Jin rushed to the seats where the 16 participants about to battle for victory sat, waiting for their names to be called and to see who they would fight. Jin saw Yoongi and walked up to him, sitting down quickly.
"The worst thing ever in humanity happened multiplied by 27." Jin said hastily."
"You died."
"Yoongi I'm right here."
"Anyways. Taehyung confessed to Jungkook that he's, like, in love with him. Jungkook rejected him. Now Taehyung's crying in the washroom." Jin said. "Or peeing. Either way, I heard the sound of something wet-"
"Stop talking instantly." Yoongi snapped, and then looked at Jin. "Where's Jungkook? Is he even here? I haven't seen him all day."
"Dude." Namjoon said flatly, looking a little serious than usual, probably focused for the match. "Jungkook literally gave you a bottle of water 20 minutes ago and had a conversation with you."
"Oh. Right. Forgot." Yoongi said. Hoseok snickered. "Seemed to be raving about him when he was having sex with you, though. But that's none of my business."
Yoongi looked at Hoseok for a second and then leaned back on his chair. "Yeah. Okay fine, I was. I did give him more importance when he let me fuck him. But I'm not going to pretend like Jungkook and I are best friends. We're not. I mean, is it just me or is Jungkook really vague? He's always been really... blank. I don't know. It feels like we don't know everything about him. Feels like he's hiding a lot from us." Yoongi said.
Namjoon looked down. "Now that you mention it... I do feel that way. He doesn't tell us a whole lot about himself."
"Maybe he just likes being private." Hoseok said.
"Likes being private by sending pictures of his bare ass to every guy in the college. Yup." Jimin said, sitting in the back. The boys looked at him, seeing how he looked weirdly.... scary.
"You guys better thank me, by the way." Jimin said, dry. He smiled. "Our biggest competition for the match is heartbroken. Taehyung won't be able to do anything."
"What? Did you make Taehyung confess on purpose? Jimin, that's not right. We should play fairly, not try to twist and tweak it to our benefits-" Namjoon began.
"Oh, please. You're happy about it too. We all knew very well that none of us had a chance to win the trophy with Taehyung in the way. I helped." Jimin snapped. "Don't pretend you're on some moral high ground. We're all here to win. Not to make friends."
"Jeez," Hoseok muttered after a bit of silence, and then looked at Namjoon, whispering. "Is it just me or is he acting weird?"
"Not just you. He's scaring me. Whatever, let's just focus on the tournament. The names are being announced soon." Namjoon said. As he said that, the rest of the 16 people piled into the waiting room, Jungkook and Taehyung included. They sat on opposite ends.
"Hello! We will finally commence to our third and final round, the most anticipated- the battle!" Coach Neon said into a microphone, and the crowd roared in excitement, cheering and clapping their hands.
"I still can't get over the fact that Miss Muscle is watching us. I hope I don't do anything stupid." Rose said from beside Taehyung, nervous. "What if I trip or something?"
"I hope you do," Jennie mumbled. Rose pouted at her. "No offense! I just wanna win, you know?" Jennie said sheepishly. Rose hummed, nodding.
"The first round will consist of 8 battles, with two students going against each other. The rules are simple! If you're out of bounds, knocked out, pass out, or hurt the other excessively, you're disqualified!" Coach Neon roared. "Now, onto who will fight who!"
"Match number 1! Jeon Jungkook versus Ren Lee!"
Jungkook stilled, and Ren snickered. "Easy," Ren muttered to Jackson, who hummed, leaning against the seat. Jungkook looked down.
"Match number 2, Park Jimin versus Yoo Jeongyeon!"
Jimin looked at Jeongyeon, the short brown haired girl sitting in the last row. He glared. She glared back.
"Match number 3, Kim Taehyung versus Kim Seokjin!"
"Fuck you. Fuck- FUCK you." Jin snapped, getting up. "I don't wanna do this. I hate this. I'm QUITTING-"
"Jin, stop. Look at him." Yoongi said in a whisper. Jin calmed down and looked at Taehyung, who didn't even seem to have heard the names, was still looking down, eyes blank. Rose shook his shoulder.
