So Jungkook kissed Taehyung.
Taehyung didn't know what that meant. But usually, usually, kissing is a sign of love. Affection. Attraction. Goddamn, Taehyung's heart was beating out of his chest.
After Jungkook had kissed him, Taehyung promptly ran out and towards his dorm, where he ducked under the covers and hid for the rest of the day. The dorm room opened later, and Jimin and Jin walked in.
"You can't be in bed all day, Taehyung. Let's go eat." Jimin said.
"But Jungkook's going to be there," Taehyung said in a small voice, only his brown hair sticking out from under the sheets.
"Is this about him kissing you?" Jin asked. "We all saw that. How did your first kiss feel?"
Taehyung sat up, frowning. "It wasn't my first kiss. I have kissed people before. I'm not a complete loser." Taehyung said, and Jimin chuckled, walking over to him and ruffling his hair.
"Let's get dinner," Jimin said, and Taehyung sighed and got out of bed. "Fine, but let me change first," Taehyung said, walking to his closet.
He opened it, and Jin looked. "What the fuck is my grandfather's closet doing in your dorm."
"That's Taehyung's closet," Jimin said, and Taehyung blushed, grabbing a checkered, wool sweater vest to put on top of his shirt. "I-I like wearing old-fashioned clothes."
"You like wearing UGLY clothes."
"Says you, Jin. I saw you wearing double denim last week." Jimin retorted.
"I borrowed it from your dad. Now let's go! I'm hungry." Jin snapped, and Jimin pursed his lips and followed him out. Taehyung ran his hand through his hair and fixed his glasses, and then walking out with them.
"But why did he kiss me?" Taehyung asked, and Jin and Jimin went silent. They were walking towards the cafeteria. "A study concludes that kissing serves a useful biological or evolutionary purpose." Taehyung rambled, tucking his hands in his pockets. "People use kidding to assess whether a potential partner is a high enough quality to mate with. Subconsciously, of course."
"Don't overthink it, Tae," Jimin said gently, smiling. "It's Jungkook. Don't expect anything."
The three entered the cafeteria, and they went and got food. Jin got a footlong sub and said still smaller than your dad to Jimin, who kicked Jin and then got a burrito. Taehyung got a bowl of pasta.
Taehyung felt his stomach do flip flops when he saw Jungkook sitting with the other guys in the long tables. Taehyung felt nervous, hesitant. He walked up to the table, not knowing how to behave. Casual? Or should he ask Jungkook? Or-
Surprisingly, Jungkook looked at Taehyung and then pouted a little upon seeing his food. "Where's my strawberry lemonade?"
Taehyung stilled. "I- um- I forgot. Sorry." Taehyung said, and Jungkook gave him a small smile, brushing it off. Taehyung sat down beside Jungkook, still hesitant. The blonde boy looked at Taehyung closely, and Taehyung felt his insides go haywire, feeling tense.
"Square glasses are so ick, Tae. Why don't you get those fashionable aviator ones that are all over social media? Ooh, that'll look good. Maybe I should get fake glasses." Jungkook said to himself, and Taehyung shrugged.
"Dunno. I didn't... think when I was buying them, I guess." Taehyung said. Yoongi scoffed, slurping up noodles. "Just say your mom got them for you and go."
"Your mom buys your clothes for you?" Jungkook snickered, and Taehyung blushed, shaking his head.
"N-no. I do." Taehyung said in a small voice. Yoongi tsked. "That's even worse. Now we know for fact you have no fashion sense."
Taehyung was confused. He liked the checkered pattern and animal print on his shirts and sweaters. He found the bright colors comforting to the eye. He liked wearing ties sometimes too, dressing more formal than necessary. Everyone kept poking fun at him. Which was weird, considering all Yoongi ever wore was an oversized black t-shirt and black jeans.
Jungkook giggled and then grabbed a fork. "Can I try the pasta? It looks so good," Jungkook preened, and before Taehyung could respond, Jungkook dug his fork into Taehyung's food and took a bite. Taehyung looked at him and saw Jungkook hum in delight. "It's yummy!" Jungkook said after swallowing.
"You can have it, if-if you want," Taehyung said softly, and Jungkook grinned and took the bowl from him, digging in. Jimin frowned.
