The Copper Scroll Part 3
"What the fuck?" Michael cried. "What did we do?"
Luke continued to peer out the window. "There's like five cop cars out there."
"I'm too cute for jail!" Calum screamed. "What if I drop the soap?"
"Trust me, no body would want to be around you when you shower." Ashton said. He picked up the paper copies of the scroll. "Luke, quit staring at them and fix the curtains!"
"I'm not staring, I'm memorizing licence plates." Luke grumbled, but he picked up the rod and Michael helped him slide it into place.
Calum followed Ashton into the kitchen. "What are you doing with the copies?" He asked as Ashton rummaged through Luke's kitchen drawers.
"Lighting them on fire." Ashton replied. He pulled out a box of matches.
"But why?" Calum asked in alarm.
"It's called destroying evidence. Why else would the cops be here when we haven't broken any laws?" Ashton explained. "They're onto us."
He lit the match. "Besides, we know what the clue is, we don't need these anymore."
Luke came into the room then. He looked at the papers, the match, then locked eyes with Ashton. He gave him a nod, and Ashton held the papers over the flame.
The fire instantly grabbed onto the corner of the papers and began clawing its way up, leaving ash to drift to the floor behind it.
The front door suddenly slammed down with no warning. Everybody jumped at the noise, and Ashton dropped the burning papers.
Smoke stung their eyes as cops ran into the kitchen.
"Hands on your head! All of you!" One barked out, holding his gun out. "Now!"
They four obeyed, and the cops led them back outside, each to seperate cars.
"You can't arrest us when we haven't done anything!" Michael shouted.
"We have the right to detain anyone for 48 hours, no questions asked." A cop said
"Don't we get a lawyer or have our rights read to us?" Calum protested as the cop opened the back door to the cop car and pushed him in.
"That's only if you're being arrested." He said.
"What the fuck do you think is happening right now?" Luke yelled.
"This isn't an arrest." A cop said in annoyance. He shoved Luke inside the car.
"Then what is it?" Ashton glared. He saw another cop come out of the house, the charred papers in a plastic bag.
"An ambush. We're saving your asses." The cop holding him snarled before escorting him to the car.
They interviewed them one by one.
They called it an interview, but it was more of an interrogation.
Michael went first.
A cop escorted him to a room that had a table and two chairs in it.
A short while later, a man came in. He had brown hair that matched his skin and chocolate colored eyes. He took the seat across from Michael.
He set a file on the table in between them. "Hello Michael Clifford. My name is Joseph, and thats all you need to know."
Michael rolled his eyes and didn't reply.
Joseph opened his file and started flipping through it. "Let's criminal record...average grades throughout school, and you're studying languages at Saint Sydney." He looked up. "Anything you want to add to that?"
Michael crossed his arms and shook his head.
Joseph sighed. "Drop the mute act, we're on your side you know. My cops just risked their lives back there to save you from a threat you don't even know about."
Michael snorted.
Joseph glared. "What were you four boys doing at Luke Hemmings house today?"
Michael studied his nails and causally flipped him off.
Joseph slammed the folder onto the table. "You think this is a joke? Some sort of game? You have no idea how important this case is!"
Michael yawned.
Joseph glared. "Fine. We're done here. John, send in the next one."
Michael smiled as he stood up.
Joseph led him to the door. It opened from the other side, and another cop came in, holding Calum.
Calum looked at Michael fearfully. Michael put his finger to his lips and Calum relaxed.
He sat down in the chair and a man sat in front of him. "Hello Calum. My name is Joseph." The man smiled.
"Hi." Calum said.
"Now, what were you and the other lads doing at Luke's today?"
"Nothing." Calum said softly.
"Nothing? Or something?" Joseph raised his eyebrows.
"Just- hanging out." Calum shrugged.
"What do you mean by that? Were you playing video games? Looking up hot chicks?"
"All due respect sir, I don't swing that way." Calum said.
"Oh, my apologies for assuming." Joseph flustered. "Um, so what were you doing then, since you weren't looking up, uh, girls?"
"You really want to know?" Calum whispered.
Joseph leaned in. "It's very important Calum, my team needs this information."
"Well...okay. Anything for the cops." Calum took a deep breath. "I was trying to turn my straight friends as flaming homo as I am by showing them hardcore gay porn."
Joseph blinked. He looked behind him at the two way mirror. He glanced back at Calum and blinked again.
"And not the sweet and passionate stuff either, I'm talking the kinky, rough sex. With toys and stuff. The good stuff." Calum smiled. "Not sure if it worked or not, but I certainly got hard."
"Um, okay, thanks for uh...sharing. You can go. Send your blonde friend in after you."
Joseph busied himself with his papers.
Calum could barely hide his laughter as he left the room. He motioned for Luke to stand and go in.
He took Luke's seat and sat by Mikey.
Luke gave him a confused look. Calum put his finger to his lips and smiled. Luke smiled back, before the guard pushed him into the room.
