his pretty name and her interests
Mikey entered the coffee shop, it was the 3rd day of visiting, and with no company, since Draken and the others didn't wanna go to the same cafe everyday.
His nose met the smell of caffeine, there was a fair number of people in the shop, but the worst of all to Mikey, there was a line, the line was in YOUR counter specifically.
The blond groaned in having no choice but to wait, even if the other counter had no line at all, he wanted you to make his order, stating that you were the first person to make such beauty for him, he doubted anyone else could make it as good as you.
"Sir! There's no line here, let me take your order!"
She called for him, the second barista in the next counter, he ignored the female and impatiently waited for the line to go out.
Fortunately for him, the line went faster than anticipated because unlike him who ignored the other counter, the people infront of him did, and the line was halfway shorter than before.
Now to you, you surely noticed the way he ignored your friend, Hina, and internally, you were super flattered and flustered.
The day before, you kept thinking of how 'cute' the male was, and he was the reason your moods have gotten better, something about his presence made you contented with everything.
Today he visited once again, in the perfect timing since that day was very busy, and seeing how long your current line was, you were exhausted, and twice the luck for you, most of your customers went to Hina.
It was finally his turn to go, "Finally." grumbled Mikey, he was met by your signature smile, and your twinkling eyes.
"Hi there! Only you for today?"
"Yes." he muttered.
"Alrighty! May I take your order?"
"Caramel latte, with the heart."
"Alright! And your name?" suspense kicked in when you asked this.
"Um, Mikey."
You were quick to smile in success, you learned his name, the cute blond you've been interested in for the past days, his name was Mikey.
"What a pretty name!"
He waited for his beverage, and once he got it, he went ahead to one of the tables and admired his drink.
The table he was sitting at was fairly near your counter, he heard someone ordered the same coffee as he did, he looked at the customer's drink, wanting to compare the latte hearts they had- to see who had the better one- but to his surprise, the customer's art was a feather.
Not knowing what to do, he gulped down the beverage before him and left the cafe.
- ღ -
Mikey called for his sister, who was chatting with her boyfriend, Draken. Interrupted, Emma groaned, "What!?"
"You're planning on working as a barista right?"
The blonde girl raised a brow, "Yes? And?"
"Do barista's usually put random arts in your latte?"
"Well, I heard they stick mostly to feathers and leaves," Mikey's sister was now getting irritated, "why are you so interested?"
"What about a heart?"
"Eh? Well I guess it means that they're interested in you? Unless they were told to do so by the customer or the boss, then maybe not, why?"
"Ok." Mikey nodded and went out of the house, leaving his sister confused with a sigh.
- ღ -
"Man! That guy was totally rude!" Hina said to you, while closing off the cafe for the night, both of you were exhausted on how busy it was.
"But he's pretty cute." Trying to lift your friend's mood up, you gave her a smile, but she was still displeased by the memories of moment ago.
"He's probably smaller than you, girl!"
You giggled at your friend's complaints, "I thought we agreed looks don't matter!"
"Yes it does this time!" She went to make a coffee after finishing her work, making one for you as well, "No!"
Concerned, you went to see what was wrong, only to find Hina with a sad frown and a mess on the table, from what you saw, she tried to make a latte art, but failed miserably, leaving a mess of milk on the table.
"It's alright, Hina, I'll make one and clean up, sit and relax."
And so you did, after finishing, you went to her table and rested your head, Hina, however, was very impressed on how much you improved on your arts.
"Since when were you this good?"
You giggled, "Since Mikey entered this shop."
"My possible, future lover. Just kidding!"
"Sounds familiar."
"Hah? Really?" You both enjoyed your stay at the cafe, while finishing off your beverages.
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