The Dare
If u guys liked this, UltimateOreo is making a full fanfic about it and unicorns_are_real_xx is making a german fanfic about it and they are absolutely amazing! ♡
Luke Hemmings was a homophobe.
It wasn't his fault, that's just the way he was raised.
What was his fault, was the constant insults and negative looks he gave GLBT people in their school.
His best friend, Calum, recently met a guy named Michael, and they have been hanging out more and more and Luke is alarmed, since he knows both boys are gay.
Luke tries to talk Calum out of dating Michael, by telling him it's just a phase, and that he only think's hes gay, when he is actually straight.
Fed up, Calum dares Luke to prove it's a phase.
He dares him to be gay for a week.
And the week would have gone by smoothly...if it wasn't for Ashton Irwin.
Luke met up with Calum at Calum's locker before the first bell rang. "Hey. How was your weekend?"
"Meh." Calum closed the locker and they started walking to first hour. "Yours?"
"Church was nice." Luke smiled and Calum groaned.
Luke looked at him. "What?"
"Everytime you say the c word, a bit of my gay heart dies."
Luke frowned. "It's not too late for you, you know, God can still save you."
"I don't need saving!" Calum snapped as they sat down. "I'm totally fine."
"But God says-"
"I don't caaaaaaaaaaare." Calum clasped his hands over his ears. "Not listening!"
Luke huffed and sat down. "Fine."
A boy with bright red hair walked into the room and Calum's attitude suddenly changed. He smiled and watched the boy take a seat a few rows away.
Luke followed his gaze and frowned.
Class started then so Luke let it go, but a sickening feeling stayed with him.
A few hours later, it was lunch and Luke was sitting at his and Calum's usual table, waiting for Calum to show up.
When he did, he was brimming with happiness. "Hi Luke!"
"Hey." Luke stabbed his salad.
"Geez, I know the salad's here are terrible, but don't kill it." Calum teased. When Luke just glared at him, Calum asked in a concerned voice, "Hey, are you alright?"
"No." Luke muttered darkly, looking back down at his tray. He laid the fork down and sighed. "Look Cal, you're my best friend, and I accept you, but it makes me uncomfortable when I see you hugging, kissing, flirting, with other guys. It's's not right. It' just disgusts me. Especially with that red haired guy from first hour."
"You mean Michael?" Calum completely forgot the first part of Luke's speech as he dreamily stared past Luke to Michael, who was sitting across from them at another table. "He's so hot, isn't he?"
"No!" Luke huffed and glared. "He's not hot! And you shouldn't think that either!"
Calum sighed and stood, picking up his tray. "Whatever Luke. Talk to me when you're not a dick. Or when you start liking it."
Luke watched with sad eyes as Calum went to Michaels table and the two shared blushy smiles. Michael moved over so Calum could sit and they laughed about something.
Luke sighed and faced front again. He put his head in his hand. Now he felt sad and sick.
Luke was waiting for Calum at his locker the next morning.
"Hey Cal, I know you probably hate me still for yesterday, and I just wanted to apologize. It was hurtful and disrespectful and I'm sorry." He looked at the ground. "Still friends?"
Calum smiled and hugged the younger boy. "As always."
Luke smiled. "No homo."
Calum rolled his eyes and stepped back. "Also, as always."
Both boys turned to see Michael running up to the locker, his notebook held limply in his hand, while his other hand brushed back his firey red hair. "Hey."
"H-hi." Calum grinned. "What are you doing here? At my locker? Today? Right now?"
Michael grinned too and Luke kept the glare at bay.
"I just wanted to see you before first hour, since we have different classes."
"Oh." Calum was blushing. "Hi."
"And...I wanted to ask you something." Michael continued. Both Calum and Luke's hearts sped up, one in excitement, the other in horror.
"Yeah?" Calum asked eagery.
Michael took a nervous breath. "Um, well, I know we've only known each other for a few days, and only started talking yesterday...but I really like you..and I was wanted to go out with me maybe?" He bit his lip anxiously.
Calum gasped slightly. "Oh Mikey, of course! I would love to!"
Michael broke out in a huge smile, but before he could speak, Luke cried out and pushed himself inbetween them. "No Calum!"
Calum stumbled back and frowned. "Luke, what the hell?"
Luke stared at him. "I can handle you hanging around lots of guys, as friends. But I can't let you get a boyfriend! It's not what God says is right! I can't let you go to Hell like that!"
Calum glared and pushed past Luke to grab onto Michaels arm. "You know what Luke? I respect that you go to church. I respect that you don't like my taste in love. But I don't respect the way you are treating me and Michael. You don't even know him, so you don't have the right to say that."
"Calum please." Luke begged. "You're not really in love with him! This is just a confused sexuality phase you're going through! If you date him, it will be the worst mistake of your life!"
