Jungkook lay naked against his bed, legs spread, ass in the air faced pressed against his pillow as two hands grabbed roughly at his hips- bringing him back and forth ruthlessly, pounding into him as if he was a sex doll and nothing more.
Jungkook let out moans, broken, the sounds he was making not matching his glassy eyes. "Aw, pretty girl, you like that?" Ren's voice rasped. "Didn't I say you'd come running back for my cock? Look at you. So fucking desperate, nothing but a slut."
"N-nothing," Jungkook repeated, face pressed against the bed, raising his ass up higher. Whatever it would take for Ren to stop talking and focus on fucking him.
"It's kind of sad, Kooks," Ren said, smacking a hand to his ass. "How desperate you are. It's sad."
Jungkook blinked, gripping onto the bedsheets. Ren continued saying one thing or another, and Jungkook couldn't take it. So he started fucking himself on Ren's cock, letting out breathy whines to shut him up. It did its job splendidly, and Ren stopped talking, fucking him harder instead.
While getting fucked ruthlessly, Jungkook forgot about the intense pain in his head, the rubble-feeling in his lower gut. It all went away. Getting filled to the brim, it was like a drug to rid of the constant anxiety he got. He didn't know what else to do to get rid of the constant drum of pain in his chest. Sex helped.
Ren pulled out. Jungkook knew Ren didn't care when he was like this, so Jungkook switched back to his girl form. Jungkook heard Ren's phone camera go off. Jungkook opened his eyes.
"Don't take pictures, please," Jungkook muttered.
"Jackson wants 'em. You know how gay he is for you," Ren said, patting his lower nude back. Jungkook lay still. He watched as Ren typed on his phone and sent the pictures. Jungkook didn't say much.
Ren looked at Jungkook slowly, seeing the boy still laying there, deadpan. "Get out, Kook. My roommate's going to be home soon. You know how much he hates seeing you here after what you did."
"I didn't do anything. It wasn't my fault his girlfriend caught us having sex and broke up with him. He never told me he has a girlfriend," Jungkook said in a small voice, sitting up.
"Just don't be such a whore next time. You can't keep sleeping with guys who have girlfriends and then complain about getting treated like shit because of it." Ren said.
Jungkook looked for his boxers and pulled them on quickly. "Those guys who have girlfriends sleep with me. No one says anything to them. You've slept with plenty of girls who have boyfriends. Why don't you listen to your own advice?"
"It's different," Ren said. Jungkook stilled. He looked at Ren. "How is it different?"
"I don't know, can you fuck off?" Ren snapped. Jungkook tensed and nodded, looking for his jeans. He quickly put them on. Ren slapped his ass on the way out.
Jungkook walked out of Ren's bedroom, and his breath hitched when he saw Ren's roommate, the one he slept with, entering the house. Some girl was with him. The girl saw Jungkook and pressed her lips in a thin line.
"What's he doing here?" She muttered to Ren's roommate. Jungkook pretended he couldn't hear it, just walked quickly to the door to walk out. Before he could walk out, she grabbed Jungkook's arm. "Don't get any funny ideas, you got it?" She snipped.
Jungkook looked at her, saw her eyes turn ice blue. Must be something to do with her trait. Jungkook shook his head. "I wasn't. I only came here for R-Ren-"
"I can smell the cum in your throat from here, Jungkook. Fuck off." Ren's roommate snapped. Jungkook turned around and walked out of the room, head ducked. Jungkook didn't have the energy to say anything bad.
Jungkook walked to the lift and clicked on the button. The lift opened after some time, and Jungkook stepped in. The lift went one floor down, and Jungkook stepped back and saw two of these older loud guys who don't attend the university but just lived in the apartment complex step onto the lift. They were probably in the gym earlier. Jungkook caved into the wall.
"Hey," One of the guys said to Jungkook, smiling sleazily. "What's a pretty boy like you doing here?"
"I live here," Jungkook said. "Really?" The other guy snickered, both of them looked quite amused. "Which flat number?"
Jungkook ignored them, looking away. The lift finally reached his floor, and Jungkook walked out of the lift. He felt his insides coil up in fear when the two guys walked out behind him, following.
They both waited by the lift, probably to see which apartment Jungkook went into. It was times like these Jungkook wished he had a roommate. Jungkook walked towards his apartment quickly, fumbling for his keys in his pocket.
"Oh shit. He's that whore Ren told us about. Baby, how much for one night?" One of the guys whistled. Jungkook felt his hands go shaky, trying to open his door. "We'll buy you something pretty if you suck us both off-"
Jungkook suddenly turned into a ferociously large lion in the middle of the hallway and roared loudly at the two men, claws digging into the floor. The two guys widened their eyes, letting out terrified cries of fear and then running back into the lift, leaving quickly.
