log jungkook vibes
also yes the tournament thingy is like totally taken from bnha dont @ me
"First of all," The coach began, arms folded, standing in front of the numerous students who sat quietly in segmented seats of the fighting hall. "I didn't think I'd have to teach college students about respecting your friends and peers and not leaking photos of someone without their permission."
Jungkook's cheeks burned crimson red, eyes trained on his knees which sandwiched his hands and nothing else. Everyone was looking at him, glancing, and though it was never said, everyone knew who and what the coach was talking about.
"But this is a serious misdemeanor. Things like this can cause emotional distress, humiliation, all sorts of stuff. Seriously, this is high-school level stuff, guys. Do I really have to say this?" Coach snapped.
Everyone murmured quiet no's. "And of course, don't send out explicit pictures of yourself. All of you are in this school training to become superheroes. If you do so, you'll be famous, you'll be talked about, you'll be a household name. You do not want something like this in your record. It can be horrible in the long term."
Jungkook felt like crying, squeezing his fingernails into his palm as the people beside him looked at him judgingly, tsking. The coach looked at the students for a few silent seconds and then sighed.
"Nonetheless, let's move on. As most of you know, the annual tournament is around the corner. It's been moved earlier because this is the 50th year of the tournament, and having Miss Muscle there as a VIP guest was crucial." The coach said, strict. Everyone nodded, forgetting about the past words and growing excited about the tournament.
The annual Seoul Hero Academy tournament happened once every year. It consisted of the students from the second year, and they went through numerous challenges, and in each challenge- students got eliminated until there are only 16 students left.
Then, those 16 students fight head to head in battles, until the main winner is chosen. It's basic fighting tournament stuff, really.
This one is a big deal because it's telecasted all over Korea, and whoever did well got scouted by superheroes to get special training. It was cool stuff.
"Practice will start right from tomorrow morning. All other classes are canceled until the tournament, everyone will only focus on training. Remember, the school's name and your future is on the line? Alright? Now give me some enthusiasm, C'mon!" The coach said, smiling. Everyone cheered.
Coach dismissed them, and everyone got up to walk out. Jungkook walked out extra fast and rushed to get out of the fighting hall. "Jungkook!" A voice of a guy came. He turned and saw Jackson. "You're not upset about what happened, are you baby? Everyone loves your videos, Kook. Couldn't help but share them."
Jungkook kept quiet, kept walking. "Leave him alone, Jackson." Jin's voice snapped from the back.
"We're trying to have fun, Jin. Stop policing everyone."
"He doesn't need you to have fun right now, he wants to be alone," Taehyung said. Jungkook was walking down the hallway, realizing plenty of people were following him for some reason.
"Fuck off. You suddenly dyed your hair and think you can say whatever the shit you want, huh?" Ren growled.
Jungkook took a deep breath, stopping in his steps. Taehyung started saying something to Ren, Jackson saying something to Jin, and plenty of more voices circling around Jungkook. It was irritating. Constant leeching onto him, dehumanizing him like this. It was so fucking annoying.
Jungkook turned around, seeing Ren and all his friends, Jackson and his group of friends, Jin, Taehyung, and the rest of the boys. Jungkook gulped. "Shut up!"
The boys all looked at him, Jungkook standing in the end of the corridor. "Stop treating me like shit because I choose to sleep around. All of you. All of you have as much sex as me. Why the fuck are you not harassed and bullied like I am, huh??" Jungkook shouted.
The guys stilled. Jungkook felt enraged. "Jackson? You and your friends make bets on who you can fuck the most, right? How much pussy you can get? And what do you get? You get called the coolest guys on campus, the badasses who fuck around. Playboys. Such a cool fucking title." Jungkook let out, chuckling. "Nothing like slut, whore, cocksleeve- is it?"
Everyone was quiet. Jungkook realized then that it wasn't only the guys, but lots of other students had stopped and looked at him.
"Why is that when I choose to sleep around I get slut-shamed and ridiculed and made fun of, but you guys aren't? Because I get a dick up my ass, is that it? Is that why? Is it because I become a girl??"
