Luke has a crush.
Ashton is a superhero.
Luke has a crush on a superhero.
(Ashton has different powers in here than what he does in Don't Stop :3, also; WARNING, major cheeyness XD)
Luke picked up the Sunday paper, reading the headline as he sat down at an outdoor cafe.
Smash Saves Children From Fire! Also, A Giant Ass Cat.
He sighed and smiled. "You're my hero Smash."
"You know he doesn't even know you exist." Chuckled a voice from behind him.
Luke turned and saw his friend Calum coming up.
"Shut up, we will meet one day. And I will become his apprentice and we will fly off into the sunset majestically."
Calum rolled his eyes. "You and what superpowers?"
"I have superpowers!" Luke glared. "I can predict the future. For example, I predict you will trip in the next five seconds." He reached out and grabbed the chair in front of him, the one Calum was about to sit on.
He yanked it back and Calum fell to the ground. People nearby laughed and Calum blushed angrily.
"Haha, you're so funny." He snatched his chair back and sat down.
"The funniest." Luke grinned.
Suddenly a blaring alarm pierced the quiet morning.
Luke gasped and looked across the street.
A man crashed through a window at the bank, carrying a suitcase.
"Stop him! Thief!" A sharply dressed man called, pointing.
The man with the suitcase took off running. He pulled out a gun and fired, stopping anyone from running after him.
People screamed and ran in every direction.
"Luke get down!" Calum shouted, tackling his friend. A bullet whizzed through the air, smashing the cafe's window behind him.
"Are you okay?" Calum asked, helping Luke stand.
"Yeah, yeah, fine. Thanks for saving me." Luke said shakily.
"Of course."
"Smash! There he is!" Someone shouted and voices cheered.
"What where?" Luke asked, looking around frantically.
"There!" Calum grabbed Luke's face and pointed it up to the sky.
Luke saw a familiar blue and red hero
coming to a halt in front of the thief.
"Aahhh it's him! Calum it's him!" Luke cried, jumping up and down.
Calum rolled his eyes. "Yes, I see."
"Put the gun and money down." Smash said, glaring at the thief.
"No way. I stole it fair and square. Get out of my way or I'll shoot." The thief said, clicking the gun.
"You can't shoot me." Smash said, laughing. "But I'll let you try." He smiled and the thief narrowed his eyes.
He fired the gun. Smash rolled his eyes. The bullet was caught between his fingers. "Nice try buddy. Try it again, let's do two out of three."
The crowd cheered and the thief looked nervous. He fired the gun again but it made a weird clicking noise.
"What? No! It's jammed!" He shook the gun angrily.
Smash dropped the bullet. "Alright, let's wrap this up then, I got lunch plans in a few minutes."
He flew faster than the speed of a larry shipper getting worked up over a new larry picture over to the thief who was still trying to get the gun to work.
He picked up the man with one hand and punched him with the other, knocking the thief out.
The crowd cheered as police cars swarmed the place.
"Here you go officers." Smash said, handing the unconscious thief over. "Get him out of here."
"Thank you so much Mr. Smash." The female officer gushed. "That was amazing."
"It was nothing." Smash grinned and grabbed the suitcase of money. He walked it over to the sharply dressed man, the owner of the bank. "I think you dropped something." He handed over the case.
"You can keep it Mr. Smash, thank you for saving my bank."
"I wouldn't really be saving it if I kept the stolen money, now would I?" The hero asked. "I couldn't accept this anyway."
He bowed and took off into the air.
Luke sighed dreamily. "Oh wow. That was amazing! Did you see his muscles? Oh God and that bandana was so sexy, right Cal?"
Calum rolled his eyes. "Why do all superhero's wear their underwear on the outside?"
"Hey guys, what'd I miss?" An out of breath voice called.
Both boys turned and faced their friend, Michael, running up.
"Oh nothing, just Smash saving the day again." Calum shrugged.
"Why do you always miss them?" Luke pouted. "It was amazing! He was all "not in my town you dick", and the killer was like "argh you got me you dick" and the cops were like "yay you saved us!" and Smash was all like "it happens" and flew off in a cloud of kick ass!" Luke said dramatically.
