Then before I know it the bell rings and so I headed to my next class to see gene nooooo he was with his shadow night friends of course they already new about me sasha sometimes help me with gene but not very much so I sat down and then the teacher did roll call called gene then me i just put my hand up bc gene always says I sound stupid so yea I looked down the teacher then said free period so i go out my notebook and drew and then gene comes over and shuts it and says you're such a nerd shasa then says gene don't make fun
Gene pov
I saw that my sister and I were in the same class when the teacher said free period I wanted to pick on her so i went up to her and shut her notebook and said that she was such a nerd then sasha said to stop making fun of my sister when zenix came behind my sister and knocked her out I then yelled ZENIX WHY DID U KNOCK OUT MY SISTER. Sasha looked surprised that I yelled that I love my sister zenix then asked I thought u hated ur sister? I then said NO I LOVE MY SISTER I JUST PICK ON HER BC DANTE IS STON AND I JUST WANT MY SISTER BE THE SAME. I then saw that everyone was looking at me and then I took Y/N to the nurse and told the nurse dont u dare tell her who took her here understand? The nurse nodded I set my sister down and kissed her forehead and leave.
I woke up and saw I was in the nurse I asked who took me here she said that the teacher did I was so upset that my brother didn't anyway I got up and started walking to my 4th class once I got to my next class I was scared that my brothers were going to be there i walked in and saw there friends so looked down and walked fast and sat down and made sure no one saw me then the teacher had to do roll call when he called my name there was a silent i raised my hand he then ask do u know Dante or Gene i shaked my head no and made sure no one could see my face I was so scared but no one looked or asked me to look up so I forgot all about it and when I was heading to my then my brothers stopped me and pushed me against my locker and stuffed me in my locker what's ever new I pulled in my knees and cried slightly
Lauences pov
When i was walking to lunch when I was I heard crying when i walked closer to dantes and genes lockers the third one I heard crying I knocked on the locker a girl answers h-hi I answered back what's your name she answered back Y-Y/n y-yours i said Laurence she then said LEAVE ME ALONE I backed off and heard more crying I then asked Y/n please listen who did this to u she then said Dante and Gene I then asked her locker combo she never answered so i waited and then Vlad walked up to the locker that Y/n was locked in locker combo was (not my real one) 35-40-25 this beautiful girl walked out she had H/c, H/l, E/c Vlad took her hand it look like he liked her so i have to ask garoth if Vlad has a girlfriend But the both walk to their next class I followed Vlad went right she went left my next class was cooking so I had to go right me and Vlad had the same class so I couldn't follow Y/n
Y/n pov
I can't believe laurene was trying to help me I was so worried if he told my brothers that to stop hurting me I was so worried but I knew I I couldn't back out now.
~After school~
Laurence pov
After school I texted Garroth to see if Y/n was Vlads girlfriend.
G-Garroth L-Laurence
L- Hey Garroth
G-What's up Laurence
L-Does Vlad have a girlfriend
L- Whats her name
G- Emily? Why
L- Bc i saw him and Y-n walking to class
G- oh Y/n she's Valds friend she has 2 brothers that hurt her and bully her at home.
L- Really wow that's horrible
L- Thanks Garroth see ya
G- see ya
So she's single
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