"What will you eat then, Tae?" Jimin murmured. Taehyung saw his slightly annoyed look and gave him a reassuring small smile. He could get food later. He wasn't that hungry, anyway. (Okay he was, but Jungkook eat like a bunny and Taehyung couldn't say no to him).
The other boys got in a conversation about how mint chocolate sucked or didn't. It was mainly just Namjoon yelling at Hoseok about how the existence of mint chocolate ignored his rights as a human. Hoseok yelled about how Namjoon had no taste.
"I don't like mint chocolate," Taehyung said. Jungkook pouted again. "I think it's nice..." Jungkook trailed.
"I love mint chocolate," Taehyung said again, and Jungkook giggled at him, eyes crinkling into crescents.
"Cutie," Jungkook said, and then leaned forward and kissed Taehyung on the cheek. Taehyung blushed and looked down at his lap, hands fiddling with one another.
"Hey- um- h-how come you kissed me in the- um- the practice room place?" Taehyung stammered, heart beating rapidly. Jungkook looked at him with a blank look on his face, and then blinked.
"Oh! Did I do that? I forgot." Jungkook said, and then giggled. He moved closer to Taehyung, their faces inches apart. Jungkook looked down at his lips, and Taehyung felt like he was on the moon for a split second.
"Have you ever seen a puppy?" Jungkook asked, and Taehyung paused, looking at him. "You know whenever the puppy does something cute, and you can't help but smooch it's forehead?"
Taehyung felt his muscles tense up. "It was like that. You're like a little puppy," Jungkook squealed, pinching Taehyung's cheeks. "Sooo strong little puppy. I got overexcited." Jungkook giggled.
Taehyung let out the dryest laugh. "Of course." Taehyung muttered, and Jungkook smiled at him obliviously and ruffled his hair. Jungkook saw him as a puppy. Of fucking course.
"Jungkook," A voice came, and Jungkook looked up, along with Taehyung. Wonho- another guy in their grade- stood there. "Let's go."
Jungkook transformed into his girl form and got up from the chair, walking over to him. "Sure! Your dorm, right?" Jungkook asked, and Wonho nodded. Jungkook leaned up and kissed him on the lips, and then they both walked out of the cafeteria.
Taehyung's shoulders fell. Hoseok sighed. "Damn. Nice guys really do finish last."
"Shut up, Hobi. Seriously, Tae. He just ate all your food and then dipped. Can you get over him? It's kind of sad." Jimin said, and Taehyung looked down.
"S-sorry." Taehyung said, and Jimin shook his head. "No no- I didn't mean to make you feel bad about it. I just don't like seeing you hurt yourself."
"You're not his type, Taehyung. Take this from someone who fucked him last night." Yoongi said, and Taehyung's hands clenched together as he looked up at Yoongi, who was smirking devilishly.
"Here, take my sandwich." Hoseok said, giving him a pitiful smile and sliding over his ham sandwich which was half eaten. Taehyung shook his head, feeling unnerved, judged. Pathetic.
"Hey, y'know what's going to lift your moon! We're going to the beach tomorrow. To chill and stuff. Weather's going to be really good tomorrow. Come with us~~" Jimin said, putting his hands together and making his eyes all big and puppy-like to persuade Taehyung.
Taehyung gave him a quick smile. "I'd love to." Taehyung said, and Jimin grinned.
"I want to tan," Jin said, resting on the beach chair, big circular sunglasses on and a big sunhat. Jimin and Hoseok were swimming in the sea. Namjoon was playing with the crabs. Yoongi was sleeping on another beach chair.
"Please? No one wants to play volleyball here." Taehyung said, pouting. The boy had on orange board shorts and a simple blue t-shirt.
"For a reason, big head. Now go eat the volleyball or whatever and let me rest in peace!" Jin said sternly, and Taehyung sighed and turned around, holding a volleyball in his hands. Suddenly he saw a girl by the volleyball nets.
Long silver hair swishing from side to side, wearing tight little bikini panties which were hot pink, high waisted, showing off hip bones. And, a short white crop top. The girl turned around and then smiled upon spotting Taehyung. It was Jungkook. Of course.