".....None of that happened." Calum said.
Luke shrugged. "Close enough."
The next day was the start of a new trimester at school.
"Hey, what lunch hour do you have?" Luke asked, looking down at his schedule. He was walking between Mikey and Calum down the halls.
"Second." Mikey said. "I hate new trimesters, I had first lunch last tri."
"Hey, I have second lunch too! This tri will be better than last years!" Calum said.
"I have second lunch too!" Luke beamed. "Other than having Mr. Strand first hour, this will be a great year"
"Oh, bad luck." Michael sympathized.
They split up to go to their lockers.
Almost all the seats were filled when Luke walked into class.
He quickly took a seat by a curly haired boy in front.
"Hey, I like your bandana." Luke said as he sat down. "It looks familiar."
The boy looked at him. "Huh?" He quickly reached up and felt his head for the bandana. His eyes widened. "Oh, uh thanks." He quickly took it off and stuffed it in his pocket.
Luke gave him a confused look. "Why'd you do th-"
"Good morning everyone!" Mr. Strand said. "Let's start the new trimester with a game!"
The class cheered and Luke soon forgot about the incident.
The boy beside him didn't speak much throughout the hour, but Luke learned his name was Ashton Irwin.
"I guess we're science partners." Luke grinned, after the game.
"Yup." Ashton said, doodling in his notebook.
Luke peered over. "You like Smash too? He's my hero!"
Ashton quickly slammed the notebook shut. "What? Uh, yeah. He's a good hero."
"Good?" Luke scoffed. "He's amazing! He's my idol! I want to be just like him someday! You should have seen him yesterday! He took down an evil villain with one punch! He caught a bullet too! Wow, I still can't believe I got to witness that." Luke put his head in his hand dreamily. "I'm gunna meet him someday."
Ashton smiled. "I'm sure he'd be glad to meet a fan like you."
Luke grinned at the desk. "I hope so. I wanna be a superhero too someday."
After that, Ashton was more talkative to Luke.
When the bell rang, Luke found out Ashton had second lunch like him.
"Hey, wanna sit with us? Me and my friends all have this hour too."
Ashton looked uncomfortable for a split second but then quickly smiled.
"Sure, thank you."
Luke found Calum and Michael already sitting at an empty table at lunch.
"Oh there they are, follow me." Luke told Ashton.
He led the way. Mikey spotted them first and waved.
"Hey guys, this is Ashton, my science partner." Luke introduced as they sat down.
"Science? You sure it's not Chemistry?" Mikey said with a grin. Luke rolled his eyes.
"Shut up. You're going to freak him out."
"He's already blushing a little." Calum teased, reaching across the table and poking Ashton's cheek.
"Am not!" Ashton slapped his hand away.
"Are." Luke laughed.
"Are not."
"He's blushing deeper!" Michael exclaimed. "Wow, you two have it bad."
"No! I have a girlfriend." Ashton protested.
Luke's smile fell. "Oh. Sorry. I didn't know."
"It's fine." Ashton shrugged it off.
It was a little quieter after that, but Ashton grew to like Luke and his friends.
After lunch, Luke found he had Music with Calum and Gym with Michael.
"This tri is way better than last tri." Luke said after school. "We have more classes together!"
"I know right, plus lunch!"Michael said.
"Ashton's kinda...weird." Calum said as they walked home. "Like, he doesn't talk much."
"Maybe he's got a deep dark secret." Michael grinned.
"Oh whatever." Luke rolled his eyes. "You guys are weird. He likes Smash too."
"Yeah, he must be really weird like you then." Mikey nodded.
Later that night, Luke sat in front of the television, watching the news intently.
"We're here with local superhero Smash, who has just saved what could have been a horrible disaster when a teen was texting and driving, and almost hit a car at a red light. Mr. Smash, what called you here when not even the driver knew what was going to happen?" The news reporter asked, placing a microphone against the superhero's lips.
"Well, it's just another power, knowing when disaster will strike. It was nothing really. I'm just glad I could help." He smiled, showing his dimples.
