Hey guys sorry I haven't been updating things have been hard and school has been keeping me busy so again sorry anyway onto the fanfic
I don't know how long it's been since Laurence was brought here and to be honest I didn't want to. I haven't stopped crying since Garroth brought him here I'm sorry Laurence I brought you into this I started to sob harder until I felt something move in my arms I looked down "Laurence LAURENCE YOUR AWAKE" I screamed I was so happy until I realised where we were and what was going to happen to him and once again started to sob "a-aph what? where? Wait Aph are you ok are you hurt what happened where are we?" I looked at him a sad smile forming on my face "I don't know where we are all I know is that I was taken by Zane and you Garroth he knocked you out and brought you here and now there threading to kill you and I will have to marry Garroh but I don't want to I don't want you to die Laurence I love you to much"he just sat there tacking it all in then he said something that made me shiver "I won't let them do that I'll rip them limb by limb before anything like that could happen to you" a red aura started to come off of him his eyes changed colour to a scarlet his vains came up to the surface of his skin and his voice was no longer gentle and sweet instead it was rough and demonic red armour and a red sword started forming on his body he got up off the floor and walked toward the end of the cell kicking the bars until they broke down he walked out of the cell and I followed behind him walking slowly. We started to head toward the main room when we got there we saw Garroth and Zane talking to each other Laurence charged towards Garroth and me I charged at Zane grabbing a diamond sword whilst I ran Zane being his sword up however I did not stop I looked to my left watching Laurence for a mere second he had already got Garroth on the ground I looked away knowing what was going to happen next I heard Garroth scream and flinch then as Zane turns his head I knock the sword out of his hands and push him to the wall Laurence comes over and moves me away from Zane and says to me "I'm sorry Aph but you shouldn't have to see this " I nod and turn away when he comes back I look at his sword and shiver "Aph we should go come on" Laurence said as he slowly started to go back to himself I sigh and nod again we walk out of the main room and start walking around the place until we found the exit when we walked out I noticed where we were and told Laurence to follow me he nodded and followed as we walked through a thick forest we looked at each other and he smiled I smiled back we stopped and sat down under a tree "hey Aph"
"Yea Laurence?" I questioned he looked at me sighed and started to lean forward I started to lean to and then we kissed again this time more desperate but it still felt just as good as the first time maybe even better I smiled into the kiss then we pulled apart I sat on Laurence's lap and slowly started to drift of into a deep sleep "goodnight my sweet princess"I heard Laurence mumble before I fell into complete darkness
Hey guys hope you enjoyed this was one of the longest chapters I've wrote so far and I hope it's worth it anyway bye guys xx <3
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