Meet cute, isn't he?
- 2023 Town just outside of Snowy Peaks -
I step out of the airport and take a deep breath in. I hike my backpack more onto my shoulder and roll my suitcase to my rental car. I hop in and start to drive out of the lodge.
The lodge that I barely remember, the one where I felt mixed emotions. I needed to come back, why? I'm not sure but I've been thinking about it for years, Saving up until I could comfortably afford to come for Christmas.
I get out and check in. "Is this your first time staying at the lodge?" The kind lady at the desk asks.
I chuckle. "I came once when I was little. So technically no, but I'd love to receive any information for new lodgers."
The lady smiles and grabs a town map, lodge map and my keys. "Ok well, I should let you know, we're having a Christmas party tomorrow. Since we're a small family-run lodge we do ask our guests to help out in some way, just like bringing some food or helping set up. It helps build a sense of community."
"Yeah, I think I remember that. Is there anywhere I could cook? I might be able to make something." I say nodding in recollection.
"Of course, our kitchen is open all day tomorrow for guests to use. If you need anything else just come to the desk. I'll probably be here or my brother. We have dinner most nights at 7 but you don't have to come." She says handing them to me, tapping the food times.
"Thank you so much." I say smiling. I grab my bags and look around.
"Room 11, to your left and up the stairs. We have an elevator if needed." She says pointing down the hall.
I nod and walk away. I throw my bags on my bed and sit down. I sigh at how soft the bedding is.
I take a few moments to relax and unpack. I check the time and decide to head out to buy some stuff for the party. I walk past the desk and wave goodbye to the lady before heading to my car.
Driving into town I realise I forgot my map and my phone isn't getting any service. I pull over on the main road and take a look around.
I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around. "Ah, sorry. You look a bit lost do you need some help?" A young man around my age asks.
I look at him before smiling. 'Oh, he's cute!' I think to myself and chuckle. "Yes, I am, thank you. I'm looking for a grocery store. I kinda forgot my map." I say pulling my jacket around myself.
He smiles and shakes his head a little bit. "No problem, you're not too far off. It's just down the next turn that way." He says pointing to the way I was already walking.
"Ah! I see, thanks for helping me. My name's (Y/N) by the way." I say holding my hand out.
He takes it, smiling as he shakes my hand. "Elijah. Nice to meet such a good-looking person such as yourself."
I blush. "Ooh, cheeky." I giggle.
I go to say something else when I hear someone call for him. "Ah sorry got to go. Hope you find the store."
I nod. "Just this way?" I ask and he nods. "Ok, Thank you. See ya." I say waving at him and turning to walk away.
I walk down the street and go to the store buying what I need to make my special cookie recipe. I walk back to the car and think about the guy I met earlier.
'Man, he was cute. And charming! Was he flirting?" I shake my head and try to focus on the road. 'Of course not. He was just trying to be friendly.'
I park my car and walk to my room. I put away all the stuff that needs to be refrigerated in the mini-fridge before climbing on my bed and lying down.
I slowly feel my eyes begin to close. And I drift to sleep to visions of the man from earlier.
Short and hopefully sweet. Use a lot of I's. But hey it's a cheesy fic.
I didn't know if I should make this a short chapter or add it to the next one to make a slightly longer chapter. But I feel like it's fine like this.
Love you
Drew X
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