Luke almost fainted. "Oh those dimples, oh dear God."
Then he leaned in, staring at the TV hero closely.
"Hey wait a minute. That bandana looks familiar..." Luke squinted. "I swear I've seen that before."
"Yeah, in your sex dreams." Luke's brother Ben teased.
Luke glared. "Go away."
"Well that's all for now on SeaMoore 7 News, thanks for watching." The reporter smiled and logged off.
Luke sighed and leaned back into the chair. "One day Smash, I'll be with you."
"That sounded creepy." Ben said.
"I SAID GO AWAY!" Luke yelled.
Luke slammed his tray down at the lunch table the next day. They were eating outside since it was nice out.
Ashton jumped.
"Whoa, what's up with you?" Calum asked as Michael picked french fries off himself.
"I figured out how to meet Smash." Luke announced, taking his seat.
"Oh really? How?" Michael asked, eating a fry.
"He comes when someone's in danger right?" Luke asked, looking around the table.
"Yeah." Calum said. "Don't all superhero's?"
"Well, if I put myself in danger, he'll come to rescue me, right?" Luke said excitedly.
"Whoa wait!" Ashton said. "You're going to put yourself in danger just to meet that guy?"
Luke nodded. "I'd do anything to meet that guy. That sexy, wonderful, amazing, hot as hell dimpled guy." Luke smiled at nothing.
"B-but that's crazy! Don't do that!" Ashton spluttered.
"Hey, why are so red Ash?" Mikey asked with a smile.
Luke faced Ashton. "Yeah, why are you blushing?"
"I-I'm not blushing!" Ashton exclaimed, blushing harder.
"Yeah you are." Calum laughed. "You do that a lot."
"I do not!" Ashton protested.
"Hey! That guy stole my purse!" A girl cried, standing up and pointing.
A guy with a mask was running down the football field, carrying a pink purse.
"Uh, I'll be right back." Ashton muttered, standing up and running inside the building.
"Where's he going?" Calum asked as students sprang into action.
"I don't know but he's going to miss Smash!" Luke said excitedly.
"Speak of the devil." Mikey said, looking up. He shielded his eyes from the sun.
Luke followed his gaze to see the hero crashing into the purse thief.
Luke and the other students cheered.
Smash took the purse back as the school cop ran up and handcuffed the thief, leading him away.
The girl ran up, throwing her arms around him. "Thank you so much Mr. Smash!" She gave him a kiss and he blushed slightly.
"You're welcome." He said as he handed her the purse. "Have a good day." He took off into the air again, leaving everyone staring after him.
Luke sighed. "Oh wow, amazing isn't he?"
"Are you really gunna put yourself in danger for him?" Mikey asked. "I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that."
"Yeah, me neither." Calum said.
"Same." Ashton said, coming up.
"Hey where did you go?" Luke frowned. "You missed Smash!"
"Uh, bathroom." Ashton said.
"That was fast." Michael said.
"Yeah, real fast." Calum put in. Ashton shrugged. "There was no line."
"Guys it doesn't matter, I won't be in any real danger anyway. It'll just be fake danger." Luke said, turning the subject back to him and Smash.
"Okay, but what are you gunna do?" Calum asked.
"I was thinking about Dead Man's Cliff. Like, you and Mikey could dress up like super villains and threaten to push me off it and then Smash will swoop down and save me." Luke said.
"You could call yourself Cal-Fiend." Mikey snickered, punching Calum lightly.
"Oh yeah? You should call yourself Anti-Mike-Ro-Wave!" Calum shot back.
Michael frowned. "What's a microwave got to do with anything?"
"Guys!" Ashton interrupted. "This is stupid, don't do it!"
"Join us Ash!" Luke exclaimed. "You should call yourself Crash!"
"Crash doesn't sound evil though." Mikey disagreed.
"Doesn't matter, I'm not going!" Ashton shook his head. "And I wish you guys wouldn't do it either!"
"Too late!" Luke said happily. "The plan is set for tomorrow."
"Really? That's you're guy's costumes?" Luke asked the next day. "Calum, why are you so tight and bright?"