"Taehyung!" The higher pitched airy voice called out, and Taehyung walked over to him, seeing his long lashes and glossy lips. "Thank god you're here! I wanna play volleyball with someone."
"Same!" Taehyung grinned, trying not to look at Jungkook's nipples poking through his shirt. Jungkook grinned. "Great! When the other guys come, I'll look so hot. My boobs will look so good. I'll go to the other side." Jungkook chirped, and then rushed off to the other side of the net, his ass bouncing, literally, in his tight bottoms.
"O-okay." Taehyung stammered, feeling red already. He felt embarrassed around Jungkook's girl version. "How come you're in your girl form?"
"Because! Everyone's going to be coming to the beach today. I need to look good." Jungkook said, as if it was obvious. Taehyung didn't correct him by explaining that he does look good in his boy form.
They started playing volleyball. Taehyung pushed the ball up, and Jungkook hit it back with his small hands. He giggled when Taehyung couldn't hit the ball back over the net. The next time, Taehyung hit it perfectly and it hit Jungkook in the chest and he fell onto the sand.
"Aah!! Taehyung! There's sand on my butt!" Jungkook whined, and Taehyung rushed up to him, seeing him turn around and try to raise himself up. His butt had sand all over it, along with his lower thighs.
"Brush it off." Jungkook said. Taehyung blushed. "N-no." Taehyung said, taken aback. Jungkook groaned, getting up from the ground. He turned his head to look at his butt and then shrieked in anger.
"Okay okay- sorry." Taehyung chuckled fondly, walking up to his girl body and patting his butt lightly to dust off the sand. Jungkook wiggled his hips, and then suddenly turned into his boy form.
"Shit-" Jungkook said when he was in his boy form. "I wasn't focusing. Sorry." Jungkook mumbled, but Taehyung quietly brushed the sand off his lower muscular thighs.
"Don't worry about it." Taehyung said, and Jungkook changed back to his girl form and turned around. "Can you take some pictures of me for my instagram?"
"Sure." Taehyung said, and Jungkook grinned. "Okay! Not here, though. Over there by the palm tree. Lighting is good too." Jungkook said, and then rushed off, silver hair flying behind him.
Taehyung walked over to him, and then saw him rummaging through a small bag by the tree and take out his phone. He handed it to Taehyung, who saw his notifications on the lockscreen. Numerous snapchats by dudes. Taehyung held the phone up.
Jungkook posed, raising his chest up ever so slightly so his boobs looked bigger, his waist looked smaller. He raised his hand to his mouth, placing his index finger over his plump lips. He'd clearly done this hundreds of times. Taehyung clicked a few pictures, and then saw Jungkook turn around and turn his head over his shoulder.
"What if the real girl you've transformed as sees this stuff?" Taehyung asked.
Jungkook stopped posing, and then stilled. "Didn't I tell you to not ask so many questions? Just take my pictures, Taehyung." Jungkook grumbled, and Taehyung nodded quickly.
"Sorry." Taehyung said, and took a few more pictures. "Let me take one in your normal self now."
"No." Jungkook said, standing by the tree. Taehyung tilted his head. "Why not? You'll look really nice. The sun will make your skin look pretty, not that it doesn't always look pretty-"
"Oh my god- Tae, why would I want to go in my guy form? I'd look stupid as fuck, and no one would look at me anyway." Jungkook mumbled, looking annoyed.
"I would look at you." Taehyung offered.
"What would I do with that?" Jungkook scoffed, and Taehyung hummed and reached his phone out, but Jungkook shook his head, and then lifted his chin up in a pretty way.
"No, take some more." Jungkook said, and Taehyung nodded again, opening his camera and taking some more pictures. Jungkook put his hands by his sides, looking cute, eyes all big. Taehyung gave him a small smile.
"You look cute-" Taehyung began, but then suddenly Jungkook's eyes widened. Taehyung looked up from the phone, and saw him looked scared. "Kook? You alright?" Taehyung asked with a frown, seeing how Jungkook's hands were tightly by his sides.
"N-no- it- it feels like someone's holding me d-down, Tae-" Jungkook let out fearfully. Taehyung frowned in worry, but then suddenly saw Jungkook's crop top come up on it's own and slip past his head, uncovering his boobs.
