So I really like Harry Potter and Aprilunicorn wants to learn French so I thought I could write here all the French name used in Harry Potter books. I will only write the name of the characters who are very different in French compared to English
Lavender Brown/Lavande Brown [lah-ven-dehh]
Pomona Sprout/Pomona Chourave (which means sprout in French)[shh-who-rahh-vehh]
Newton Scamander/Norbert Dragonneau (I don't understand how they could translate it that bad, it is the name norbert like Hagrid's dragon in the philosopher's stone and dragonneau which is close to dragon)[Nor-berhh Drah-go-no]
Oliver Wood/Olivier Dubois (the name Oliver in French is Olivier and Dubois mean of wood so it fits perfectly, I even know someone name Dubois) [olivier deuh-boua]
Tom Marvolo Riddle/Tom Elvis Jedusor (so for this part the name in French had to make «Je suis Voldemort» I am Voldemort. So that's why they chose this name. Although the name Elvis is weird Jedusor is kind of well placed because it literally means «I-of-spell»)[tomehh elle-viss che-du-zorr]
Lord Voldemort/Lord Voldemort (but you never pronounce the T at the end. Fun fact, Voldemort means steal of death)[Lor-vol-de-mor]
Neville Longbottom/Neville Longdubat (Long-du-bas literally means long of bottom, so it fits well) [nevill lon-du-bass]
Draco Malfoy/Drago Malefoy (drago being close to dragon) [drah-go mal-ehh-foi]
Alastor (Mad eye) Moody/Alastor Maugrey (Fol-oeil)(I don't why they choose Maugrey but fol derivative from «Folle» which means crazy and «oeil» which means eye)[alastor mo-gray fall-o-ehh-y-e (oeil is very hard to pronounce)]
Moaning Myrtle/Mimi Geignarde («Geignarde» is someone who whines a lot and «Mimi» is a nickname like the others)[mimi jay-gnahhr-dehh]
Nearly Headless-Nick/Nick Quasi-sans-tête (the exact translation would be Nick almost without a head) [nick kasi saen tein-tehh]
Severus Snape/Severus Rogue (I don't know why they chose Rogue for it's French name) [severus rohh-gue]
Argus Filch/Argus Rusard («Rusard» is close to the word «rusé» which means cunning. I don't see the resemblance between the French and English name)[Argus ru-zarr]
At the same time I'll add the House name and school name
Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry/Poudlard école de sorcellerie (I don't know where Poudlard is from but «école de sorcellerie» mean school of witchcraft) [pouh-d-larrr]
Gryffindor/Gryffondor (it stand for «gryffon- d'or» gryffin of gold)[gri-fon-dor]
Slytherin/Serpentard («Serpent» means snake and «tard» means late, I don't know why they put these two words together)[ser-pan-tarrgh(like a pirate)]
Hufflepuff/Poufsouffle (I don't know why it's this way but «souffle» means breath or puff)[pouff-souff-l]
Ravenclaw/Serdaigle (I don't know about ser but «aigle» means eagle) [ser-dei-glehh]
I found a video that is in French and has English subtitles : https://youtu.be/6CNezCG7NEU Enjoy!
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