Calum drew in a long breath, trying not to get angry. "Just a phase?"
Luke nodded, his eyes shimmering with tears.
"And how do you know that?" Calum asked.
"What do you mean? I just do. God didn't create gays. It's just a twisted part of your mind that think it's possible to love the same gender." Luke explained. (i cant believe i just typed that omg...)
"Prove it." Calum snapped. Now he was pissed.
"Prove what?" Luke asked in confusion.
"Prove that it's just a phase. In fact, I dare you. I dare you to try being gay for a week. If it's just a phase, then you should be able to do it too right?" Calum glared.
"W-wh..I can't do that!" Luke spluttered.
"Why not?"
"Because it's wrong!" Luke shuddered.
"I'll make you a deal then Luke." Calum let go of Michael's arm and stood in front of Luke. "If you go a whole week being gay, and don't find a single guy you like, then I will break up with Michael."
Michael gasped as Luke thought it over. "I don't know, I would hate to break you two up like that..." Luke pondered.
Calum rolled his eyes. "You won't. Deal?" He stuck his hand out.
Luke looked at it, then to Mikey. He smirked, "Sorry." And he shook hands with Calum.
"Oof! Sorry!" A boy with curly brown hair accidentally crashed into Luke, sending them both to the ground.
The boy quickly jumped up and picked up with book he was reading. "Are you okay?" He adjusted the glasses on his face before smiling.
Luke stared up at him, too shocked to reply.
"Well...sorry again." And he took off down the hall.
Luke watched him go and Calum and Michael shared smiles.
Since Calum was with Michael now, Luke sat alone at their old lunch table.
He sighed. How had his life come to this? He was a good boy, he went to church. He stayed out of trouble.
He looked over at Michael and Calum again, but then a boy blocked his view.
Luke looked up and recognized the boy who had knocked him down the other day.
"Hi! I didn't know we had the same lunch period." The boy sat down and smiled. "I'm sorry again for yesterday, I should have watched where I was going."
"It's fine." Luke waved him off.
The boy looked around. "Why are you sitting by yourself?"
"Because my best friend was taken by the sin side." Luke glowered past the boy to his friend.
"The sin side?" The boy looked like he wanted to say something, but was holding it back.
"The gay side." Luke sulked.
"Oh." The boy forced a smile. "What's your name?"
"Luke." Luke sighed. He wasn't in the mood to make friends.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Ashton." The boy smiled again and this time Luke noticed the dimples the boy had.
"Yeah." Luke fell silent again.
Ashton looked around again, trying to find a topic for them to talk about, but then Luke suddenly spoke up.
"Why are you talking to me?"
"Huh?" Ashton questioned.
"You sat down here, but you said you just wanted to apologize for yesterday. Which you did. So why are you still here?" Luke asked.
"" Ashton panicked. "You looked lonely, so I thought Id just keep you company."
"Well, thanks. But I'm not in the mood to be friendly today." Luke said darkly.
"Okay." Ashton smiled and stood up. "I'll just see you tomorrow then! Bye!" And he left.
Luke watched him go and felt a little bad. He seemed like a nice guy.
To Calum
From Luke
To Luke
From Calum
What do u want
To Calum
From Luke
Sorry I wanted to talk to my best friend
To Luke
From Calum
Im with michael right now
To Calum
From Luke
Of course u r -.-
To Luke
From Calum
Whatever luke. Bye
To Calum
From Luke
Wait im sorry!
To Luke
From Calum
Have u found a bf yet? I saw u getting cozy with ashton today
To Calum
From Luke
We weren't getting cozy!!! And how do u know him?
To Luke
From Calum
We have second hour together
To Calum
From Luke
To Luke
From Calum
Yeah. I gtg, the movies about to start. Bye
To Calum
From Luke
Ashton was at the lunch table the next day and Luke was confused as to why the boy was sitting there again.
Luke slowly opposite of him. "Um...hi."
Ashton beamed. "Hey!"
"Not to be rude, but, why are you here?"
Ashton giggled. "I told you I would see you tomorrow and we only have lunch together." He frowned. "Why? Do you want to be alone?"
"No, you're okay." Luke said, smiling slightly. He liked the sound of Ashton's giggle.
"Good." Ashton bit his lip and smiled.
Luke suddenly remembered. "Shit! I forgot about Mr. Fisher's homework assignment!"
"The math class?" Ashton asked.
Luke nodded mournfully. His mom was going to kill him.
"You can copy off my sheet if you want."
Luke snapped his head up. "What?"
"You can copy my assignment. It was page 85, problems 1-6 right?" Ashton smiled.
"Yeah..." Luke nodded.
"Great! We have the same assignment. If you'll meet me at my locker after lunch, I can give it to you."