Jungkook widened his eyes, and then let out a sound of pain, a scared one. He tried moving his arms, trying to move from his spot, but he was frozen there, and naked from the top. Taehyung turned pink and looked away, and then suddenly heard laughing.
A boy appeared behind Jungkook, holding his arms down. It was Ren's friend. He had a trait which allowed him to turn invisible. Jungkook blushed brightly and tried pulling his arms away, eyes wide in the humiliation of being naked like this in public.
"Aw, did I scare you pretty?" The boy laughed, and Jungkook heard his voice and let out a groan. "Let me go-" Jungkook tried, but some more guys, including Ren, rushed up from behind Taehyung- all in shorts and no shirts. They surrounded Jungkook.
"The crop top was getting in the way, baby." One of the guys said, and Jungkook pulled his arms away and covered his chest.
"D-didn't have to do it like that-" Jungkook said timidly, but the guys snickered. "But it was so much more fun seeing you look so surprised. Relax, Kook, we wouldn't do it to other girls. You're a dude. We're just messing with you." Ren said, and then came up behind Jungkook and cupped his boobs with his larger hands.
Jungkook giggled out weakly, and Taehyung just stood there, shy, confused as to what to do, but not wanting to leave Jungkook like this. Ren looked at Taehyung. "Hey, nerd! Take a picture of this." Ren snapped.
Taehyung looked and saw how Ren was gripping onto Jungkook's boobs tightly, and how Jungkook looked a little discomforted. Taehyung shook his head, and then one of Ren's friends pushed Taehyung away and grabbed Jungkooks phone.
"Fucking bitch- you deaf or something?" He grumbled, and then opened the camera and took pictures of Jungkook and Ren. Jungkook put his hands on his forearms, almost trying to make him not grasp him so tightly.
Ren let Jungkook go and gripped his waist instead. "Take some pictures. Jungkook, you'll send these to me later, right?"
"Okay." Jungkook said softly, and the other boy continued taking pictures of the half nude Jungkook, who just smiled softly, trying to keep his composure.
Taehyung watched from the side, seeing how the guys were just grabbing Jungkook and treating him badly. Taehyung gulped and then put his fingers up lightly, and began focusing on his trait.
Jungkook stood there, and then suddenly felt flowers emerging on his body. Jungkook gasped, looking confused for a moment. Flowers kept emerging and placed on his chest until he was covered, not naked. Jungkook giggled out, seeing the pretty pink, yellow, white, and red flowers covering his chest.
The guys started complaining. Jungkook looked at Taehyung, who had his hand up. Taehyung put his hand down and looked away. Jungkook smiled a little.
Jungkook grabbed his t-shirt and then put it on, and the flowers fell out from under his crop top. Jungkook looked at Taehyung for a few seconds, but then got lifted up by Ren and thrown over his shoulder. Jungkook gasped out in surprise and got a harsh slap on his ass.
"We're taking you to the changing rooms. Wanna have a bit of fun."
Jungkook started giggling. Taehyung swore he looked uncomfortable moments ago, but now he looked okay, normal, in fact. Jungkook started kicking his legs, but Ren tugged at his panties with his other hand and gave him a wedgie, which made Jungkook squeak out- which in turn only made the other guys laugh.
Taehyung gave Jungkook a concerned look, and Jungkook saw his expression, but ignored him, looking away.
Taehyung saw them disappear into the changing rooms and then frowned to himself. What the fuck? He felt really disgusted. He didn't want them to hurt Jungkook. So he rushed towards the changing rooms.
Taehyung reached the room which Jungkook and the other three boys were in. He leaned his ear against the door.
"I'll want her mouth. You two take turns with her pussy." One of the boys said, and Jungkook let out a groan, which made Taehyung get concerned. He should barge in. He should barge in and stop them and then freeze all three of the boys and leave them there for their limbs to fall off slowly-
"No!" Jungkook said, and Taehyung's hand tightened around the door handle, but then Jungkook said; "I want all three of you to fuck my pussy. Please," Jungkook cried out, and the guys snickered out cockily.
Taehyung tensed against the door. He let out a disappointed sigh. He should be relieved that Jungkook wasn't getting hurt at least, shouldn't he? It was all consensual in the end of the day! Jungkook was okay. So Taehyung shouldn't be upset.
