Superhero Part 2
"Okay, so should I go home and change first or what?" Michael asked, looking down at himself. Ashton glared at him.
"We don't have time! Just wear that!"
"Well sor-ry for asking." Michael glared back. "This costume wasn't made for saving the world."
"You're not saving the world! You're just saving Luke." Ashton sighed in exasperation.
"Do you know how hard it is to save Luke though? He trips down our stairs everyday. He burns every piece of bread in the toaster and I have to go buy a new loaf every week. He locks himself out of his house and has to call me because I have a spare key. He needs so much saving." Calum said. "Trade jobs with me and Mikey."
"Uh, no time! I can fly you two to Disturbia's ship before he gets into space, but you're on your own after that." Ashton said.
"Wait what? No! How are we supposed to get back to Earth after that?" Michael exclaimed.
"Not my problem." Ashton shrugged. They glared at the superhero.
Ashton sighed. "Alright fine, we can break into the control room and steer it back after we save Luke."
"This is gunna be so awesome." Calum said as Ashton grabbed his and Michaels hand, flying them up into the air.
"For you maybe, ugh, Im gunna be sick!" Michael said. Ashton looked alarmed. "Dont throw up on me! I will drop you."
"Why does Luke like you?" Michael rolled his eyes.
Ashton nearly crashed into a tree. "Wait what?"
"You haven't noticed?" Calum asked in surprise. "He's totally in love with you."
"No, he's in love with Smash." Ashton said. Mickey poked him in the eye. "Yeah, you're Smash idiot."
"Hey, I think I see the ship!" Calum said suddenly, pointing.
"And I see your way in." Ashton nodded to an open window, where a droid was reeling in the ships anchor.
"Hi-yah motherfucker!" Calum shouted, karate kicking the droid down as Ashton dropped him in the window.
Michael dropped in beside him. "Where's Luke?"
Ashton hovered outside the window. "I'd guess either the dungeons or with Disturbia. "
"Right, okay Cal, lets split up! Ill search the dungeons and you find Disturbia."
"What?! No way I wanted the dungeons!"
Calum exclaimed.
"Sucks to suck." Michael hummed. "Later." He took off down the halls.
Ashton pointed the opposite way. "I dont know where he's going, the dungeons are that way. Last time I was here, the control room was at the very back of the ship, down below some stairs."
Calum smiled. "Thanks." He ran off and Ashton closed the window.
He had about half an hour to stop the missiles. He just hoped Luke was okay.
"Luke is not okay!" Luke shouted, banging his hands against the bars of the cell. "Luke is going insane and speaking in third person!"
"Shut up!" The droid guarding him whined. "You Earth boys are so annoying!"
"Yeah're stupid." Luke stuck his tongue out.
"You're stupid!" The droid said back.
"You're stupider!" Luke shouted. "I want my penguin!"
"I dont have it!" The droid exclaimed. "No more talking or Ill shoot you."
Luke walked to the corner and pouted. "All you robots are bullies."
"That counts as talking. "
Luke whipped around to see Calum.
"Calum! What are you doing? Wheres Ashton?"
"Hold on a sec." Calum grabbed the droids gun and knocked him out with it. He fired the gun at the lock, breaking it open and Luke stepped out; hugging his friend.
"You're welcome. Now we need to get Mickey and get to the control room and bring us back to Earth." Calum said as they ran up the steps and back into the halls.
"Mikeys here too? Wheres Ashton?" Luke asked.
"Titan. Disturbia fired the missisles anyways and he has about twenty minutes to stop them before they hit Earth." Calum explained as they ran.
"Disturbia's a douche." Luke stated. They turned a corner and promptly fell over in thier haste to turn around again as a group of droids marched across. They ran and hid in a corridor as the droids marched past.
"Okay, uh, any idea where the control room stairs are?" Calum asked as he checked to see if the coast was clear.
"Uh, no. Disturbia didn't exactly give me a tour of his ship." Luke said. "How about we split up, you look for the control room and I'll search for Michael."
"You sure splitting up is a good idea?" Calum asked.
Luke shrugged. "It'll be faster. If I meet Mikey, we'll find our way to the control room and meet you there."
"Alright, good luck." Calum hugged him quick and ran down the hallway.
Luke watched him go before turning and running the opposite way.
(remember ashton has different superpowers then he does in dont stop, like being able to breathe in space)
Ashton flew around an asteroid, nearly taking his head off in his haste to get to Titan.
He climbed over another, running across it's surface and leaped off, landing onto another one. He jumped from asteroid to asteroid, his heart hammering when he realized he had less than ten minutes to stop the nukes.
He skidded to a stop, breathing hard.
He didn't have enough time.
The base of Titan would be heavily guarded no doubt, and he had no idea how to disarm the missiles.
He couldn't do it.
He collapsed onto the giant rock, burying his hands in his hair.
He couldn't do it. Not this time. Smash couldn't save the world. He was as powerless as every innocent life on Earth.
He checked his watch.
Seven minutes and twelve seconds left.
He stood up, staring across space.
He knew he wasn't going to stop the missiles from firing. But maybe he could intercept them.
And as he looked out at the vast emptiness, he knew how he was going to do it.
Calum followed Ashton's directions to the very back of the ship.
Two sets of staircases were there, one leading down into blackness and the other curved up, following the wall.
Calum sighed and started walking down the dark one.
