The Egg Hatches
I couldn't pass up the opportunity to use this photo!! Anyway, on with the Story.
I-I-I-it's an adorable dragon! Why would someone give me a dragon egg?
"Hey little guy!"
'Hello Y/N,' wait..... a dragon that JUST hatched, can talk...............................COOL!!
"Wait, how come your voice is all echoed?"
'I'm mind-linking you or talking to you through our minds.'
'AWESOMENESS! Do you have a na--'
*Knock, knock, knock*
"Y/N! I need to talk to you. Do you have a moment?" Oh crap!! It's Laurence!
'Quickly! Go to the end of the hallway, and enter the first door on the left.'
'Alright, Y/N.' the dragon briskly walks to the hallway and I call out:
"Come in Laurence!" He walks in the door as bright red as can be, or is it Crimson? (I know, he's finally blushing his head off. Yay Author~Sama!)
"What's this you wanna talk about? Also, do you know when Katelyn will be back from her trip?" (Ohh yeah, Katelyn and you are like best friends now :])
"U-U-U-Um.. Katelyn will be back at about 4:30am tomorrow and I just wondered if you would like to g-g-go out with me t-tomorrow night?"
I can't believe it... he's asking me out for the first time in two years.. I start to tear up, happy tears, and hug him so tightly.
"Yes.... I would love to Laurence..."
I cry into his shoulder and he has his head on mine trying to calm me down. I can't help but giggle at how ticklish his head is on my hair. I start to laugh so much that he starts to as well.
"Hahaha! I can't believe you said yes Y/N.."
"How could I not say yes to my one and only boyfriend?" I start to giggle while tears run down my teary face.
Laurence POV
I can't believe she actually agreed to go out with me... well, I am her boyfriend after all. But, she seemed.. off, I don't know how to put it but she was not normal. Like she was hiding something, but I ignore the thought and head out of Y/N's house to walk to the forest. I see some Imps around the, soon-to-be barn for Kiki. I whip out my sword and sprint to them, but, I can't. I can't move, I feel delirious, nauseous, tired and above all, very, very, VERY sick. Soon something comes my way, it feels like I'm dying inside or something..
"Good day almost dead Laurence, I am Darkness! The stage between Life and Death!"
Ugh... why me? What did I ever do to you karma?
Aaron POV (woah, ninja Aaron)
I'm walking down the path with Ashleigh talking about life and our pasts. When suddenly she stops, and looks horrified for about 1.04 seconds runs towards an unconscious body, picks them up and carries them to her house.
Once we get inside I finally realised who the person was, Laurence!! There must be Imps around here... I'll deal with them..
"Look after Laurence, while I go kill some Imps, alright Ashleigh?"
"Ok! Be safe.." Without hesitation she kisses me on the forehead (O/u/O) I blush A LOT! So does as well, heh, I sprint out and go looking for Imps. Luckily, I found about 16 rid them of existence and went back to Ash's house.
Ok seriously? I have to duck to enter her door... is she THAT short? If I tell her this I'm going to be in literal hell. (But seriously, if you call me short.... you gonna die in hell, my home lands. Then I'll feed you to my pet dragon Horo {Hor-ro] =D)
"Hey Ash. Is Laurence doing better?"
"I'm awake Aaron, but I'm fine other then.....I CANT FEEL MY ARMS BECAUSE OF A CERTAIN SOMEONE *cough cough* ASHLEIGH *cough cough*!!!" replies a pissed Laurence
"What are doing to him Ashleigh?" she pulls out a metal devil (needle) then pulled out about 9 more!
"Injections, they help. Hehehe. I can be a devil sometimes!!"
'You can come out now!' the dragon comes out from the hallway and sits on my lap (your on your lounge/sofa)
'What is it that you wish to tell me Y/N?'
'I wanted to ask if you had a name..?' I ask him/her nervously... I don't know why...
'No I don't. Though you could name me if you wanted.'
'I will. But it will take me time to think of one.' My dragon gives me a small nod and rests on the lounge/sofa and falls asleep. I cover her (I'm just calling it a her for now) in a blanket so she is warm. It is about 9:47pm so I head to bed and fall into a state of dreams.
Hey guys! I just wanted to say when I publish this chapter I'm going to make a comment saying: Name & Gender! What I want you to do,, to do is to click reply and think of a name and gender for your dragon! Sound cool? Good! See you later my little Tiger Cubs~ 🐯🐯
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