Stuck In A Lift
Title says it all.
"No food, no water; our pets's heads are falling off!" Ashton cried, hitting his head against the wall of the elevator we were stuck in.
I rolled my eyes. "Calm down, the others know where we are and will come get us." I fiddled with my lip ring. "You know...eventually."
One hour earlier....
"Ashton are you ready?" I yelled, holding my bag. We were heading down to a photoshoot and because of Ashton sleeping in, we were late.
"C'mon dude, Michael and Calum are already there!"
He came down the stairs then, fixing his bandana. "Chill, I have arrived." He struck a pose.
"Just come on." I rolled my eyes fondly. He grabbed his bag and followed me out the door.
"Text them and say we're on our way." I said as we headed to the elevators.
"Don't have my phone." He said, pressing the down button.
"What, why not?" I asked. He shrugged. "Forgot to plug it in last night so I left it at home to charge."
"Well I don't have mine either! It broke last week and I haven't gotten it fixed yet."
"It's fine. We'll be fine."
The elevator doors opened then.
We walked in and I pressed the lobby button.
"I'm never rooming with you again." I teased as the elevator descended.
"You seemed pretty happy to be with me last night." Ashton said, giving me a look.
My smile vanished.
Last night, we had found a supply of liquor in the mini fridge and proceeded to drink it all.
The next morning when we woke up, I was in Ashton's bed and we were both naked.
We decided not to talk about it since none of us remembered clearly what had happened exactly.
Suddenly the elevator jarred to a halt, making Ashton stumble onto me. I gripped his arm so he didn't fall.
"What was that?" He asked, looking around in bewilderment.
"I don't know, but the lift stopped moving." I said.
"Should we...?" He pointed to the help button on the panel.
I shook my head. "In a bit, when we know more."
But after a few minutes, we were still clueless. "Okay, press it." I said and he did. We heard a faint alarm, but no one came to our immediate rescue.
I patted my pocket for my phone but groaned when they were empty. "Shit, we don't have our phone's either."
Ashton tried pulling the doors apart. "Ugh, I can't get it."
"It's okay, the staff must know the elevators out." I said, getting slightly nervous. "How much air do you think we have?"
He gave me a look. "Why would you say that?"
I shrugged. "I don't want to be the only one thinking about it."
He pressed the help button again. "Dammit, we're gunna be so late."
I sat down in the corner. "Die, die, we're all gunna die!" I sang in a fake girly voice.
"Shut up, you're not helping!" Ashton tried pulling the doors apart again. I watched his muscles flex beneath his shirt.
A sudden memory.
He was dancing in front of the mirror, a half empty bottle of alcohol in his hand. He was shirtless and I was watching him intently, loving the way he was dancing. I took a large drink from my bottle and made my way over to him, trailing my fingers over his muscles.
"Earth to Luke?" I snapped my head up and saw Ashton crouching down, waving his hand in my face.
"What?" I asked, standing up.
"You were staring at me like you were hypnotized." He laughed. "It kinda freaked me out."
I forced a laugh. "Ha, sorry. Just staring into space."
He took my spot then. I paced in front of him. It grew quiet.
"I didn't even like it." He said suddenly, staring at a spot behind me. I stopped and looked at him. "What?"
"That vodka from last night. I didn't even like it, but you were drinking yours like there was no tomorrow and I didn't want to get shown up by someone younger." He looked a little embarrassed.
I laughed. "Are you serious? I hated mine. I kept drinking it so it would be gone." I blushed a little. "A-and I wanted to be a 'big kid' like you and drink."
He grinned and faced the wall, pink creeping up on his cheeks.
I sat beside him, wondering if I should bring up last night.
I decided it was still to awkward. "Should we like, call for help or something?" I asked after a while.
He faced the doors. "Do you think someone will hear us?" He asked. "I mean, we are on the top floor."
I shrugged. "Worth a try right?"
"HELP!" He suddenly screamed out the loudest I had ever heard him scream. I jumped a foot and covered my ears. "Dude! That was right in my ear!"
He laughed. "Sorry. But I don't think anyone heard me."
"That's surprising." I mumbled, holding my probably shattered ear.
"Are there cameras in here?" He asked, looking around the ceiling.
I looked too. "No, can't see any."
He hit his head against the wall. "No food, no water, our pets's heads are falling off!"
I rolled my eyes. "Calm down, the others know where we are and will come get us." I fiddled with my lip ring. "You know...eventually."
I sat beside him.
Ashton's P.O.V.
I glanced at him sideways quickly as he sat beside me.
Should I bring up last night? I wondered. No...things will get more awkward.
I sighed. "Well this sucks. I'm starving."
He suddenly brightened. "Oh, I packed some stuff for the car ride in my bag." He crawled over to his bag and pulled out a granola bar. He tossed it to me and I caught it.
