Stutter Boy Part 2
If ur wondering y there's a part two when u never read a part one, the first part is in the baby one shot book. I had to put the second part in here cuz the boys were older now, not
Enjoy the gay!
(Please dont read this if u havent read part one)
"N-no, am Ash." Ashton giggled, teasing Luke in the way they used to.
"W...what are you doing here?" Luke was stunned.
"L-living." Ashton smiled. "I was a-adopted and we m-moved here just a f-few days ago."
"W-when w-what?" Ashton asked.
"When were you adopted?" Luke took in the boys features. He had grown up obviously, but the cute baby aura was still there. Bright eyes, messy hair, dimples, soft skin...
"W-when I w-was fourteen." Ashton stepped back. "D-do you want t-to come in?"
"Sure." Luke walked into the house. "It's nice! Where's your room?"
Ashton beamed. "I-I'll s-show you!" He grabbed Luke's hand and pulled him up the stairs to his room. "H-here. I don't h-have much furniture y-yet. That's c-coming tomorrow."
Luke took a seat on the bed, which was the only item in the room, besides a dresser that was on the opposite wall. "I like it. You can come over to my place all the time and we can hang out again." He smiled.
Ashton sat beside him. "I c-can't believe this. I n-never thought I w-would see you again."
Luke scrunched his face as he tried to remember that day. "All I really remember was that I dropped my pacifier."
"Oh!" Ashton jumped up. He went to the dresser and pulled something out before walking back to the bed.
He handed the item to Luke. "I p-picked it up. I-I know you d-don't need it n-now, but..." He shrugged.
Luke looked down at the pacifier and smiled. "That's sweet that you kept it."
Ashton smiled and blushed.
"Luke?! Lucas my son?? Where are you? I miss you!" Luke groaned when he heard his mom calling for him. "I better go."
"R-right." Ashton led him out.
Luke stopped at the front door. "Why don't you come over tomorrow? We can play Fifa." He smiled and Ashton smiled back.
"O-okay!" He leaned in and Luke's eyes widened.
"What are you doing?"
Ashton stopped in confusion. "Kissing you?"
"Oh...Ashton...I'm so sorry." Luke bit his lip. "I'm...I'm not gay."
Ashton froze.
"I, I mean, I know we liked each other in the orphanage, but that was it. I never meant to lead you on...I was just a baby!" Luke hastily tried to recover. "I'm sorry, Ashton. Really."
Ashton forced a smile. "'s o-okay. You were j-just a baby...y-you couldn't h-have k-known at that age. It's c-cool. B-bye." He shut the door in Luke's face and Luke took a few steps back in shock.
He stared at the door, his cheeks cherry red, before running back to his house.
"There's my baby son!" Liz cried, throwing her arms around Luke when Luke came back home.
"I'm not a baby anymore!" Luke sighed.
"Your face begs to differ. How was the new boy?"
"Fine...hey mom?"
"Yes hun?" She went back to the kitchen as she talked and Luke followed her.
"The new boy is Ashton."
When she didn't react, he added, "The other boy from the orphanage."
She looked surprised. "Really? I remember him...we were going to adopt him too but we didn't have enough money at the time. He could have been your older brother!"
"Yeah...well he's our new neighbor." Luke said.
"Thats great, he was really distraught at losing you, now you can be friends again!" Liz smiled.
Luke returned the smile before going to his room.
He was so distraught at losing me because he loved me! At age four even! Luke sighed.
"Well, he knows now that I'm not gay, so he can hopefully move on. I mean, it's only been fifteen years....and he hasn't."
It was at that precise moment Luke knew he was fucked.
The following day, the doorbell rang and Luke hurried to answer it.
A man and a woman stood there, and Ashton stood behind them, clearly hiding.
"Hello gay looking boy. Excuse us." The woman said, brushing past Luke. "Thank you, and remember to always make your bed and date my son."
"Hi there!" Liz called. "I was wondering when you would come over!" She led them inside and then it was just Ashton and Luke.
"Um...who was that?" Luke asked.
"M-my adoptive parents." Ashton blushed at the floor. "T-they are c-crazy. I'm s-sorry."
", its cool." Luke smiled. "Come in!"
Ashton gave him a quick smile before hurrying in.