Luke studied him. "Why would you do that for me?"
Ashton giggled and brushed his curly hair back. "Because we're friends silly."
After a moment, Luke smiled. "Alright. Thank you."
After lunch, Luke followed Ashton to Ashton's locker.
"My mom was gunna kill me if I missed this, thanks again." Luke said gratefully, taking the paper when Ashton handed it to him.
"And we wouldn't want that to happen, would we?" Ashton giggled.
"Yeah." Luke smiled.
"Oh, hey, do you wanna trade numbers? You case you forget another assignment?" Ashton asked.
Luke knew the chances of him forgetting again were slim to none, but he smiled anyways and said yes.
The bell rang then, so they quickly exchanged data and said a hasty goodbye, before running to their classes.
Luke felt his phone burning in his pocket. He wanted to text Ashton...say thanks again, or, I'll see you tomorrow.
But he didn't...even though he was strangely tempted.
It was Luke who was waiting for Ashton the next day at lunch.
"Hey!" Luke beamed as Ashton sat down in front of him.
"Hi." Ashton smiled. "Did you get the assignment turned in okay?"
"Yeah, thanks again for that. You totally saved my life." Luke giggled.
Ashton put his head in his hand as he smiled at Luke. "It was the least I could do for knocking you down."
"Why are you still apologizing for that? It happened forever ago! I'm totally fine." Luke laughed.
"I's just...never mind." Ashton put his hands in his lap as he blushed.
"Just what?" Luke asked as his stomach did a weird tingly thingy.
"I just feel bad because you're kinda extremely amazing and I feel so horrible for hurting you." Ashton explained in embarrassment.
Luke was shocked. "Oh...I'm not amazing...just ask Calum." Luke was surprised to find tears in his eyes.
He wasn't aware he had missed Calum that much.
"Hey..." Ashton placed his hand over Luke's. "I think you're really cut-cool." Ashton blushed deeply as Luke's eyes widened.
He looked down at their hands. "Uhm..."
Ashton followed his gaze and gave a gentle gasp, quickly retreating his hand. "Sorry!"
"It's okay." Luke blushed too and they fell silent.
Luke's hand was warm from where Ashton had held it and he couldn't keep the small smile off his face.
"So...I'll see you tomorrow then?" Luke asked as the lunch bell rang.
"Or tonight..." Ashton bit his lip nervously. "We could Skype if you want."
"Sure! I'll text you my username and stuff." Luke grinned stupidly.
"Great!" Ashton visibly relaxed. "See ya!"
Luke giggled and repositioned his laptop in his bed. "So then what happened?"
"So my foots totally stuck in there right, I'm freaking out, the dog's having a seizure and I still got half a pie left." Ashton was explaining through his laughter when the door opened and Luke looked up to see his mom entering.
In a fit of fear he slammed his laptop shut.
"Hey hun." Liz said as she started hanging up Luke's laundry. "Doing homework?"
Luke nodded, looking down at his computer.
"Good." She kissed his head before leaving.
Luke made sure she was gone before opening his laptop back up. "Sorry about that. So you were saying?" Luke smiled.
"Look." Michael nudged Calum. "Today they are sitting side by side."
Calum looked over to see Luke and Ashton giggling at something on Ashton's phone. He smiled.
"Does this mean we won't have to break up?" Michael asked, intwining his hands with Calums.
"We won't ever break up." Calum pressed a kiss to his boyfriends cheek. "I promise. Ashton knows what to do."
"So, what are you doing this weekend?" Ashton asked Luke as he walked Luke to his locker the next day.
It was Friday and school had just ended.
"Nothing that I know of." Luke shut his locker. "You?"
"My parents are out of town." Ashton responded as they started walking home. "And, if you're not doing anything you...wanna, like...spend the weekend at my place?"
Butterflies erupted in Luke's stomach. "I'll have to ask, but I'd love too." He blushed and smiled.
"Okay, great!" Ashton stopped and wrapped his arms around Luke before running down the street to his house.
Luke stood there in shock, as a happy, warm feeling flooded through his senses.
Ashton ran to the door and was surprised to see Luke standing there with a bag.
"My mom said it's okay, but I have to be back home early on Sunday for church." He said as Ashton let him in.
"That's okay." Ashton giggled. "What do you wanna do?"
"Movie?" Luke said the first thing that popped into his head.
Three movies and four pounds of pop and candy later, they retreated to Ashton's room.
They sat on his bed, taking a few bags of junk food with them.
"Wanna play a game?" Ashton asked, unwrapping a candy bar.
"Sure. What?" Luke helped him open it before taking a piece for himself.
"20 questions?" Asked Ashton.
"Okay." Luke giggled. "You first."