"Don't you want this?" I asked in surprise.
Suddenly, I had a flashback, only it was Luke saying that to me.
My head hit the pillow as Luke crawled over me. He drunkenly pulled my shirt off. His fingers were hovering down my pants, and my cloudy mind sobered up a bit. "W-wait." I slurred, stopping his hands. He blinked up at me. "Why, don't you want this?"
I blushed profoundly. Wow, if something did happen last night, I was apparently a bottom. (Actually i havent given 'who tops in lashton sex?' Much thought, cuz its like larry, ashton is older but acts like a child, luke is younger but lip ring dammit.)
"You can have it, I'm not hungry right now." He waved his hand dismissively.
I frowned and broke it in two. I tossed the other half to him. "You will be later."
"Thanks." He smiled and took it. I searched my bag too, but there was nothing in there that could help us out of here.
"So," I said, "How much air do you think is left?"
"Why would you remind me?" He groaned.
"So I'm not the only one worrying about it." I said, drawing my knees up and wrapping my arms around them. "At least it's not freezing in here."
"It might get hotter in here actually." Luke said. "Body heat and carbon dioxide."
I looked at him. "No more talking."
Minutes passed. He pressed the help button while I struggled with the door, but neither options were working.
And then, things got worse. And by worse, I mean dark.
The lights overhead flickered, then went out. Luke sucked in a deep breath and clung to me. "What the hell?" He was shaking and I hugged him tightly. "It's okay, we'll be fine."
"How do you know that?" He asked in the dark.
"Because Ashton Irwin and Luke Hemmings will not die in a lift!" I declared, making him giggle softly.
"I wish you really were Smash so you could get us out of here." He said.
"Same." I mused. It was then I realized he was rubbing my arm softly.
"Um," I said, shifting uncomfortably. "L-Luke..."
"Yeah?" He asked. I didn't think he was even aware he was doing it. "Uh, nothing never mind."
It was silent again.
After a while Luke fell asleep, and I did too, still holding him close.
Luke's P.O.V.
He faced me as I trailed my fingers over his muscles. I looked up at him and he stopped dancing. I cupped his face with my free hand and leaned in, stopping just before our lips could connect. We stayed like that for a moment, lightly breathing against each other's lips. Finally he spoke. "You smell like beer." He whispered. "Sorry." I whispered back. "I'll go freshen up." I gazed at his lips longingly before setting my bottle down and walking to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and stepped in when it was warm. The door creaked open and Ashton came in. "I smell like beer too." He said.
My heart pounded and I opened my eyes. I groaned. Another memory of last night.
"Oh dear God, did I seriously shower with Ashton last night?" I asked nobody.
I looked around, which was pointless since I couldn't see anything. I really hope Ashton hadn't heard me.
"Ash?" I whispered. "Are you up?" I shook his arm and he groaned. "Ugh, I'm up, I'm up. What time is it?"
"Don't know. How much do you think has passed?" I asked.
" hour? I don't know." He mumbled sleepily.
"Dont go back to sleep!" I said, shaking him again. "Dont leave me alone in this dark creepy place!"
He sighed and stretched. "Just sleep too then."
I bit my lip, thinking of my dream that was real. "Uh, I'd rather stay awake."
And then the lights blinked back on.
I scrunched my eyes shut against the sudden brightness. "Whoa, lights are on."
"Yeah; I see that." Ashton got up. "Damn, my arm fell asleep."
"Oh." I frowned. "Did I do that since I was leaning on it? "
He shrugged. "Doesnt matter."
"I did. " I sighed. "Come here, I know how to fix it." He sat beside me. "Give me your arm." I instructed.
He held it up and I grabbed it, gently massaging it to make the tingles go away.
"Oh, I didn't know that works." He said as he watched.
"Yeah, its a neat trick." I said. I blushed suddenly then, wondering what would have happened if his leg had fallen asleep.
"Its fine now thanks." Ashton said. "He looked at me. "Hey, why are you blushing?"
Dumb Luke moment #6382, I didn't want him to know what I had been thinking so I blurted out, "I had a dream about us and I'm pretty sure we took a shower together."
His eyes widened and he leaned back. "'s weird, I guess, since that didn't actually happen."
He looked at me. "That didn't happen, right?"
I waved my hand, my face burning. "Oh yeah, it was just a crazy ass dream."
He nodded. "Right."
I buried my face in my hands. "I am so sorry, I just made this so awkward. "
He removed my hands. "Its fine, really." He smiled. "I'm honored actually, I mean, the Luke Hemmings dreamt about me?" He said in a girly voice. "I think I'm gunna die!"
I laughed and removed my hands. "This is the first time its happened so don't go bragging that your so special."