"Ah, Lucas. Have a seat." The man said, shuffling his papers.
Luke grudgingly took a seat across from the man. "Why am I here?"
"Because I said so. I am Joseph, and I have a few questions for you, and your first two friends were of no help." The man complained.
Luke grinned. "Then what makes you think I'll tell you anything? I haven't done anything wrong, and once the 48 hours are over, I'm going to walk out of here while you watch and aren't able to stop me."
"Don't get cocky with me." Joseph warned. "I can always detain you for another 48 hours right after the first 48 is done."
"Perhaps you don't know me." Luke narrowed his eyes and leaned in. "Hi, I'm Luke Hemmings, son of Jordan Hemmings. You know, the lawyer who wins every case. I'm sure he'd love to know why you detained his son for no reason."
"Calm down there son, the police are on your side in this investigation." Joseph said.
"What investigation? What are you investigating?" Luke asked.
"Luke, do you know who the Red Shirts are?" Joseph took off his glasses.
"The Red Shirts? No. Is that a play off of the brown shirts and the black shirts of Hitler and Mussolini?" Luke asked.
"Kind of. Only they aren't after power, they're after treasure."
Luke snorted. "Seriously? You detained us all over treasure? Come on, we both know that doesn't exist."
"And we also both know you're lying." Joseph said. "Luke, this isn't a game. The Red Shirts are basically pirates, who wouldn't hesitate to kill you over one gold coin. We've been after them for years. They're hostile and ruthless, stuck in the 1700's. And word on the street is, you and Mr. Irwin have a very priceless scroll in your families possession."
"So you're just gunna arrest us for our safety?" Luke glared. "Thanks but no thanks."
"Lucas, it's more than that. You and your friends need to stop this silly treasure hunt of yours before someone gets hurt. Maybe after we capture the Red Shirts, the FBI and I will help your family search for the treasures mentioned in the scroll."
"Again, thanks but no thanks." Luke pushed his chair out and it squeaked loudly. "If that's all, I'd like to leave."
Joseph sighed. "Fine. Send in your curly haired friend."
Ashton knew something had happened in Luke's interview by the look on his face when the blonde came into the waiting room.
He stood up and quickly walked over before the guard could make him go into the interviewing room.
"What happened in there?" He whispered.
"Beware the Red Shirts." Luke mumbled. He sat beside Michael and Calum and whispered urgently to them.
Ashton frowned, but couldn't dwell on the situation any more, as the guard grabbed his arm and led him to the room.
The man at the table got straight to buisness. He tossed a bag onto the table. "What is this? What were you burning?"
Ashton shrugged. "Just a piece of paper."
The man narrowed his eyes. "You just decided to randomly burn some paper today?"
"Maybe I'm a pyromaniac." Ashton flashed him a dimpled grin.
"Or maybe you're trying to cover up something." The man said. He placed his elbows on the table and leaned in. "My name is Joseph, and-"
"What's your last name?" Ashton interrupted.
"Not important." Joseph said.
"Joseph Not Important. Is that with a hyphen?" Ashton asked cheekily.
"What's it to you?" Joseph snarled. "We're not here to talk about my name."
"Just curious is all." Ashton cocked his head and smiled. "Did you know Joseph is the seventh most popular name in America? One in 43 Americans are named Joseph."
"Fascinating. You must be a smart boy in school." Joseph remarked.
Ashton shrugged. "History is more my thing."
"Great, let's talk history. How much do you know about the Red Shirts?" Joseph asked.
Ashton recalled Luke's warning and shook his head. "Um, nothing at all."
"Then I'll inform you. Their founder is a guy by the name of Willem Janszoon." Joseph said.
"What? No, that's imposs-..." Ashton trailed off under Joseph's suspicious look. "I mean...who's William Janson?"
"Sir." The door opened and a cop stood their. "Jordan Hemmings is here, demanding his kid and friends all be released."
"Alright, tell them they can go. I don't want this to turn into some big court issue." Joseph sighed and stood.
Ashton slowly got up. They all walked back to the waiting room, where Luke's dad was threatening to sue the Secretary.
"Guys, outside, now." Ashton hissed, grabbing Michael and Calums shirts. He tugged them outside, and Luke followed.
"Where are we going?" Luke complained. "My dad-"
"Helped us out which was nice, but we need to get going on the clue." Ashton said urgently.
"My house is the other way!" Luke said.
"We're not going to your house!" Ashton snapped. "They've probably got all our houses under surveillance."
"Why?" Calum asked.
"Because this treasure is a lot bigger then we were thinking." Ashton said, finally slowing down.
"So then where are we going?" Luke grumbled.
"The library." Ashton said, determined.
"Ugh." Michael groaned. "Do we have to?"
"Can you think of somewhere else?" Ashton snapped. Michael shook his head. "Then the library it is."
"Okay, but why?" Calum asked.
"Because I don't think Willem Janzoon is who he says he is."
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