"Jungkook-" Taehyung began, lightly. Jungkook felt so angered, looking at him "Shut up! All of you are the same fucking hypocritical assholes who don't give two shits about me unless it's for my ass. So fuck you."
"Stop making a scene, Jungkook. You're being overdramatic." Ren scoffed.
"Overdramatic? You wanna see overdramatic?? Fine. You know what? I've decided." Jungkook said firmly, taking a few steps back. "I'm never having sex ever again."
Literally, everyone widened their eyes.
"Please don't. I promise I'll respect you now."
Taehyung's eyes grew big, looking at Jungkook. Jungkook smiled. "Nope! No more nudes, no more sexting, no more sex, no more fucking around. Nothing. I'm done being labeled as a whore because I wanna have fun sometimes. I hate feeling obliged to having sex with you guys. I hate that my friends only want me for sex. I hate sex. I'm not having it unless it's with someone I love. I'm. Not. Having. Sex." Jungkook ended, breathing heavily.
"What? That's it? You're not going to fuck around anymore?"
"You're seriously going to end what we have? You're so selfish, Jungkook."
"What about your girl form? Are you never going to show her again?"
Voices erupted like a volcano in an instant, the lava of false apologies and surprised words flowing towards Jungkook, slithering down the hallway. Jungkook turned around and rushed out of the building, feeling this weird sense of pride in his chest.
No, he wasn't going to fuck around anymore. Yes, maybe he was being selfish. No, he wasn't going to show his girl form again.
But if he wanted to make a change, he'd have to take the first step. And whoever stuck with him through this- well, they are the ones that will matter.
The day of the tournament arrived sooner than imaginable.
The three days full of immense training passed in a flash. No one had time to deal with drama, gossip, talking, or anything except training and eating and sleeping. Everyone worked hard.
Taehyung worked hard, but the Coach didn't think so. Taehyung did what he always did, the tall wave, the ice formation, the fire, the wind, the electric shock, the vines. But the coach was never satisfied.
He kept telling Taehyung, do more, push further. If Taehyung looked around, the other students looked exhausted, beaten down, breathing heavily, sweating, tired. They were working to their full capacity.
Taehyung wasn't. He didn't break a sweat when he made a giant fire tornado. He told the coach he'd work hard in the tournament, but the coach only told him "You have a unique power, use it wisely."
That's exactly what Taehyung was doing.
Nonetheless, the tournament arrived. Everyone, nervous, jittery, got onto buses and went to the stadium. Taehyung sat with Jimin, looking out the window and onto the streets of Seoul, seeing the big banners on roads which displayed the tournament.
Taehyung looked at Jimin, grinning. "I'm so excited.
"I'm scared! I need to make it to that top 16!!" Jimin said, terrified. Taehyung chuckled. "You will, Jimin. If you try hard, you will."
"Oh please. Easy for you to say. You already know you'll win the tournament."
"Are you kidding?? I'm scared shitless! I don't think I'll win." Taehyung dragged, shoulders bunching. Jimin scoffed.
They were all in their fighting uniforms, that being simple black pants and a blue t-shirt with the school logo on it. Taehyung had his red hair tied in a bandana, contacts in- while Jimin was there with his usual bouncy pink hair.
Taehyung looked around the bus. Yoongi sat behind him with Jin, who were bickering loudly about something. Namjoon and Hoseok sat beside them, laughing. Everyone looked anxious, anticipating the big event.
Taehyung scanned the bus and then saw Jungkook sitting in the front seat, alone, looking out the window somberly.
With what happened 3 days ago, Jungkook hadn't been seen much. Taehyung didn't even see him at practice. But that was probably because of how busy it was, with everyone practicing and trying their moves out. Jungkook probably got lost in the crowd.
"Who do you think will make top 16?" Taehyung asked Jimin. Jimin hummed, thinking.
"Everyone in this bus stands a chance, honestly. It all depends! Someone unexpected could land up there. The only person I think won't make it is Jungkook, obviously." Jimin said.
Taehyung frowned. "Why is that obvious?"