After nearly a full minute of walking in darkness, the room suddenly got brighter. It was lit up with lights from the control panels.
He rushed to the front, where a giant map showed where they were in space.
He gasped when he saw they were near Saturn. An alarm blinked over head and a monotone voice spoke out; "Warning, enemy detected."
"Wait, if I'm on the enemy's ship, then that must mean-Smash!" He ran to the window and sure enough, he saw the familiar blue and red hero.
He waved and Ashton flew up to the window.
He pointed to Saturn, then to Calum, then to Saturn. Calum nodded.
Smash wanted Calum to crash the ship into Titan.
Luke ran down the halls, screaming as shots fired around him. Disturbia's droids chased after him, firing their guns randomly.
"Go 'way, go 'way go 'way!" He cried as he ran.
One laser beam fired right on front of him and he slipped under it, feeling like a total movie badass.
He scrambled up and kept running. He turned the corner sharply and ran into somebody.
He gasped when he thought it was another droid but it was Michael. A very surprised Michael.
"Mikey! There you are! C'mon, we gotta get to the control room!" Luke grabbed his hand and they ran, the droids still firing uselessly behind them. (The bad guys r horrible shots in every movie have u guys noticed?)
"Luke! How did you escape? Do you know where the control room is?" Mikey asked between breaths.
Luke skidded to a halt when they reached the very back of the ship.
" And long story, I'll tell you later. Which staircase should we take?"
"Hmm...dark creepy staircase leading to Hell...or the fun house looking one?" Michael gave him a look. "Dumbass." He started climbing the one curving up and Luke followed.
Calum ran around the control room, punching buttons and screaming. He had no idea what he was doing but this stuff always works in the movies.
Ashton facepalmed outside the window. He pounded on the glass to get Calum's attention.
When he had it, he pointed to a giant black lever. He motioned for Calum to pull it.
Calum strained against it and finally managed to push it. The ship jarred to a sudden halt and slowly the monotone voice came back on. "Course reset. Type in new coordinates."
Calum ran to the keyboard and typed what Ashton signed to him.
"New plot course for Titan. Confirm new course?"
Calum hit a green button.
"Plot confirmed."
The giant ship turned and headed to Titan.
"Now get Luke and Michael and get to the escape pods! They're up by Disturbia's headquarters, take the other staircase up." Ashton mouthed and Calum nodded and ran back up the stairs.
Luke plowed into Michael at the top of the stairs.
"Looks like we have a stowaway on our ship." Disturbia sneered.
Luke froze and peered around Michael.
"Way to go you stupid derp! You led us right to his headquarters!" Luke snapped, thumping Mikey on the head. "I was all for taking the 'staircase to Hell' but nooooooooo, you just had to take the fun house looking ones!"
"Guys!" Calum suddenly crashed into Luke and they fell into a pile at Disturbia's feet.
"What the- how did you all get onboard my ship?" Disturbia jumped up.
"Get to those escape pods now!" Calum shoved Luke and Michael up.
"But, there's only two!" Mikey gasped. "No Calum! I will not leave you behind!"
Calum rolled his eyes. "I'm coming with stupid, those pods hold up to two people."
"Oh." Mikey looked passive now. "Well nevermind."
"Hey!" Luke squinted out the window. "What's that thing flying at us?"
"That would be the missiles." Calum grabbed Luke and threw him into one of the pods. "They fired them and Ashton told me to put the ship in their paths to intercept them so they wouldn't hit Earth." He pushed Mikey into the other one. "Can we please go now?"
Mikey grabbed Calum and pulled him into the escape pod with him. "Yeah let's blow this Popsicle stand!" The door shut behind them. The pod then shot from the ship.
"What!?" Disturbia ran to the window and roared in anger, smashing the window. Glass flew everywhere and things were suddenly whipped out the broken window.
Luke quickly closed his own door and the pod fired away.
Luke stared in awe as three white missiles crashed into the airship, blowing them both up in a spectacular kablooie.
But where was Ashton? The pod suddenly caught fire as it reentered Earths atmosphere and Luke jumped back from the window.
Luke flew from his seat and crashed out the door when the small pod hit the ground. He tumbled a few yards down a hill. He got up shakily and examined himself. A few cuts and bruises, but nothing serious.
"Luke!" A voice called. Luke turned and saw Calum and Michael running towards him.
"Look where we landed! We're back at Deadman's Cliff!" Mikey laughed.
"Have you guys seen Ashton?" Luke asked worriedly.
"He wasn't on the ship right?" Mikey asked.
"He was near it, when he was giving me directions in the control room." Calum said with wide eyes. "He got away right? I mean...the ship blew up! Somebody please tell me he got away."
Luke looked at his friends, but no one said, "Yeah, I saw him get away. He's okay."
"Luke move!" A voice shouted and Luke gasped as something crashed into him, knocking them both to the ground.
"Ashton!?" Luke scrambled up and tackled him in a tight hug. "You jerk! I thought you blew up! I hate everything about you, why do I love you?"
Ashton hugged him back. "Love you too. You guys stopped Disturbia!"
"Yeah, you're welcome." Michael flipped his hair.
"Can we get something to eat now? I'm starving." Calum complained as Luke and Ashton walked back up to them.
"Alright fine, we can go to my house. But watch out for my little sister, she's just discovered her eyes can shoot lasers." Ashton said as they started walking.
Luke slipped his hand into Ashton's and they both smiled, faintly blushing.
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