It has been nearly 2 years since you and Laurence started dating but everytime your alone... Something happens.You here a voice saying "y/n.... Save Aphmau...." you have no clue what he is talking about,but it bothers you so..
~at Donna's House~
Laurence notices that your a little off and asks
"Are you Ok?You seem.....superstitious.."
"I'm fine..i guess.." *Laurence pins you against a wall*
"L-Laurence!!WHAT THE HECK?!"
"You are not going to simply say your 'fine', your going to tell me exactly what is going on."
"A few weeks after we started dating I have been hearing someone saying 'y/n save Aphmau...'
"What did their voice sound like?"
"A deep soothing voice,so a guy but..i don't know who it is..."
*he sort of whispers but you can here him* "G-Garroth...?"
You wonder what he is talking about but your eager to find out.You try to say a prayer and close your eyes slowly
*you suddenly freeze but you see something...rather disturbing...*
Aphmau sitting in a Chair,covered in blood, a man standing next to her saying "Time is running her while you can..." the room is rather dark and than looks like...... Zane.. But there also looks like Trall? The vision fades out
"Y/n.Y/n. Y/N!! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!?!"
"Ughhhhhh my head. I saw Aphmau with Zane covered in Blood looks like in O'Kasis prison cells but he said it might be too late "
*he storms Out looking worried warning everyone in the village but then you noticed an O'Kasis Guard (did I spell it right?!) outside the window but you pretend not to and grab your bow and shoot him in the Chest and your refreshed to go find Aphmau and Kill Zane once and for all...
Y/N: I'm ready.. *your eyes turn into a dark red ready for battle*
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