Taehyung walked away. He found Jimin and Hoseok still playing with the waves and joined them, smiling to ease away the hurt he felt in his stomach.
Almost an hour passed. The sun began to set, and his friends all grumbled about how they wanted to go back to the dorms now.
"I'm going to be picking sand out of my ass for days now." Jimin grumbled.
"Why the fuck is there sand in your butt."
"Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to." Jimin snapped at Namjoon, who rolled his eyes.
"Let's go Tae. It's getting dark, and it'll get really chilly soon." Hoseok said, and Taehyung looked back at the changing rooms, and then at the boys.
"I'll- um- stay for a bit more. I'll wait for Jungkook." Taehyung said, and Yoongi scoffed, looking sleepy still.
"Seriously?" Yoongi asked. "That's sad as fuck. You do you, bro." Yoongi mumbled, and Jin sighed shook his head as well. "See you later," Jin said, and the five boys walked off towards the boardwalk and back towards campus.
Taehyung sat down on the sand, looking at the sea which lapped against the shore and drew back in a stretch. As if the art of yoga had infused with the ocean. Taehyung felt calm by the water, and then drew a little heart on the sand with his finger.
After twenty minutes or so, he heard loud voices, so he turned around, and saw those three dudes from earlier walking away. Taehyung didn't see Jungkook, so he rushed up from the sand and walked up to them. "Where's Jungkook?"
"Back in the changing rooms." Ren said. Taehyung noticed as one of the other guys looked disgusted, was shivering, had his hands against his face. "We all took shots- and Jungkook might've gotten too drunk. Because Yuto here was fucking his girl self in the ass and he suddenly turned into his boy self out of nowhere."
"So fucking gross, bro." Yuto said weakly. Taehyung frowned.
"You left him there?" Taehyung asked, frowning. Ren patted Yuto's back. "It's okay, Yuto. You pulled out instantly. It's not gay, bro."
Taehyung rolled his eyes and ran towards the changing room. He reached and then pushed the door open, and widened his eyes. Jungkook- in his boy self- was on the floor, completely naked, eyes full of tears, face red, hair messed up, lips damp.
"Jungkook-" Taehyung let out, and rushed closer to him. "Oh god, are you alright? Did they hurt you? Please don't cry. I'm sorry."
Jungkook let out a pained sound, and Taehyung realised he was drunk, because his eyes were dilated and his breath smelt of alcohol. Jungkook looked around. "I-I fucked up... C-couldn't maintain m-my girl form. Yu-Yuto almost hit me."
Taehyung crouched down beside him and then put his hand on his hair. "It's not your fault." Taehyung said softly, and then cringed when he saw Jungkook's stomach. It had 'WHORE' scribbled on it with a black permanent marker.
"Who did this?" Taehyung asked, pointing at his stomach. Jungkook groaned, closing his eyes. "D-dunno. One of them had a... pen." Jungkook slurred, eyes drifting. Taehyung let out a small breath. It felt wrong seeing Jungkook naked like this.
Taehyung took his shirt off and placed it over Jungkook's head. Thankfully his t-shirt was a little big for him, so it was oversized on Jungkook and fell over his narrow shoulders, reaching past his thighs. Taehyung saw his panties, but they were ripped on the floor.
"Did you drink a lot?" Taehyung asked wearily. Jungkook nodded. "R-Ren had a f-flask."
Taehyung saw hickies all over Jungkook's body, some old, some new. On his neck, shoulders, chest, inner thighs. Taehyung felt bile in the bottom of his throat. He helped Jungkook stand up, and then helped him out the changing room.
"Why- why did you do that?" Taehyung asked, and Jungkook was limping, leaning against Taehyung in his drink state.
"S'fun." Jungkook giggled, voice cracking. Taehyung put his arm around his waist, and then sighed, realising Jungkook wouldn't be able to walk like this. Taehyung left him for a second. Jungkook looked at him.
"T-Taehyung don't leave me." Jungkook said faintly, and Taehyung shook his head. "I won't, don't worry." Taehyung reassured, and then turned his back, and then crouched down. "Get on my back."
