Tonight Love Slowly Blooms More
This is dedicated to my Lukey, LightAsh, because THIS IS ALL HERS MKAY, I WROTE NOTHING.
Ashton sat there, holding the hair brush in his hand and trying to keep the small curl in place. Once he knew it wouldn't stay in place, he groaned in frustration and placed the hairbrush back onto the table.
He got up and dusted off the invisible dust off his shirt, proceeding by looking at himself in the mirror.
He knew he looked average. Black skinnies, a maroon top and vans. The only thing that was bothering the boy was the small curl in front of his forehead, that was refusing to go back into place.
"Ashton, you ready?" Luke shouted, as he tied his laces. He bent back up and pressed his shirt down, trying to make the small wrinkle go away.
"Pass me the fedora." Ashton stated, as he made his way to Luke. Luke locked his gaze onto Ashton and softly let a grin make it's way on to his lips. He knew Ashton hated the small curl in front of his forehead, that refused to stay in one place, but he didn't mind because it was his boyfriend and his peeves.
He passed the fedora from the rack. Instead of giving it to Ashton, he carefully placed it onto his curly hair and placed a lingering kiss onto his forehead. "There." Luke quietly whispered, as he moved back as stood in front of Ashton.
"Ready to go?" Luke asked, his lips pressed in a huge grin.
"Depends, are you going to go outside. Actually knock on the door and ask properly?"
"That, I shall do." Luke stated, as he pulled open the door and closed it behind him. He breathed in the cold air and sighed, knowing this was a sweet day. He took in a deep breath of air and was going to press the doorbell, but brought his hand back. He knew Ashton wanted it sweet, just like from old times instead of the doorbell. He softly knocked on the door three times and brought his hand back.
Ashton opened the door and let a sweet smile onto his lips. "Ready to go?" Luke asked, as he felt the blush rise onto his cheeks. Ashton quietly giggled and stepped out, pulling the door closed behind him. He slowly linked his fingers with Luke's and pulled the boy down the street. Towards the small café at the end of the street.
Once they reached there, Luke opened the door for Ashton and guided the boy inside. He winked at Michael and made his way with Ashton to the back of the café.
"And what will you guys be getting?" Michael asked, as he saw the both boys exchange giggles.
Ashton looked at Michael and looked back at Luke. He knew these two set up this dessert date together. However, he was so entirely grateful for it. "We would like to try the mocha cake." Ashton showed a grateful smile to Michael and Michael showed one in return. They didn't need words, Michael and Ashton. They just had to look at each other and both of them would get the message, that's how it was for the two best friends.
While the both boys chatted, Michael brought three pieces of mocha cake and carefully placed them onto the table.
"Enjoy you guys." Michael murmured softly, as he made his way back to the counter.
It was the last piece of cake and Luke ended up giving it to Ashton. Since, he stole the boy's fedora and made him pout. He did end up kissing the pout away, but Ashton wanted the last piece of cake and that's what he got.
Once Ashton ate the last piece, be pushed the plate away and looked at Luke. He softy grinned and pressed a chaste kiss onto his lips.
"Ready to go?" Luke asked, once again. He added a teasing tone into his tone and referred it to the beginning of the date. Ashton grinned and looked at the windows in the front of the ship. He saw the hard pelts of the rain hit the window and pouted.
"It's raining outside though." Ashton groaned, as he fixed his fedora.
"It's okay, we'll just run home." Luke said. He leaned against the booth and sighed.
"Nope, we're staying here until the rain stops." Luke sighed but agreed, since he didn't mind the cozy warm air and the boy with the curly hair making his way to Luke.
And maybe, they did end up sleeping with legs tangled in the warm café. Pressed against each other in the booth and the hard pelts of the rain hitting the windows, making Michael smile in a love sick way while looking at the two sleeping boys.
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