Voodoo Doll Part 2
How did Ashton find out Luke got ahold of an Ashton voodoo doll?
With little payback.
Ashton woke up.
He looked at the clock as he slid out of bed.
It was the middle of the night, what was he doing with his cajon? Walking out the door, that's what. He passed unfamiliar houses as he walked toward his unknown destination.
"Hey there Ashton!" Ashton looked up to see Luke sitting in a lawn chair, waving at him. "How about singing me a song?"
He waved a small, familiar looking doll. Ashton's eyes widened. "Is that-"
"A cute little Ashton doll? It is indeed." Luke smirked. "Have a seat."
Ashton found himself placing his cajon on the ground and sitting on top of it.
"Play me a song." Luke demanded.
And Ashton found himself drumming and singing.
"There's a part of my heart that you'll never change, there's a dream so alive it's an endless flame, you can't keep us down, 'cause we'll always come back again."
Luke leaned back and smiled. "Perfect."
Ashton slammed his locker shut angrily the next day. He grabbed the Luke doll from his backpack and gripped it angrily, hoping Luke was choking somwhere.
He walked to his class and glared straight ahead as he sat down, ignoring Luke, who was sitting behind him.
Calum eyed him. "Hey, you look tired. Stay up late last night?"
"You can say that." Ashton grumbled. He felt someone breathing on his neck and whipped around to see Luke blowing lightly on the doll's neck. Luke winked at him.
Ashton glared and grabbed the Luke doll, slamming it onto the desk.
Luke cried out and held his now red forehead. Mikey burst out laughing beside him. Luke glared and hit him.
The teacher started the lesson then, and Ashton turned to face the front, holding the Luke doll under the desk.
Halfway into the lesson, he felt a fingertip on his leg, then felt it as the finger slowly moved up his leg. Ashton grabbed the doll's hand and slapped itself across the face.
He smirked when he heard Luke grunt behind him.
After class both boys jumped out of their seats and ran out the door.
Luke made a grab for the doll but Ashton kept it out of his reach. They glared at each other. "Two can play at this game freshman." Luke said. "So be ready."
"Good luck, I've been thinking of some fun things to do anyways." Ashton retorted. They gave each other menacing looks before running down the halls to their next classes.
Luke sat down at the lunch table an hour later. He scanned the lunchroom for Ashton, slowly pulling out the doll.
He spotted the freshman standing in the lunch line. He grinned and grabbed the dolls pants, yanking them down.
The real life Ashton gasped and hurridly grabbed his pants, pulling them back up, but not before everyone in the lunch room saw and laughed.
Ashton turned and spotted Luke. He gave him the finger before running out of the room. Luke laughed loudly as Mikey sat beside him. "What are you laughing at?" He asked.
Luke smiled. "These voodoo doll's are legit dude. I just pulled Ashton's pants down in front of the whole lunchroom!"
Michael rolled his eyes. "Okay, when you're done with amature pranks, come talk to me. I got some really good ideas to get even."
Luke frowned. "I dunno, you're pretty hardcore when it comes to revenge. I don't want to hurt him for real."
Michael waved his hand dissmissively. "Fine, when you're ready to play with the adults, you know where to find me."
Ashton ran into his bedroom when school was over. He grabbed the Luke doll and ran into the bathroom.
He paced angrily in front of the mirror. His face was still red from this mornings...incident.
He grabbed the doll and stared down at it, wondering what he should do to get even.
He thought as he paced, and then he saw. His dad's old lip ring.
It was sitting on the kitchen sink. his dad had gotten a new one, so he wouldn't miss it if Ashton decided to.....pierce a certain somebody's lip.
He picked it up and grinned.
"Alright Luke, let the games begin."
Luke laughed with his football friends at a pizza place near the school. They had just finished practice and were cooling off with drinks at the pizza place.
"Seriously Luke, that was an awesome save!" Jake exclaimed, reaching his hand up for a high five. Luke smiled and slapped hands. "It was nothing really, I'm just that good." Everyone laughed.