Jungkook turned back into himself, tears in his eyes, and opened the door, walking into his apartment. He rushed to his bedroom and then took out his phone, sitting down on his bed. He took a deep breath, heart drumming loudly, and clicked on Taehyung's contact shakily. He opened the texts.
But before he could message, Jungkook remembered what happened the night before and stopped himself. Jungkook dropped his phone in his bed, knowing he had no one else to talk to. He hid his face in his knees, pulling them to his chest, letting out a stifled cry. It wasn't any different. He cried almost every night.
But he just... hadn't been crying for many nights. Because of Taehyung.
"GUYS!" Hoseok squealed as he ran towards the table the boys were sitting at, having lunch. "The date is out! It's here!!"
"What is?" Yoongi asked, looking at the boy bouncing here and there. Taehyung was blowing soft breaths on his noodle soup which was why too hot and looked up, confused.
"The date for the annual Seoul Hero Academy tournament just got released!" Hoseok said. All the boys gasped, eyes widening.
"Oh. My. God. Already??? WHAT?" Jin yelped. Hoseok nodded, frantic. "Yes! And guess who the freaking guest is this time."
"If you say Miss Muscle I'm going to scream."
Namjoon screamed.
Taehyung's eyes widened. His hands started going a little shaky, heart beating fast. Oh my god. Miss Muscle, aka the human goddess of Korea, was going to be at the fucking tournament? And she might see Taehyung? Fighting? Taehyung wanted to scream.
"Oh my god. Oh my god oh my god. Whoever wins gets the trophy and a picture with her!" Jimin said, gasping.
"I'm gonna win!" Yoongi said, standing up, slamming his hands against the table. "Someone BREAK Taehyung's legs because I need to win this."
"Shut up motherfucker I'll break your legs first." Taehyung snapped. Everyone paused and looked at him. Taehyung's eyes widened, and he put his hands over his mouth. "O-oh my god I'm sorry."
"Tae you're switching between this bad boy role and cutie pie role real fast, y'know. You'll get whiplash." Jimin giggled, getting up from his seat to stand behind Taehyung's seat, fixing his bandana. Taehyung smiled sheepishly.
Suddenly, everyone's phones vibrated or buzzed or dinged. Everyone frowned and reached for their phones. It seems like everyone in the cafeteria got a notification on their phone. Taehyung's phone was deep in his pocket, so he couldn't be bothered. Everyone opened their phones and then gasped at the same time.
"Oh my god," Jimin let out, eyes growing wide. "Oh my fucking god,"
"Oh shit," Yoongi whispered, looking at his phone. Taehyung looked around. People were peering into their phones. Some looked disgusted, horrified. Some started laughing insanely.
Jimin started laughing loudly. Taehyung looked at him, eyebrow risen. Namjoon and Jin put their phones down, frowning. Hoseok looked at his, cheeks slightly red. Taehyung was confused and then tried to look into Jimin's phone.
Taehyung's breath hitched. It was... Jungkook. A picture of the boy, completely naked, back facing his mirror, sitting on what looked like a dildo. Taehyung's eyes blew wide, and his jaw dropped.
Whistles, claps, and loud shouts filled the cafeteria. Jungkook walked into the cafeteria, his cheeks bright red, eyes teary. People were laughing as he walked through the cafeteria. Jungkook walked rather quickly towards a table full of boys hollering loudly, and when he reached there, he grabbed the boy sitting in the side of the table.
"W-why the fuck did you send that o-out? You- I-I told you not to-" Jungkook began, voice cracking, shaky.
"Oops," Chanyeol said, smirking. His friends started snickering. Jungkook's insides coiled.
"D-delete it." Jungkook let out, not knowing what else to do or say. Chanyeol snickered. "What's that going to do? The whole school has it already-"
"Nice video, Kooks." A voice came out of nowhere, and Jungkook felt a hard slap on the ass, making him stumble forward. He turned and saw two guys laughing, walking away.
Jungkook walked away from the table of guys and looked around. Everyone was looking at him. Some were looking at him judgingly. Some sympathetically. Some in an amused way. Jungkook took a deep breath and then found the table his friends were sitting at.
Taehyung looked at the photo on Jimin's phone screen, really confused. He held the phone in his hand, and before he could do anything, the phone got snatched out of his hand. Taehyung looked up.
"Stop looking at it!" Jungkook cried, and Taehyung stilled, seeing tears in the boy's eyes. "At l-least you don't l-look at it-" Jungkook let out pathetically, a mixed look of betrayal and shook on his face.
"Kook-" Taehyung whispered, not knowing what to say. Jungkook and he hadn't been on good terms since that night. It'd only been a few days, but neither had talked or interacted in any way.
"Don't send out nudes next time to people you don't know," Jimin said, taking his phone back from Jungkook's hand.
