I HAS BEEN TAGGED BY: IntrovertedOtakuCJ yee!!
1. Favorite song:
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Between those 2
2. Between volley ball and softball
3. Between imagine dragons and Panic! At The Disco
4. Once upon a time
5. I don't have one
6. Navy blue
7. Italian food just cu pizza and pasta
8. Apple juice
9. Black rose ( idk if it counts but it's a horror game and it scary yet fun)
Sylvie_O_O islay098 heyy_its_alissa GigiYourNightmare fairlybts ShadowPanda_63 CJ_and_AC emochickennugget102 gingersnappi Stardust_105 smoll_trash TheKawaiiCupcakes09 JessieandLela bunnycake37304 K00ki3sAndCr34m
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