Chapter One: Lavender's Blue
Hermione Granger was officially exhausted; in the five years since the Battle of Hogwarts, she had yet to take a proper vacation. As soon as she was able, she had used the rest of the month of May to track down her mother and father in Australia, and had somehow managed to restore their memories. After a thorough tongue-lashing at her methods for protecting them, her parents had promptly left Australia and returned to the family home in Hampstead. Hermione had previously sent a desperate owl to Bill and Fleur, asking them to make sure that there were no curses lurking in the house, and Molly had even stepped in to give the property a thrice-over with Household Spells. In addition, she had made enough meals for both Drs. Granger to last the month, something which Geoffrey and Isabel Granger were very grateful for.
Next, Hermione had returned to Hogwarts and assisted with the rebuilding wherever she could, in the midst of studying for her NEWTs. As Harry and Ron had decided to forgo a final year, Hermione had decided to do so as well, but she absolutely refused to take any handouts from the newly-reformed Ministry of Magic, now headed by Kingsley, without proper exams. Hermione was put on the team to resurrect Gryffindor Tower to its former glory, alongside Minerva, Aberforth, Arthur and Molly, Bill, Charlie, Percy, George, Ron, Harry, and Ginny. They finished their work in a matter of weeks, just after Harry's birthday, and Hermione agreed to sit for her NEWTs in the month of August.
It had been a devastating experience for Ron to lose Fred, but it had been a surprising one when Lavender had turned out to be alive herself. Hermione, knowing that Lavender was Ron's true first love, released Ron from any promises he had made to her, and was pleased to see both Ron and Lavender so happy. Harry and Ginny returned to one another, and it was unsurprising to see that Neville and Luna were a happy couple as well. With everyone pairing up, Hermione sat for her NEWTs, not even considering her romantic life, or any inclinations she may have harbored for a certain potions master—who had survived by the skin of his teeth—and managed to get all Outstanding's in her NEWTs.
When September dawned, Hermione, who had spent the remainder of August back at her childhood home of Hampstead, took her parents' up on the offer of filling in for their receptionist in their dental office. It was easy work for her, as she decided what she would want to do for a proper career, and the hours were decent. Eight to five Monday thru Friday, and she had the weekends off, giving her plenty of time for Saturday tea with Minerva at Hogwarts, or Sunday dinner at the Burrow with the Weasley family.
Of course, she was lonely, given that Death Eaters had tracked down Crookshanks and had done away with him, during the aftermath of what had happened after Bill and Fleur's wedding. Even though everyone in her life attempted to cheer her up in various ways, including suggestions that she get a new familiar, she steadfastly refused. Only Harry seemed to truly understand her grief, and many Sunday afternoons found them sitting quietly together in the small flat that Harry and Ron now shared in London, close to the Ministry. They didn't speak much, with Harry going over Auror paperwork and Hermione with her nose in a book, but it was good for them to have the company they so desperately craved in a matter in which they both could understand.
And so, in that vein, time passed slowly, although not as slowly as it had done when the trio had been on the run in various forests throughout England. Hermione remained at her parents' dental office for a period of six months, before she began writing out lesson plans for Arithmancy and Ancient Runes for Beauxbatons Academy of Magic's new curriculum. Madam Maxime had asked for Hermione's help specifically, and Minerva had been only too glad to offer Hermione a rousing endorsement. Meanwhile, it was Hagrid who was tasked to deliver the missives on Hermione's behalf and, quite soon, Hagrid and Olympe was back together, much to everyone's delight.
With time passing came life decisions, and Ron and Lavender married, along with Harry and Ginny, Neville and Luna, a reformed Draco and his long-term girlfriend Astoria Greengrass, Blaise Zabini and Daphne Greengrass, and Pansy Parkinson and Theodore Nott. Hermione, who had long ago given up prejudices and had made friends with all the aforementioned Slytherin couples, had been a guest at all the weddings. Naturally, she was a Bridesmaid for Ron and Lavender, as well as Neville and Luna, although she had gotten the plum part of Maid of Honor when Harry and Ginny had tied the knot. At every gathering, she would see Professor Severus Snape, healed and no longer working at Hogwarts. She learned that he had his own owl order potions business, specializing in research and the concoction of especially rare potions, as well as ingredient cultivation, and was very successful.