"I-I didn't-" Jungkook began. "I just s-sent it... I don't know. He a-asked, and- and I didn't know w-what else-" Jungkook felt tears reach his eyes. "I don't know w-what-"
"Jungkook, don't cry," Taehyung said, getting up from his seat. "Breathe, okay? Let's go outside-" Taehyung said, taking his hands.
"Don't touch me!" Jungkook snapped, moving away from him. Everyone around them looked at the two in confusion. Taehyung looked startled, confused. Jungkook looked at Taehyung after saying what he did, and put his hands against his face, bursting into tears.
"J-Jungkook," Taehyung said faintly, not knowing if he should or could comfort the boy or not. Taehyung felt bad, and it felt wrong, in the middle of the huge cafeteria like this- everyone staring.
"Hey, come on." Jin's voice came. He put his arm around Jungkook. "Let's go outside. It's okay." Jin whispered soothingly, taking him outside, walking quickly.
"See. Jungkook being a bitch as usual. You were just trying to help, and he-" Jimin began. Yoongi looked at Jimin, scoffing.
"Are you serious? Do you know how stressful and overwhelming a situation like this can be for someone? He's probably anxious as fuck, and you aren't making it better," Yoongi snapped. Jimin froze, stopping what he was doing to look at Yoongi. "He's still a human person, Jimin. He might be a bitch sometimes, but after what happened with Taehyung- of course he's going to get scared and say stuff like that." Yoongi said, and then got up from his seat.
"Yoongi, I-I didn't-" Jimin began. Yoongi just walked out of the cafeteria, not caring. Jimin's shoulders dropped, looking away, feeling dumbfounded.
"Jeez. Lot's of drama." Hoseok muttered, feeling awkward. "Let's go back to the dorms and calm down. Or try to." Hoseok said. Namjoon agreed, looking like he wanted to leave instantly. Jimin was looking upset. Taehyung stood there, untethered.
Jin walked out of the cafeteria as quickly as he could, ushering Jungkook out with him. The moment they left the crowdy, unsettling hall- Jin pulled Jungkook into a hug, standing against the wall. Jungkook cried into his chest, shaking.
"I'm sorry," Jin whispered. "It's okay, I swear. Everyone will forget. This kind of stuff happens all the time,"
"O-only with me," Jungkook bubbled. "I just- c-can't do this anymore, Jin. I k-keep messing up-"
"What do you mean? Jungkook, if you don't like sending nudes to random guys then don't do it." Jin said softly.
Jungkook looked at him. "I-I know. It's just that... g-guys asking for nudes or sex is the only sort of attention I get."
"Then stop looking for attention," Yoongi's voice came. Jungkook pulled away from Jin's hold and looked at Yoongi, who'd walked out of the cafeteria, now with them. "You don't need these assholes to validate you. Are you that insecure?"
"Yoongi, shut up." Jin snipped. Jungkook sniffled, shaking his head.
"N-no. I-" Jungkook began, and then took a small step away from Jin. "I'm sorry. I just... d-don't know what else to do."
"You can hang out with us, Kookie. We don't want sex from you." Jin said. Jungkook looked at Yoongi and Jin and then snickered, looking away.
"Right. Jimin hates me. Namjoon and Hoseok are decent. Yoongi only talks to me when he wants to fuck me. Taehyung clearly only wanted to have sex with me. And Jin... forget it." Jungkook said.
"What? What did Jin do?" Yoongi asked, raising an eyebrow. Jin suddenly looked at Jungkook, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Nothing. I didn't do anything. I've always been a friend for you, Kookie." Jin said. Yoongi looked at Jungkook. Jungkook fumbled with his fingers.
"The p-party right before the term started. You got really drunk and pushed yourself on me." Jungkook said, looking at Jin, trying not to cry. "I t-told you I didn't want you to fuck me b-because... y-you're a friend and I didn't want what happened with Yoongi to happen to you."
"Oh." Jin let out. His eyes grew big. "I'm... fuck, I'm so sorry. I was totally, totally out of my mind. You know I do dumb shit when I'm drunk. I'm really sorry. You should've told me, I-"
"You asked me w-why I kept hanging out with you if I didn't want to have sex," Jungkook said. "That it was the only reason anyone hung out with me."
Jin froze. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Jungkook shook his head. "D-don't be upset. I didn't say anything be-because I didn't want to make it serious. It's okay."
"No, it's not," Yoongi said, frowning. "That's not why we hang out with you."
"Stop saying that," Jungkook said. "You guys don't hang out with me. You guys do things, and I tag along sometimes if Jimin isn't being a bitch. Otherwise, you pretty much alienated me ever since the Jooheon incident." Jungkook murmured, looking away.
Jin and Yoongi both looked surprised to see that name come up. Jungkook took a deep breath and then turned around. "I'll see you guys in class tomorrow," Jungkook said faintly, before walking away, hands coiled in fists.