Luke shut the door as the newcomers talked and laughed with Luke's parents.
Ashton sat on the couch and just watched them.
Luke wanted to sit by him, but it was clear the boy was uncomfortable, so Luke just stood nearby awkwardly.
"So this is the Luke Ashton fell in love with?" Ashton's mom said, pinching Lukes cheeks. "He looks gay. I can see why Ashton fell for him. I mean, just look at those legs!" She played with Luke's face as she talked. "Mr. Penguin Legs."
Luke looked over at Ashton, who was blushing furiously, his face buried in his knees.
"Good choice Ashton." She nodded. "I would fuck him."
Luke, Ashton and Mr. Irwin gasped. "How could you say that? I'm your husband!" He yelled.
She shrugged. "He's hot and you're not."
They started fighting and Ashton grabbed Luke's hand and they ran outside to the backyard.
"I am s-so sorry." Ashton apologized when they sat down. "That w-was highly i-inappropriate."
"It's okay, my legs are pretty long." Luke reassured.
Both of their faces were bright red and they wouldn't look at each other.
Finally Luke spoke. "So you talked about me?"
Ashton layed face down in the grass to hide his embarrassment. "I w-was four."
His shirt had rode up a little bit and Luke found himself staring at the exposed line of tan skin.
He imagined Ashton taking off his shirt in front of him and thought maybe he could be a little gay.
"L-Luke?" Ashton looked up and Luke snapped out of it.
"I s-said, are y-you mad?" Ashton asked softly.
"No!" Luke laid beside him. "You were four and your best friend was taken away. It's totally understandable."
"Y-yeah...thanks." Ashton said.
Luke faced him. "For what?"
"F-for being m-my friend. Y-you h-helped me with N-Nash and s-stuff." Ashton stuttered quickly.
"I don't remember doing anything!" Luke laughed.
Ashton smiled. "Y-you threw a B-Barbie at him and k-kicked Legos under h-his feet."
"I was a kick ass baby." Luke was impressed with his past self.
"Shut up Luke, no one was more kick ass than me, I was a punk rock baby."
Ashton and Luke turned to see Luke's friends, Calum and Michael walking over.
"You were not Michael." Calum rolled his eyes. "Hey who's the new boy?"
"Guys, this is Ashton." Luke introduced. "Ashton, the red haired weirdo is Michael and the clearly Asian one is Calum."
"H-hi." Ashton smiled.
"Oh, you have a stutter." Michael said bluntly.
"Wow thank you Michael, hes only nineteen, he never would have figured that out. Thanks for telling him." Luke glared.
"I-it's okay." Ashton said softly. "Not e-everyone l-likes the s-stutter."
Nash. Luke shook his head to clear it. "Your stutter isn't the problem Ash. I think it's cute."
Everyone fell silent and Luke realized what he just said.
"Y-you think its...c-cute?" Ashton asked after a while.
"Yeah...I mean, it's cute that you do it. Like...I like it." Luke confessed. They were blushing again.
"Did we interrupt something?" Calum questioned.
"Oh, no. You're good. Um...should we go inside and play Fifa?" Luke suggested quickly.
"Thought you would never ask." Michael said, running to the house.
"I wanna be the red controller this time!" Calum whined, chasing after him.
Luke stood up and brushed the grass off his clothes. He thought about reaching a hand down to help up Ashton, but the boy was already standing.
"I d-don't like F-Fifa." Ashton admitted as they walked back to the house.
"That's okay." Luke assured. "You can just watch if you don't want to play."
Luke looked over at the boy and trailed his eyes down Ashtons tan arm, all the way to the long fingers that Luke for some reason, really wanted to hold.
"Oww!" Luke shouted. He stumbled back, clutching his forehead tightly.
He looked up to see he had walked straight into the side of the house.
Ashton stood in the door way, looking at Luke in confusion. "L-Luke? Why w-were you not p-paying a-attention?"
Luke blushed. "I forgot I had to."
He quickly brushed past Ashton and sat down on the couch. Michael and Calum had already started the game, and were waiting for the other boys to join.
"I totally saw you checking out Ashton and then bam! Into the wall." Michael laughed.
"I was going to say something, but I thought you would look up in time." Calum said sheepishly.