Hermione herself wasn't particularly flashy about her work, as she published under a well-thought-out pseudonym, Morgana Greenhorn. Her books were quite successful, and she had quickly tackled curriculum for both Arithmancy and Ancient Runes for all the years at Beauxbatons. Olympe had asked for Hermione's permission to translate them to the languages for Durmstrang, as well as Castelobruxo, and Koldovstoretz, as those three were the first ones who had expressed an interest. Hermione had agreed, and all those schools (including Hogwarts, which had switched to her texts immediately once Olympe had expressed an interest) were now learning from her very own words.
Hermione had tentatively begun drafts for Charms and Transfiguration, after receiving a great amount of encouragement from both Minerva and Filius, and was very pleased to receive such acclaim from her former professors. She did, however, make mental notes to ask Harry if she ever wrote curriculum for Defense, Luna for Care of Magical Creatures, Neville for Herbology, and Professor Snape if she ever managed to tackle Potions. The latter, of course, would likely take some adept prodding and convincing on his part, as well as some Gryffindor courage on her part. Still, she mused, it really couldn't hurt to ask him, and she was well aware of the process it would take to track down another competent potion's master if her former professor refused to help her.
With the abundance of years passing within a time of peace in the Wizarding World, in addition to the numerous weddings of her friends, babies were coming as well. Harry and Ginny had two sons already, James and Albus, while Neville and Luna had a daughter, Pandora. The news that Draco and Astoria's son, Scorpius, was born was front-page news in The Daily Prophet, much to Hermione's amusement, and Theodore Nott and Pansy Parkinson had welcomed two children already, Thaddeus and Arabella. Other couples were cropping up as well, with George and Angelina Johnson's wedding being a particular highlight one spring day, and shortly thereafter welcoming a son, Fred II. Bill and Fleur had two daughters already, Victoire and Dominique, and Percy and his wife, Audrey, had welcomed a daughter themselves, Molly II, and then there was Ron and Lavender, who welcomed twin girls, Georgiana and Frederica.
Hermione was very pleased for her circle of friends, as well as her extended family of the Weasleys, who were all quite happy in their personal lives. Professionally, Harry was singlehandedly taking the Auror Department by storm, while Ginny was working as Sports Editor for The Daily Prophet. Ron had given up being an Auror and was now an official partner, alongside George, at the Wheezes, while Lavender was apprenticing with Madam Pomfrey at Hogwarts, getting her Healing Mastery. Draco had taken over his father's post on the Board of Governors for Hogwarts, and held the Malfoy seat in the Wizengamot, while Astoria raised their son, alongside Narcissa, at Malfoy Manor. George was expanding the Wheezes, alongside Ron, and was now solely operating the Diagon Alley location, while Ron had taken over the Hogsmeade one, so as to be close to Lavender working at Hogwarts, and their girls, who were attending Hogsmeade Nursery & Primary, a wizarding primary school serving the British Isles, which everyone was sending their children to, operated by none other than Molly Weasley. Percy was doing well at the Ministry, and Audrey worked with Madam Malkin in Diagon Alley. It was unsurprising to Hermione that Angelina was already an accomplished Healer for St. Mungo's, and Bill and Fleur were still working for Gringotts as Curse Breakers.
One afternoon, when Hermione was twenty-four, she was called over unexpectedly to the Potter home, Primrose Cottage, in Warwickshire, and she went gladly. Ginny was taking some time off from The Prophet, due to Harry's busy schedule for the DMLE, and wanted some company while James and Al went down for their naps. Hermione was only too glad to be of service, and knew entirely well that she would have some time with her godsons as well, when they awoke. It was an altogether pleasant experience when she Floo'd in, and inhaled the scent of tea steeping, sandwiches, and cakes erupting within her nostrils.
"Come in," Ginny coaxed Hermione, smiling as her closest friend meticulously spelled herself clean of soot, and gestured to the seat next to her upon the couch in the parlor. "The boys have been down for twenty minutes, so we've plenty of time."