"You're going third! Against Jin!" Rose told him. Taehyung snapped back to his senses and nodded, scratching the back of his neck.
The rest of the names were called out. Jaebum versus Rose. Yoongi versus Irene. Jackson versus Mina. Hoseok versus Jennie. Namjoon versus Wendy.
Jungkook was first. So he swiftly got up from his seat and walked out of the holding area, towards the battlefield. Ren followed.
Everyone watched from that little VIP box they were seated in as Jungkook entered the battlefield, a large white square stage sort of thing in the big stadium. Jungkook walked into it. Everyone in the audience cheered for him and Ren.
Jungkook stood on one side, as Ren stood on the other. Coach Neon explained the rules once more. Jungkook was very aware of all the eyes on him. Everyone was watching him. This was getting televised. People were watching from home, with their children who want to become heroes. With elders who never got the chance. With adults who look at them as protection from villains.
"There are many people watching, aren't there?" Ren grinned wickedly, eyes green. Jungkook looked at him. He was reading his mind.
"I am." Ren responded. Jungkook stilled.
"START!" Coach Neon announced. Jungkook stood still.
Jungkook curled his fingers and stepped forward, but then Ren chuckled. "Turning into a tiger, Kooks? I'll get you out of bounds,"
Jungkook took a deep breath. He then went blank. Don't. Think.
Jungkook began thinking of turning into a large lion while Ren snickered at his see-through tendencies. While Ren was thinking about what Jungkook was thinking about, he didn't notice Jungkook take his shirt off.
His own shirt off. Ren paused. "The fuck are you doing?"
"Um..." Jin said from up there in the audience box thing. "Why is he stripping? Doesn't the uniform allow him to contort into whatever figure he wants without it getting in the way?"
"Is he doing it to intimidate Ren?" Yoongi voiced, eyes pierced onto the fighting floor. "What is he.... oh-" Yoongi let out, eyes wide as Jungkook pulled his trousers down as well.
"Jungkook," Ren said, frowning. "Why the fuck are you stripping? Are you serious? There's like 50 thousand people watching."
"I know," Jungkook muttered, in nothing but his tiny boxers. His cheeks were flushed. He looked... reluctant. Ren tried to read his mind, but his mind was fuzzy, of images of him and Ren having sex. Ren groaned, Jungkook was doing it on purpose to throw him off his game.
"Can he not keep his clothes on for once?? We're in the middle of a tournament, and he's stripping??" Jimin scoffed. Taehyung looked curiously too.
Before anyone could voice any other kind of opinion, Jungkook took his boxers off.
Everyone widened their eyes. Ren too. Coach Neon, who was commentating, stopped. "Um...... close your eyes if you're younger t-than 18 please..." He said, really confused. He moved the microphone away from his face. "Jungkook! What the hell are you-"
Jungkook was fully naked- and then transformed.
Every single person in the audience, while they were erupting in confused whistles and laughs about Jungkook's nudity, got really quiet. Everyone in the folding room got quiet. Ren got quiet. So did Coach Neon.
Jungkook had transformed into a woman. She had long, long white hair, trailing past his feet. His skin was pale. His eyes were large, blue. He was fully naked.
"Don't you want me?" He voiced, sounding different, un-human like. Ren's eyes glazed, going completely blank, jaw falling open at the sight of the woman naked. He fell to his knees.
"Oh my god." Taehyung let out. Everyone had their eyes glazed too. "He-he's transformed into that superhero from years ago, Alekna."
"Who's that?" Jennie asked, not able to take his eyes of Jungkook.
"She was a siren! Her superpower was her body itself, as it attracted people to the point that their thoughts went lucid. Regardless of gender or sexuality, she hypnotized people through her body. Her body was her superpower. Look at Ren, he looks hypnotized! So does almost everyone else!" Taehyung said, surprised.
Jungkook walked closer to Ren and then grabbed the back of his head with his fingers. "Don't you ever fucking try to underestimate me again, okay?" Jungkook whispered. Ren nodded dumbly. Jungkook then dragged him to the other side of the stage and off bounds. With ease.
