Aphmau- wow this place looks awesome.
Who is that?
Kiki- hi I'm kiki what's your name.
Aphmau- I'm aphmau
Kiki- you must be new around here I never heard that name before.
Aphmau- I am
Kiki- really?! Oh well I'll show you around.
Aphmau- sounds good
*kiki shows Aphmau around the school*
Kiki- now wasn't that fun
Aphmau- Ha! It was ok, there is a lot of classes here.
Katelyn- kiki who is this?
Kiki- yea! Oh! I almost forgot to introduce you to my friends.
Kiki- Katelyn this is Aphmau she is new
Katelyn- cool! Hi Aphmau I'm Katelyn.
Aphmau- Hi!
Katelyn- Aphmau you should meet are other friends. I am sure they want to meet you.
Kiki- good idea come on Aphmau
Aphmau- ok!
Katelyn- this is Lucinda
Lucinda- Hi are you new
Aphmau- yea
Lucinda- nice to meet you
Katelyn- This is kawaii~chan
KC- Katelyn~sama who is this?
Katelyn- this is the new girl
Aphmau- hi I'm Aphmau
KC- hi Aphmau~senpai
Aphmau- uhhh hi
KC- Aphmau~senpai should go see the boys. Kawaii~chan has a lot of work to make up.
Aphmau- uhh ok see you later.
Katelyn- she talks in 3rd person and we don't know why...
Aphmau- heh. Its ok I can get used to it.
Katelyn- the boys should be around here somewhere
Kiki- hey Aphmau, Katelyn I found the boys follow me
Katelyn- ok come on Aphmau the boys will love you.
Aphmau- uhh...*blushes*
Katelyn- OPPS!! Sorry not like that!
Aphmau- its ok let's just hurry before the bell rings
*Aphmau follows kiki*
Katelyn- maybe they will especially Laurence... *smiles*
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