sorry for this update. sorrysbvcnsmaadvbnm.
The next morning, Fluke attends school with his swollen eyes from so much crying that night that made his friends worry whenever they look at him. However, they can't ask him about it, he doesn't talk unless it's about school or if it is agreeing about something.
It's afternoon, and they all walk together, they are planning to go to the old abandoned building to drink and play like they usually do.
"My friend shared a new type of drink with me, I want to share with you too, guys, let's try." Sammy breathlessly says to her friends, excitement presents in her eyes.
"Okay, okay. Fluke! you coming, right?" Pine turns to Fluke and the latter nods.
"Good, good."
"Sometimes I want to try different stuff" Sammy opens with her friends.
"You know the effects, right? You'll look ugly so don't even try." Cooheart points his finger at the girl.
"You guys truly going addicted to that. We should stop now or P'Boun will get mad." Prem joins the conversation and tells his concern to his friends.
"P'Boun won't get mad if you don't tell, and we'll stop next semester, anyway. Let's enjoy good stuff while we still have time!" Sammy replies, tapping Prem's back.
Fluke is walking slowly behind the four with his hands in his pocket, eyes on the ground. Feeling thankful to his sister because he was able to cry everything out last night. Though it made him feel light-headed the whole day today, he thinks it's better than to feel the pain in his chest like yesterday.
He has decided to leave Ohm alone for good, and today is his first day. He will stop bothering him and live his life again. He knows it will be hard, but also knows that he can.
His friend, Cooheart seems to notice Fluke when he's already walking quite far away from them. He sighs, he can't take it anymore. He's going to ask what happened. Cooheart presses his lips, slowing down to walk with him before putting his hand on his shoulder.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Cooheart takes the courage to ask.
Fluke looks at him and smiles weakly. "Hmm? Nothing's wrong.."
The taller pouts before replying, "Your eyes are swelling, did you cry last night?"
"Ah, It's just that my sister and I had a heart-to-heart talk, we cried a lot," He lies, laughing a bit.
"You sure??" he asks, glaring at Fluke while pointing his index finger to him.
"Eumm.. sure!" Fluke replies, wrapping his arm around the other's waist as they walk slowly together.
"Hey, Mix. Why are you standing there?" Prem stops walking as he notices Mix waiting at the entrance.
The four stops as well, and turns to him, looking uninterested.
Among them, Prem only talks with Mix. They are both honors in their class, so they meet each other often, making them become friends.
Comparing them, students like Mix is the kind of student who is good and studies a lot while Fluke and his friends (except Prem) are the ones who rarely attends or participates in class. This gives a wall between them. A wall students built themselves.
"Ah," Mix pauses for a second before shifting to Fluke. "Fluke, can we talk?"
Fluke breathes deeply before nodding, kind of already know what Mix wants to talk about.
They all stopped by at a bubble tea shop to let Fluke and Mix talk, the two sit far from the others as Mix doesn't want anyone to know what they're gonna talk about.
"What is it? C'mon, tell me." Fluke casually says before taking a sip on his drink.
Mix clears his throat before speaking up, nervous as Fluke looking at him with cold eyes. "Uh... it's just that, these days... I often see my brother smoking... I know you're always together..."
Fluke snorts, not even letting Mix finish what he's saying. Mix stops talking and looks at Fluke.
"Hah. Seems like I already know where this talk is heading to," He gets up from his seat and grabs his bag. "Stop worrying now. Your brother won't see this face from now on." Fluke raises both of his brows coolly before he turns around to face his friends. "We're done talking." And the five leave the shop.
Mix lets out a deep breath, after that talk with the boy. He was expecting Fluke to question him instead of understanding his feelings. But Fluke gave in that fast.
He was hesitating, the other students told him Fluke likes to argue with people but he still did it as he wanted to protect his brother. He thinks Fluke is someone who would harm his brother so it's better that they stop spending time together.
Mix spends more minutes in the shop before he goes to the restaurant to work for his aunt. He could simply study in the province but he wanted to study in the city to get used to the environment when he reaches college. To lessen the costs, he asks their aunt to take him, and in exchange, he will help in the restaurant.
There are always a lot of customers in the restaurant. But tonight, there are unusually a lot more, like unending. It's been three hours and it feels like the customers haven't decreased yet. Mix's aunt comes into the kitchen and calls him.
"Mix, can you call your brother? We need help here."
"Okay aunt."
Mix hurriedly runs outside to call his brother.
"Hello? Where are you phi?"
("....at school.")
"It's already 6 pm.. why are you still there?"
Ohm on the other line, hesitating. Thinking if he should say that he's been waiting for Fluke because he hasn't come yet.
"Uhh....do you need help in there?"
"Yes, phi."
"Okay, okay."
After a few minutes, Ohm arrives, still with his uniform on.
"Phi." He greets, giving an apron to his brother.
"Hey, did you see Fluke today?" the elder asks
He pauses before answering, "Yes.. why?"
"Did he say something to you, did something happened?"
"No, phi. We didn't talk today."
Days passed, there's still no sign of Fluke. Even messages, or calls that he always receives. It's like Fluke completely disappeared in his life.
Ohm asks Mix about him sometimes, but he always gets the same answer. They don't talk. He tried to ask Boun too, but it seems like the he is avoiding him.