Calum posed. "Ladies love the tight and bright."
Michael laughed. "Is Ash here?"
Luke sighed. "No, I don't think he's coming."
"Well, let's hope Smash will come before we throw you off the cliff." Mikey said.
Luke frowned. "You know you're not actually going to throw me off the cliff, right? This is just an act."
"Aw what? But I brought my special throwing gloves!" Michael pouted.
Luke rolled his eyes. "Okay whatever, let's just do this."
He backed off to the edge of the cliff and his friends surrounded him. (yep, the two of em surrounded him. its a small cliff. like, really small. shut up okay)
"Now what?" Calum asked.
"We push him!" Michael said, sticking his arms out.
"We do not push people Mikey!" Luke yelled.
"Hey, you guys hear that?" Calum frowned. They listened closely.
"Yeah, kinda sounds like a helicopter." Luke said. "Why would there be a helicopter?"
"Smash?" Michael suggested. Luke shook his head. "Why would he bring a helicopter if he can fly?"
"Luke move!" Luke turned to the voice and was suddenly picked up, soaring over the ground.
Luke gasped. "Smash! You came!" Then he frowned. "How did you know my name?"
"Uh, lucky guess." Smash said. The noise grew louder and suddenly a huge flying aircraft emerged from under the cliff.
"What is that?!" Luke cried.
"My arch enemy. You and your friends need to get out of here." Smash said, setting Luke down.
Mikey and Cal ran up, eyes wide. "What is that thing?" Michael asked. "It's creepy!" Calum cried.
"That's Disturbia." Smash said grimly. "I don't know why he's here though."
"Wait. Disturbia, as in, your arch enemy Disturbia?" Calum asked in disbelief.
Smash nodded.
"Hey, I've seen that bandana before." Luke said suddenly. Then his eyes widened and he gasped. "Ash?!"
"Ash? Like, our friend Ash?" Mikey asked.
"Yes!" Luke was shocked. "You're Smash? All this time, you were him?"
"Can we talk about this later? Disturbia is kinda pointing nukes at the Earth." Ashton said.
"Oh, yeah, sure, right, of course." Calum and Mikey backed up and ran.
"Thanks for the help, dicks!" Luke shouted after them.
"What are you talking about? You need to get out of here too!" Ashton said, shoving Luke forward.
"What? And leave you here to battle Disturbia alone? No way! I'm staying!" Luke shook his head.
"That's really heroic and brave, but you need to go. He will just use you against me. Go!" Smash said, giving Luke another shove.
Luke shook his head as the ship landed behind them. A platform rolled out and a figure cloaked in black walked out.
Luke's eyes widened and he tried not to vomit at the sight of the creatures face.
The black figure had a vertical mouth, full of razor sharp teeth. His skin was rotted, he had bleeding red eyes and skeleton like hands.
"Oh can you stand to look at that thing?" Luke covered his mouth.
"Get away!" Smash shouted. He pushed Luke and he stumbled, falling on the grass. "You're no help here, you need to get away!"
"No! I'm staying to help!" Luke shouted. He got up and glared at the approaching figure.
"Smash. How nice to see you again. I have a deal for you." Disturbia said, his voice sounding like his mouth full of water.
"What is it Disturbia?" Ashton narrowed his eyes.
"You will come with me, and I won't destroy the Earth. On the moon right now I have missiles big enough to obliterate the Earth five thousand times over. I'll keep them on the moon unless you refuse my offer."
Ashton glared.
"No! He won't go with you because you don't have any missiles on the Moon!" Luke shouted, crossing his arms.
"Not on your moon." Disturbia said. "On Titan, Saturn's moon. Stupid. Tick tock Smash." Disturbia smiled sickly.
"I'm gunna need to see some proof of these missiles." Luke crossed his arms. Ashton shook his head. "Will you please leave?"
"No. Shut up." Luke said.
Disturbia beckoned forward a droid. The robot held a video camera.
"This is actual footage of the missiles. As you can see, I'm telling the truth. You have ten seconds to decide. Your life, or the world?"
