious, uncomfortable. "J-Jungkook, can you please just- not do stuff like that. Please." Taehyung said, timidly. Jungkook paused.
"What?" Jungkook asked, confused.
"D-don't-" Taehyung gulped, looking at him. "Don't t-touch me like that- and s-say those things," Taehyung said, fidgety.
"Why?" Jungkook asked, walking up to him. "Come on, Taehyungie. I thought you wanted us to be friends! Friends are touchy, silly. I'm just a generally affectionate person, I-"
"Jungkook." Taehyung let out, barely coherent. "I-I am trying my hardest here to get o-over you," Taehyung whispered, and Jungkook froze.
"I t-think I just need some time away from- from us b-being friends. I kn-know I said we wouldn't change- but I just-" Taehyung looked at him. "I care too much about small things. A-and- and I get flustered. I n-need some time alone."
Jungkook looked at him. He felt his stomach wobble at his words, heart clench. "I'm sorry," Jungkook said, playing with his fingers. "I just thought you needed a friend right now," Jungkook began. I need a friend right now, he should've said instead. "Because of everything."
"I'm okay, honestly. I'll be fine." Taehyung said hurriedly, but it was awkward, and he refused to look at Jungkook.
"Wh-why did you like me so much anyway? I'm just... me. I'm boring. I'm dumb. I'm horny all the time. I just-" Jungkook began and then shrugged. "I don't understand why someone like you would like me."
"I-I don't know. I just did." If I start telling you the reasons why I'm practically in love with you, I won't be able to stop- Taehyung should've said instead. "I'm sorry. I'm just gonna go-"
"No, it's fine. Enjoy your cafe lunch thingy with Moe." Jungkook said hurriedly. "I'm not too hungry anyway. I'm pretty sure I have some food back home." Jungkook laughed. I don't, please tell me to stay. "Bye," Jungkook said, waving at him and turning around to leave.
He walked out of the aquarium place, leaving quickly. He took out his phone.
hey do u wanna grab lunch. im rly hungry rn and alone ):
sure. but i dont have any condoms with me.
what? i said lunch, yoongi. can you read?
if you didnt want me to fuck you then why'd you mention being alone
.....because i wanted to be with a friend?
since when were we friends i thought we just fucked
sorry for getting the wrong idea :)
hey do u wanna grab lunch? im rly hungry and alone and kinda wanna be w friends rn ):
hey kook! im with jimin right now
do u wanna grab lunch im hungry
should've messaged me 20 minutes ago dipshit i already ate food
doesnt matter just come with me
no im not walking all the way to your apartment
plus namjoons sucking my dick right now bye
have fun
Jungkook put his hands against his face, his temple hurting. Maybe he should just be alone. As if he had a choice. Jungkook went to his apartment and fell onto his sofa, still really hungry. He opened some food app and ordered a small pizza. To have alone, how pathetic UGH.
Jungkook opened his phone and noticed how his notifications and dms had significantly died down ever since he was on a sex hiatus and not posting pictures of his girl self anymore.
Jungkook went through old texts with Taehyung, just to see if there were any clues to Taehyung liking him. Jungkook's usually good with this kind stuff, so he's a little confused as to why he never got the idea that Taehyung was into him in any way.
come eat lunch with me
I'm busy right now because of homework 😣 Can I come in 15 minutes?
come now taehyung im starvingggg do u want me to die it sounds like u want me to die
No, I'm sorry. I'll come right now 😊
its been 10 minutes!!!!!!! im getting food alone then ig
Sorry I'm almost there. You can get food. I'll join you there.
Hey I'm at the cafeteria. Where are you? 😢
Jungkook? I'm here
I can't find you
Hey, I'm so sorry for messaging you so much. It's been 20 minutes or so, I guess you got lunch. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting 😔 I should have come earlier. Don't be mad, please.
I got your strawberry lemonade as usual too! Do you want me to drop it at your apartment? 💗
Oh... I saw Ren's snapchat. You're doing stuff with him... Have fun :) Be safe.
heyyy lol sorry i was waiting for u but ren came up to me n he wanted to fuck
It's okay 💜
do you wanna get dinner w me?
Yes sure! Let me just tell Jimin I can't join him for dinner though.
Hi! I'm messaging you a lot today hahaha. Do you want to get dinner? I'm kind of hungry too 🙈
sorry i cant come. i have this party thingy to go to at jacksons place lol i completely forgot
u can go get dinner w jimin and all
They already left. It's okay I'll get food alone. Have fun 💜 be safe please 😊
Jungkook was frozen on his couch after going through those past texts. He knew they were from some time ago, but holy shit.
How was Jungkook so oblivious- that too, such a bitch? Jungkook groaned into his hands, dropping his phone. "I'm such a bitch," Jungkook mumbled to himself, curling up on his couch. He was an asshole to Taehyung, who was nothing but sweet to him.
Back then, these texts meant nothing- Jungkook didn't think twice. Now, it was making his heart hurt, and he wanted to kiss Taehyung's forehead and apologize. He couldn't, though, because he fucked everything up as usual.
Jungkook got his pizza soon. It was cold and kind of stale, and they forgot to give oregano. Jungkook sighed. He deserved this treatment.
alot of u say ur confused so guysies jungkooks hair looked like THIS in the fic and i know its a weird hair color and theres not many pics of him with it but YEA
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