The moment he was out, Jungkook transformed back into his normal form, crouching down and covering himself. Everyone in the audience erupted in cheers and applause for Jungkook, as it was a very smart and tactful move. Jungkook looked overly humiliated, embarrassed.
Coach Neon came onto stage quickly with a robe, covering Jungkook. Jungkook got up hesitantly. "Jeon Jungkook is the winner of this battle, and proceeds straight to round 2!"
Jungkook smiled a little at the applause, and then rushed quickly backstage.
The next round was Jimin versus Jeongyeon. They had some weird glaring between them, lots of tension, seems like they hated each other. Jeongyeon could create molten lava, so the fight between here and Jimin was cool.
Jimin kept shooting beams, and she kept start pools of lava, almost burning the stage down. In the end, she covered Jimin with lava, but Jimin jumped up with his laser beam and shot at Jeongyeon, pushing her out of bounds.
After that, was Taehyung and Jin. Jin looked really pissed off.
Taehyung looked sad, mopey. Jin made tens of his own self and began beating Taehyung up left and right. Taehyung let out a gush of wind and all of them moved away.
The audience gasped at Taehyung's traits, from how he let out wind energy and then instantly released a lot of fire, enclosing Jin. They loved him, roared and shouted and screamed because of his unique trait.
Jin lost by getting knocked out.
And so, the rounds went on until only 8 people were remaining, and the other 8 were injured, upset, or straight up passed out.
The remaining 8 sat in the holding box.
Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung, Rose, Yoongi, Jackson, Hoseok, Namjoon were the 8. Rose looked a little peevish to be the only girl between so many guys.
They were all talking, as they had 20 minutes until Round 3. Yoongi, Jackson, Hoseok, and Namjoon were laughing about something or the other, trying to feel relaxed to tone down the tenseness. Rose was talking to Jimin about their fighting moves. Jungkook and Taehyung were sat on other ends again, quiet.
Taehyung then took a deep breath and walked out of the holding room to get some breath of fresh air. He walked down the hallway to find a vending machine and get an energy drink, but literally froze midway when he saw Miss Muscle.
Oh my fucking GODDDDDDD WHAT THE FUCKK!!!! OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!! WHAT WHAT HEJKSDJ- Taehyung took a deep breath.
She was in her red tight body suit, talking to who seemed like her manager. Miss Muscle's long black hair swayed till her waist, and her bold red lip stood out, along with her sharp cut eyeliner and long eyelashes. Taehyung's eyes grew wide, mouth falling open slightly. She was so fucking beautiful.
Taehyung must've zoned out because he heard a small laugh. "You're one of the contestants, right? Kim Taehyung?"
Taehyung snapped out of his senses and looked at her, and then realized she said his name and tried not to squeal. "Y-y-yes m-ma'am." He stammered, hands behind his back.
"Big fan?" She asked in an amused tone upon seeing his starry eyes. Taehyung nodded quickly, blushing slightly. "E-ever since I was little I've looked u-up to you. Sorry, t-this is just a lot to take in."
"It's always so heartwarming to hear I've given inspiration to young children. I saw you out there on the battlefield. Is it 6 elemental traits?"
"H-how did you know? I only used 2..." Taehyung muttered.
She hummed. "I could tell. Good work out there, Taehyung. I hope I see you until the end." She said, giving his shoulder a quick pat. The manager said something to her, and she nodded and then walked off. Taehyung stood there, frozen.
Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god- Taehyung put his hands against his mouth. He ran back to the holding room and then ran right into Namjoon and Hoseok.
"Namseok!" Taehyung blurted. "I just fucking! Ran into Miss Muscle!"
"WHAT?!" Namjoon and Hoseok shouted at once. Yoongi looked at him with wide eyes. Jimin looked too. Rose gasped. Jackson put his hands up in the air.
"SHE was in the hallway! She's gone now! She said I did good work, I-" Taehyung squealed, jumping up. Rose ran up to him and jumped as well.
"That's so fucking cool!!!!!" Rose squealed. Jimin pouted. "I wanna meet her... that's not fair."