Taehyung walked out of the cafeteria, looking at Jin and Yoongi with concern. "Who's Jooheon?"
"No one," Jin said quickly. Yoongi sighed, ignoring him. He turned to Taehyung. "He was this guy who used to be in our school. He used to be one of our best friends. He moved away after the first year."
Taehyung began wondering what that could have to do with Jungkook, but endless possibilities came to mind. He ignored all of them, taking his phone out, seeing Jin and Yoongi get into a conversation.
Hello. Are you okay? I'm sorry about what happened.
im okay
I'm sorry for touching your hands in the cafeteria. I wasn't trying to be weird. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.
i said im fine. why dont u just go smoke or whatever it is you do now.
idk. suddenly you come to school dressed like a pimp and act like every other fuckboy i know. why? what happened?
..... You don't like it?
it's too sudden. it makes me think this is how you always were but just put up a front of being smart and nice.
You were always rude to me about my style and being a 'nerd'. It didn't feel nice to get made fun of constantly.
oh... im sorry. i guess i didn't realise you were taking it like that. i havent had a friend as close as you for so long so i... didnt know that i was being rude. im sorry.
It's okay. But like you said, we aren't close friends anymore.
you only want me for sex and i cant deal with having another friend like that
I don't only want you for sex. You misunderstood.
i dont think i did. you're like ren and jackson and everyone else. they all pretended to want to be my friends first and took me out for lunch and gave me stuff. i thought they wanted to be friends so i had sex with them in an attempt to get closer.
but i was just another warm hole for them to fuck
I don't think this is the right conversation to have over text. I rather talk to you in person.
no. i cant talk in person.
Why not?
im not stable, tae. i'll start fucking crying or something like a baby. im sorry. i just cant. i dont wanna see you. i thought you were a nice guy, but i was wrong.
I am nice
I don't know how to convey this over text. I'm sorry. I feel bad.
Call me?
i cant right now i told you i'll start crying
You can cry. I don't mind. I'll comfort you.
i dont need that right now.
I'll read you a poem
stop ita
I'm sorry
im okay now. dont worry about me. my nudes get leaked all the time.
That is not good.
i know but i can't do anything about it. i'll talk to you some other time. bye.
Jungkook turned a corner in the campus building to go towards his apartment block. But he saw a group of girls sitting on the side, talking to each other loudly. Jungkook just wanted to go cry in his room and be alone as he always was.
"He's such a slut. You know he has 'cumslut' tattooed on his ass? So pathetic. He keeps sleeping around but gets upset when people made fun of it. Doesn't make any sense." A girl snarked. Jungkook hid behind the wall, heart falling to his stomach.
"I don't think a person like him deserves respect. No one who sleeps before marriage does. But he's too much. And a guy, too. Gross." Another girl added. The group of girls, Jungkook recognized them, were quite conservative and ridiculed others for being... frivolous, you could say.
"All he knows how to do is be a bitch and sleep around." Another girl said, laughing.
Jungkook paused. All he knows how to do is be a bitch and sleep around.
That's truly what Jungkook could do. All he was worth, huh? If everyone already thought that, then what image was Jungkook trying to save? Of him being a 'nice' guy. Why did it matter? People already knew what he looked like vulnerable and naked. There was no redeeming himself. He'd already dug himself in a hole, there was no getting out.
So Jungkook did what he was best at. Be a bitch and sleep around. Jungkook walked up to the table of girls, head held high. He walked over to them and slammed his hands onto the brown oak table. The girls saw him and tensed, eyes growing big.
"Oh fuck. Did you- did you hear-" One of the girls began. Jungkook looked at her.
"Your boyfriend who's been telling you he won't do anything before marriage? He's asked me for nudes 3 times. He admitted to jacking off to the thought of me. He tried to fuck me at numerous parties." Jungkook said, and then went lower, looking directly at her. "So get off my dick and worry about why your boyfriend is more obsessed with me than he is with you," Jungkook muttered, and then turned and walked away, leaving the girls pale-faced and baffled.
"See, I told you. He's a bitch." A girl said loudly. Jungkook kept walking, not looking back/
No one believed he was nice. No one believed that he just wanted the company of friends. So is the image of being a bitch that bad? It'll get people to stop making fun of him, won't it? He could pretend he was strong. That'd get people to put aside how fucking weak he really was.
While walking back to his apartment, Jungkook got a ding on his phone. He took it out and looked at it, ignoring the countless messages he was getting from guys. Jungkook looked at the message.
Alert to all students. The Annual Seoul Hero Academy Tournament is in 3 days. Proceed to the fighting hall immediately.
Jungkook took a deep breath. There couldn't possibly be worse timing for this.
this chapter was weird idk how i feel about it but !! next chapter will be goooood i know some of u like the fighting stuff so get ready for that
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