Today, Ohm decided not to attend one class to see Fluke. After days of waiting for the boy to come to him, he finally takes the courage to ask him personally about the reason. He misses him, and he feels like a part of him is missing, too. He needs Fluke.
After a few minutes of waiting, the students come out. His heart beating fast, excited to see the boy.
"Prem, I don't know what to do with our Math assignment, Can I copy yours?"
"Sure, sure, get my note in my bag later."
"Can you imagine us in college without Prem?"
"Not a problem. We'll take what Prem takes."
"Ey, Prem what program will you take?"
"My father wants me to take Law."
"Then I'll....good luck, hehe. Pine let's start studying now."
Fluke just listening to his friends' conversation, holding Sammy's wrist as they walk together when Cooheart suddenly says something.
"Hey, is that P'Ohm?" He points his face in the guy's direction, and they see Ohm, standing straight, looking at them.
Fluke swallows air as he feels a pain in his chest. He hold on tightly to Sammy's wrist.
"What's wrong?" the girl asks.
"Nothing." He replies and smiles.
"Is P'Ohm waiting for you? You guys have a date?" Pine asks.
Waiting for me? No way.
"He's waiting for his brother. Let's walk fast now, I really want to get drunk tonight."
The others nod in unison as they continue walking towards the gate.
The truth is Fluke feels like crying but he's holding himself. He doesn't know if he's sad, or happy to see him. It's been days since he last saw his face. He very much misses him already. If only he can, he would run up to him and hug him tightly. But he already decided to stop pursuing him, and he also promised Mix to not see him again.
As they reach the gate, he hears Ohm call his name. His friends hear Ohm too, making them stop walking but Fluke tells them to proceed. His friends starting to wonder about things.
Then Fluke feels a hand gripping on his wrist tightly, making him stop.
He takes a deep breath before facing the other, he looks at him with a blank expression on his face.
"Hey, phi, what a surprise." He calmly says like he didn't see Ohm standing there earlier.
"What's wrong?" the elder furrowing his brows.
"What's wrong?" Fluke asks back like he doesn't know anything.
"Why did you just, suddenly stop seeing me? I don't see you waiting for me anymore."
"... Can't I, phi? We never talked about it, anyway."
Ohm sighs, clenching his fist. He feels so frustrated, Fluke feels so distant and he hates it.
"I know you, you won't do things without a reason."
"...you don't know me, you know nothing."
"Fluke, please."
"Could you let go now? I have to go." Fluke says, but Ohm still doesn't let go. They stay there for a minute, with Ohm staring at Fluke's face, while Fluke looking down at his wrist.
Fluke then pushes Ohm's hand coldly and leaves him there. Ohm let him, watches him walk away.
"So, tell me more"
"That was it, we went to...."
Boun sighs heavily, playing with his food. He's currently with his seniors, stuck with them. This is the part of the week he never liked, meeting of seniors-juniors, they will eat together to get to know each other.
Sitting on his left is his classmate and the other side is P'Tam.
"How's your presentation in Economics?" his classmate asks him.
"Not yet finish, you wanna see?"
He turns to Tam who he hears squealing in her seat.
"It's P'Ohm." She tells her friend.
He sneers before looking in the direction, seeing Ohm searching for a seat with a sandwich and juice in his hand.
"Hey, I thought you confessed to him before, so how did it go?" another senior across him asks Tam.
"Ah, I don't know, he didn't take my confession seriously."
Is not taking other people's feelings seriously P'Ohm's thing? Boun shakes his head.
"But he let me ride on his motorbike when my car was in the repair shop.."
"He likes you, Tam, believe me."
Tam pouts, "You think so? Wasn't he just being kind?"
Hearing his seniors', conversation, Boun doesn't notice that his stare turns into a glower. Ohm eventually feeling someone looking at him, he spots Boun.
"Oh, men don't let anyone ride their precious motorbikes unless it's someone special though."
He hears a senior says as he watches Ohm walking to their place, stops on one side of the table when he arrives.
"Hi, Ohm," Tam greets, Ohm just nod, ignoring the girl before he looks at Boun.
"Boun, can we talk?"
After eating, Boun and Ohm both agree to meet on the field, to talk. Ohm is sitting on a bench while Boun standing, looking far away with disappointment on his face, wanting to leave already.
"Tell me, What is it that you want to talk about?" Boun asks, starting the conversation.
"Uh... it's about Fluke"
Boun doesn't say anything and waits for Ohm to continue.
"It's just that, Fluke stopped seeing me. I tried talking to him yesterday, but he just acted like nothing's wrong, and pushed me away."
He turns around and glowers at Ohm, thinking of what to say. He's mad for his friend.
"Aren't you happy? No one's bothering you anymore. You're lucky, Fluke doesn't hold grudges. He might even blame himself for everything. Just go date P'Tam."
Ohm knit his brows, "Why are you mentioning Tam, now? Is it about her?"
Boun goes silent, before talking again. "...Do you like her?"
"Then, do you like Fluke?" the question just comes out of his mouth.
Ohm stops, suddenly he can't answer. Darting his eyes, thinking.
Boun just looks at him for seconds, then he sighs after getting no answer from the elder. "Maybe it's just right that he stopped stupidly chasing after you. You don't deserve him. You better not show yourself to him if you're just gonna be like this forever."
Boun is about to walk out, leaving Ohm sitting with his thoughts when the latter abruptly utters something, making him stay.
"I like him."
"I like Fluke. Please help me."
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