on the house
"So why did I have to tag along?" Takemichi asked in confusion, as his seniors opened the door for the cafe.
"Because you're our friend." Draken answered.
The blond sighed, he stepped in the cafe, the smell of cities and espresso stayed in the air, however, a certain someone was excited for this hangout, and that was, Mikey.
He couldn't stop thinking of the beverage he drank the day before, the little art added made him feel special, and excited, that's why they're here again.
Mikey and his friends went to the line, it wasn't as long, but for an overly excited someone, it was. He wished he could skip everyone, but that would be illegal, the counter was finally their's and the barista was ready to take their orders.
His eyes were met with (e/c) ones, yours.
Luckily for him, he was in the right time for your shift. And for you, you were delighted to see the same person that peaked your interest in a better mood this time.
"Hello again! Can I take your order this time? Or do you still not care- as you said yesterday?"
The short male kept a stoic face, but internally he was embarassed, and beside him were Draken who was holding in a laugh, and a more confused Takemichi, who didn't bother asking.
"I want what you made yesterday."
You smiled, gratefully knowing he liked your creation, "Alrighty! One caramel latte, would you like a latte heart for that one?"
Mikey quirked a brow, "Latte.. heart?"
Giggling, you nodded, "Yep! The heart design above your coffee, unless you don't want it, that's perfectly fine!" your day became way better than a moment ago, after seeing the same short blond that visited yesterday.
"I'd.. like one."
Right now, all Mikey could think was if your smile and cheery voice was all fake and an act, due to his attitude from the day you first met, he would understand if it was, but a fuzzy feeling in his stomach didn't want to give that impression.
However, you thought the complete opposite. 'He's so cute!'
Both of you met eye contact, you felt happy staring into such dull eyes once again, you smiled but he didnt return it, which was obviously alright to you.
"Would you two lovebirds quit flirting, my order is an americano, thanks."
Takemichi ordered next in defeat, he decided to finally stop questioning his friends' actions, but you two, the so called 'lovebirds' by Draken, were still a bit flustered by his comment.
"I'll have it ready! Thank you! Who's name will be put on this order?"
"Draken, again."
You huffed in dissapointment at the random interruption, you were about to find out his name. But of course, it was too good to be true.
Mikey on the other hand, was just somehow mad Draken didn't let him use his own name.
- ღ -
Going to the mixtures to make their orders, you found yourself thinking of him again, how he was in a better mood than yesterday.
Sighing, you finished two of the orders, and saving the best for last. You wanted to put more efforts to the art this time- as last time was just a test to see if he liked it- to which he did, and you were more determined than before.
Finally finishing, you called for the specified name given, and carefully placed their orders on the counter, when you gave the order to him your fingers brushed together accidentally.
You felt flustered once again, thinking he hadn't noticed it, but you were wrong-
-on the other side of the situation, Mikey was excited to see the 'latte heart' beauty once again. He got his order, his fingers felt an unfamiliar contact that made him shiver.
But he didn't put mind to it as he was too excited for his drink.
He stared at it for a while with adoration, it was still somehow perfect, no spills, no nothing. What left him dissapointed was how quick the heart was to sink and fade.
"Ken-chin, it's gone."
Pointing towards his cup, he pouted to his friend.
"I am not buying you another one, drink it."
"We can just ask them to do it again!"
"Dude, just drink it, did you seriously make us go all the way here for you to look at that? What a waste of time."
"Eh!? It taste good! I just want an art again!"
"Just drink it man!" Takemichi stopped being patient, scared his friends would start fighting once again.
"I'm asking her to do it again."
Mikey waltzed towards you with his latte, you were currently staring at your phone, waiting for customers to need your assistance. "Excuse me?"
You joilted from your seat, calming down after seeing it was just the guy you talking to your friend about on your phone. "Is there a problem?" smiling to the customer whilst staring at the -now faded heart- on the latte.
"No, can you make the thing again?"
"The heart, can you make it again? It's gone."
Blinking for a bit, you giggled at how cute the male before you was being, you pushed the cup back to him gently as you smiled and left, not before murmuring a 'wait here'.
Now it was Mikey's turn to be confused, 'Is she gonna make it or...?'
Dumbfounded for a few minutes, he was about to leave like a fool until you went back, with another cup of latte with two small hearts this time.
"Here, please drink it when the art is still there, this is on the house."
His mouth formed into an 'o' as you smiled at him with glee, he gulped the coffee on his own hand, that was now cold from waiting, then placed it in the 'dishes' bucket and grabbed the newly made coffee.
"Thank you." And headed to his seat.
You were still in awe when he left the counter, you gave yourself a pat in the back for 'how kind you were'.
When Mikey reached his seat, Draken looked at the coffee, that had a new heart and looked freshky made, "How did you even pay for that?"
"It was free."
"What?" Takemichi asked, 'did he have a buy one take one pass?'
"Yeah," he sighed as he enjoyed his newly made drink.
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