"Thanks guys." Luke glared.
"Y-you were ch-checking me out?" Ashton whispered, blush coloring his cheeks.
"No!" Luke denied immedietly. "I was just...thinking."
"AboutAshtonnaked." Michael coughed and Calum giggled.
"No!" Luke shouted again.
"It's okay Luke," Michael soothed, "He's cute, I don't blame you."
"Stop it." Luke whined, his face turning red with embarassment.
Calum got up and put his arm around Ashton's shoulders. "Yeah I mean, look at his dimples!" He poked Ashton's cheek. "I'm in love."
"Guys come on." Luke groaned. "I'm not gay!"
Michael gasped. "How dare you break his heart like that!"
"It's o-okay though, I k-know Luke's is n-not gay." Ashton said softly.
"Oh but let me tell you something." Michael scrambled up but Luke tackled him.
"Don't you dare!"
"Wait Ash, do you like Luke?" Calum gasped and Ashton blushed harder. "H-he's not g-gay."
"But let me tell you something!" Michael shouted again as Luke sat on top of him. "Luke-"
"Michael no!" Luke wailed, slapping his hands over Michael's face. "Don't tell!"
"Tellmetellmetellmetellme!" Calum's eyes were wide and he grinned. "What happened?"
"Nothing!" Luke yelled.
"Luke has-" Michael was cut off when Luke dragged him outside and shut the door.
"You have what?" Calum asked as Ashton slowly started inching away.
"Nothing!" Luke stressed as Michael easily opened the door and pushed Luke out of the way.
"He has a d-" Michael was laughing too hard to finish.
"A what? A dick?" Calum asked.
That made Ashton burst out laughing. "I s-sure hope s-so."
"No not that." Michael giggled. "Well I mean he does, but thats not it."
"Tell me!" Calum whined.
"Michael don't you dare!" Luke shouted.
"What if I do dare?" Michael grinned.
"Then I'll tell everyone the real reason why you dye your hair." Luke threatened.
Michael gasped. "You wouldn't. You promised!"
"New promise; if you tell them, I'll tell them your secret." Luke said and Michael glared. "Fine you stupid piece of play doh."
Calum looked between them with confusion on his face. "Wait, you both have secrets your not telling me?"
"Well mine's a secret, Luke's is a kink." Michael giggled and Luke gasped.
"Well Michael's is a-" The door opened and the parents all came down.
"Ashy, it's time to come home now." His mom said.
"O-okay." He smiled at Luke. "B-bye."
"Bye." Luke watched him go and sighed, unaware of Michael telling Calum his secret behind him.
Luke walked Ashton to their new school the next day.
It was the first day, so Luke showed Ashton around to all his classes.
"I'll meet you at your locker after school, okay?" Luke smiled as he dropped Ashton off at Ashton's class.
"O-okay." Ashton giggled. "Th-thank you L-Lukey."
"Of course. See ya Ashy." Luke waved before hurrying to his class.
When the bell rang, Luke ran to Ashton's locker but screeched to a halt when he saw a boy leaning into Ashton's ear.
Ashton gasped and bit his lip, blush coloring his cheeks. He was holding back a smile.
Luke moved to get a better angle and gasped when he saw who the boy was.
Calum pulled back and smiled. "Oh hey Luke."
"Hey..." Luke looked between them. Calum was smiling at him like everything was just peachy, and Ashton was staring at the ground, his cheeks red.
"I gotta meet Mikey, see you later!" And Calum was gone.
Luke frowned. "What was Calum doing?"
"N-nothing." Ashton opened his locker quickly and took out his books.
"Nothing?" Luke leaned in. "Or something?"
"Nothing." Ashton said firmly, but his red cheeks and the way he wouldn't meet Luke's gaze said otherwise.
Luke sighed. "Whatever you say. Ready to walk home?"
Ashton nodded and they started walking.
What the fuck did Calum want? Luke thought.
"L-Luke?" Ashton asked quietly.
Luke looked over at him. "Yeah Ash?"
"A-Are you m-mad?"
Luke smiled and grabbed Ashton's hand. "As if it's possible to get mad at you."