"Miss Muscle as in my queen, my fucking idol, my mom, my actual fucking goddess???" Yoongi snapped. Taehyung looked at him wearily. "Sorry I got carried away. But you really met her??"
"Is she as beautiful in person?" Hoseok asked, eyes big. "Even more beautiful," Taehyung whispered.
"I'm a lesbian!" Rose squealed. "Me too!" Jackson said, jumping out of his seat.
"She's so cool! And- and she's so tall! And oh my god, she's like, so tall, but petite. You could never tell she can kill a villain from a slight punch! She- I want her to punch me in the face!!!!! I'm sorry." Taehyung said, getting carried away.
"Oh my god, you're so lucky. This isn't fair. I wanna meet her!!!" Namjoon whined. Taehyung smiled and gushed to them even more until a horn went off.
"All students, please prepare for round 2- it will commence in 5 minutes."
"Ah, crap," Taehyung said, taking a deep breath. "I wanted to go get a drink. I'll be back in a minute." Taehyung said, rushing out of the room.
He ran to the vending machine and saw Jungkook standing by it, looking really confused. Taehyung felt nervous, and thought of turning around, but realized he really was thirsty and built up the courage to walk up to Jungkook.
"Taehyung!" Jungkook said when he saw him. "M-my baby carrot sticks got stuck!" Jungkook said, pointing at the machine.
Taehyung felt his heart flutter a little at his words and walked closer to the machine. He looked and saw the small packet of baby carrots stuck in the middle. Taehyung sighed and jerked the machine lightly, but didn't see it move.
Jungkook looked at Taehyung with big eager eyes. Taehyung looked back at him. "Wait," Taehyung said, and then put his hand into the vending machine dispenser thingy. Jungkook waited. Taehyung created a rock right above the carrot sticks so the packet got pushed down to the bottom.
"Thank you!" Jungkook said, and Taehyung took it out for him and gave it to him. Taehyung smiled at him, getting up.
"That's alright. Um- round 2 is going to start soon. They'll call the names." Taehyung informed. Jungkook nodded, opening the packet and taking out a baby carrot, putting it in his mouth and eating it.
Jungkook raised the packet forward for Taehyung to take one, and Taehyung shook his hand. "That's okay. I'll get my own." Taehyung said. Jungkook nodded. Taehyung pressed for a can of an energy drink and saw it fall down quickly after putting the coins in.
"That was really cool, by the way. What you did with Ren." Taehyung said. Jungkook hummed.
"Thank you. I've wanted to try it, but- but I always got scared." Jungkook said. "But I thought now would be a good time. I don't know why."
"I'm sure my little brother loved to see it on his TV." Taehyung tsked, and Jungkook giggled.
"ow old is he?" Jungkook asked, and Taehyung felt himself retract when their elbows touched slightly. Taehyung smiled sheepishly. "My younger brother's 17. My sister's 14. And then there's my youngest sister, she's 12."
"Wow, your parents really went at it, huh?" Jungkook said. Taehyung's widened his eyes at him. Jungkook blushed brightly, realizing what he said. "I-I'm sorry. That's so gross, I'm sorry."
"Eh, I guess they went at it 3 times at least." Taehyung snickered. Jungkook looked up at him, confused. Taehyung smiled a little. "I'm- um- I'm adopted."
"Oh," Jungkook said. "Really? That's... that's cool." Jungkook said, giving him a small smile. Taehyung smiled back. People never really knew how to respond to him saying he was adopted.
It was pretty obvious. He found out when he was 13 though, which was way too late for a kid to find out they were adopted. But his entire family was quite weak in comparison. His brother could create small tufts of water. His sister could move objects with her hands, but only small ones. His youngest sister was traitless.
"Do you know who your real parents are? They must be really strong." Jungkook said, eating another baby carrot. Taehyung took a sip of his energy drink.
"No, not really. My parents never told me, I don't think they want me to know. They just said my mother left me at the adoption center when I was a year old."
"Oh.. I'm sorry," Jungkook said. Taehyung shook his head. "It's okay. I love my family, adopted or not."