Jungkook put his arms over Taehyung's shoulders, and Taehyung put his hands on the back of Jungkook's thighs and lifted him up, giving him a piggyback ride. Jungkook lay his head on Taehyung's shoulder, humming.
"You did the flower thingy earlier?" Jungkook asked. Taehyung nodded.
"They were rude by undressing you like that." Taehyung said, and Jungkook hummed again, pressing his cheek against the side of Taehyung's neck.
"T-they fucked me three t-times." Jungkook said. Taehyung felt his insides contract and gulped. "Where did e-everyone else go?"
"They left."
"Why didn't you?" Jungkook asked pointedly. Taehyung shrugged. "I wanted to make sure you were okay."
Jungkook put his lips against Taehyung's temple, just letting them rest there. Taehyung blushed at the small touch and carried him to his dorm, because he didn't have the keys to Jungkook's apartment. Taehyung, while carrying him, heard Jungkook groan.
"I can taste cum a-at the back of my throat, Tae-Taehyungie. Gimme water." Jungkook whined. Taehyung sighed.
"Wait until we reach the dorms, Kook." Taehyung said softly. Jungkook whimpered, closing his eyes. "D-dorms? Nnnng... it's far... And I'm sleepy..."
"I'm carrying you. Don't worry. You can sleep." Taehyung said, and Jungkook shook his head. "No~ Wanna sleep on bed!! T-Taehyung gimme my bed!" Jungkook whined again.
"Look, we're almost there Kookie. You can sleep soon. Right after you drink some water and I help you wash up." Taehyung said, and Jungkook nodded, lolling his head onto Taehyung's shoulder.
Taehyung finally reached his dorm and kicked open the door. Jimin was sitting on his bed, hair damp from taking a shower, going through his phone. He looked up, and rose his eyebrow upon spotting the two.
"Jiminie!!" Jungkook slurred, looking up. "Look Taehyung helped me-"
"Taehyung there's literally cum dripping out of his ass onto our carpet," Jimin snapped in annoyance, seeing the two white droplets which fell onto the floor. Taehyung noticed them too and then put Jungkook down.
Jungkook leaned against Taehyung. Taehyung gulped. "He's really drunk, Jimin. I don't have his apartment keys."
"What did he do?" Jimin asked. Taehyung looked down. "What did he do, Taehyung?"
"Ren and two of his friends fucked him in the changing rooms and got him drunk. They just left him there alone, Jimin. He was naked, and-"
"He should know how to take care of himself, Taehyung. How do you have the capacity to give a fuck wen he treats you like shit?" Jimin asked, and Taehyung tensed at how he raised his voice. Jungkook hid behind Taehyung, small.
Taehyung didn't respond. Jimin sighed. "Where's he going to sleep?" Jimin asked, frowning. Taehyung hesitated. "In my bed, I guess."
"Then where are you going to sleep?" Jimin asked. They had single beds, so the question was valid. Taehyung paused for a second, and Jimin just snickered, shaking his head. "Great. Let him sleep in your bed, let him eat your dinner, let him take advantage of you. But no, please, take care of him when he's drunk and just got fucked by random dudes on a beach." Jimin said sarcastically, picking his phone and keys for the dorm up.
"Jimin where are you going?" Taehyung asked. Jimin scoffed. "I'll stay over at Jin and Namjoon's for tonight. I can't keep telling you to stay away from him, Taehyung. You're just being a dumbass at this point." Jimin snapped, and then walked out, shutting the door behind him.
"J-Jiminie's angry." Jungkook whispered, and Taehyung sighed and looked at him. He gave him a watery smile.
"Yeah." Taehyung said, and then put his thumb up to Jungkook's lips. "Put your lips around my thumb. I-I know it's weird, but-" Taehyung began, but Jungkook put his lips around his thumb quickly.
Jungkook felt a stream of water go down his throat and gasped around Taehyung's thumb. He drank down the water and then Taehyung pulled his thumb out. Jungkook blinked his big eyes. "Water thumb~" Jungkook said in awe. Taehyung smiled fondly.
Taehyung grabbed a pair of boxers and helped slip them on Jungkook's legs. Jungkook groaned but put them on. Taehyung took Jungkook's shirt off and then led him to their bathroom. Taehyung sat Jungkook down on the counter beside the sink, and then stood by him.