Ashton looked at their hands and his eyes went wide. "U-uh, y-you, me- o-our, y-your..." He tripped over his words and shook his hand wildly, as if that would explain it.
Luke frowned. "Do you want me to let go?"
"Y-y-y-your-" And that's all Ashton could say.
Reluctantly, Luke let go. "Sorry."
Ashton just sighed and hung his head, frustrated with himself for not being able to say what he wanted to say.
They arrived at their street a few minutes later and they split up to go to their respective houses.
Luke ran to his room and went straight to his phone to text Michael.
Hey, y was calum @ ashtons locker?
He was at his locker?
Lol idk. Y do u care?
Ugh cuz! He was like...leaning in close and ashton was all blushy afterwards and I think they may have kissed...
Well calum IS bi...
I know....
Lol u gotta step up ur game
Excuse me?!
Calums gunna steal ashton from u right under ur nose
Wth! No he wont!
How do u know that?
Exactly. Good luck ;)
Luke sighed and looked out his window to Ashton's house.
"I'm straight..."
The next day, Luke ran to Ashton's house and knocked on the door.
"Oh hellooooooo."
Oh no.
Luke looked up to see Ashton's mom had answered the door.
"Mr. Penguin Legs." She grinned and crossed her arms. "What brings you to my bedroom?"
"Um...I'm at the foyer?" Luke said, confused.
"Oh, I must be predicting the future then." She winked and Luke blushed.
"Um...I'm just here to see Ashton. Is he here?"
"Maybe he is...but why do you want to see him when I'm here?" She bit her lip and leaned against the doorway.
As inappropriate as it was...Luke's pants tightened anyways. "I'm really just here for Ashton." He stumbled out, trying to hide his situation.
Maybe he should just go home....
Ashton appeared behind his mom. "W-what's up?"
Mrs. Irwin pouted. "Fine. Just take your sexy boyfriend away and get out of my sight." She gave Luke one last wink before walking away.
Ashton took her place and looked at Luke. "H-hi."
"Um...hey." Luke was cursing himself. Here he was, standing in front of his neighbor, with an obvious boner caused by his neighbors mom. He didn't even have a reason to come over, he just wanted to see Ashton.
"D-do you w-want to come i-in?" Ashton stepped back and Luke hurried in, hiding his boner with his hand. "S-sure, thanks."
Ashton giggled. "W-why are y-you stuttering?"
Luke's face flushed. "Where's your bathroom?"
Ashton trailed his eyes down Luke's body and his eyes were blown wide when he saw Luke's problem.
"U-uh Luke...y-you're-"
"I know," Luke groaned. "My dick is hard. Can you please just show me to your bathroom?"
Ashton bit his lip, his eyes still trained on Luke.
"C-come with m-me." He grabbed Luke's hand and pulled him upstairs.
Luke sighed in relief when he thought Ashton was showing him to the bathroom, but then frowned when Ashton tugged him into his bedroom and shut the door.
"This isnt the bathroom." Luke said, bouncing slightly.
"Sh-shut up." Ashton said softly, walking over to Luke. "I-Im going to h-help you."
"Ashton...?" Luke sucked in a breath and leaned against Ashton's bed post for support when Ashton suddenly dropped to his knees.
"D-do you n-not w-want me t-too?" Ashton cocked his head, his long fingers hooked under Luke's jeans. "I-I just th-thought this w-would be b-better than a h-handjob." He blushed and looked at the floor.
Luke bit his lip and stuck his hips towards Ashton, making the older boys fingers press into his skin. "But-but I'm not gay and I would feel like I'm taking advantage of you."
"Th-that's okay," Ashton smiled. "I'm the one g-giving the b-blowjob."
Ashton rolled his eyes and yanked Luke's jeans and boxers to the floor in one swift movement.
Luke gasped as the cooler air hit him.
"C-can I?" Ashton asked, leaning in close to Luke's dick. He traced his lips with the tip of his tongue.
"Hell yeah you can." Luke moaned loudly when Ashton eagerly took as much as he could into his mouth.
Ashton pulled off and smirked. "C-call me da."
Luke groaned out and grabbed Ashton's hair, pulling the boys mouth back to his dick. "I was a baby! That was the only thing I could say!"
