Super Models Mean Super Crushes
Luke Hemming's is a photographer, who gets assigned to do a photoshoot with none other than famous model Ashton Irwin.
Luke loves Ashton, but little does he know, Ashton loves him too.
Luke threw his scarf around his neck and fixed his hair before going to the mirror to check his outfit.
He was jittery and nervous today, because he got to take photos of Ashton Fletcher Irwin.
"Ugh his naaaaame." Luke whined. "Its so damn cute!"
He pouted and fixed his hair one last time before going to car.
"Okay, focus Luke! And calm down...." He muttered to himself as he drove to his work.
He pulled into a parking space and took a moment to scream silently and freak out in his car to get the nerves out.
A minute later, he calmly climbed out of his car and walked into the building.
He was a huge fan of Ashton, and was ecstatic at being able to take pictures of the model.
It was no secret that Luke was highly gay. He wondered if Ashton knew.
He wondered if Ashton was gay.
He wondered if they could possibly make out.
He wondered so hard he crashed into the elevator door.
They made a ding sound as opened, and Luke fell into the elevator. He picked himself up quickly and hoped no one saw that.
He heard a chuckle as was shocked to see someone else was in the lift with him.
"Are you okay? That sounded like it hurt." Ashton said, reaching a hand down to help him up, a smile on his face.
"Uh, I, uh..." Luke stuttered, shakily accepting the models hand. "Thanks."
"No problem. Hey, you're Luke Hemmings?" Ashton asked when he noticed Luke's nametag. "So you're my photographer?"
"Yeah, uh, I am." Luke smiled through his red cheeks. "Is that okay?"
Ashton laughed as the elevator slowed and stopped. "It's perfect, considering I requested you."
"You? You requested me?" Luke was shocked as he followed Ashton out of the elevator.
"Yep." Ashton was so chill but Luke was freaking out.
"Why? I mean, not that I dont want to, because I really do want to, but, why?"
Ashton suddenly stopped. He faced Luke and smiled. "Because you were too cute to pass up." He teased and opened the door to the photo shoot area.
"Plus most of the other photographers are pervs." Ashton turned on the lights. "Is this room okay?"
Luke wondered if Ashton was just teasing, or if he really did think Luke was cute.
Luke snapped out of it. "Yeah, this is okay. Just give me a minute to set up."
"Okay, I'll change into the first outfit." Ashton said, pulling an outfit off the rack and disappearing into the back room to change.
Luke set up the cameras and adjusted the lights. "Don't mess this up Luke, if you mess this up I will kill you."
He took some deep breaths and calmed down some. A few others came into the room to help with the clothes and cameras.
The scene was set up and Ashton came out of the changing room a moment later, wearing the first outfit.
Luke was speechless as he watched the model walk to the stage. The extras dusted his face with makeup, before signaling to Luke that is was time to take the photos.
Ashton glanced up at the camera and smiled slightly, running his hand through his wavy brown hair.
Luke hid his blushing face behind the camera and started snapping pictures. "Good, can you lean back a little bit? Perfect, okay hold that more pic..alright good! Now put your hand here, a little higher, okay now hold still!"
Luke got intense on his job, and he soon forgot he was in love with Ashton. "Alright, I think that's enough. Wanna try on the second outfit?" Luke asked a few minutes later.
"Sure." Ashton jumped off the stage and went to the rack, grabbing the next attire.
Luke changed the lens on his cameras as he waited. He knew the next outfit was swimsuit, and he really didn't know if he could handle it or not.
"You better." He mumbled to himself as his heart raced. "You freaking better."
Turns out he couldn't.
Ashton came out and Luke had to excuse himself outside to cry at the perfection. He has seen Ashton shirtless before in magazines and such, but he was more beautiful in person.
Ashton was beautiful.
He was handsome too, of course. And charming and funny, but more beautiful than anything else.
Luke caught his breath and walked back inside.
Ashton hopped off the stage and went to Luke. "Hey, are you okay? Are you sick?" He held Luke's hand and felt Luke's forehead.
"F-f-fine." Luke stuttered, blushing furiously.
"Do you want to take a break? There's a couch in the back room you can lay down on." Ashton said, concern filling his eyes.
"Im, um, I'm okay." Luke nodded. "But thank you. Really."
Ashton smiled and brought his hands to Luke's elbows, pulling the boy closer to him. "You know, I meant what I said about you being too cute to pass up."
"Oh?" Luke squeaked.
"Mhm." Ashton traced his fingertip across Luke's forehead, brushing back a stray strand of hair. He looked into Luke's eyes and cocked his head.
"Can I kiss you?" Ashton asked in a whisper.
"If you want to." Luke breathed.
Ashton closed his eyes and cupped Luke's face, leaning in.
He paused right before their lips touched, then slowly pressed them together.
Luke gripped the wall behind him for support.
Ashton slowly dragged his tongue across Luke's bottom lip, toying with the lip ring.
Luke moaned at the feeling.
Ashton pulled back and rested their foreheads together. He was smiling and his cheeks were pink.
"Wow." He giggled and Luke looked up at him.
"That was better than I imagined." Luke mumbled, smiling uncontrollably.
"You imagined kissing me?" Ashton sounded shocked.
"Um, duh." Luke rolled his eyes. "I've wanted to kiss you for years now."
"Really? Because I've wanted to kiss you too." Ashton said. "That's why I requested you."
" you like me?" Luke gasped.
Ashton smiled and nodded.
"Oh...I like you too." Luke admitted. "Like a lot."
Ashton laughed. "Good then, we're both happy." They stared into each other's eyes.
"So, should we get on with the photo shoot?" Luke asked a few moments later.
"Oh, right." Ashton stepped back. "Yeah, we should finish this."
He stumbled back and tripped over a cord. "Sorry." He sheepishly apologized.
Luke smiled and covered his blushing cheeks with his hands. "S'okay, I do that too."
Ashton got back onto the stage as Luke changed the lighting for the final set.
When the shoot was over, Ashton got back into his regular clothes and Luke packed up.
They met up at the door. Ashton handed Luke a card.
"What's this?" Luke asked as he looked at it.
"My number." Ashton giggled. "Call me later, okay?"
"Sure, yes." Luke blushed and smiled. "Thanks."
Ashton quickly pressed another kiss to Luke's cheek before running down the hall.
Luke watched him go with a faint grin, feeling his cheek with his hand. It was warm from happiness.
Question of the day: If 'cock' means 'bent', does that mean Calum's got a cocked cock?
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