Welcome to Phoenix Drop
??? POV (its me but pretend that you don't know k?)
I start to walk out of the woods/forest shielding my eyes from the boiling sun, then I thought to myself: Why the hell am I wearing long sleeved clothing in summer? Anyway, my me'fwa was pick up sound from the distance so I decided to travel towards the sound, I wonder if I'm near anything like a village..
Kawaii~Chan POV
Kawaii~Chan's was pick up some rustling from the bushes Kawaii~Chan approaches to bushes and yells
"K-Kawaii~Chan? Is it really you?" the woman figure comes out and Kawaii~Chan gasps and runs to her and to embrace her in a right hug, she hugs back.
"TIGER~SAMA KAWAII~CHAN CAN'T BELIEVE HER EYES!!!!! Kawaii~Chan missed you Tiger~Sama."
"I missed you to Kawaii~Chan!" she pulls away from the hug Kawaii~Chan have her and Kawaii~Chan notices she has tears of joy running down her face.
"Don't cry Tiger~Sama..."
"Don't cry Tiger~Sama..." I here Kawaii~Chan say to another woman. I bolt out of my house, my sword in hand, and pin the woman to the closest tree with my sword against her neck (out of instinct) and ask her calmly who she is and what she is doing here.
"I'm Tiger and I just came out of the forest, my parents were sought out to be murdered, my mother sacrificed herself to save me, and my father had died previously I left my home when I was 13 and I decided to join a me'fwa only school of Military and Combat, I met Kawaii~Chan there and we became best friends. We were soon departed when Tu'La invaded our camp and we met up here and now I'm pinned to a tree, with a sword against my neck and I would appreciate it if you could take the sword off my neck, thank you."
I take the sword off her neck and apologize she forgives me and we take her to Lord Levin. I hope he doesn't mind.
Levin's POV
I'm just doing some paper work when I hear a knock at my door, I get up to answer the door (obviously Levin,duh) when I open the door I see Y/n, Kawaii~Chan and this girl looking about let's say 20.
"Good morning ladies,how may I help you?"
"Kawaii~Chan was walking around the front gate and met one of her friends from a Military and Combat school! (yes, Kawaii~Chan did combat and fighting when she was younger, not so much now.) We just wanted to know if Tiger~Sama could live here! Please Levin~Kun?"
"Of course she can! But I'm guessing "Tiger" is a nickname so I was wondering, could you please tell us your real name? That is if it doesn't bother you."
"W-wait Tiger isn't Tiger~Sama's real name?"
"*sigh* No, it is not... I don't mind telling you...I'm sorry for lying to you Kawaii~Chan, my real name is...." I noticed that she started tearing up, poor girl.
"Its fine, let me show you where your house is Tiger." I say to cheer her up.
"I can't stay I have to check on Laurence to make sure he isn't doing something stupid, bye!"
(a/n) HAHAHA I'm evil, don't worry my name will be added to the story next chapter,I'm not that cruel. bye bye my little Cubs!
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