Ashton giggled around the skin in his mouth and the vibrations of it made Luke's knees buck and he shoved himself more into Ashton's mouth.
Ashton grabbed Luke's hips and took as much as he could without gagging.
Luke moaned as Ashton's nails dug into his hips, leaving small dents in his pale skin.
"A-Ash, I'm gunna come!"
Ashton whined and Luke gasped out as Ashton started sucking on Luke's dick as if it were candy. "J-just a little l-longer?" He pulled off and pouted up at Luke with wide, innocent eyes.
"You're too good at this." Luke panted heavily, leaning against the bed post. "I'm gunna come!"
Ashton had just enough time to reattach his mouth to Luke's dick before Luke was coming hard and fast into his mouth.
Ashton pulled off when he was sure Luke was done, and swallowed. He used the back of his hand to wipe off his lips, where a small trickle off come had slipped out.
Luke was cursing and moaning, his head thrown back. "Oh my God Ash...that was amazing."
"Y-you're welcome." Ashton smiled and stood up.
Luke pulled his pants back on. "Are you sure you're okay with that? I feel bad..."
Ashton smiled. "Th-the pleasure w-was all m-mine."
"Dammit Ash."
Knock knock.
"Boys? What's going on in there?" Mrs. Irwin called.
"N-nothing mom!" Ashton said, his eyes wide.
"Yeah...nothing!" Luke shouted.
"Alright..." They heard her footsteps as she walked away.
Luke sighed in relief. "Thanks Ashton...really."
Ashton gave a pained smile. "Y-you're welcome L-Lukey."
"I should get back home...I don't even know why I came over. See you at school tomorrow?" Luke asked as he started walking out.
Ashton followed him. "Y-yeah."
"Okay. Goodnight." Luke smiled and left.
"N-night..." Ashton shut the door and leaned against it, falling down. He sniffed and drew his knees to his chest, wrapping his arms around them and crying into his hands.
Luke dropped Ashton off at Ashton's locker the next day.
Calum was waiting there. "Hey Ashton!" He beamed brightly and Ashton returned the smile.
"H-hi C-Calum."
Luke frowned. "Yeah...hi Calum."
"Hey Luke." Calum faced Ashton. "You ready for that Chem test? I was up all night studying."
"I th-think s-so." Ashton nodded and put his bag into his locker.
Luke frowned. He was forgotten in three seconds. "What Chem test?"
Calum looked over at him. " don't have Ms. Griffin."
"No...I don't." Luke took a step back as Calum threw his arm over Ashton's shoulders.
"Well we have the same class so I'll just bring Ashton there." He flashed Luke a smile. "Bye Luke."
Ashton looked at the ground as they passed a stunned Luke. "B-bye."
Luke watched them go, an unexplainable pain in his heart.
Hey ash, how was the test?
Hi luke. Good
Did u pass?
Dont know yet
Hey y werent u at ur locker after school today?
Sorry, I didnt know u were waiting for me. Calum took me out to ice cream
Fun (: hey do u wanna come over today?
I cant
Aw y not?
Calums coming over
What did he do?
He asked me out
He asked u out?
Yeah. While we were at the ice cream place. Y?
Y did he ask u out?!?!
Cuz...he likes me?
Did u say yes?
R u okay?
..okay. r u sure?
(: yup. Calums a nice guy. Im happy for u. We can just forget last night haha. Good night! ♡
Ring ring!
Michael sleepily rolled over and groped around for his phone.
Ring ri-
"Hey Mikey!" Calums voice was cheery.
"The hell you want?" Michael yawned.
"It worked. Luke's crushed."
Michael sat up. "The plan worked? Luke thinks you and Ashton are dating?"
"Yup. Ashton showed me his texts to Luke. He's totally believes it." Calum laughed. "He's so jealous."
"When do you think he will try to win Ashton over?" Michael leaned back against his headboard.
"Soon I bet. Once he gets over his jealousy. Oh and I told Ashton Luke's kink by the way. Ashton couldn't believe it. Did you know Luke used to call Ashton da at the orphanage?"
Michael burst out laughing. "It started that early?! Oh God..."
"I know right!" Calum giggled. "I gotta go, talk to you tomorrow!"
"Bye Cal." Michael hung up and went back to bed. "I sure hope this works."
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