Jungkook smiled at him. "That's good. Some people can't even love their real families, so it's-" Jungkook began as he walked into the holding room. But as he spoke, Jimin walked past him- but pushed Jungkook's hand down, making him drop his packet of baby carrots.
"Oops," Jimin said, walking past him, ignoring him. Jungkook looked at him walk away and crouched down, picking the sprawled baby carrots up.
Taehyung frowned. "What the hell was that for??2 Taehyung grumbled, looking at where Jimin wet off. Taehyung looked back at Jungkook, who didn't say anything, just picked the baby carrots up and then threw them into the dustbin.
"It's okay. I finished half of them anyway." Jungkook said in a small voice before going to sit alone on the other side of the room.
Taehyung sat with Rose. Rose was doing some breathing exercise to focus. Jimin walked in later, probably had to use the washroom. Taehyung frowned at him. "Jimin, what was that for? Jungkook was just eating carrots."
Jimin leaned down to tie his laces. "He was in my way."
"No he wasn't," Taehyung muttered. Jimin ignored him.
"Round 2 begins! The first match is... Kim Taehyung versus Rose Park!"
Rose opened her eyes mid breathing exercise. "What!" She choked and then began coughing. Taehyung patted her back.
"The second match... Park Jimin versus Jeon Jungkook."
Jungkook froze, eyes going big. Jimin looked up as well, and then looked at Jungkook. Jungkook looked at Jimin for a second, but then looked away, almost frightful.
"Third match... Yoongi versus Jackson! Fourth match, Hoseok versus Namjoon!"
"Damnnit. We were meant to be the finals, bro." Jackson said, and Yoongi snickered.
"I'll beat your ass," Namjoon said to Hoseok. "If you can catch me first." Hoseok winked. Namjoon frowned.
The first match of round 2 began.
Taehyung went onto the stage. Rose looked really scared, but at the same time, steady. Her power was her voice. She could let out really really loud soundwaves. That could get annoying, but she sounded pretty good while doing it. Just VERY loud.
Rose screamed really loudly the moment the match began. Taehyung almost got pushed back from the strong sound waves. Jesus, Rose was really good at it. Everyone was covering their ears at the loudness of her voice. The ground was shaking.
"Sorry!" Taehyung called out beforehand before creating such a ginormous water wave that she and a little bit of the audience got wet. Rose got pushed out of bounds and fell to the ground, weak.
Taehyung won. Rose got taken to the infirmary. Taehyung rushed back up to the holding box, where he got booed by Jackson for making Rose lose. Taehyung pursed his lips but sat down nonetheless.
Jungkook and Jimin were next. Jimin got up and left. Jungkook looked really nervous as he left. Taehyung hoped everything would be alright.
The two made their way onto the giant stage, facing each other. The crowd's cheers were drowned out at this point, like white noise. Jungkook looked at Jimin, not in the eyes.
"Are you scared?" Jimin asked, standing a few yards away. "You should be."
Jungkook took a deep breath, hands tightening to fists. He looked down. "START!" Coach Neon shouted.
The crowd cheered as Jungkook turned into a snake instantly, slithering across the ground and instantly digging its fangs into Jimin's ankle. Jimin cursed aloud and shot a beam directly at the snake.
Jungkook turned into himself because of the sudden pain and jumped back, crouching down. Jungkook looked up at him and then turned into a tiger, roaring through its teeth and jumping up, onto Jimin, on offence rather than defense.
Jimin saw the claws coming for him and shoot a hot, fiery ball of laser right at the tiger's stomach. Jungkook whimpered and turned back into himself, getting pushed back.
Jungkook's clothes were burnt off at the stomach area. He got up, breathing heavily, gripping his hands tightly again to transform. Before he could, Jimin shot a laser at him.
Jungkook ducked down, and turned into a python, hissing at him, coming forward. Jimin ran forward and reached before Jungkook could attack- and wrapped its arm around the snake's neck.
With its fingers coiled tightly around the neck. Jungkook couldn't transform into himself with the pressure. Jimin took the large python and smashed its body into the ground, saw the snake hiss loudly in pain.