"T-Taehyungie... m'sleepy." Jungkook whimpered, resting his head on Taehyung's. Taehyung grabbed a washcloth and began wiping it on Jungkook's stomach, trying to remove the crude word from his stomach. Why would they write it with a permanent marker? It was so rude. Taehyung doesn't understand what joy they received from demaning such a sweet boy like Jungkook.
"Jungkook's tired, huh?" Taehyung asked softly, and Jungkook nodded, piping out a small breath when Taehyung rubbed circles on Jungkook tummy.
Jungkook looked down at Taehyung. "W-why're you taking care of me?" Jungkook asked faintly.
Taehyung didn't respond. He just put more soap on the washcloth, and gave Jungkook a tight lipped smile. "Don't worry about it." Taehyung said. Jungkook put his hands on Taehyung's shoulders.
"Y-you always give me your food. You're a-always there for me. You're n-never... mean. You-" Jungkook began, and Taehyung stopped moving his hand. "Why?" Jungkook let out breathily.
Taehyung looked up at him for a few seconds, and then chuckled, as if it was a stupid thing to ask. "You deserve to be taken care of." Taehyung said, words light, barely coherent. Taehyung continued cleaning Jungkook's stomach. Jungkook reached forward, laying his head on Taehyung's shoulder.
"You're t-the best." Jungkook whispered, and Taehyung hummed, seeing the words fade off from Jungkook's stomach. "Bestest."
Taehyung cleaned Jungkook up fully and then helped him off the counter, taking him back into the room. Taehyung slipped an oversized sweater on Jungkook's head and then lay him down on Taehyung's bed. Jungkook was asleep by the time Taehyung put the blanket over him and tucked him in. Taehyung kissed his cheek swiftly and then climbed onto Jimin's bed, closing the lamp and whispering goodnight to Jungkook.
Jungkook woke up the next day, and saw Taehyung sitting by the side of his bed, reading a book. Jungkook made a groaning sound, and Taehyung looked at him, alert.
"Hey." Taehyung said, and Jungkook lifted his head up a little. "No no, don't get up. Take some aspirin first." Taehyung rushed, taking a glass of water and a pill in another hand. Jungkook blinked in confusion, and the memories of the day before came back. Taehyung helped Jungkook's head up, and put the pull into his mouth, and poured the water into his mouth. Jungkook gulped, and then whined, closing his eyes.
"P-pill didn't go down." Jungkook squeaked. Taehyung smiled a little. "Don't worry, Kookie. There's more water. Open your mouth," Taehyung whispered, and Jungkook did. Taehyung poured water down his throat. Jungkook gulped it down and then opened his eyes.
"Are you alright?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook nodded his head. "You were talking in your sleep for a bit. Bad dream?"
Jungkook turned pink, and looked away. "I t-talk sometimes in my sleep. Sorry." Jungkook saif softly. Taehyung carded his fingers through Jungkook's blonde hair.
"That's okay. It's normal. Especially when people are drunk. Don't apologise." Taehyung said, and Jungkook nodded, and then sniffled, closing his eyes.
"God, I'm so annoying. I'm sorry for all that last night. I must've been a pain to take care of. Thank you for bringing me back here and stuff. I would've just passed out in the beach or something." Jungkook grumbled.
"No worries." Taehyung said, smiling lightly. "I have 4 little siblings. I'm good at taking care of people."
"I must've been the worst, though." Jungkook cried.
"You were cute. It's okay. Honestly." Taehyung said, and Jungkook sat up, and then wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck. Taehyung stilled, and then hugged him back.
"I-I don't get you. You're so... different from other guys. You're so sweet, so caring, so-" Jungkook trailed, and then pulled away from the hug and cupped Taehyung's cheeks, looking into his eyes. "You're perfect."
"I-I'm not." Taehyung stammered softly, blushing. Jungkook booped their noses together, and Taehyung gripped the bedsheets tightly in his hands to not freak out. Jungkook was so close. Jungkook smiled.
"You took care of me even though I left you yesterday. I was a dumb slut as usual, but you still cares about me." Jungkook whispered. Taehyung shook his head.
