27: Late Night Nutella
I went through the trial with overwhelming anxiety, yet strange surges of peace. Slowly, as evidence was presented against Luca, I started to realize that there was no way God would let him get away with his crimes. I finally was able to put my worries to rest once and for all.
Well, not exactly. I couldn't exactly help my low self confidence or my downtrodden moods. However, that didn't stop the closure from lifting a heavy weight off my shoulders.
Luca's Dad argued with all his might. He presented false rebuttals that he worded in such ways that I almost believed them myself. In the end, it didn't matter who had a degree or a gift with words. In the end, even if it doesn't seem like it, everything will be okay.
Trust me, I had a terribly difficult time comprehending this myself. Overtime, with the help of Vivi and Joel, I was able to heal. Not fully, but enough so that living was finally bearable.
I sat outside of a building waiting on a bench. Joel would be there to pick me up soon. I'd just seen a councilor, as suggested by Vivi and Joel's Dad. Turns out, not just relationships could cure what I had.
It was called depression. It explained why I was always so down and saddened by everything. Nonetheless, I didn't let the diagnosis deter me. I was going to get the help I needed so I could finally be free.
Glancing up at the darkening sky, I figured it would rain soon. The wind picked up and swatted at my flesh, causing me to shiver in my light attire.
So, in a way, my story wasn't over yet. The recovery process wasn't over yet. However, that intense chapter of my life was. Things were better. I was going to get better. My friends would make sure of it.
My parents were coming to visit in a few days. They had finally been alerted of all that had occurred. I had to tell them when they called. I didn't want to burden them at first, but in the end, this wasn't something to be kept silent from your parents.
As I sat on the uncomfortable bench, two rather familiar figures walked out of the same building. They were both my former friends, and I didn't even know one was in this city.
Christie's gaze filled with remorse as she glanced in my direction. Against Cheyenne's shouts of protest, she walked over to me.
"Connie, I'm so so-"
I held up a hand to silence her. "I don't want to hear your false apologies, but I'm glad you're getting the help you need. Although, I'm not sure why you're in this city, or so close to someone you probably hate."
She shook her head and, looking at her, I realized just how much weight she had lost. It was a scary amount for the time we had been apart.
"I'm here because back home, they don't have sufficient enough care for- my case. I just got out of the hospital." She held up her wrist, which still had a plastic bracelet strapped to it. "And I don't hate you!"
Something in me broke for her. But not much. I didn't have much sorrow left to hand out on a silver platter.
"I just want you to know that a boy wasn't worth losing our friendship over. I was hurting and I'm so sorry. Would you ever consider being my friend again?"
I shrugged, internally battling myself. As much pain as she caused me, it wasn't much compared to most. I did miss her. But my trust issues wouldn't allow me to jump the gun.
"Maybe in time."
She nodded her head, tears forming in her eyes. "Thanks."
It was my turn to nod. My gaze snapped to Cheyenne as light drops of rain brushed against my arms and rolled down my nose. "Do you have anything to say?"
She defiantly shook her head.
"One day, I bet she will," Christie whispered. Then, she turned away and went about her day, closely followed by Cheyenne. I had no idea they had became friends, or when that could have occurred. I guessed in the lobby waiting for counciling.
Finally, Joel's truck pulled to a stop in front of me. Grinning, I jumped in, immediately messing with the radio. To both of our dismay, Vivi blared some random pop song, laughing at our distress.
The rain had since stopped but left the sand mushy and stuck in clumps. Nonetheless, we sat around the fire, careful as to not let the building wind blow it out. A jar of Nutella was passed between the three of us, each of us trying to hog the goodness.
It felt so good to have a routine to keep; something special to just us. The members of the group had been decreased by two in the end, but it no longer mattered. At least, as much as it used to.
"We should have a name," Joel started, shoving Nutella into his mouth. "You know, for this."
I shivered in the wind, pulling the hood of Joel's hoodie over my head just for it to be knocked off once again.
"How about Late Night Nutella?" Vivi suggested.
"Wow, you actually had a good idea."
"Butthole," Vivi muttered.
I chuckled, grabbing the jar from my boyfriend. "Late Night Nutella it is!"
"Oh, yeah, Con!" Vivi exclaimed suddenly. "We need to look for a job together!"
I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why?"
"People need more of your notes, girl! We're gonna do it together! That's going to be our mark in high school!"
I smiled, nudging Joel. "You in?"
He smiled, pecking me on the lips as Vivi gagged. "Of course. The Late Night Nutella gang writing notes over Nutella."
We all laughed, and even though I was still in the recovery process, things had never been better. Thank you, God.
IT'S OVER! I never expected to finish this book to be honest, or for it to get as much support as it did! Thank you guys so so much for over 1k reads and 100 votes. And the 1k+ comments (thanks to Gabe mainly.) I can't even express how I feel right now.
To celebrate, anyone up for any type of contest? Or just making fan writing or art fir me to display here? Idk.
I'm going to miss Connie and the gang. But, I wanted to end it here. It didn't need to be dragged out. I don't know if there will be an epilogue because I feel I want it to end the way it did with a little bit of mystery.
Might start a new book but I'm not sure. I have a lot of ideas but I already have two other books on here (check them out if you haven't already!). I've been focusing more on this one because of motivation and because it was almost finished and I wanted to complete it.
QOTD: What did you think of LNN? Favs? Things you didn't care for so much? Things I could change or add or delete or expand on etc. if I edit? Fav and least fav characters?
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