Jimin looked at him and then quietened down. "I mean... he's pretty weak. He never does much with his power. His moves are predictable. He turns into a big animal and then fights opponents. That might work in class, but it won't work in the tournament! Plus, he doesn't care much for this kind of stuff."
"Don't say that! Of course he cares. We all do. We're in the best school for a reason, aren't we?" Taehyung said, smiling.
Jimin nodded. "Yeah. We are- because we did the entrance test or the practical exam. We got marks, and then we got selected. Jungkook didn't."
Taehyung looked confused, so Jimin sighed and explained further. "Jungkook got instant acceptation. No one knows why or how. But the principal just let Jungkook into the school without him having to give an exam or anything."
Taehyung looked away. "That's... odd. The principal? He isn't around much. He's kind of old, isn't he?"
"Yeah. Anyways, I don't think Jungkook will make it. With how annoying he's been for the past few days, I doubt anyone won't want to beat him up."
Taehyung frowned. "No. How is he being annoying? He looks happy about not wanting to have sex anymore. The point is, he's making decisions about his own body, and that's okay. I'm no one to judge or criticize that."
"He's just doing it for attention," Jimin said, picking on his fingers. "Jungkook's an attention whore. He'll do anything for it. It's obvious."
Taehyung pursed his lips. "Or... maybe he's just tired of being bullied all the time."
"Bullied? Oh please. As if he hasn't done the same to others. He was so rude to you and only paid attention to you once you changed."
Taehyung sighed. "I don't think so. He thought I was hot, but that's it. Nothing changed that much. He just knows I'm attractive now."
"That's all he cares about. Jungkook's shallow as fuck, Taehyung. Get that into your head-"
Someone cleared their throat. Taehyung and Jimin turned. Jungkook was stood in the middle of the aisle, holding a small plastic bag. His eyes quite clearly conveyed he'd heard what Jimin said and was hurt. But if he was, he didn't say anything about it.
"C-Coach told me to give protein bars out." Jungkook stammered in a small voice.
"We don't want it," Jimin said, and then turned around, rolling his eyes when Jungkook couldn't see.
Jungkook stilled. "You'll get hungry before the-"
"Can you fuck off? No one wants you to be here." Jimin snapped loudly. Everyone around them became quiet and looked at the two.
Jungkook looked at Jimin with big eyes and then nodded quickly, moving away. He looked at Jin and Yoongi, who were sitting behind them. "Coach t-told me to give out-"
"Thanks, Kookie," Jin said, taking two from the bag, looking more guilty from Jimin's words than Jimin himself. "Do you want to sit with us?"
"No." Jungkook breathed out, continuing to walk down the bus and give out protein bars to people. Taehyung looked at him wearily, heart-tugging at how upset Jungkook looked. It wasn't right to look so down on such a big day.
"How's the no sex thing going, huh Kook? Probably been fucking yourself on that dildo now that all the guys are gone, right? Like in your video?" Some guy said.
Jungkook ignored him, giving protein bars out to the girls sitting in the back row of the bus. Jungkook quickly gave them out and then turned around to walk back to his seat. While rushing back, he didn't see Jimin's foot sticking out and tripped over it, almost falling.
Jungkook didn't turn to look, but looked embarrassed and fumbled over to his seat, sitting down quickly. Taehyung saw him wipe his eyes with his shirt sleeve, looking out the window.
"Jimin... c'mon," Hoseok said. Jimin looked at his pants, picking on a thread sticking out innocently. Taehyung looked at Jimin for a split second and then got up from his seat, moving out from the window seat onto the aisle.
"Where are you going?" Jimin asked. Taehyung looked at him. He couldn't help it.
"Honestly, Jimin- if Jungkook hurt you so much then talk to him about it. If not, then get the fuck over it." Taehyung said lowly. Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon all heard, looking at Taehyung with raised brows.
Jimin's eyes widened. "T-Taehyung- what?? No- you don't get it, I-"
"You're a two-faced bitch, Jimin! It's really fucking annoying!" Taehyung snapped, eyes darkened. Jimin froze, no words coming out of his mouth. "I'm sorry. I just- I'm tired of it. Hoseok, switch seats with me." Taehyung said with a grumble.