"Yeah, that's why you're team captain huh?" Mikey teased. Luke shrugged. "What can I say? You guys picked me to be captain for a reas-aaahhhhhh!" He screamed and held his mouth in pain.
"Luke? What's wrong? Are you okay?" His teammates crowded around him but Luke got up and shoved them away, running to look at himself in the bathroom mirror.
He removed his hand slowly and gasped at the lip ring he now sported.
"Ashton!" He muttered, tightening his hand in a fist. He ran back outside.
It was time to consult Mikey.
Luke marched up to Ashton the next day at school, shoving the freshman to the ground from behind. Ashton turned around and looked up at him in suprise, then anger. Luke leaned down and pointed to the lip ring.
"You went too far freshman. Take it out. Now." He glared.
Ashton picked himself up and smiled at him. "Aw, but you look so much hotter with it!" He poked the ring and Luke recoiled in pain.
"Don't mess with me again or you'll get another piercing in a more private place." Ashton threatened, before turning and walking to his class.
Luke couldn't help but admire how sassy Ashton had become. He went from Luke's little crush, who would do absolutely anything Luke wanted, to a self confident, sassy little shit.
He pulled out his phone and texted Michael.
Alright, I'm in to win now. Whats the plan to get back at him?
:D finally! let the big boy games begin!
Luke stood under Ashton's window late that night. He glanced over at Mikey, who was carefully positioning a ladder under the window.
"Are you sure about this Mikey? I don't want to get into any trouble." Luke said nervously.
Michael rolled his eyes. "Oh come on, he freaking pierced your lip! You gotta get back at him! Here, just follow my lead. I'll go first."
He started climbing the ladder and Luke reluctantly followed.
Mikey silently slid the window open and climbed in. Luke held his breath and did the same. They pulled out their phones to use as light. Mikey put a finger over his lips and Luke nodded.
They started searching Ashton's bedroom for the Luke doll.
Michael opened the closet door and it creaked. Both boys froze while Ashton rolled over in his bed, but luckily didn't wake up.
Luke breathed out a small sigh of relief and they kept searching.
Then Luke tripped and crashed into Ashton's drumset. You can imagine how loud that was in the silent house.
Mikey and Luke screamed. Ashton sat up and screamed too. They all screamed at each other. Ashton flipped on the light and stared at them.
"What the hell are you doing in my room?! Get out!"
"Shut up! You'll wake your parents up!" Luke pleaded from the floor.
"That's a great idea!" Ashton glared. "MOM! DAD! HELP-"
Michael quickly grabbed the Ashton doll from Luke's pocket and covered its mouth. "Shut up dude! Jeez, we're not here to kill you!"
Luke picked himself up. "Oh...sorry about your drums. I can fix it."
Ashton tried pulling imaginary hands from his mouth, but Mikey kept a firm grip. "I'll let go if you promise not to scream. " He warned, and Ashton finally relented.
"Okay. But if you yell, I'm dropping this out the window." He held the small doll out the window for emphasis.
Ashtn glared at them and scrambled out of bed. "What the hell are you guys doing here? Get out or I'll call the police."
"Dude...your drums are so broken." Luke said from the floor. "I totally fucked it up. Sorry man."
Ashton groaned and covered his face with his hands.
"Okay, just give us the Luke doll and we'll be on our way." Michael said calmly.
"No way!" Ashton exclaimed. "Get out of my room before you break something else!"
"Wait, I can try to fix them." Luke poked his tongue out and started assembling drum peices.
"No, seriously. Stop. Just leave now or I'll call." Ashton said. "Just go. GO!"
Luke sat up. "Hey! I fixed them!" Ashton looked at his drums, just as it suddenly collapsed. All three cringed at the noise.
Ashton sighed loudly. "Get out. Now."
"Alright, but only because Luke fucked up your drums and I feel sorry." Mikey said and climbed back out the window.