He smiled and I smiled back, both of us blushing.
Finally he pulled back and sat beside me again.
"Actually, I had a dream about you too." He said.
Ashton's P.O.V.
Luke looked at me. "Really? What was it about?"
"Ummm, I don't remember. " I lied, heat rising to my cheeks and other places as I recalled the dream I had.
Luke was in the shower. I wanted to be in the shower. I opened the bathroom door and he pulled the shower curtain back, peeking his head out. "I smell like beer too." I said, taking off my clothes. He pulled back the shower curtain fully. "There's room for another." I stepped in, the warm water pelting my back. "This is nice." Luke said, putting his hands on my shoulders. "Yeah, we should do this more." I said, nipping his ear. He sucked in a breath.
And then Luke woke me up.
If Luke had a dream about us showering together, and so did I...that meant it actually happened right?
I mean, what were the chances of us randomly having the sameish dream?
I sighed and looked over at him. "Im going to die of boredom first." I said.
He bit his lip. "I know something we could do." He walked over and sat on my lap, crossing his legs around me and putting his hands behind my neck.
"Uh, what are you planning on doing? " I asked nervously, my heart hammering loudly.
"Just something to pass the time, and help us remember last night." He murmured, staring at my lips.
"Do we want to remember?" I asked. He looked at me.
"I do, do you?"
I nodded. "Okay then." He said, leaning down. "Kiss me."
I closed my eyes and brought my hands to his hair, connecting our lips.
"Hey, look what I found!" Ashton yelled from the mini fridge. He stood up, holding a bottle of beer in each hand. He tossed one to Luke. "A toast, to another great day!"
Luke laughed and clinked their bottles together before they tipped their heads back, drinking in unison.
"Lets have a dance party! " Ashton yelled. "Turn up the music Luke!"
Luke slid off the bed and turned on the radio. Talk Dirty was playing and Luke turned it all the way up.
Ashton started dancing in front of the mirror while he drank. Luke laughed and watched from the bed.
Luke took a long drink from his bottle as he watched his bandmate dance. He got up and walked up to Ashton. He trailed his fingers over Ashton's muscles and he stopped dancing to look at Luke.
Luke leaned in close, his breath fanning against Ashton's face. "You smell like beer." Ashton whispered after a moment. Luke looked up at him and set his bottle down. "Sorry, Ill go freshen up." He looked at Ashton lips before leaving to the bathroom.
Ashton waited a moment before setting his drink down too and opening the bathroom door. Luke was in the shower. He peeked his head out as Ashton took off his clothes.
"I smell like beer too." Ashton said. Luke opened the curtain fully . "Theres room for another."
Ashton got in, standing under the spray. Warm water rained on his back. "This is nice." Luke said, putting his hands on Ashton's shoulders. "Yeah, we should do this more." Ashton said, nipping Luke's ear. Luke sucked in a breath at the sensation.
"Yeah." Luke suddenly shut off the water. "Put your clothes on and meet me on your bed." He said. Ashton frowned. "Put my clothes back on? Why?"
"Because I want to strip you." Luke said, surging forward and capturing Ashton in a heated kiss. "Now go."
Ashton got out and put his clothes on over his still wet body.
Luke climbed out too, drying his hair off and pulling on his clothes.
Ashton was waiting on his bed. Luke came up and pushed him down onto his back.
Ashton's head hit the pillow and Luke drunkenly pulled his shirt off. He was tugging Ashton's pants down when the older boy suddenly grabbed his hands, stopping him. "W-wait." He said. Luke frowned at him.
"Why, don't you want this?" Luke asked.
"I do, but-" Luke pressed his finger against Ashton's mouth. "Ssshhh, you can tell me when to stop."
Ashton never did.
Luke's clothes joined Ashton's on the floor.
Luke pulled back, heart pounding. "Whoa...we actually did shower together."
"And then some." Ashton looked up at Luke.
"Yeah, and then some." Luke fiddled with his lip ring.
Suddenly the elevator jerked. Luke scrambled off Ashton and helped him up as the elevator started downward again.
"Whoa; we're moving again!" Ashton said as he picked up thier bags.
"I guess they fixed it." Luke said.
They reached ground level and the doors opened.
Calum and Michael peered in.
"There you guys are! When you never showed up for the photoshoot we called the hotel to see where you were and they said some idiots got stuck in an elevator, and we knew you were the idiots." Mickey said as they walked out of the lift.
"Hey, why are your faces so red?" Calum asked quizzically.
"Yeah, what happened in the elevator? What's going on with you two?" He pointed to thier intwined hands.
Luke smiled. "Nothing."
Ashton laughed. "Yeah, absolutely nothing."
heehee u guys thot u were gunna get a frickle frackle scene :P XD :3
Maybe in the next one shot ;)
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