"O-okay." Hoseok said quickly, getting up and sitting in his place. Taehyung went and sat down next to Namjoon. Namjoon looked kind of scared, not saying anything.
Taehyung sighed to himself, seeing how everyone was looking at him, and then looked at the floor of the bus and saw one small portion of it burning.
Taehyung cursed and put his hand out, putting water over it, and then looking away, forgetting about everything and focusing on the tournament instead. That was what mattered right now.
There were thousands of people sitting in every single seat of the gigantic stadium. People, normal casual people, were screaming and cheering, holding up banners and eating popcorn. Taehyung gulped.
Loud music played from the side, and the main host of the entire event, AKA Coach Neon, told the whole stadium through a microphone about the rules, the challenges, and the levels. Explaining everything. In a very loud, excited, host-like way, of course.
Cameras were all around them, filming for telecasting. Taehyung looked at one of the cameras and reminded himself that his mother, father, and siblings were watching this. He smiled to himself. You can do this.
Besides his family, one of the most important aspects of the tournament was reminded by the Coach's intense yelling. "Big round of applause for our chief guest today, Miss Muscle!"
The crowd and students screamed like no other. Taehyung squinted his eyes and looked up, grinning widely when he saw her figure in one of the glass boxes up in the audience, looking onto the stadium. She was in her superhero clothes, and her body was like a faint figure, unable to be seen from where Taehyung was stood. But nonetheless, her presence was enough.
The first challenge began. It was like there was no time to thin. It was a race. An obstacle race.
They made a long race track from around the stadium somehow. Not thinking too much about how it was possible, Taehyung focused. Be fast, he told himself. He stood by the exit, and then, the race begins.
Very instantly, all the students began running down the path. There were at least 100 students, so it was hectic. People were pushing each other and trying to move past at first. Taehyung ran smoothly, not wanting to use his trait already. He didn't assume many would. But he was wrong.
The first thing he saw was beams shooting up to the sky, and then looked up and saw Jimin beaming himself to the sky and using it like giant pole sticks to get him to the front quicker. Next, he saw fire explosions and realized Yoongi was blasting himself up to the front.
People were using their traits, moving left to right, up and down. Taehyung then saw a gigantic bird swoop up from the crowd and fly to the front. Jungkook.
Taehyung took a deep breath and realized he needs to win, not just be mediocre. So he looked around. Flying himself to the sky wouldn't be good, not when everyone was doing it. What Taehyung noticed, was that the two sides of the racetracks had tall walls.
Okay. Taehyung knew what to do.
People were running, but suddenly, found themselves floating. Kim fucking Taehyung had his hands against the ground and began raising water to fill the entire race track. The track itself looked like a dried out river bed, so filling it with water would help.
People began shouting and cursing and crying when they began drowning. Well, not his problem. Taehyung swap to the top and then jumped onto the water, making the water beneath his feet ice. He slid his way to the front.
"Did he fucking drown everyone??" Yoongi snapped to Jimin, both of them at the same pace, blasting themselves to the front.
"Don't care. We're fine." Jimin muttered, a dark expression on his face. Yoongi hummed. But Yoongi then shot fire at Jimin and went further ahead.
People tried climbing onto the ice path, but it cracked instantly. Taehyung felt like grinning, because he looked behind, and realized he was in first place. Everyone else drowned. Haha.
Taehyung heard a loud bird's cry, and looked and saw an eagle, swooping ahead, wings splayed out. Taehyung put his hand up and decided to shoot an electric shock to it- to through Jungkook off his loop- but then hesitated.
Jungkook's sad face from the bus came in his thoughts, and he held himself back. Taehyung gulped, and then looked ahead, deciding to focus on himself.
Taehyung finally reached the end and pushed himself up by the wind, pushing himself past the finish line. Jungkook came in two seconds after him, and flew down to the ground and became a human again.
Yoongi and Jimin came after. Then, Namjoon. Namjoon was grinning. Apparently, he used his trait to make everyone else imagine themselves in quicksand and ran ahead. Jin came afterward, saying he basically made a bridge of his own bodies on the water and ran ahead.