Ashton glared at Luke and crossed his arms. "Out."
Luke smiled and leaned in towards Ashton. "Sorry about the drums babe, but you better keep your window locked from now on."
He winked and followed Mikey out the window.
Ashton went to the window and shoved the ladder off the house.
He smiled as Luke screamed and groaned when he hit the ground. He slammed his window shut and locked it.
He turned back to his totally broken drum kit and groaned.
"You are so gunna get it Lucas."
Luke gasped and woke up, dripping wet in cold water. He gritted his teeth and glared at nothing. "Thanks Ashton."
Ashton scribbled down an answer on his science test, when suddenly his pencil went flying out the window. He sighed in annoyance. "Fuck you Luke."
Luke tripped twelve times in gym, making the other team win by a long shot. He sat on the ground and kicked the ball away from him in anger. "Ashton you little shit."
Ashton broke a plate while setting the table for dinner, Luke ran around his house in the middle of the night, Ashton was late for school the next morning, Luke failed a quiz.
Both boys were fuming when they slammed their lunch trays down at the lunch table.
"Stop messing with my life!" Ashton shouted. "You started it!" Luke yelled back.
Ashton grabbed a ketchup packet and squirted it at Luke, catching the older boy in the face. Luke gasped and wiped his eyes. He glared and grabbed the Ashton doll. "Oh yeah, real mature." He dumped his carton of milk over the doll's head and Ashton gasped at the cold sensation, feeling his wet hair.
"Yeah, 'cause that was mature too." He grabbed the Luke doll out. "You really wanna do this?"
"Right here, right now." Luke glowered.
They attacked each other then, both trying to grab the other's doll.
Students jumped out of their way as they wrestled around the room.
And somehow, in the fighting, the two dolls ended up really close together, making the real life boys really close together.
Ashton breathed heavily and stared up into Luke's eyes, remembering why he fell in love with them in the first place.
Luke caught his breath and looked down at the freshman. He admired him now, with his cute dimples and fluffly hair and adorable laugh.
"Alright enough!" Calum suddenly shouted. He yanked the Luke doll out of Ashton's hand and Mikey came up behind Luke, grabbing the Ashton doll away.
"Hey!" Ashton protested, scrambling up.
"Give that back!" Luke shouted, making a grab for it, but Michael was quicker.
"No, you guys are taking this way to seriously." Calum glared at them. "Seriously Ash, you fucking pierced his lip?!" Ashton looked at the ground shamefully. Calum turned his glare to Luke. "And you, you fucking snuck into his house?! What were you both thinking?!"
"They weren't, which is why Calum and I are going to hold onto these dolls from now on." Mikey said. "We promise not to use them, but you guys need to make up."
"Yes." Calum agreed.
"What!" Ashton whined. "No fair!"
"Yeah! Come on Mikey!" Luke stomped his foot.
Michael shook his head. "Apologize to each other."
Luke sighed heavily and faced Ashton. "Fine. Sorry freshman."
Ashton grumbled to the ground. "Sorry too Luke."
"Lame!" Calum rolled his eyes. He grabbed the Ashton doll and brought it to the Luke doll, making them kiss.
Ashton gasped as he felt his body being pushed onto Luke's, and their lips connected.
Luke's eyes widened, and he looked up at Ashton, who had his eyes squeezed shut.
Calum pulled them apart. "There, now we can all be friends."
He and Mikey laughed and left, holding hands.
Ashton scrambled up. "S-sorry, it wasn't me...the doll..."
Luke smiled and cupped the blushing boys face, tilting it up so their eyes met. "It's okay, I kinda enjoyed it actually." Ashton blushed harder and smiled.
Luke intwined their hands as they left the lunchroom. "What do you say we do some shopping after school today? I know a place we can go to get some Calum and Mikey dolls and get some revenge."
Ashton beamed. "Great, I have some ideas in mind."
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