Hermione smiled at Ginny and crossed the room; it was November, so it was bitterly cold and crisp outside, the colors of autumn dotting every surface of the landscape surrounding the Potter's cottage. She pulled off her gloves and sat beside Ginny, removing her scarf and coat and placing them beside her, putting her gloves into her pocket and laying her scarf upon her coat. "I came as soon as I got your owl," Hermione informed her, her cheeks slightly flushed. "It's nice to have girl time like this."
Ginny nodded, pouring them their tea. "With James' head cold, I couldn't send him or Al to the nursery this morning," she replied. "Thankfully, Severus sent something right over, not only to make them sleep, but to incubate the cold to James only, so that it wouldn't spread."
Hermione nodded, tensing up slightly at the direct mention of their former potions professor. "Is he doing well, then?" she managed to ask, taking the cup of tea Ginny offered.
"Oh, yes," Ginny assured her. "Quite married to his work, naturally. But he absolutely adores both James and Al, being Al's godfather, and all. Or, rather, one of them."
Hermione nodded; while she was godmother to both James and Al, Ron and Neville were James' godfather, and Severus and Draco were Al's. "Does he come by the cottage often?"
"Well, he hasn't missed either James' or Al's birthdays yet, as you are well aware of," Ginny replied, sipping at her tea with a satisfied sigh. "But we have him over for the odd dinner, now and again, usually on Saturdays once the boys have gone to bed. He is their favorite storyteller, you know, and they always want him to read to them to sleep..."
Hermione smiled, reaching out and taking a little cake from the tea tray. "Well, in that voice of his, who wouldn't?"
Ginny smiled to herself at Hermione's words, but was quick to make sure her best friend didn't notice it. "And how are you?" she asked. "Not too tired?"
"Always burning the midnight oil, you know me," Hermione said, in a rather self-deprecating manner, and flashed a smile to Ginny. "My latest correspondence with Olympe has been nothing short of brilliant, though. Mahoutokoro has officially expressed an interest in my new curriculum development, and have decided to implement it on a trial basis for their second-term. If all goes well, they will transfer to it entirely next year."
Ginny grinned at that. "That's amazing, Hermione!" she cried, reaching out and squeezing her arm in a moment of exultation. "No chance of you ever doing Quidditch textbooks, though, right?" she asked.
Hermione laughed aloud at that. "No, Gin, sorry," she replied, shaking her head, knowing entirely well that she would have to seek out Oliver Wood or Viktor Krum if that were the case, and after a disastrous dance at George and Angelina's wedding with Oliver, and subsequently breaking Viktor's heart in the aftermath of her breakup with Ron, she just didn't see either of them being too willing. "I know you want to write about my curriculum yourself, but I just don't see how that would work..."
Ginny nodded. "Of course, I understand."
"What about you?" Hermione queried. "How has everything been?"
Ginny beamed at that. "I absolutely adore being a wife and mother," she gushed, and Hermione grinned, knowing just how much love Ginny had for Harry, and vice versa. "Sure, that one year of being with the Holyhead Harpies was brilliant, and they've told me they'll have me back if I ever want to be their Chaser again, but I think I'd rather stay on the ground for now. Besides, I get free tickets whenever I want them to their games, and there's no admittance fee for me to the other games if I want to report on them."
Hermione nodded; although she didn't get in free to any Quidditch games, she had an open invitation to visit all of the wizarding schools that she had provided textbooks for, which was an altogether amazing experience. All she had to do was get an International Portkey from Kingsley, who was more than willing to get one for her, and then she was off. She had been to Beauxbatons several times already, naturally, as well as other visits to Castelobruxo, Durmstrang, and Koldovstoretz. It was equally wonderful to discover that, upon implementing her textbooks to the curriculum, Durmstrang had changed its stance on admitting Muggleborns to their school, and now permitted all wixen blood statuses.
Ginny hesitated for a moment, noticing that Hermione seemed to be just a bit lost in thought, and had no wish to disturb her, although she did have a question, which she deemed to be rather important, for her closest friend. "Are you ever lonely?"