After Jin, 25 more people came, sealing the top 32. Yoongi frowned. "Where's Hobi?? There's no way he couldn't-"
"Who the fuck do you think came first??" Hoseok snapped. Everyone looked and saw him sitting on the ground, palms against it. "You bitches? When I have super speed? Of course not. I zoomed through in a millisecond and came first. Must suck to suck."
"Ladies and gentlemen, we have our top 32! The rest of the people, I'm sorry, but perhaps you'll have more luck next time. For now, these are the people who have qualified for round 2."
"Thank god I made it," Jungkook said to himself, breathing out. Jimin looked away, clicking his tongue. "You'll get out next round, don't be too optimistic," Jimin said, standing by Yoongi.
Jungkook looked at him, and then looked away, towards the crowd, trying to calm down. Taehyung walked up to Jungkook. "Hey, Jungkook. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do great for the next round-"
Jungkook didn't let him finish, just walked away from the other 31 people to be alone. Taehyung's breath hitched, and his shoulders dropped. Taehyung looked at Jimin, who was looking away, pissed.
Round 2 began. It was literally a game of hot potato.
They gave a literal ticking bomb to everyone. People had to run around and pass it to people. If it dropped, it exploded. If it wasn't passed in 5 seconds, it exploded. By 'exploded', it meant it sent a loud BAM sound and the person got eliminated.
This round went by rather fast.
Someone passed it to Jin, who threw it to Jungkook, who chucked it at Jimin, who chucked it back to Jungkook, who chucked it back to Jimin, who then chucked it back to Jungkook- and then Jungkook threw it to the middle and Bambam got eliminated.
It went like this. Someone tried throwing it to Taehyung but he threw an ice shard and the potato bomb went flying to someone else. Yoongi knew his fire would make it explode so all he could do was throw it around. It was funny, not for the competitors though.
Finally, 16 people got eliminated. The top 16 remained.
The top 16 were Taehyung, Jungkook, Jin, Yoongi, Jimin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jackson, Ren, Jaebum, Irene, Jennie, Rose, Mina, Wendy, Jeongyeon. Toughest in the batch.
"20 minute break before the final round begins!" Coach announced. The students sighed in relief and went into the waiting rooms to relax.
The waiting room was tense, with the 16 students who all felt overly competitive at the moment and focused on thinking. Jungkook was standing against a wall, sipping on lemon water, thinking. Jin walked up to him.
"Hey. Nervous?" Jin asked. Jungkook nodded, sipping. "I hope I get someone weak first round."
"Everyone's pretty strong," Jungkook said. Jin hummed. He stood beside Jungkook, glancing at the boy.
"What's going on, Kooks? You look really upset. I don't like seeing you this quiet." Jin said.
"I don't really have anyone to talk to." Jungkook chuckled silently, humorless, eyes blank.
"Taehyung was talking to you earlier," Jin said, and then looked at Jungkook. "He cares."
"Right," Jungkook muttered. Right in front of Jin and Jungkook, Taehyung was sitting by the vending machine. Rose and Jennie were talking to him delightedly, smiling and touching his shoulders ever so slightly. Taehyung said something, and it sent the two girls giggling.
"Are you upset that he's talking to those girls?" Jin asked. "Do you like him?"
"No," Jungkook said flatly. "I don't."
"Really?" Jin said, soft. "Damn. I thought he was totally your type. Doesn't he look hot with his new hair? Like-"
"What're you trying to do, Jin?" Jungkook asked, looking at him. "I don't like Taehyung. I don't have crushes on people. I don't date people. You know that. What is this, did you make a bet with someone that you could get me to sleep with him or something??"
"What? Of course not, Kook. I was just asking-"
"He was asking because Taehyung actually cares about you, and you so clearly don't." Jimin interrupted, standing by the window, looking at Jungkook. "The only one guy that tried befriending you, and you-"
"You g-guys blame me for everything. Why does it matter so much if I care about him or not? He isn't bothered by it-" Jungkook began. Jimin scoffed.
