ᐅ how to play ᐊ
I will post a roles chapter after this that will describe the different ranks possible for this game. An example of what might be there is 'medicine cat (x1)', meaning one roleplayer will get the position of medicine cat. Directly afterwards, I will write a small description of the role, such as 'protects one cat from harm the night applied'. At the same time as the roles chapter, I will post the form for the first round of the game. Once the minimum amount of cats is reached, that round will start.
Soon after the forms have been closed, an allegiance page will be posted. This will list all the cats in the game, as well as a short personality and physical description. A character's true role will never be shown here as that could affect the game drastically. The leader of the Clan is automatically innocent. Apprentices are like substitutes for their mentors; if a mentor dies, then the apprentice will step up and take their place. However, apprentices do not get their full name until all the mentors of the Clan are dead/exiled. This is to make sure the timing of a mentor's death cannot be correlated with the apprentice they had. This means that all of the apprentices will get their warrior names at the same time.
Next, I will publish a chapter called 'night one'. Within this chapter, there will be a prompt line for an activity check, as well as a reminder for those with nightly activities (more on this in the roles chapter). The activity check is very simple; just reply with a 'Hello!' or even just a random letter. I just need to know that you are reading this and are still interested. Please, do not join if you will not be actively involved. I will kill off your cat, and that is just a waste of space if someone else wanted to join.
After it has been 24 hours, or everyone has answered - whichever comes first - then 'day one' will be posted. In this chapter, there will be a small snippet of the murder, the name of who died, and their role. There will be no hints in the game; only information gathered by the characters will be used - that and luck.
The Basics
The game is a struggle for survival between the clan team and the traitor team. However, some characters can be on a neutral team, but not many.
Everyone's roles will be privately messaged to them. If you do not have a pm, you cannot join. These roles will be randomly assigned; you get what you get and you don't throw a fit.
On the traitors' team, all of the cats participate in a kill-vote. This means that all traitor-team roleplayers will cast in a vote to me (through pm) about who they want to kill. I will provide a tally of the votes at your request. If there is a tie, then a random number generator will be used, and whoever gets picked is the one to die the next day.
Neutral roles are just what they sound like: they are not allied with the clan team nor the traitor team. An example of how this works is the copycat. This character chooses another cat to 'copy' at the beginning of the round. When the chosen cat dies, the copycat takes their role. The role could be anything from a normal warrior to the traitor mastermind. Because the copycat could choose anyone from either the clan team or the traitor team, they are classified as neutral.
Every character, including the traitors, vote on the murderer each day. The cat with the most votes gets killed/exiled. However, you do not need to vote if you are unsure, but there will be a minimum amount of votes needed for an exile. If the required number of votes is not reached, then nobody will be exiled.
Options for voting comments include:
I vote for ___ - you vote for the named cat
I will not vote - you won't vote for anyone
I change my vote from ___ to ___ - you changed your vote from one character to another. do not delete the original comment.
I remove my vote of ___ - changing your vote from one character to nobody. do not delete the original comment.
next chapter:
ᐅ thornclan ᐊ - roles -
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