Hermione blinked, quickly snapping out of her thoughts and focused on Ginny. "What? Am I lonely?"
Ginny nodded. "Yes. Everyone is all paired up now, with children of their own, and you lost Crookshanks over five years ago. You're living all alone in Chelsea, Hermione, and you only leave the house to spend time with your parents, go to tea with Minerva, or for Sunday dinners at the Burrow..."
"And my visits to the other wizarding schools," Hermione quickly put in.
"You only go to one school a month and you know it," Ginny reminded her gently, and a sigh came from Hermione, whose shoulders dropped immediately. "I would say go out and socialize more, but you've never been one for something like a pub crawl..."
Hermione shook her head and wrinkled her nose; other than for cooking, in which she would use red or white wine, she didn't drink anymore. She had had enough Firewhiskey to last a lifetime in the aftermath of the Battle of Hogwarts. "I also go to Flourish and Blotts," she said lamely, although her visits there were now few and far between, for she had built up a rather impressive library at her flat.
Ginny clicked her tongue. "What about a getaway?"
Hermione raised her eyebrows. "A getaway?"
"Yes," Ginny went on, nodding. "When was the last time you went anywhere?"
Hermione straightened up. "I went to Russia just three weeks ago—"
"That wasn't for work purposes," Ginny said firmly. "At the end of things, every time you go and visit a school, it's for work purposes, Hermione."
Hermione bit her lower lip. Dammit, she thought to herself, Ginny's right. "I don't suppose it's been regular-like, since..." Shaking her head, Hermione tried to consider it, and she realized that it was likely the summer before fifth-year, when things were so up in the air, that she had begged her parents to get her out of England, and they'd gone to France to ski... "Not since I was nearly sixteen," she said at last.
"There you are," Ginny said, nodding her head. "You were saying just last week at the Burrow that you were running out of steam with your textbook project..."
Hermione sighed and took up another cake, chewing and swallowing it as she considered her reply very carefully. "Yes," she said at last, "I did say that."
"Did you mean it?" Ginny queried.
Hermione finally gave a shallow nod. "Yes, I meant it."
Ginny seemed to ponder that for a moment before she spoke again. "What are you doing for Christmas?" she asked. "Have your parents got something planned?"
"They're doing a dental mission trip to Africa, and will be gone from the first of the month until after New Years," Hermione replied. "They've been doing it the past three years and really enjoy it, so I've made no plans to stop them..."
Ginny reached outwards towards Hermione and took her by the hand. "You can't carry your guilt forever, Hermione. You were only trying to protect them..."
Hermione nodded, staring into her half-drunk tea. "I know."
Ginny squeezed her hand one last time before nodding decidedly. "As my Christmas present to you, I am officially booking you a vacation."
Hermione's eyes flashed onto Ginny's. "I can't ask you to do that..."
"Hermione," Ginny said firmly, "Harry and I have discussed this at length and are in agreement, as are all of us Weasleys."
Hermione blinked. "Ron and Lavender, too?"
"Especially Lavender," Ginny told her firmly. "You know as well as I do that she's doing excellently under Madam Pomfrey's tutelage, and they learn that exhaustion makes everything worse. It's one of the first things they learn in their training."
Hermione nodded her head; she didn't need to be a Healer to know that. "Yes, I see," she replied softly. "But I can't ask you to spare the expense..."
"Hermione," Ginny continued, "Harry and I have the Potter fortune, the Peverell fortune, and the Black family fortune. We have enough to spend in a thousand lifetimes, and still have plenty Galleons left over. You, Hermione Jean Granger, are simply overworked, and going away this Christmas, and that is final."