"Wow, you really are dumb. You really don't think Taehyung's bothered by your careless attitude?" Jimin snapped.
Rose and Jennie heard all the guys raising their voices and walked right out. Taehyung heard what Jimin said and stood up hurriedly.
"Jimin, stop. It doesn't matter. Jungkook, he just meant I wanna be friends with y-you-" Taehyung began hastily, walking up to him.
"Tae, is there something you want to talk to me about? I rather hear it from you and not someone else," Jungkook said, looking at him with confusion.
The red-haired boy shook his head. "N-no. There's nothing."
"Tell him, Taehyung." Jimin urged. Taehyung looked at him, anxious, eyes big. "Jimin, shut up. Seriously, stop talking-"
"Jimin," Jin warned, walking over to him and grabbing his arm. "Let's get out of here and let them talk-"
"Okay. But tell him, Taehyung. Tell him, because otherwise he'll keep using you and treating you like shit." Jimin snapped, and Jin forcefully pulled him out and walked out of the room, leaving Jungkook and Taehyung alone.
"What is Jimin talking about?" Jungkook asked, standing up properly and stepping closer to Taehyung. Taehyung was silent, breathing heavily. "Tae?"
"Kook I-I don't really wanna talk about it right now." Taehyung stammered, fingers bunching up. Jungkook frowned.
"What's going on?" Jungkook asked, looking at him closely. Taehyung's eyes were soft and brown, scared, contrary to his current appearance- with his black earrings and dark eyebrows and black bandana. "You can talk to me, Tae."
"I-I can't," Taehyung whispered quietly. "I just- d-don't know how to tell you-" Taehyung said, anxious.
"Don't freak out. Hey? You're the strongest guy ever. Own that. Tell me what's going on." Jungkook said, a little sternness in his voice, but overly gentle. Taehyung looked at him, and then gulped.
"I-I-" Taehyung began, and then suddenly, Jungkook noticed a little daisy fall to the ground. "Ever s-since I met you, I just- I-I feel like... I always t-thought you were great," Taehyung continued, stuttering. More little lilies and roses fell.
Jungkook's eyes grew big. These flowers were falling out of Taehyung, almost. As if fumbling out of him. Taehyung breathed heavily, not noticing it. "I j-just... I- god, I don't know h-how to tell you-"
"Do you like me?" Jungkook let out, eyes big and round. Taehyung looked at him, and flowers began covering the floor, falling out of him. Taehyung noticed the flowers now as they began falling his hands. He was blushing.
"O-oh my god. I'm so s-sorry. I don't know where these f-flowers are coming from-" Taehyung stuttered quickly, looking around.
"Tae? Do you have a crush on me? For how long?" Jungkook asked.
"S-since I met you. I'm sorry. I'm s-sorry I-" Taehyung began, reaching his hand out. But the moment he did, flowers began falling from his hands. "Fuck- I-I can't control this, I-"
Taehyung put his arms by his sides, blushing heavily, breathing heavily, flowers falling from his sides, swirling around him, roses, dandelions, cherry blossoms, tulips, sunflowers. All kinds of flowers were surrounding him. Because he was so fucking overwhelmed with emotions at the moment, just looking at Jungkook and having to stupidly confess like this.
"I'm sorry." Taehyung quipped, looking down. "I've always w-wanted to date you and- and hold you and make you mine. I j-just wanted to be yours. But you just wanted a friend, and I'm s-sorry I ruined that."
Taehyung closed his eyes. "I tried changing myself be-because you said you liked guys that were badass. I- I don't know why I became so rude. I thought you would like it. I'm sorry. I didn't want to just have sex with you. I'm sorry for saying I wanted to fuck you that night. I h-honestly just want to-" Taehyung tried, but then looked at Jungkook. "I w-wanted you to be mine. I didn't know how you wanted me to say it."
Jungkook's eyes were widened, surprised, mouth open. "O-oh. Wow- that -that makes a lot m-more sense now." Jungkook squeaked, nodding. He quickly wiped the corner of his eyes. Jungkook looked down and saw flowers on his feet.