Ashton looked at the camera unsteadily.
Luke looked at the hero. "Wait, you're not actually going to go with him are you?"
Ashton sighed. "I don't have a choice. What kind of hero would I be if I let him blow up the world?"
"No! I'll go in his place! Take me Disturbia!" Luke yelled, running up to the villain.
"Luke no!" Smash shouted, running after him. Immediately droids rushed out of the air ship, holding the superhero back with their mass in number, forcing him to his knees.
Disturbia took one step forward and grabbed Luke by the throat. "Why would I want you? You're just an average Earth boy."
"But you don't have an average Earth boy, do you?" Luke choked out, trying to pry the villains sickly hands off.
Disturbia thought. "That is true...and I could just toss you out the window into space if you disobey me."
"Yeah, do that! Let Smash stay." Luke was nearly passed out.
Disturbia dropped him to the floor. "Alright. But I'll be back."
Two droids rolled up and pointed their guns at Luke. "Hands up!" It ordered and Luke obeyed.
"Luke! No!" Ashton cried. "Don't do this!"
Luke looked over his shoulder but before he could say something the droids shoved him inside the airship.
Disturbia strode up to Smash. He reached down and took the superhero's chin, forcing him to look up at his rotting face. Ashton glared at him.
"I'm going to kill him you know. I'm going to blow up the Earth, make him watch, then slit his neck. I'm torn though, should I make you watch me kill him or make him watch me kill you?"
"You're disgusting." Smash spat. "You'll never get away with this."
Disturbia smiled. "That saying is old, and so is this one, but I've already gotten away with it." He pulled a radio looking device and spoke into it. "Fire the missiles."
"Copy that." A voice crackled and then a huge bang fired. "Missiles fired sir."
"Minutes until impact?" Disturbia asked calmly while Smash struggled against the droids.
"59 and counting down sir."
"Perfect." Disturbia laughed.
He smiled down at Ashton. He cupped the hero's cheek. "I think I might actually miss you a little. It was always fun hurting you." He slapped him and Ashton bit his lip against the pain.
"Throw him over the cliff and let's go!" Disturbia said, walking back to the ship.
The droids picked him up and obeyed.
Ashton quickly grabbed onto the sheer face of the cliff, taking down dirt and rock with him, but slowly his fast free fall slowed and he managed to fly back to the top. But the airship was gone.
Smash collapsed and buried his face in his hands. "Oh Luke, what have you done? I'm so sorry."
"Put the prisoner in the dungeon!" Disturbia ordered as he walked onto the airship.
Luke was numb. He had just seen his hero get thrown off a cliff. He knew that wouldn't kill Ashton, but it was still a horrible thing to have seen.
The droids tore him away from the window and marched him down a flight of stairs. The light got dimmer the farther down they went, until it was lit by only a few torches.
They shoved him into a cell and locked the door.
"Hope you can survive in space, 'cause your world will be blown up in less than an hour." They laughed as they went back up the stairs.
There was no window. Just blackness. Luke sighed and sat in the corner. "Oh Ashton, what have I done? I'm so sorry."
Ashton stood up shakily. He had to stop the missiles first. He only had about forty minutes left.
"Ashton?" Ashton turned and saw Calum and Michael emerging from behind the trees. "What happened? Where's Luke?"
"He's gone. Disturbia took him. He's got missiles. I need to stop them, we need to get Luke back." Ashton stumbled out.
"Hey wait what? You wanna sit down? You don't look so good." Calum said with a frown.
"Yeah, and what do you mean Luke's gone?" Michael asked.
Ashton sat down and his friends sat beside him. "He was taken, Disturbia threatened to destroy the Earth if I didn't go with him but Luke took my place and Disturbia took him and he fired the missisles anyways and we have about forty minutes until they hit Earth."
"What?! How do we stop these missisles then?" Michael asked in alarm.
"I have to go to Titan, but I can't save Luke if I'm there. I can get you two to Disturbia's ship, but you'll have to rescue Luke from there." Ashton said, getting up. "Are you guys in?"
Calum and Michael looked at each other then nodded. "We're in."
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