"Y-you're not a dumb slut. Don't say that about yourself." Taehyung said, and Jungkook blinked his big eyes.
"You're too amazing, Taehyungie." Jungkook said, looking at him closely. "I swear... your future partner is going to be so lucky. I'm going to be super jealous of whoever you're going to date." Jungkook giggled.
Taehyung paused. He gulped. "You- you don't have to be." Taehyung whispered. Jungkook blinked.
"What?" Jungkook asked. Taehyung's heart raced rapidly. "If-" Taehyung began, and then took a deep breath. "If y-you think my future boyfriend or-or girlfriend is going to be so l-lucky then... why don't-" Taehyung tried, but stopped. His breath hitched, and he let out- "Why d-don't you become... it." Taehyung stammered, looking down.
Jungkook paused. He let out a laugh. A loud laugh. "You want me to be your boyfriend?"
Taehyung's cheeks tinted. "No. Nothing like that. You just... you said you'd be jealous, so I was just-"
"Aww, Tae. You're a great guy, honestly- you are. But you're not my type." Jungkook giggled. Taehyung felt like someone punched him.
"What's your type?" Taehyung asked, looking at him wearily. Jungkook shrugged, looking away.
"Hm. Let's see. I like tall guys." Jungkook said. "I like guys who are kind of bossy, kind of mean. Bad boys. I love bad boys. Guys who are confident, who just want their way, who aren't pussies. They see what they want and they take it. God- it's so attractive." Jungkook said, thighs squeezed together.
"Guys who break the rules. Who don't care at all. Who throw you around and fuck you into oblivion. I just love those kind of badass boys- and god, if they're buff, that's so fucking hot." Jungkook gushed.
Right. So Taehyung did not break the rules. He wasn't bossy. He wasn't mean. He wasn't that confident. He was kind of a pussy. He did care. He didn't throw people around. He didn't 'fuck people into oblivion'. And to top it off, he was barely tall. And definitely not all that buff.
Taehyung hummed. "So you like douchebags who don't like commitment and don't take rejection?" Taehyung muttered, a little stingy.
"Don't put it that way. Everyone has a type, come on. You must have one." Jungkook said. Taehyung gulped. He shook his head, looking down. "I just like people who are sweet."
"Low fucking criteria, dude. Being picky is good." Jungkook said, and Taehyung looked at him.
"I don't want to be rude or anything- but- but you don't seem to be picky with your type. I mean, weren't you with Mark? That guy is a huge nerd. All he talks about is books. He doesn't seem to match your type... yet-"
"Eh. Some guys are crazy different in bedrooms. Mark tied me up when he fucked me. That's a big yes." Jungkook said, and Taehyung let out a weak smile.
"Great. Love that for you." Taehyung said, and Jungkook got up and ruffled his hair. Taehyung hates when Jungkook ruffles his hair. It makes him feel like a stupid, dumb puppy. That's all he was anyway, in Jungkook's eyes. A friend who would take care of him, not a guy he might be in to.
"I'm going to go now, Taehyungie. Can I borrow pants? I'll head to my apartment and take a shower. Thanks again, by the way. You're the bes-"
"The bestest. I know." Taehyung said. Jungkook sighed in content, smiling. "I swear, Tae. You're the cutest thing. I'll see you later." Jungkook said, and then kissed Taehyung's cheek. He took sweatpants which were lying on a hamper and put them on, and then waved his hand at Taehyung and walked out of his dorm.
Taehyung sat on his bed for a few minutes, thinking. Jimin walked into the dorm after a bit. "Why're you such a dumbass, Tae?"
"I don't know. Maybe if I was an asshole, Jungkook would actually like me." Taehyung mumbled. "He's into 'badboys'. Which doesn't make sense? He slept with Lucas- who's the biggest fucking pussy in our batch."
"That's bullshit. He's not into 'badboys'. He's into hot boys. Any guy who's even slightly attractive, Jungkook will be down for. You just need to... I don't know, amp up your game a little maybe. Y'know?" Jimin said, walking over to his bed.
Suddenly, Taehyung's mind whirred. He looked at Jimin, and then gasped. "Jimin." Taehyung said, and his eyes glinted wickedly. "I think I need a makeover."
im so excited to write the next chapter
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