"D-do you think? We- we could try?" Taehyung said to him, soft, timid. "Being... together? Not just h-having sex... but being in a relationship? I-I'd get you flowers," Taehyung said, and then chuckled, looking around at the flowers. "And- and chocolates. Give you massages. Anything you liked, Kookie. I l-like you so much. You're so pretty and d-different. I think you're p-perfect when you're happy. Your smile is so- so adorable, and- and-"
"Tae," Jungkook breathed out, looking down still. Jungkook shook his head lightly, raising it up to look at Taehyung. "I'm sorry," Jungkook whispered, biting his lip. "I d-don't like you like that."
Taehyung froze. He looked at Jungkook for a few seconds, hesitant. Jungkook gasped out. "I'm sorry. I just... don't date or g-get crushes on people much. I'm sorry."
Taehyung was silent for a bit, but then smiled sweetly, blinking his eyes quickly as if trying not to cry."It's okay! O-oh my god, please don't say sorry. It's absolutely fine, Kookie! I don't expect y-you to r-reciprocate feelings fo-for me." Taehyung said quickly. "There's l-l-like a- 30- 30% chance that a c-crush actually likes you back. I r-read it on a- um-"
"Tae don't cry, please," Jungkook said gently. Taehyung shook his head, covering his eyes with his hand.
"I'm not. I'm n-not crying. Fuck-" Taehyung squeaked out, tears falling down his face. He turned away. "I'm s-sorry."
"It's okay," Jungkook said softly, walking up to him. "Please don't be sad over this. I'm not worth it, Taehyungie. I promise. You'll find s-someone who- who's not annoying and slutty like me. And they'll love you so much." Jungkook said, smiling at him. "You don't want to date me. I'm the worst."
"I l-like you, though," Taehyung whispered sadly. Jungkook wiped his tears off his cheek.
"No, no you don't. I don't deserve you. You deserve someone sooo much better than me." Jungkook said, smiling reassuringly. "I'll help you find a girlfriend or boyfriend, okay? Promise!"
"O-okay." Taehyung said in a small voice, nodding. Jungkook looked like he wanted to hug him, but was unsure. In the end, he decided not to, and then took a deep breath.
"I'm g-gonna go now. I think they'll announce the names soon. I'll see you later." Jungkook said, and then walked out of the room, rushing.
The moment he left, Taehyung sat down on one of the chairs, hands against his face. His heart clenched, stomach turning. He's so fucking stupid. What did he expect would happen? Did he think Jungkook would like him back?? Did he think Jungkook would suddenly be into him?
While daydreaming, Taehyung imagined that Jungkook would reveal he'd secretly had a crush on Taehyung this whole time. Of course that didn't happen. Taehyung was dumb and crying now, and had flowers all around him. Stupid flowers of his feelings.
Taehyung cried for another minute and then stepped all over the flowers and walked out of the room, wiping his face. Taehyung saw Jimin and Jin outside, talking within each other.
"What happened?" Jin asked Taehyung. "Did he say anything? What did-"
"I-I didn't want to tell him." Taehyung said, lump in his throat. "But I did. And obviously, he doesn't like me back. I'm a friend to him. I sh-shouldn't have said anything." Taehyung muttered, walking away from the waiting room and back to the tournament area.
Jin sighed to himself. "Fuck." He mumbled. "I feel like they'd be so good for each other."
"Not at all." Jimin whispered. "Jungkook would ruin Taehyung's life, and Taehyung would let him. They would be toxic as fuck. I'm glad this happened. Now Taehyung won't spend time worrying about Jungkook liking him back, and realise what a shitty person he is." Jimin said.
Jin blinked. "You sound really fucking creepy right now. Do you like Taehyung?"
"No. I don't like Taehyung." Jimin said, looking at him blankly. "I just hate Jungkook."
"Ok..." Jin trailed. Jimin walked away. Jin gulped. "What the fuck." Jin whispered to himself. Indeed, what the fuck.
im sorry its rly hard to write superhero fighting stuff in books lol
i literally didnt think abt that before starting this book but anyways.
stick w me. if u want should i add gifs during fighting parts to make it make more sense? or is it not that confusing? tysm.
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