14: Pete's Pancakes
For some reason, the weekend made everything seem better. Maybe it was just in my head, but I swore the grass seemed greener and the ocean looked bluer. It also helped that I received a sufficient amount of sleep the night before.
Since I didn't have to work until three and it was currently eleven, I decided to head down to the Pete's Pancakes. A smile wormed onto my face at the thought of the place. It was one of the first places I hung out with my new friends. Then, I doubted my likeableness and questioned our ability to become friends. Now, Vivi and Joel were probably two of my best friends.
The sun beat down on my head as I strolled down the sidewalk. My blue flip-flops slapped against the pavement. Vivid flowers and tall tress waved their greeting. My spirits were so elated, I nearly waved back.
Today would be a day to myself, I thought. Chey was busy working the morning shift, as Vivi and Joel were doing who knew what. However, I decided to not call them. I just needed a day to clear my frenzied thoughts.
As for Meat- Luca, my stomach still churned at the thought of him. He knew Josh, and he seemed intent on ruining my life. However, I forced myself to remain optimistic and to limit my judgmental side. This was a new beginning for me, and I refused to tarnish it with pessimistic thoughts.
People judged me, I recalled. Maybe I was doing the same thing to Luca. Maybe he needed a second start as well. Or, maybe, I should just shrug off his rude behavior, I decided. I had Vivi, Joel, and Chey by my side. There was no need to fret over a single person. As long as Chey loved him, and as long as he refrained from abusing her, I would just have to be accepting.
A gentle breeze toyed with my hair as I caught sight of the beach. A warm feeling sprouted within me as I flashed back to the first time I saw it. That was when I first met the gang. Also, how could I forget the late night Nutella meetings and all the other times we had hung out there? The sparkling cobalt water seeming to wave hello, to greet me as if I had become an old acquaintance.
I also wondered why Vivi had never ventured into the ocean. However, I brushed that thought aside as soon as Pete's Pancakes came into view. A toothy grin etched itself onto my face as I quickened my pace. My stomach grumbled, a clear reminder of the true reason I decided to walk there. Their Nutella pancakes were to die for.
As I opened the door, the same scrumptious scent of pancakes wafted into my nostrils. The carpet and walls were both adorned with blue, as they were the first day I went there. Nothing had changed, save the people dining at the tables.
The same hostess even greeted me, her silver hair in the same bun. A few waves broke lose, effortlessly framing her slightly wrinkled face. "Welcome to Pete's Pancakes," she chirped. "For just you, darling?"
I nodded, breathing more of the syrup-filled air into my lungs. The hostess plucked a menu from a shelf of the podium thing, turning towards the eating area.
"Um, could I have a children's menu to color, please?" I felt awkward requesting something meant for a child, but I figured, 'why not?'
Grinning, the lady nodded, grabbing one and a box of crayons before leading me towards a table. She placed both menus and the box on the wooden table, the utensils already folded in a navy blue napkin.
"Thank you," I smiled, plopping into one of the two seats at the table.
She nodded. "Your waiter will be right with you."
It was my turn to nod as she headed back towards the front of the restaurant.
Light streamed through the window next to me. Pale blinds were lifted to reveal the shops next to Pete's Pancakes. People milled about, smiles and laughter seemingly abundant. A clothes shop sat next to the restaurant, and a pastry shop resided next to it. There were various other shops leading out of my line of vision. The serene scene caused my smile to widen.
Next, I glanced down at my children's menu. I had never been the greatest artist, but coloring had always been something I mildly enjoyed. Well, sometimes over-enjoyed. Anyways, I plucked the yellow out of the box and began coloring the square of butter atop the pancake stack.
As a young waitress came to take my drink order, I had no need to reference the menu. My previous order had been memorized, and I planned to stick by it.
"Orange juice, please," I replied before turning back to my masterpiece.
The square of butter had been colored yellow, and a smidgen of color had wandered outside the lines. Nonetheless, I picked up the brown and began to color the fluffy pancakes, making sure to work with a light hand. My pancakes were going to be a light, golden brown, thank you very much.
I had almost finished the pancakes when my phone buzzed in my pocket. Deciding against ignoring the world any longer, I pulled it out and glance at the screen. Joel had texted me a simple 'hey' thirty minutes ago while Vivi had spammed my phone with at least thirty texts. The first one read 'Hey bestie!' and the most recent, 'if you don't answer your phone I'm going to hunt you down, Constance.'
A light laugh escaped my lips as my fingers began to type a reply to both of them. Joel received a 'Hey, what's up?' while Vivi got a, 'Where's the fire, Vivi?'
The pancakes became forgotten as I texted back and forth with my two best friends. I wished I could call Cheyenne my bestie, but too much had changed. Even though we were talking, things still seemed a little off. Plus, she hadn't been as supportive as Vivi and her brother. However, I forced myself to put all that aside.
That day felt like a true blessing. Everything seemed too serene and blissful to be true. However, I won't admit if I was correct or not.
I didn't realize I hadn't updated in two months. Oops. It was nice to reconnect with this story though. I hope this wasn't too boring, but I felt it needed to be included. I think Connie just needed a peaceful day to think, lol.
Don't be afraid to help me edit, and thanks to those of you that do!
If you want, please check out a book a started not too long ago,Dreamwalkers, and my new book I hope to publish today, Experiment X, if you like sci-fi.
This book is like 30 reads away from 600? Thats crazy! Thanks for all the support, it's really helped to motivate me!
QOTD: What drama do you think could happen next?
Dedicated to Mute_Slitherin for commenting on the last chapter. And thanks for the constructive criticism!
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