Jimin took his other hand began shooting beams directly at its face. The snake withered helplessly, trying to get out of its control, clearly choking. Jimin continued blasting and blasting, eyes darkened.
"Is Jimin trying to kill him or something??" Yoongi snapped from up there. "He should let him go! Jungkook's already passed out, or close to it!"
Jimin finally let Jungkook's body go, and Jungkook turned back into himself, eyes full of tears, neck red, his body with holes burnt into the skin, probably would cause burns.
"J-Jimin-" Jungkook stammered, fearfully backing away from him. Jungkook got closer to the boundary.
"Is he going to quit?" Namjoon asked. Taehyung's eyes were big as he leaned against the glass, watching.
Jungkook wasn't fighting back. He could turn into something and fight back, couldn't he? So why was he letting Jimin do all the damage to him?
Jimin, instead of letting Jungkook go off bounds, grabbed him by the ankle and pulled him back onto the stage. The audience gasped at this sudden move and watched with widened as Jimin blasted one right into Jungkook's face.
"What the fuck!" Hoseok said, face pale. "Did he just pull Jungkook back into the stage rather than let him go??"
"He wants to hurt Jungkook. He doesn't even care about winning. He just wants to make him feel pain." Taehyung gritted through his teeth.
Jungkook had blood trickling down his forehead, on the floor, laying against it. He let out a weak breath and tried getting up, but Jimin grabbed him from the back and pushed him right back into the ground, blasting his back. Jungkook let out a loud cry.
Jimin took deep breaths and saw as Jungkook looked at him painfully, tears trickling down his face. "I-I'm s-s-sorry," Jungkook squeaked out, frail.
"No, you're not. You're fucking sick." Jimin growled lowly, voice dripping with anger, nothing but utter remorse in his body and eyes- before blasting his whole body with a large beam of energy again.
Jungkook's eyes went blank and his body still. He passed out.
"Win for Park Jimin." Coach Neon said into the microphone. The audience didn't know whether to shout in victory or just not say anything. They chose to clap awkwardly instead.
Jimin turned around walked off stage, ignoring the weird looks he received from Coach Neon. Jungkook got picked up by the nurses and taken to the nurse's room.
Taehyung ran out of the holding room and then saw Jimin walking towards it. "That was inhumane. You could've just let him go when he was trying to back out. You didn't have to pull him back in like that."
"Fuck off," Jimin muttered, walking past him. "What's wrong with you?" Taehyung said, seeing him walk past him. "You're acting really weird, Jimin. I thought you were a sweet and nice guy, not like-"
"Shut up, Taehyung! Why don't you go check on that bitch then? Huh? He told you he doesn't like you, why doesn't that get into your head? You're sad, and you're unpopular, and you changed your entire fucking appearance- and he still doesn't like you!" Jimin shouted, clearly enraged.
Taehyung stilled, eyes big. His lips were apart for a few seconds, not knowing what to say. He looked down. Jimin balled his hands into fists.
"You're so hopelessly in love with him you can't even tell what a terrible fucking person he is. Go try to fuck that dumb cumslut, and then coming when he rejects you again for the 7th time. He'll never like you back. Doubt anyone will." Jimin muttered the last part under his breath.
"W-what?" Taehyung let out in a small voice. Jimin scoffed, running a hand through his hair.
"I'm sorry, but look at yourself. You're insecure and can't even handle a strong as fuck trait. Someone else should've gotten it. Not someone like you. It's a waste." Jimin said, before walking back into the holding room.
Taehyung was shocked by Jimin's words, tantalized, frozen. Jimin... who- who'd been his best friend this whole time, the nicest guy, the one who'd make him feel better when others were being mean- why did he have to say all that?
Taehyung looked at himself in the reflection of the glass in the door of the holding room. His red hair, bandana, black earrings. He really did change his entire self for Jungkook, and for what?
It's a waste, his power was a waste. Taehyung took a deep breath, leaning against the wall. Control, he thought. His eyes grew darker, felt something pulse inside of him, something he'd never ever felt before. Something taking over him.
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