And this is where Hermione found herself, gripping onto a Portkey with her bags packed three weeks later, at the end of the second week of December. She was standing in the living room, gripping tightly to a battered figurine of a chough, which was a dead giveaway for her destination, so everyone's attempts at being cryptic didn't really work. Shaking her head, she shrunk her trunk and placed it into her pocket, as well as the magically-expanded bag of groceries she had purchased for herself, placing it into the other pocket, before finally allowing a moment to look down at herself. She was wearing red fur-lined earmuffs, a matching fur-lined winter cloak, as well as brown fur-lined snow boots; all three were gifts from Ginny and Harry in preparation for her trip. She was also wearing a red sweater beneath, and a white blouse as well, along with thickened stockings and a knee-length skirt, and was quite warm.
Tapping the Portkey, it illuminated with the ancient magic, and spiraled her out of existence; she was promptly dropped in a snow bank just beside a stone wall, and she got to her feet, forgetting for a moment about the Drying and Warming Charms upon her new winter clothing. Taking inventory, she saw that she was standing at the end of a curved lane, with an abundance of forest around her, each blanketed by a healthy amount of snow, a small, snow-covered sign indicating that, down the road, she would eventually reach the town of Truro. Nodding her head, and knowing that she was now somewhere in Cornwall, she turned around fully, and caught a glimpse of where she was likely to be staying.
It was an ancient-looking stone cottage, likely built in the sixteenth or seventeenth century, but had been preserved excellently. She walked through the gate, and felt the wards washing over her, leading her to believe that this was, indeed, a magical property. Catching a glimpse of the little plaque, she saw that the place was called Anivia Abode, directly referencing an ice phoenix demigod creature, much to her amusement. There was a cobblestone path leading directly to the door, which was in the shape of an oval and bright red, with an old fashioned brass knocker and doorknob, while the roof was too covered in a blanket of snow. Smiling to herself, Hermione stepped towards the door, her wizarding snow boots gripping onto the ground and thus preventing her from falling over, and she removed her fur-lined glove and placed her hand upon the door. The wards gave immediately and the door clicked, thus permitting her entryway, and she tapped her boots upon the threshold, thus ensuring snow removal.
Stepping inside, Hermione detected the scent of coffee, tea, freshly baked bread, honeysuckle, a fruity scent which could only be an assortment of homemade jams, and beef and potato pasties. It was an altogether welcoming hodgepodge of scents, Hermione reasoned as she removed her hat, and the door shut automatically behind her. Taking off her coat and draping it over her arm, she stepped into the hallway and towards what she assumed to be the kitchen, only to stop dead upon the threshold, when a rather unexpected sight greeted her. Her mouth dropped open at the very vision of it all, and she found she was unable to find the words to process what exactly she was currently thinking.
"Ah, Miss Granger," drawled the familiar voice of Severus Snape.
Hermione swallowed, trembling all over and disliking the sensation of goosebumps erupting upon every surface of her skin. Thankfully, she had also managed to master Occlumency in the past several years, so it wasn't as if the man could invade her mind and discover the depths of her feelings for him...
"Kneazle got your tongue, Miss Granger?"
Hermione narrowed her eyes at the man; apparently, some things never changed. "No, but it seems as if a serpent has slithered into your brain and manipulated you into forgetting your manners," she replied, her tone clipped.
The man raised a black brow at that. "Perhaps you might enlighten me as to what you think you are doing here, Miss Granger, invading my holiday cabin."
"Your holiday cabin?" Hermione demanded, shaking her head. "I think you'll find, professor, that this is my holiday cabin, booked for me by Harry and Ginny Potter."
Severus grimaced, his telltale lip curl coming out to play. "I was told I would be staying here for the duration of my winter holidays... This place was booked for me by Minerva."
Hermione gritted her teeth, hoping that each bedroom boasted a Floo connection so as she could give Ginny an earful for what her best friend had potentially done, and wondered if she would have to lump Harry in on the blame as well, or if it was merely the doing of Ginny and the current Headmistress of Hogwarts. "It seems to me, professor, that there has been a set-up in the works by our mutual friends."
"You needn't call me 'professor' anymore, Miss Granger," the man informed her, looking altogether miserable at the notion that he would likely have to share the holiday house with her, despite it having more than one bedroom, and more than one floor. "But, as loath as I am to agree with a Gryffindor, yes, it seems as if you are correct. Although it remains to be seen if Minerva, Harry, and Ginny will continue to retain the titles of 'friends', once the holiday has reached its end."