"Alright." Ashton took a deep breath before steeling himself and staring at Luke with big hazel eyes. "Have you ever kissed a guy before?"
Lukes breath caught as Ashton crawled closer.
Ashton hovered over Luke as the younger boy laid back on the bed to keep looking up at Ashton. "And follow up question, do you want to?"
Luke breath was shaky as he grabbed Ashton's shirt. He took fistfulls of it into his hands before looking back up at Ashton.
"Question for you, how far do you want to take this?"
"All the way." Ashton whispered.
Luke lifted his arms up and pulled off Ashton's shirt. He ran his fingers down the toned chest and shivered. Maybe Calum was right...
Calum was totally right.
That was Luke's first thought when awoke the next morning.
In Ashton's bed.
With Ashton.
Luke rolled over to snuggle down into Ashton's arms. The older boy was still sleeping.
So maybe being gay wasn't a phase.
Maybe it was possible to love the same gender.
Maybe he was gay...or at least bi or pan.
Well whatever he was, he didn't care. He loved Ashton and owed Calum an apology.
Ashton stirred and blinked his eyes open to see Luke holding him. He smiled. "Morning babe."
Luke giggled. "Hi. My bum hurts."
Ashton giggled too and sat up. "Wanna make breakfast?"
"Sure." They pulled new clothes on first before running downstairs.
Luke felt inexplicably happy. He had finally found someone he loved being with, and who loved him back.
He was too happy to even think about his parents.
They would understand right? I mean, didn't God love all his kids equally?
Luke snapped out of it and looked over to Ashton. "Yeah?"
"You're burning the pancakes and I love you." Ashton blurted quickly.
"Shit sorry!" Luke quickly made to flip them out when the second part of what Ashton said stopped him.
Ashtons face was pure red as he flipped the pancakes out.
Luke smiled. "I...I love you too."
Ashton froze. "Y-you do?"
Luke giggled and nodded.
Ashton broke out in a huge grin. "Mission accomplished!"
"Why are we at the auditorium again?" Luke asked after church the next day.
"Calum texted said and to meet him here."
Ashton explained as he opened the door for Luke and they walked into the schools large stage room.
"Oh. How come?"
Ashton shrugged.
They took seats to wait.
Luke held Ashton's hand in his. "Hey Ash?"
"Hm?" Ashton typed something on his phone.
"Um, can I ask you something?" Luke bit his lip.
Ashton put the phone down and faced him. "Of course, anything."
"Um...I know I'm supposed to hate gays and such, but I don't hate you. In fact...I...I love you. So will you be my boyfriend?" Luke asked nervously.
Ashton smiled. "Oh Lukey.....I'm not gay."
Luke's blood ran cold at Ashton's tone. "W-what?"
Ashton stood up. "Did you hear that Calum?"
"What?" Luke asked again, his heart pounding as Calum and Michael came out from behind the curtain.
"Every word Ashton. Thanks." They jumped down and walked over to them.
"What's going on?" Luke asked, scared.
"Here." Calum pressed 50$ into Ashton's hand.
Ashton smiled as he stepped back to count the money.
"Ashton?" Luke questioned.
"What?" Ashton asked, not looking up.
"What's going on here?"
Calum smiled. "I paid Ashton to make you fall in love with him."
"What?! Why?!" Luke cried.
"So you could see for yourself that being gay isn't a phase." Calum said, grabbing Michael's hand. "And to make sure me and Michael didn't have to break up."
" planned this?" Luke was stunned.
"All of it." Calum grinned.
"But...but..." Luke was on the verge of tears. "No...Ashton loves me."
Ashton looked up and smiled as he stuffed the money into his back pocket. "I never loved you Luke. I'm not even gay. I only pretended to like you because Calum said he would pay me on Monday in second hour."
"So...all those times you apologized for pushing me over...for Saturday night and at breakfast, and everything in between, you were lying?!" Luke asked, shaking.
Ashton smirked and nodded. "Well I better go. Thanks again Cal." He turned and left without looking back.
Luke faced the couple with tears streaking down his face. "How could you?! You were my best friend!"
"Calm down, it's not like you had sex with the guy." Calum rolled his eyes.
"Uh...Calum." Michael tugged on Calums hand and nodded to Luke. "I think he did."
Calum looked at Luke, startled. "Wait...did you?"
Too emotional to answer, Luke ran out of the building.
He sprinted all the way to his house, where he collapsed onto his bed and sobbed into his pillow.
A few hours later, he sat up. The tears had dried on his cheeks and his face was red with anger.
Calum was dead to him now.
And Ashton...well, he has a special place in Hell reserved just for him.
Luke knew it because he would be going to Hell as well for getting his revenge.
Sorry for not updating in a while, im a little tiny bit extremely sick as fuck ♡
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