Hermione blinked. "I honestly can't be that terrible, can I?" she asked.
"You tell me," the man replied. "Are you still an insufferable know-it-all?"
Hermione wanted to hex him for saying that, and her heart hammered from within her at how much his words stung. "I will always have a knack for research, and my memory has yet to be shot, sir," she said, her voice a growl. "However, you are the only person in my life who has believed me to be insufferable. Wouldn't that mean that other people's opinions would, as a result, outweigh yours?"
"Perhaps, Miss Granger, perhaps," he replied.
"Shall I continue to refer to you as 'sir', then, despite the notion that it is a title of respect, and you have, thus far, done nothing to earn it since you were no longer in a position of authority towards me?" Hermione wanted to know, her magic threatening to erupt completely to the surface, but seemed satisfied now to merely stick to the ends of her curls, which crackled dangerously towards the potions master.
"Perhaps I will think of a proper state of address," the man allowed, although he himself was now growling at her as well.
"Fine," Hermione huffed, crossing her arms.
"I suppose all the other wizarding holiday cottages will be booked up, so late in the holiday, so we will have to make the best of a bad situation," Severus informed her.
Hermione's eyes flashed at him. "Yes, I see," she replied, not wanting to admit that her mind had already gone there. "Well, have you claimed a bedroom yet?"
"The cottage has three," the man informed her. "I have chosen the one which faces east, on the second level, as I tend to awaken early. There are no bedrooms on the first level; this level, the ground floor, consists of the kitchen, front, back and kitchen entryways, parlor, and the library. I should inform you that there is a loo down here as well, but each of the bedrooms upstairs boasts an en suite for the residents' use. Each bedroom has a Floo connection, as does the parlor and library, and they are standard fireplaces as well. Wood has been placed already, alongside an Extension Charm, so we need not venture out into the snowy terrain to retrieve more."
Hermione gave him a stiff nod. "Very well, then."
"I will clearly label my food, so don't think about taking anything that isn't yours, save for the food already provided, which, I suppose, I am obligated to share with you," he continued. "I will offer the same respect to your food, naturally, as I am quite positive that you wouldn't have anything that interests me."
Hermione wanted to yell at him, demanding to know where he got off in insulting her, as well as a backhanded attempt to call her a potential thief. "Not a problem."
"All the bedrooms have Silencing Charms, so I will not be able to spy on your Floo calls, not that I would wish to," he sneered at her, "and I do hope you will offer me the same respect, and not attempt to stuff an Extendable Ear underneath my bedroom door."
Hermione shook her head at him. "That will not be necessary, as I did not bring any, for I was under the impression that I would be alone for the holidays."
"Perhaps Saint Nicholas did not hear your wish to continue being an embittered spinster this holiday season," the man sneered.
"Oh? And you are clearly not an embittered bachelor, Snape. Oh, I apologize. You are just an embittered bastard," she flung at him.
Severus's eyes flashed at her. "Some things truly never changed," he snapped. "Well, we may as well get on with our holidays. I will leave you to it, Granger," he said vehemently, before he swept out of the kitchen, further down the hallway where Hermione supposed the staircase was, up the stairs, towards his bedroom, and slammed the door behind him.
Hermione wanted to scream but, instead, she unshrunk her bag of groceries and put them away accordingly, magicking her name onto the various parcels, along with a Stinging Hex if anyone without her magical signature got curious and attempted to open them. Smirking to herself, she left the kitchen and went in the direction Snape had gone, up the stairs, and towards the two other open doors, selecting the nicer of the two, which just so happened to be at the other end of the hallway, and shut the door behind her. She put away her belongings with magic and then turned to the Floo, gritting her teeth as she stared at it, before she took a handful of Floo Powder, and knelt in front of the fire.
"Primrose Cottage," she uttered, and tossed in the powder, and a familiar face swam into view once the connection was established.
"Hello, Hermione!" Ginny cried jovially.
"Ginevra Molly Potter!" Hermione promptly shouted at her. "You have some questions to answer, and I want them answered, right now!"
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